
Graduate Council Minutes
UC Council Room
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Present: Rashida Banerjee, Jack Barbera, Matt Birnbaum, Chair, Linda Black, Marcus Embry, Jennifer Harding-Dekam,
Susan Hutchinson, Brian Iannacchione, Carissa Reddick, Jaime Ingrisano, Rutilio Martinez, Lori Peterson, Tod Sedbrook,
Tina Stoody, Rhonda Squires, Joyce Weil, Stephen Wright
Absent: Paula Conroy, Melissa Malde, Stephanie Wiegand
Approval of Agenda
Matt asked for a motion to approve the agenda if there were not additions. Jack motioned to approve and Tina
seconded. Motion carries.
Review and Approval of December 5, 2013 Minutes
The December 5th Graduate Council meeting minutes were reviewed electronically and there was a motion to
approve the minutes. Motion was approved. Matt Birnbaum asked that the minutes be send to all Graduate
Faculty via the Graduate Faculty listserv. Minutes will also be posted to the Graduate Council website.
A. Dean’s remarks – Linda Black
 Administrative Fellows - There was a call for applications to fill 2 administrative fellow positions. One
of those positions will be in the Graduate School. Linda Black is happy to welcome Susan as the first
Administrative Fellow in the Graduate School. Linda received 11 applications from very qualified
faculty. The appointment is a 3 year 20 hours a week appointment. A formal announcement will be
coming out very soon. Susan thanked the Council for letting her sit in on the meeting today. Some of the
areas Susan will work on are provisional admissions, thesis/dissertation policies and updating of the
manuals and she will oversee research out of the Graduate School (Quality of Life/Exit Survey). A
second Administrative Fellow was selected to serve in the Community and Civic Engagement Office with
Deborah Romero. The faculty member selected is Annie Epperson.
 Enrollment Plan Update – 2014 -15-16
Linda Black provided an update on the Multi-year Enrollment Process for both Graduate and
Undergraduate enrollment. This process looks to help faculty with their recruitment needs. Last year
enrollment projections were to remain flat, but enrollment is up by 2%. Some programs may see
enrollments up 3-5% next academic year due to curriculum updates. Linda Black will be visiting with
faculty to talk about their programs. The Graduate School can provide national data regarding
curriculum. Conversations to begin spring 2014.
 I @ UNC - The deadline to submit a proposal to I@UNC is January 31. Proposals should be at least 2
pages; please check the website for guidelines and criteria. There are 2 more meetings/conversations with
the Provost. Linda encouraged Council members to attend. We all need to think about a different model
for revenue generation as state funding continues to dwindle.
 Discipline Specific Dissertation/Thesis Formats- Susan Hutchinson will work with Carol Steward to
assist programs in the development and approval of discipline specific dissertation/thesis formats. They
are currently working with Biology. The goal is to have unit formats on the website by this time next
year. Programs will have:
 Traditional or Discipline Specific Format
 Alternate Format
Once units have developed and selected the formats they want for their programs, the formats will be
posted on the website and that is all that will be accepted. Alternate dissertation format requests will go
to Susan Hutchinson.
 Integrated Marketing Plans
The Graduate School is working with University Relations to identify and target programs that would like
to diversify their student pool. Linda Black will be contacting programs in the next 18-24 months and
speak with faculty on how to increase and attract a greater number of qualified applicants. Chuck
Leonhardt’s area will assist and develop marketing campaigns.
 New Student Checklist
Linda Black will send out a copy of the “New Student Checklist” to Council. The Graduation Checklist
was reviewed by Council at the December Council meeting. If the checklist is okay, the Graduate School
will send out to program coordinators and post to the Graduate School website.
 Draft – Research Advisor Checklist
Also under development is a “Research Advisor Checklist”. The goal is to get an advising sheet for
faculty which will include hotlinks on the webpage for students to click on and get information regarding
any topic they would like to review. Linda would like a separate checklist for doctoral and masters
students. Once finalized, this document will also be added to the Graduate School website. Jenny asked if
perhaps 2 checklists should be developed: 1 for Advisors and 1 for the Graduate Student.
Linda would like to keep all on one page, and she asked members to review and let her know if there are
other items you would like to see added to the checklist. An electronic copy will be sent to Council
members. Send your corrections and feedback to Linda.
 Graduate Catalog Updates
Linda is reviewing the graduate catalog for updates/corrections and is about 1/3 way through. Linda asked
if Council would like to review the catalog as well. There are a couple of policies that do require Council
review. The deadline to submit catalog changes is March 1, 2014. Linda Black will be done with her
review by the middle of February. She will send a copy of her review and suggested changes to Council,
and members will have 3 weeks to review and provide their comments/changes.
 GA/TA Allotment Budget
Linda just received budget information for GATA Allocations. Allocations will be the same as last year,
but if you need to negotiate and ask for additional resources, please schedule a meeting to discuss your
program needs with Linda. Programs will be notified of their allocations within the next 2 weeks.
B. Chair’s remarks – Matt Birnbaum
Matt would like to continue the conversation regarding faculty workload, but will ask for standing
committee reports first. Matt would also like an update on the campus commons, which Linda Black will
Standing Committee Reports
A. Faculty Senate – Rashida
Rashida did not have a report but she did have some questions for Graduate Council members. Should
Council have representation at other Faculty Senate subcommittees such as Faculty Welfare? Rashida
could attend by alternating between APC and Faculty Welfare. Faculty Welfare Committee discusses
issues that affect faculty such as tenure and promotion, sabbatical, faculty load, faculty evaluations. After
some discussion, it was decided that Rashida will alternate her attendance between APC and Faculty
Welfare. If Rashida has a conflict, she will ask that another Council member attend.
B. Standards Committee – Melissa
Melissa was not able to attend the meeting but asked that a member of Standards provide the report. Lori
reported that 2 applications were reviewed and both were approved the status requested. There was a
motion to approve the slate. Marcus moved to approve and Tina seconded. The motion passed to
approve the slate as presented.
There was a short discussion regarding the DRE workshops. Members asked that the DRE Workshop
dates be posted on the Graduate School website. Frances will work with Stephanie Burchett in updating
the webpage with DRE Workshop dates and information.
C. Program Review Committee – Jack
PRC did not meet as they did not have a current charge. Jack asked Linda if she knew where the new
program guidelines were in the review process. PRC would like to know if PRC’s changes/addistions
have been approved before another program review is launched. Linda Black will check with Ann Bentz
and Kim Black regarding the status of the Program Review Guidelines.
D. GSA Representative – Jaime
 Jaime reported that the spring grant cycle is open. There is a $30,000 budget and the deadline for
application submissions is March 1, 2014. An email was sent to all graduate students bear mail
notifying them of the online application process. Jaime will also provide information about what
grants can fund and what is not funded. A link to the Research checklist will be on the GSA website.
 GSA is sponsoring a social at the Tea House and bar on February 11, 2014. The event is for all
Graduate students. There will be a similar social event in Denver for off campus students.
 Academic Excellence week planning is moving forward. GSA is redirecting some funds for drawings
for graduate students to get funding for poster printing costs. GSA will be giving 5 awards for $40
apiece. The Graduate School will also provide funding to support this effort.
 GSA is also bringing in guest speakers. Jaime will work with Deborah Romero as Community and
Civic Engagement is also bringing in guest speakers.
E. Library Representative – Stephanie
Stephanie was not at the meeting – no report.
Old Business- No old business
Action/Discussion items
A. Workload Conversation Update
Faculty workload was discussed further and how Graduate Council should address the issue. Members
agreed that identifying peer institutions would be a start. How do other institutions compensate for
dissertation hours? What would this look like if dissertation hours are capped at 12 and 4 hours for
proposal for a total of 16 credit hours? It would be helpful to get policies from our peers and then bring
forward for further discussion. This group should give some recommendations regarding faculty
workload. Linda Black’s recommendation was for banking credit hours.
B. Campus Commons Update
Linda has looked at the campus commons drawings. State money is available for this project. Linda
would like to invite AVP Katrina Rodriguez to come and talk to Council as she is very involved with this
project. Linda will invite Katrina to an upcoming Council meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 5:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Frances Braafhart, Recording Secretary