booking form

Stop things getting in your way!
Managing risk for voluntary organisations
In association with:
Facilitator: John Potter, Baffled Fish Risk Management
Friday 4th March 2016, 10am – 12pm
Venue: Aaron and Partners, 5-7 Grosvenor Court, Foregate Street,
Chester, Cheshire CH1 1HG
Working in any organisation is never plain sailing. Obstacles keep delaying us or stopping
progress completely so we all need to find a way of predicting what could happen.
The aim of the workshop:
At this workshop we will look at some practical approaches to this vital part of good
governance in the voluntary sector.
Topics to be covered:
 Why manage risks and what do we get out of it?
 The risks to which our organisations are exposed
 Identifying and assessing risks
 Controlling risks and setting priorities
 Monitoring and reviewing our organisations’ approach to risk management
There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
*Cost: £20 for CVA members, £25 for non CVA members.
Booking Form
To book for this Risk Management seminar on the 4th March 2016, please return this
application form by the 19th February 2016 to:
Chester Voluntary Action, The Bluecoat, Upper Northgate Street, Chester, CH1 4EE.
Please include payment of £20 per CVA member or £25 per non CVA member –
cheques are payable to Chester Voluntary Action.
OR email to: [if paying by BACS].
Any specific dietary or access requirements:
Cheque enclosed [£20 per CVA member or £25
per non CVA member]
We wish to pay by BACS, please invoice.
Please note that a strict cancellation policy applies: In order to prevent Chester Voluntary Action from incurring any
unnecessary costs whilst providing this workshop, once we have received a booking form or email to reserve a place on the
workshop, our cancellation policy will then apply:
Cancellation Fee: We require at least 3 days’ notice of any cancellation, otherwise a £5 cancellation charge will apply.
Non-attendance: In cases of non-attendance (when we are given less than 24 hours notice of cancellation) we will require
payment in full.
*To benefit from the CVA members’ price, please join today by visiting: