Phi Theta Kappa-Rho Zeta October 8, 2014 Minutes Executive

Phi Theta Kappa-Rho Zeta
October 8, 2014 Minutes
Executive Dining Room
Officers/Members/Guests: Zhané Serrano (O), Jalen Garza (O), April Suarez (O), David Swenson (O),
Brandon Aldaco (O), Isiah Montejano (M), Jacob Barth (M), Jason Estrada (M), Christina Field (M),
Melinda Dourte (M),
Advisor: Barbara Whitney
The October 8th, 2014 Open Business Meeting of the Rho Zeta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa was called to
order by President Zhané Serrano at 2:36 p.m. Zhané then proceeded to call roll.
Approval of Minutes: Zhané Serrano requested the group review the minutes of the September 24th,
2014 open business meeting. Jacob Barth moved to approve the minutes as presented. Brandon Aldaco
seconded the motion.
Financial Report: Vice President of Leadership David Swenson reported a total balance of $9323.98.
ASB Events: At this time Advisor Barbara Whitney moved to give the floor to Jacob Barth, ASB Vice
President. Zhane Serrano approved the motion. Jacob attended the meeting to thank Rho Zeta for always
having a presence at previous events and to remind the group of upcoming ASB events. He along with the
rest of the ASB team are here for us.
Facebook: Vice President of Scholarship April Suarez informed the group that the Rho Zeta Facebook
page is up and running with thanks to Melinda Dourte. The officer team is working alongside with
Melinda and Jeremy Seda to make the account more active. She then encouraged the group to like the
page in order to get updates on chapter activities.
Dollar Da$h: Zhane Serrano shared with the group that the Dollar Da$h, which took place on the 27th of
September, was very pleasant and successful.
Health and Wellness Fair: David Swenson shared with the group that the Health and Wellness Fair,
taking place after the Dollar Da$h, was also a successful event. The officer team worked in the MedStar
booth. We received thanks from Tera Redwine of the Columbia Basin Herald for volunteering before,
during and after the event.
Induction Ceremony: Zhane Serrano reminded the group that the Fall Induction ceremony will take
place on the 15th of October promptly at 4 p.m. Members were encouraged to come help at the event. She
also notified the group of the Service/Fellowship goodie-bags that will be assembled at the event for full
time faculty members.
Silent Auction: David Swenson updated the group on happenings of the 2014 Fall Silent Auction. The
event will take place on the 19th of November. Help from members will be needed at the event, sign-up
sheets will be passed out soon.
Recycle Bins: April Suarez reminded the group that Rho Zeta is in charge of emptying the recycle bins
located around the entire campus. Sign-up sheets were passed out and instructions were given on how the
bins are to be dealt with.
Election and Induction of New Rho Zeta VP of Service: At this time Zhane Serrano opened the floor
to nominations for the Vice president of Service position. Vice President of Fellowship Jalen Garza
nominated member Brandon Aldaco. After no other nominations, nominations were closed. Zhane
Serrano proposed a vote. All were in favor. Barbara Whitney swore Brandon Aldaco into his new position
of Vice President of Service for the 2014-2015 school year.
Speaker David Coleman: Zhane Serrano shared with the group that the ASB speaker, David Coleman,
was enlightening. A lot of great leadership skills were taught and she hopes to share them with the officer
team to make Rho Zeta a stronger and more involved club.
Allied Arts: Jalen Garza reminded the group that help is needed at the upcoming Allied Arts events.
Sign-up sheets for the one being held on the 18th of October were passed out.
Concessions for ASB: David Swenson informed the group that ASB is hosting an event on every third
Thursday of the month in Wallenstien Theater and they have asked Rho Zeta for assistance. Barbara
Whitney asked if the group was interested. Brandon Aldaco moved to approve the motion, Isiah
Montejano seconded the motion. Zhane Serrano proposed a vote, all were in favor of participation.
HIA Regional Project: Zhane Serrano encouraged the group to provide information for the regional
Honors in Action topic.
General Comments: Gabby Oliva, president of M.E.cH.A, has asked Rho Zeta to join in on an event on
the 30th of October. Barbara Whitney requested more information in order to give a finalized answer.
Advisor Comments: Barbara Whitney informed the group that any old posters need to be taken down.
She also reminded the officers that a finalized agenda for the Honors in Action service project needs to be
completed. She also requested the officer team come up with questions for the AED instructor.
Zhané Serrano moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:35. April Suarez moved to approve the motion and
David Swenson seconded the motion.