Appendix Table S1: Costs For the basecase analysis, patients were assumed to be enrolees of the private insurance. In addition, we calculated costs for enrolees of the statutory, i.e. public, German health insurance. The public insurance fully reimburses most, but not all treatments (implants, crowns, professional dental cleaning, i.e. scale and polish etc.). Those fees not covered by the public fee catalogue (BEMA) are calculated via the private fee catalogue (GOZ, or, for certain items, the private medical fee catalogue GOÄ). The private insurance covers all performed treatments; we used the standard multiplication factor (×2.3) to determine private prices. Laboratory costs were estimated using the respective fee catalogue (L). For the calculations, the number of treatments (N) was assumed to be ‘1’ if not indicated otherwise. Costs provided to one tooth only are highlighted in yellow. Services which were provided to more than one tooth (e.g. clinical examination, treatment planning, oral hygiene assessment and advice, antibiotics) were distributed among the teeth present. Sub-tables present costs per course of treatment. Antibiotic courses during initial or follow-up treatments did not generate costs for the prescription (as patients had not attended for prescription only, but further assessment, advice and treatment, which prohibits separately charging for the prescription). Thus, only costs for the medication were charged, assuming prescription of amoxicillin 3×500 mg (minimum package size: 14.49 Euro) and metronidazole (3×400 mg, 18.58 Euro). Costs were estimated from pharmaceutical price lists for 2015 ( Deep scaling and root planing Clinical examination Position BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ 01 Sensitivity testing 8 Radiographic assessment Anaesthesia 925a 10.68 5000 5.24 40/41a 11.34 0090/0100 8.41 Periodontal treatment plan Scaling and root planing Post-surgical control 4 34.71 4000 20.70 P201 23.14 4075 16.82 8.90 4150 0.91 Treatment 111 Euro GOZ Euro 16.02 0010 12.94 5.34 0070 6.47 Distributed costs 78.09 55.21 Single tooth costs 32.04 17.73 Surgical flap debridement Clinical examination Position BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ 01 Sensitivity testing 8 Radiographic assessment Anaesthesia GOÄ925a 10.68 5000 5.24 40/41a 11.34 0090/0100 8.41 Periodontal treatment plan Flap debridement 4 34.71 4000 20.70 P203 30.26 4100 35.57 Post-surgical control 111 8.90 4150 0.91 Treatment Euro GOZ Euro 16.02 0010 12.94 5.34 0070 6.47 Distributed costs 78.09 55.21 Single tooth costs 39.16 36.48 Root resection (amputation*, hemisection*, premolarisation**) Clinical examination Position BEMA/GOÄ 01 Sensitivity testing 8 Radiographic assessment Anaesthesia GOÄ925a 10.68 5000 5.24 40/41a 11.34 0090/0100 8.41 Periodontal treatment plan Flap debridement 4 34.71 4000 20.70 P203 30.26 4100 35.57 Root resection 47b 64.08 3130 36.22 Post-surgical control 111 8.90 4150 0.91 Treatment Euro GOZ Euro 16.02 0010 12.94 5.34 0070 6.47 Distributed costs 78.09 55.21 Single tooth costs 103.24 72.70 * only covered by the public insurance if a continous arch or a prosthetic restoration is maintained ** only covered by private insurance (i.e. cost estimations only via GOZ) Tunneling Clinical examination Position BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ 01 Sensitivity testing 8 Radiographic assessment Anaesthesia GOÄ925a 10.68 5000 5.24 40/41a 11.34 0090/0100 8.41 Periodontal treatment plan Flap debridement 4 34.71 4000 20.70 P203 30.26 4100 35.57 Tunneling 4136 25.87 4136 28.87 Post-surgical control 111 8.90 4150 0.91 Treatment Euro GOZ Euro 16.02 0010 12.94 5.34 0070 6.47 Distributed costs 78.09 55.21 Single tooth costs 65.03 65.35 Supportive periodontal therapy Treatment Position GOZ Euro Oral hygiene assessment 1000 Scale and polish 1040 3.62 Antiseptic irrigation 4020 5.82 Fluoridation 1020 6.47 24.80 Distributed costs 37.09 Single tooth costs 3.62 Composite restoration Treatment Position Euro GOZ Euro 11.34 0090/0100 8.41 2040 8.41 BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ Anaesthesia 40/41a Special measurements during restorative therapy 12 8.90 Adhesive restoration, one surfaces 13a 2060 68.17 28.48 Single tooth costs 84.99 48.82 Root canal treatment Treatment Position BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ Euro GOZ Euro Sensitivity testing 8 5.34 0070 6.47 Radiographic assessment1 GOÄ925a Anaesthesia 40/41a Rubberdam1 5000 32.04 5.24 11.34 0090/0100 8.41 12 8.90 2040 8.41 Direct core build-up 13b 34.71 2180 19.40 Vital pulp exstirpation1 28 48.06 2360 42.69 Root canal treatment1 32 77.43 2140 152.13 Root canal filling1 35 45.39 2440 100.11 Single tooth costs 1 n=3 283.19 355.80 Full metal crown Treatment Position BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ/L Euro GOZ Euro Sensitivity testing 8 5.34 0070 6.47 Radiographic assessment GOÄ925a Anaesthesia 40/41a Special measurements during restorative therapy 12 Temporary crown 19 Crown full metal 20a 5000 10.68 11.34 5.24 0090/0100 8.41 2030 8.41 14.77 2270 34.93 115.01 2210 217.06 8.90 Dental materials 22.07 22.07 Laboratory Situation model1 0010 11.48 0010 11.48 Used resin 0023 12.14 0023 12.14 Single-tooth dye 0051 9.19 0051 9.19 Occludator 0120 8.42 0120 8.42 Full-metal crown 1021 72.27 1021 72.27 Non-precious metal alloy 9700 11.68 9700 11.68 Delivery2 9330 15.92 9330 15.92 Single tooth costs 329.21 443.69 1 n=2 2 n=3 Tooth removal Treatment Position BEMA/GOÄ/GOZ Radiographic assessment1 GOÄ925a Anaesthesia 40/41a Extraction multirooted tooth 44 Single tooth costs 1 N=2 Euro GOZ Euro 5000 21.36 11.34 5.24 0090/0100 8.41 3010 14.23 13.35 46.05 27.88 Dental material costs used in surgery Alginate impression (2.15) Siloxane impression (9.96) Bite registration material (9.96) per crown: 2 alginate, 1 siloxane, 1 bite registration: 22.07 Euro in total Table S2: Mean (SD) total treatment costs per retention year and patient. Estimations were based on the assumption of a privately insured patient (basecase). Differences between groups are indicated in bold (p<0.05, ANOVA). Parameter Patients‘age at T0 N Total treatment costs per year <50 ≥50 123 256 male female 159 220 139.84 (524.00) 136.45 (195.41) Aggressive periodontitis Chronic periodontitis 68 311 145.46 (266.44) 136.12 (394.79) ≥24 258 141.45 (584.39) <24 121 136.20 (204.73) Gender Diagnosis Number of teeth at T0 Smoking status Non-smoker 86 117.55 (143.23) Former smoker 244 139.12 (700.60) Smoker 49 147.67 (313.27) 0/1 153 117.21 (142.72) 2 101 99.65 (50.65) 3 124 194.80 (626.29) Maximum FI at T1 Tab. S3: Association of patients’ costs per total follow-up time with patient-level variables. Basecase (privately insured patient) analyses are shown. Significant associations are highlighted in bold. Parameter N Patients‘age at T0 (per year) Gender Mean difference (95% CI) p-value 0.02 (0.00/0.03) 0.085 male female 159 220 0.15 (-0.02/0.33) 0.085 Aggressive periodontitis Chronic periodontitis 68 311 -0.13 (-0.40/0.15) 0.365 0.00 (-0.02/0.02) 0.900 Diagnosis Number of teeth at T0 Smoking status Non-smoker 86 - - Former smoker 244 -0.45 (-0.67/-0.23) <0.001 Smoker 49 0.35 (0.06/0.65) 0.018 0/1 153 - - 2 101 -0.07 (-0.28/0.14) 0.506 3 124 0.52 (0.32/0.72) <0.001 Maximum FI at T1