1. Aberration (noun) Deviation from what is correct or right; anomaly; irregularity
2. Baleful (adj) Sorrowful; sinister; evil
3. Cacophonous (adj) Discordant; dissident; harsh sounding
4. Edify (verb) Instruct; enlighten; educate
5. Hackneyed (adj) Trite; common; overdone; banal
6. Iconoclast (noun) a person who attacks cherished beliefs, often religious beliefs or
7. Labyrinth (noun) Maze; network; puzzle
8. Maladroit (adj) Clumsy; unskilled
9. Nadir (noun) Lowest point
10. Obdurate (adj) Stubborn; intractable
1. Abstruse (adj) Concealed; difficult to comprehend; obscure
2. Savant (noun) Intellectual; scholar
3. Rend (verb) Rip; tear; splinter
4. Malapropism (noun) Inappropriate or ludicrous use of a word
5. Palpable (adj) Noticeable; obvious; apparent
6. Zealot (noun) Fanatic; radical; enthusiast
7. Barren (adj) 1.Infertile; impotent 2.Arid; unproductive
8. Haughty (adj.) Arrogant; blatantly proud; conceited
9. Vociferous (adj.) Outspoken; vocal
10. Trepidation (noun) Anxiety; apprehension
1. Accolades (noun) Praise; award; commendation
2. Effigy (noun) Mannequin; likeness; image
3. Acerbic (adj) Bitter; harsh; caustic (could refer to taste or to people)
4. Deleterious (adj) Destructive; poisonous; unhealthy (refers to things or situations)
5. Dawdle (verb) Procrastinate; loiter; idle; dally
6. Ostracize (verb) Exclude, isolate, shun
7. Dearth (noun) Shortage; deficiency; paucity
8. Adept (adj) Proficient; masterful; expert
9. Adherent (noun) Believer; supporter; devotee
10. Callow (adj) Inexperienced; immature; naive
1. Wan/Waning (verb/adj) Colorless; pale; fading; declining
2. Vouch (verb) Take responsibility for; affirm; guarantee
3. Lachrymose (adj) Weepy; tearful
4. Barter (verb) Haggle; make a deal; dicker
5. Discursive (adj) Rambling; circuitous; digressive; tangential
6. Xenophobe (noun) One who dislikes strangers or foreigners
7. Impugn (verb) Accuse; denounce; censure; hold accountable
8. Proclivity (noun) Tendency; leaning; inclination
9. Terse (adj) Abrupt; concise; short; curt; snappish
10. Malevolent (adj) Evil; spiteful; malignant
1. Anomaly (noun) Abnormality; deviation from the general rule; irregularity; aberration
2. Taciturn (adj) Reserved; shy; uncommunicative
3. Ameliorate (verb) Make better; improve
4. Rabid (adj) Diseased; sick; berserk
5. Banal (adj) Ordinary; trite; insipid; boring
6. Effervescent (adj) Lively
7. Antiquated (adj) Ancient; obsolete
8. Adjunct (noun) Subordinate or auxiliary capacity
9. Quagmire (noun) Marsh; quicksand; swamp
10. Ambivalence (noun) Uncertainty; doubt; indecisiveness
1. Delineate (verb) Describe in detail; outline; depict
2. Rescind (verb) Repeal; veto; cancel
3. Aggrandize (verb) Make more powerful; overdo; elaborate; exaggerate
4. Adroit (adj) Dexterous; proficient; skillful
5. Resilient (adj) Durable; rebounding; quick to recover
6. {with} Alacrity (noun) Eagerness; zeal; enthusiasm
7. Quandary (noun) Dilemma; entanglement; conundrum
8. Adulterate (verb) Make impure; contaminate; pollute
9. Tantamount {to} (adj) equivalent; synonymous; the same as
10. Aesthete (noun) Person who appreciates beauty or art; connoisseur
1. Incipient (adj) Embryonic; developing; in the beginning stages
2. Scoff (verb) Mock; ridicule
3. Mire (noun) Mud; slime; muck
4. Amorphous (adj) Without structure; shapeless; vague
5. Pedantic (adj) Stuffy or dogmatic; meticulous; academic
6. Beleaguer (verb) Besiege; surround; harass
7. Candid (adj) Frank; blunt; open; straightforward
8. Debased (adj) Lowered in status or character; dishonored
9. Egregious (adj) Flagrant; glaring; outrageous
10. Languish (verb) Diminish; weaken; decay; fade away
1. Resplendent (adj) Dazzling; glorious; intense
2. Querulous (adj) Difficult; testy; disagreeable
3. Sequester (verb) Separate; isolate; segregate
4. Avarice (noun) Extreme desire for wealth; greed; acquisitiveness
5. Elegiac (adj) Mournful; sorrowful; sad
6. Languish (verb) Decline; diminish; weaken
7. Elucidate (verb) Interpret; define; clarify; explain
8. Delusion (noun) Untrue belief; hallucination; fallacy; misconception
9. Bemoan (verb) 1.Experience pain or distress 2.Express pity for; mourn
10. Emanate (verb) Radiate; flow from; emit
1. Judicious (adj) Logical; reasonable; clever
2. Kitsch (noun) Art or writing of a pretentious but shallow nature
3. Largess (noun) Charity; philanthropy; gift
4. Garish (adj) Gaudy; ostentatious; excessive
5. Hallow (verb) Make holy; consecrate; sanctify
6. Celerity (noun) Swift motion; speed; alacrity
7. Declivity (noun) Downward slope
8. Malinger (verb) to shirk duty/work (often by feigning illness)
9. Audacity (noun) Boldness or adventurousness; gall
10. Bane (noun) Deadly affliction; curse; plague
1. Quibble (verb) Argue or bicker
2. Meander (verb) Roam aimlessly; ramble; wander in indirect course
3. Restive (adj) Nervous; restless; uneasy
4. Paragon (noun) Model or standard of excellence
5. Obsequious (adj) Servile; groveling; complacent; fawning
6. Moribund (adj) Failing; waning; ailing; on the verge of extinction
7. Paltry (adj) Minor; petty; insignificant
8. Variegated (adj) Multicolored; polychromatic; varied
9. Taper (verb) Diminish; thin; narrow
10. Soporific (adj) Hypnotic; lethargic; causing sleep
1. Parochial (adj) 1. Religious; 2. Narrow or limited in scope
2. Obviate (verb) Make unnecessary
3. Lassitude (noun) Fatigue; weariness; debility
4. Incisive (adj) Perceptive; astute
5. Knave (noun) A dishonest, deceitful person; a rogue
6. Multifarious (adj) Diverse; many-sided; multiple
7. Parsimony (noun) Miserliness; unusually excessive frugality
8. Partisan (noun) Fan or supporter; enthusiast supporting a particular cause or issue
9. Fallow (adj) Idle; dormant
10. Hamper (verb) Hinder; frustrate; impede
1. Nebulous (adj) Unclear; vague; indefinite
2. Pastiche (noun) Hodgepodge; literary or musical piece imitating other works
3. Incongruous (adj) Inconsistent; unsuitable; contradictory
4. Guile (noun) Wiliness; deceit; cunning
5. Demagogue (noun) Incendiary; agitator; opportunist
6. Coalesce (verb) Combine; incorporate; merge
7. Bemused (adj) Preoccupied by thought; bewildered; perplexed
8. Decorum (noun) Appropriate conduct; polite or proper behavior, protocol
9. Assuage (verb) Ease; make less burdensome; mitigate
10. Disoblige (verb) Slight or offend