Basic statistics for Eastern Tigray Zone Selected Districts Rain fed crops Irrigated crops Communal/open grazing Controlled grazing Private grazing Local cows (no.) Improved cows (no.) Oxen (no.) Sheep (no.) Goats (no.) Poultry (no.) Bee colonies/hives (no.) Land covered by Vegetables irrigated crops (ha.) Fruits Ganta Afeshum 10806 2254 65 1385 24,723 14,498 15,493 61,820 33,251 54,881 10,625 1154 129 Saesie Tseda Emba 19184 5172 1308 2753 42,510 554 35,945 84,412 25,382 104,565 9,355 3747 32 Kilte Atsbi Awlaelo Womberta 19912 12120 6475 4203 150 4124 1026 3876 698 36,016 27,063 717 679 28,017 16,758 22,084 68,115 30,308 26,727 55,692 99,355 20,188 19,883 3697 1604.895 153.5 162.05 Total 62022 18104 5647 6287 3451 130,312 16,448 96,213 236,431 115,668 314,493 60,051 10202.895 476.55 Table. Irrigation water sources, irrigation equipment used and methods of water delivery or abstraction in the selected district of Eastern Zone of Tigray, July 2012. Characteristics Saesie Tsaeda Emba Irrigation water sources Communal shallow wells Micro dams Private owned shallow wells Diversion Micro dam Communal shallow wells Diversion Water delivery /abstraction Private owned shallow wells Rivers, natural springs and ponds Atsbi -Womberta Ganta Afeshum Communal shallow wells Private owned shallow wells Rivers and natural springs Communal shallow wells Private owned shallow wells Diversion Diversion Micro dams Rivers and natural springs Rivers and natural springs Check dam ponds Ponds Check dams Irrigation equipment used Kilte Awlaeelo Check dam Motor pumps Motor pumps Motor pumps Motor pumps Treadle pumps (over flow and pressurized Treadle pumps (over flow and pressurized) Treadle pumps (over flow and pressurized) Treadle pumps (over flow and pressurized) Drip irrigation Pumping (motor or Treadle pump) Drip irrigation Drip irrigation Drip irrigation Gravity Gravity Gravity Pumping (motor or Treadle pump) Pumping (motor or Treadle pump) Water can Pumping (motor or Treadle pump) Gravity 2 3 No. of Households Male Female Total 32,899 13,251 46,150 4 No. of Households Male Female Total 33,954 14,365 48,319 5 No. of Households Male Female Total 22,392 4,190 26,582 6 No. of Households Male Female Total 32,906 12,694 45,600 7 Human Resource data for Eastern Tigray Zone Eastern Zone expertise PhD M MSC F ZoA Ganta Afeshum district expertise M BSc F 1 PhD M F Extension Livestock NRM Cooperatives OoARD Input service Food security Extension planning and administration MSC M F M 0 F 3 DVM M F 3 2 OoWRD* Saesie Tsaeda Emba district expertise Extension Livestock NRM Cooperatives OoARD Input service Food security Extension planning and administration OoWRD* Other M MSC M F DVM M F 1 F M 0 F 4 BSc M 12 3 12 8 6 5 4 7 PhD M F Total Education Diploma F M F 2 2 16 23 18 5 1 1 1 4 9 2 4 3 2 2 2 9 3 1 Education BSc Diploma M F M F 10 2 11 11 9 4 3 7 1 2 4 5 8 5 1 4 1 2 12 3 2 20 18 13 3 Total 0 4 Other M F 7 Other M F 8 M 6 Total F Total 31 28 30 13 7 5 12 4 10 2 6 5 2 9 35 38 32 19 12 7 21 16 5 21 M Total F Total 30 21 24 14 9 4 13 4 7 8 5 1 4 2 34 28 32 19 10 8 15 19 5 24 8 Kilte Awlaelo district expertise PhD M F Extension Livestock NRM Cooperatives OoARD Input service Food security Extension planning and administration MSC M F Education BSc Diploma M F M F DVM M F 2 OoWRD* Atsbi-Womberta district expertise Extension Livestock NRM Cooperatives OoARD Input service Food security Extension planning and administration OoWRD* PhD M F MSC M F 2 6 3 13 26 13 5 1 11 6 1 7 6 5 1 4 0 7 0 Education BSc Diploma M F M F DVM M F 1 8 3 9 6 8 4 4 Other M F Other M F M Total F Total 23 29 22 11 8 4 11 8 1 7 6 5 1 5 31 30 29 17 13 5 16 17 3 20 M Total F Total 6 2 5 7 7 3 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 13 24 9 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 19 27 14 10 7 3 4 3 5 5 4 1 2 2 22 32 19 14 8 5 6 6 3 6 5 12 8 20 9 Actors Linkage Linkage of main livestock and irrigation value chain actors and service providers in Tigray 1. Linkages of livestock main value chain actors and service providers Livestock producers has been strongly linked with the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (BoARD) and its district branch offices (OoARD) for value chain based livestock development in Tigray (Table 1a). For output marketing and processing, the linkage of livestock producers with rural cooperatives, CBOs, private traders was strong. The linkages of livestock producers and research institutes and NGOs such as REST in technology testing and popularization were considered as medium. Recently, the linkages between TARI with livestock producers has gradually increased through the farmers research group (FRG) approach mainly in small ruminants, dairy and poultry. For livestock input supply, the linkages of producers with key input suppliers such as BoARD, Mekele Farms (poultry), rural cooperatives, NGOs such HABP and PSNP were found strong. The linkages of livestock producers and some NGOs working in the development irrigation and feed such as GIZ, HELVATAS and ASSP were medium. The linkages of farmers with financial institution such as DECSI and rural cooperatives were strong. The linkage of producers with knowledge and skill sources such MU and Axum University was weak and medium with TVETS. Many NGOs such as WV-E and Church Aids also support knowledge and skill development of livestock producers but through the OoARD and their linkages were rated as medium. Improved livestock technologies have been promoted though the media mainly the Radio Dimtsi Weyane Tigray and livestock producers have medium linkage with the radio. Though different degree linkages have been exist between producers and the livestock value chain actors and service providers, most of the knowledge exchange and skill development of livestock producers have been conducted by the BoARD and its branch offices. In that sense, the dynamics of learning/skill development and knowledge exchange at the system level is weak. There have been various degrees of linkages among livestock actors and service providers (Table 1a). For instance, the linkage of the BoARD with research institutes such as TARI was strong and medium with universities. The linkage of the BoARD with most NGOs was found strong. Interestingly, the linkage among NGOs was mostly weak to medium. The linkage of the research institutes with NGOs ranged from weak to strong. 2. Linkages of irrigation value chain actors and service providers Irrigation based output producers has been strongly linked with the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (BoARD) and its district branch offices (OoARD), cooperatives, private 10 traders, CBOs for value chain based irrigation development (Table 1b). For output marketing and processing, the linkage of irrigated output producers with rural cooperatives, CBOs, private traders was strong. The linkages of irrigated based output producers and research institutes and NGOs such as REST in irrigated technology testing and popularization were considered as medium, through the FRG program in vegetables, fruit and feed development. For irrigated input supply, the linkages of irrigated output producers with key input suppliers such as BoARD, rural cooperatives, NGOs such HABP and PSNP were found strong. The linkages of irrigated output producers and some NGOs working in the development irrigated agriculture such as GIZ, HELVATAS and ASSP were medium. The linkages of irrigated output producers with financial institution such as DECSI and rural cooperatives were strong. The linkages of irrigated output producers with BoWRD were medium. The linkage of irrigated output producers with knowledge and skill sources such MU and Axum University was weak and medium with TVETS. Many NGOs such as WV-E and Church Aids also support knowledge and skill development of irrigated output producers but through the OoARD and their linkages were rated as medium. Improved irrigated agriculture technologies have been promoted though the media mainly the Radio Dimtsi Weyane Tigray and irrigated output producers have medium linkage with the radio. Various degree linkages have been exist between producers and the irrigated output value chain actors and service providers, most of the knowledge exchange and skill development of irrigated output producers have been conducted by the BoARD and its branch offices similar to the livestock development. Hence, the dynamics of learning/skill development in the system appeared to be from extension service provider to farmers. There have been various degrees of linkages among irrigated agriculture actors and service providers (Table 1b). For instance, the linkage of the BoARD with research institutes such as TARI was strong and medium with universities. The linkage of the BoARD with most NGOs was found strong. Interestingly, the linkage among NGOs was mostly weak to medium. The linkage of the research institutes with NGOs ranged from weak to strong. 11 Potential Program Partners in Eastern Zone District Programs Ganta Afeshum Kilte Awlaelo Saesie Tsaeda Emba Atsbi Womberta AGP AGP+ HABP X X X X PSNP X X X X PSNP+ SLM X EAAP X X IFAD X X REST X MERET/WFP X WVE X Orthodox Church Aid X ASSP X HELVETAS X St Marry College X Adaa (Catholic Church Aid) X X X X Kurtu 12