Milano - Thursday, July 2 Programme The green and blue day Chairman Grgasovic 8,00 8,30 8,45 9,15 9,35 9,55 IFAA - 6th Regional Symposium – Milan, Italy 2009 Chairman Riding 1025 1045 11,05 11,30 11,50 12,10 Chairman Barattolo 12,35 13,15 14,00 14,20 14,40 15,00 15,20 Chairman Granier 15,40 16,10 16,40 17,00 17,20 Registration Official welcome Riding R. - Asking stromatolite questions: what are they, how have they formed, how have they changed through time? - Keynote Paul J. - Microbial buildups of the Zechstein Basin (Upper Permian, Central Europe) Bover-Arnal T., Salas R., Martín-Closas C., Moreno-Bedmar J.A., Bitzer K. OAE1a coeval Lithocodium-Bacinella binding of coral rubble piles in the Early Aptian of the western Maestrat Basin (E Iberia) Granier B. - Impact of carbonate production by calcareous green algae Keynote coffee break Chu G., Bucur I.I., Koch R. - Calcareous algae from Middle Ordovician limestones Bachu Area (Tarim basin, Western China) Granier B., Bucur I.I., Krajewski M., Schlagintweit F. - Calcareous algae from the Yaila Series near Bilohirsk (Crimea, Ukraine) Granier B., Barattolo F., Bucur I.I. - PETRALGA project (Phase III): transfer of the database on the web Grgasovic T., Husinec A. - Observations on living calcareous algae from San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and correlation with their fossil counterparts Genot P. & Le Renard J. - Lutetian Dasycladales of Cotentin (Normandy, France) Granier B., Génot P., Villier L. - Calcareous algae (and problematica) from the Paleocene of Libya - Part 1 Granier B., Lethiers A., Sander N. - "New studies on Triassic Siphoneae verticillatae" by Julius von PIA – The XXIst century edition Lunch break Poster session Takayanagi H., Iryu Y., Oda M., Sato T., Chiyonobu S., Nishimura A., Nakazawa T., Shiokawa S. - Secular variation in composition of shallow-water carbonates in the northwestern Pacific Ocean during the past 100 million years Vitale V., Baceta J.I., Barattolo F. - Danian dasycladales (green algae) from the Western Pyrenees, Spain Bucur I.I. & Schlagintweit F. - Taxonomic revision of Pseudoepimastopora Endo 1960 and its Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous representatives Rashidi K. & Senowbari-Daryan B. - Two new Dasycladales from the Jamal formation, Permian of Iran Tabasoporella nov. gen., and Pseudotabasoporella nov. gen. Parente M. & Di Lucia M. - The Salpingoporella dinarica acme and the chemistry of the early Aptian ocean Coffe break Hosseini S.A. & Conrad M.A. - Chronostratigaphy and algal facies variability of the Fahliyan Formation across the Kazerun Fault (Zagros Basin, SW Iran): a preliminary report Bucur I.I. & Săsăran E. - Large dasycladalean algae from the Upper Jurassic limestones of Apuseni Mountains, and their paleoenvironmantal significance Vitale V., Parente M., Barattolo F., Schlüter M., Steuber T. - Green algae Dasycladales from the Upper Maastrichtian-Paleocene of Qalhat (NE Oman) Villalba-Breva S. & Martín-Closas C. - Charophyte-Rich Microfacies in the Maastrichtian of the Eastern Pyrenees (Catalonia, Spain) 18,30 Walking sightseeing tour Milan 21,00 Social dinner