A2.1 River Processes A2.1 River Processes RIVERS CHECKLIST ▪ You should be able to describe and explain the processes of river erosion (hydraulic action, corrasion, corrosion, attrition). ▪ You should be able to describe and explain the processes of river transportation (traction, saltation, suspension, solution) and deposition. A2.2 Features resulting from river processes ▪ You should be able to describe the appearance and explain the formation of waterfalls and gorges. A2.2 Features resulting from river processes ▪ You should be able to describe the appearance and explain the formation of meanders and oxbow lakes. A2.2 Features resulting from river processes ▪ You should be able to describe the appearance and explain the formation of levees, floodplains and deltas. A2.3 River Systems ▪ You should be able to describe the shape and features of rivers and their valleys in the upper, middle and lower courses. COASTS CHECKLIST A2.4 Coastal Processes ▪ You should be able to describe and explain the processes of coastal erosion (hydraulic action, corrasion, corrosion, attrition). A2.4 Coastal Processes ▪ You should be able to describe and explain the processes of coastal transportation (including longshore drift) and deposition. A2.4 Coastal Processes ▪ You should be able to understand the characteristics and work of both constructive and destructive waves. A2.5 Features resulting from coastal processes ▪ You should be able to describe the appearance and explain the formation of headlands and bays, cliffs, arches and stacks. A2.5 Features resulting from coastal processes ▪ You should be able to describe the appearance and explain the formation of wave-cut platforms, beaches, spits and bars. A2.6 River & coastal flooding ▪ You should be able to explain the causes of river and coastal flooding. A2.6 River & coastal flooding ▪ You should be able to appreciate the impact of river and coastal flooding on people and the environment. A2.6 River & coastal flooding ▪ You should be aware that various human activities may result in river flooding. A2.6 River & coastal flooding ▪ You should be able to assess the effectiveness of measures taken to cope with river flooding.