WRITING PAPER Factor which Can Mak\e the Students Improve Their Academic Achievement PUJI HAPSARI NOVITANINGRUM PBI B / 12202241034 YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY 2013 CHAPTER I FOREWORD A. BACKGROUND Yogyakarta State University (YSU) is an education university which has a big amount of student in every year. One of the most favourite department is English Education department which consists of 2 study programmes that are English Education Study Programme and English Language and Literature Study Programme. Many people want to be students of these two study programmes in every year since they believe that their future will be bright if they can be english educator or people who have good capability in English. In this paper, the writer will only explain about problems that happen to the students of English Education Study Programme class B,Yogyakarta State University. Some problems happen to the students of English Education Study Programme, such as difficulty in understanding the material, loosing motivation in the middle of study, and difficulty in thesis writing since the thesis must be 100 % in English. These problems must be caused by any factor. It can be from the inside or the outside of the students. From inside, for example, students own motivation and belief, while from the outside such as the lecturer, the condition of the class, and also the lectures. These problems can also be solved by some factors. The writer believes that lecture or the materials which are delivered by the lecturer in every semester will influence much, since when students are going to college, the most important thing they have to face is accepting lectures or material almost in everyday. The more the students love and appreciate the lecture, the more motivation they get and the less probem will happen. That is why, the writer wants to find what lectures actually the students appreciate the most, what factors make the lectures be the most appreciated lectures, and finally the writer will explain how the data can help the students to improve their academic achievement. B. Systemic Component of Problem of Research The keyword of this reasearch entitled “Factor which Can Make the Students Improve Their Academic Achievement” is appreciated . The problem of the most appreciated lectures may be related to the following component of problem ; 1. Students as the ones who appreciate ; 2. Lecturer as the one who delivers the lectures ; 3. The material in every lecture ; 4. The process of appreciating ; 5. The time range of appreciating process ; 6. The place where process of appreciating happens ; 7. The tool of appreciating process ; and 8. The infrastructure of appreciating process All of components of problem above have been learnt about the posibility of influencing the process of appreciating lectures that is done by the students. The component which has significant influence to the students so that they can decide what lectures they appreciate the most will be the focus of problem in that paper. C. Formulation of Problem What are the most appreciated lectures based on the students of English Education Programme class B YSU ? What are the factors that make those lectures become the most appreciated lectures? What are the influences of those most appreciated lectures to the learning motivation of the students? D. Goal of the Research To know the most appreciated lectures based on students of English Education Programme class B, YSU. To know the factors which make students appreciate the lectures. To know the influences of those most appreciated lectures to the learning motivation of the students. CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHOD A. Approach The approach of this research is naturalistic qualitative which means that the data will be got and found directly from the research subject which really exists in lecture setting of English Education Programme class B, YSU. The data which is got is qualitative data that contains information about what the most appreciated lectures are and what makes them become the most appreciated and finally the data can be used to help students to improve their academic achievement. B. The Needed Data Data which is needed is coming from the students of English Education Programme class B YSU which are the real doer of the lecture in this class. The students of English education Progrmme class B are believed to be able to give the information about the most appreciated lectures,the factors what make them become the most appreciated,and finally the information will be used to explain the relation between most appreciated lectures and the way how to improve students’ improvement of their academic achievement. C. The Way to Get the Data The way to get the data is reflection. The students of English Education Programme class B YSU send the reflection about 3 lectures they appreciated the most, and the reasons why they appreciate those 3 lectures to yk-edu.org. Then the writer downloaded and collected all of the reflections from the students. D. The Way to Process the Data First, data processing, is categorization which will result in groups of factor in deciding the most appreciated lectures that can help the students improve their academic achievement, in certain characteristic. Second, describing 2 (two) groups of factor which have the biggest influence in improving students’ academic achievement and giving the alternative solvation. E. Data Source and Suject of Research The one and only source of this research is students of English Education Programme class B YSU which are now atill active in attending the class. F. Appearance of Result of Research Appearance of result of this research will be the illustration of general and spesific factors which can help the students to improve their academic achievement. The general factors will be used to give general recommendation to English Education Programme YSU, while the spesific factors will be used to give spesific recommendation to the English Education Programme YSU. Both of these appearances hopefully can be the solution to improvement. imprve the students’ academic achievement CHAPTER III DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT OF RESEARCH A. Category of Research Data As the writer conveyed before, that method which is used in doing this research is naturalistic method. That is why, the most suitable data analysis for this research is category analysis. From all of the siurces of this research which are students of English Education Programme class B, the writer got 126 data. Then the writer divided those data into 2 categories, which are 56 internal data and 70 external data. Internal category is data that is related to everything inside of the students, while external category is data that is related to everything coming from outside of the students. Some internal data are directly related to the way how to improve students’ academic achievement, some are not. It also happens to the external data. Directly related internal data and indirectly related internal data are divided into 2 categories, which are course and advantage. The same with internal data, directly related and indirectly related external data are also divided into two categories, which are method, and lecturer. Course category divided into two categories which are “difficult” and “interesting”. Advantage category is divided into three ctegories which are “psychomotor”, “affective”, “cognitive”. From external category, “method” category is divided into two categories which are “effective” and “various”. While “lecturer” category is divided into three categories, which are “smart”, “discipline”,and “kind”. “various” category is also divided into three categories which are “singing”, “presentating”, “assignment”. From those categorization of data, the writer got 12 (twelve) spesific tip data, and the writer will choose two of them to be described further how it can be the way to improve students’ academic achievement improvement. Thay are “singing” and “discipline”. In the form of chart, the result of categorization will like the chart below. From this scheme or this chart, it can be seen that there are 12 tip data which need spesific description, and two of them are “singing” and “discipline”. Appreciating 126 Internal 56 Course 25 Difficult 8 Interesting 17 External 70 Method 39 Advantage 31 Psychomotor 9 Cognitive 13 Affective 5 Effective 21 Singing 4 Various 18 Presentating 9 Lecturer 30 Smart 9 Disclipine 4 Assignment 4 Kind 17 A. Descriptive analysis of Research Data 1. Singing Here is the data from the students of English Education Programme class B YSU about singing method in thir lectures. Category: The Variety of Teaching Methods- Song No. Data 1. Terkadang diselingkan dengan lagu-lagu sehingga proses pembelajaran menyenangkan 2. She also taught us pronunciation with song 3. Sering diselingi dengan pembelajaran menggunakan lagu 4. Menggunakan teknik pembelajaran seperti presentasi, bernyanyi dan menyampaikan gagasan yang mahasiswa inginkan di depan kelas Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, and augments regular speech by the use of both tonality and rhythm. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singing). While In music, a song is a composition for voice or voices, performed by singing. A choral or vocal song may be accompanied by musical instruments, or it may be unaccompanied, as in the case of Medina, Suzanne (1993), “The use songs in the classroom activities familiarizes students with common vocabulary and sentences construction as phrase are constantly repeated.” Based on Suyanto, K.E. Kasihani (2008:114), “Song and rhytm are parts of children’s life and also are tool or medium of language learning for children”. Based on the reflection data from the students, this method often appear in two kinds of lecture, which are pronunciation and Listening I and Listening II. Many university students like to sing, or just like to listen to music. This hoby does support the influence of song or singing in learning method. When students are given method that they like, they will get more spirit and motivation to learn. In pronunciation, the students are taught how to pronounce every single words in lyrics of some songs. Of course, the lyrics of the songs should be words that are rare to be knoown by the students, so that the students can learn much. With this kind of method, the students will be able to pronounce the word easily since it will be altogether with the tone or intonation. The students also will be able to memorize how to pronounce the word correctly,again, it is because of the influence of song or singing in learning, and also because the students actually love the method. In Listening I and Listening II, the students are given lyric of a song with some blank in it. Then they have to listen to the song, and fill in the word blank. There is still possibility for some students actually have ever heard the song, and some students already remember the lyric so that they do not have to listen to the song to fill in the blank. It seems like this method is little bit unfair if we see this method from this point of view. Yet still, this method is believed to be able to guide students to be a good listener, of course in listening everything in English. In general, English Song is one of the mediums that can help students to have good ability and knowledge of vocabularies, because in the song there are words that are related to the material that is delivered by the lecturer to the students. With English song, students are supported to memorize words that are given by the lecturer, hopefully the students will be more interested with the material. Song will be more effective and useful for the students and also the lecturer. The lecturer will be able to convey the material easily and the students will understand the material that is conveyed by the lecturer easily. This is also relevant to the statement of Nurjanah, Ida (2010) in her thesis entitled “The influence of using english songs lyric as teaching media on student’s vocabulary mastery” (an experimental study of the fifth grade of SDN Nagarawangi 2 Tasikmalaya).” Nurjanah, Ida (2010 )concluded “english songs can help the teachers when they give the vocabulary to the students, because using english songs lyric can attract the students to give more attention in learning English vocabulary, so it can maximize the student’s ability to accept material easily.” It means that by using english songs lyric medium, syudents will be more interested and pay more attention to the material which is being given. 2. Discipline Here is the data from reflection of English Education Programme class B YSU about how discipline become factore that make them appreciate the lectures. Lecturer: Discipline No. Data 1. He was so discipline, and taught the students to discipline well 2. The lecturer was discipline 3. The lecturer was discipline 4. The lecturer is very discipline In its original sense, discipline is systematic instruction intended to train a person, sometimes literally called a disciple, in a craft, trade or other activity, or to follow a particular code of conduct or "order". Often, the phrase "to discipline" carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order–that is, ensuring instructions are carried out–is often regulated through punishment. Discipline is the assertion of willpower over more base desires, and is usually understood to be synonymous with self control. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for motivation, when one uses reason to determine the best course of action that opposes one's desires. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discipline) This category is a part of category “lecturer”, so it means that the students appreciate the lectures because the lecturer of those lectures is always applying discipline in his or her method of teaching, for example the lecturer always comes on time, the lecturer will give punishment for students who do not do the assignment up to the due date, or any other example. Though some students do not like lecturer who applies discipline well, since the punishment from that kind of lecturer may be so explicit (whereas we know that recently, students love to break the rule), some students from English Education Programme class B YSU believes that discipline is good t be applied in teaching method. If we are discussing about discipline, it will be also about how the students should act in every class of lectures. Students have to pay attention to the explanation from the lecturer, the students should not sleep in the class, students should not eat and drink in the class, and so on. Self-discipline and attitude are two traits that affect a students learning. Students need to know how to react whether they don't understand something, received a bad grade, or are having a bad day. Acting up will not fix this and it does not help the student or the class. Attitude is a big obstacle for many students as they believe it is impossible to learn something, therefor they prevent themselves from even having a chance at learning it. A self-disciplined student will learn and prevent, rather then misbehave, then complain. CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 1. COUNCLUSION It is important to know the ways how to make students become motivated in improving their academic achievement. Though every result depends on the students themseles, yet they need help from all of the aspects around them, for example the college, the lecturer, parent, friend, tools and infrastructure, method, and many others aspect. As the writer said that the result mainly depends on the students, it is important to know their opinion about what makes them appreciate material, and what makes them become motivated in having or attending the lectures. By doing this research, the students can reflect what they are feeling about their lectures. The factors why they appreciate the lectures are concluded to be the way or thing that can help the students to improve their academic achievement. In this research, the writer get 126 data from the result of naturalistic approach. From those 126 data, the writer got 12 tip data, and then the writer chose two of those 12 tip data to be described further as the analysis data. Those data are “singing” and “discipline”. Singing English Song is one of the mediums that can help students to have good ability and knowledge of vocabularies, because in the song there are words that are related to the material that is delivered by the lecturer to the students. Nurjanah, Ida (2010 ) also concluded that “english songs can help the teachers when they give the vocabulary to the students, because using english songs lyric can attract the students to give more attention in learning English vocabulary, so it can maximize the student’s ability to accept material easily.” Discussing about discipline from the side of the students, self-discipline and attitude are two traits that affect a students learning. Students need to know how to react whether they don't understand something, received a bad grade, or are having a bad day. While from the side of the lecture, though some students do not like lecturer who applies discipline well, since the punishment from that kind of lecturer may be so explicit (whereas we know that recently, students love to break the rule), some students from English Education Programme class B YSU believes that discipline is good t be applied in teaching method. 2. SUGGESTION It cannot be denied that singing or song, and discipline influence the motivation of the students to learn in their class. To all of the lecturers, they should vary their method in teaching better, so that the students can get the lectures that suit their hoby and whet they like, since we know that every student has his or her own hoby. While to all of the students, they have to keep their motivation to conduct themselves to improve their academic achievement. If it is possible, no matter who the lecturer is, no matter what the method that is used, the students should always keep their spirit and motivation. Their main purpose going to the college is academic reason. So, it is important for the students to keep improving their academic achievement. As the writer said above that the result actually depends on the students themselves, so it is the students who have to do effort to improve their academic achievement, eventhough it actually needs help from other aspects in students life. REFFERENCES http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_self_discipline_and_attuitude_influence_lea rning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discipline