Animals and their Meanings

AARDVARK - a tendency to hide from problems
ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN - denotes spiritual truths that are not easily accepted
ALLIGATOR - spiritual aspects that are self-serving, can denotes a person who attacks out of
nowhere, people who lie in wait and then attack, a person with vicious speech which is destructive
ANT - denotes cooperation with others
APE - cautions against loss of individuality, pretending to be someone who you are not, aping
someone, being a copycat instead of your true self. A symbol of malice and ugliness. The ape was a
holy animal in ancient India, the god Hanuman, as in the epic Ramayana. He is a symbol of
strength, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. In the Chinese Zodiac, the ape is the ninth sign. The ape is the
calendar symbol in ancient Mexican cultures, lending its name (in Aztec Ozomatli, in Mayan Ba'tz)
to the the day of the month. The ape was a god of dance, and those born under this sign were
expected to become jugglers, pranksters, dancers, or singers. In ancient mexico, the ape represents
the wind. In the ancient Mexican myth of periodic "ends of the world", the second era or "sun," the
wind-sun, was ended by devastating tornadoes, and the humans of this era were transformed into
apes. Apes in chains represent the "devil" vanquished. It is a symbol of insecurity and doubt about
one's own role in life as well as immodesty.
BABOON - immaturity or lack of individuality. Thoth, the god of wisdom,
though sometimes appearing with the head of an ibis, frequently appears as an
old, white caped baboon.
BADGER - denotes a person with a 'nagging' personality, usually one who
interferes with another's life. It is a symbol of vice, afraid of the light, and lives
in the dark. The badger represents avarice because it lives on it's own body fat.
BAT - denotes the use of spiritual intuition in all aspects of life
BEAGLE - (dog) refers to a sympathy seeking friend
BEAR - an overbearing personality of a friend or situation, someone who can crush another with
just a look or a word This negative creature is used in the business world also to denote a negative
situation. Fighting and winning a battle with a bear denotes the triumph of Christ over the devil. In
China, the bear symbolizes strength, Dreaming of a bear sometimes foretells the birth of a son.
BEAST - denotes crude or unacceptable behavior
BEAVER - denotes the ability to recognize one's spiritual aspects at "home" while balancing and
utilizing "life's" opportunities, industrious
BEDBUG - negative aspected related to sleeping arrangements or sleep patterns
BEE - denotes industrious and cooperative teamwork and denotes diligence and a sense of order. A
beeswarm suggests an overwhelming situation Being stung by a bee can represent a negative
situation. Dreaming of a bee flying away can symbolize death as the bee is the soul, but if the bee
flies into the mouth of the dead person, that person will come back to life. In the mediterranean
civilizations, the bee was seen to be brave, chaste, industrious, clean and lives harmoniously. The
Christians looked upon the bee hive as the church and the bees as the parishioners, who collected
only the best from all the flowers. They were symbols of purity and abstinence. In the secular world,
the bee was a royal symbol and the queen bee was long regarded as a King. The sweetness
symbolised Christ and his mercy. The sting was felt to be the last judgment.
BEETLE - denotes negative interference's in one's life situations
BEHEMOTH - denotes an aspect in one's life that is larger than life, perhaps overwhelming and too
big to handle alone
BIGFOOT - denotes aspects of reality that are not accepted
BIRD - denotes personality characteristics, usually high characteristics of beauty,
joy and love that transcendent quality that lifts man from his lower self to his
higher self, from the material world to the spiritual world - see specific bird type
for other connotations A dark, ugly bird can denote a person's state of love in the
negative context. To see a bird fly can symbolize the desire to fly free or to reach
heaven like the angels.
BIRD OF PARADISE - denotes extravagant and elaborate thoughts. On the positive side, it can
symbolize lightness, closeness to God, and removal from worldly concerns as well as the Virgin
BLACKBIRD - denotes an omen
BLUEBIRD - denotes spiritual joy and contentedness, foretells happy conditions in one's life
BLUEJAY - denotes spiritual joy and contentedness
BOA CONSTRICTOR - a smothering or constricting situation or relationship
BOAR - denotes a haughty personality, or a bore to others, an aggressive animal, It has a reputation
as a symbol of unflinching courage and ferocity. In christian iconology, the boar is a symbol of
Christ. It is however primarily of diabolical forces as in the case of tyrants. To the celts it
symbolised military courage and strength.
BOBCAT - see lion
BOOKWORM - denotes a tendency to accumulate knowledge without applying it
BUFFALO - can denote gullibility, or perseverance
BUG - irritations in daily life.
BULL - may denote a tendency toward narrow-mindedness, in the business world however, denotes
a positive situation, a driving force,a rapidly rising market. Seeing a bull with a distorted head
means stubbornness and 'bullheadedness'. It generally symbolizes vitality and masculine strength.
Bulls were worshipped in many religions especially as symbols of potency and for their horns which
resemble the lunar crescent. The bull Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. (April 21 to May 21)
an earth sign. Those born under the sign are said to be clumsy earthbound, tenacious, and
powerful. This sign is ruled by the planet Venus which connects the love goddess to the bull.
BUZZARD - denotes a gloating nature, one who stands in wait to pick up what is left over
BUTTERFLY - denotes renewal and rejuvenation, the ability to bounce back from setbacks or
disappointments, a transformation of spirituality. They stand for beauty and metamorphosis. It
symbolizes the human soul. In Japan, the butterfly symbolizes young womanhood. Two butterflies
dancing about one another symbolize marital happiness. In China, the butterfly symbolizes long life
and beauty.
CAMEL - denote stubborn and stupid beast of burden. They have very bad attitudes. Can denote
arrogance and haughtiness. They denote negative reactions. It also denotes obedience, tenacity and
perseverance on the good side.
CANARY - can denote either a joyful emotion or on the negative side a gossip situation.
CAT - denotes an independent nature, or can denote negative personality
or situations. It can mean uncooperativeness and isolation as well. To see a
black cat denotes bad luck. To see oneself petting a cat can mean you get
pleasure from negative emotions. Concern over the health of a cat can
mean concern over a destruction habit. Seeing the death of a cat can mean the death of a negative
aspect of oneself which is spiritual progress. Seeing black and white cats denotes seeing the good
and bad sides of oneself, both the constructive and destructive side. To have a cat disappear
represents shows the power of good intentions to succeed. see type of cat CATERPILLAR - denotes stage of life prior to transition into next phase of life and a need to
prepare oneself To see a caterpillar eating leaves denotes the destructive activity to destroy one's
spiritual life.
CATTLE - denotes a lack of self-confidence or individuality
CENTAUR - A mythical monster, half horse and half man, the male's head attached to the neck of
the horse. Denotes discord and internal tension. Symbolizes the animal nature in man, untamed,
and subservience to basic drives, their animal side.The Centaur in astrology is the ninth sign of the
zodiac, shooting an arrow, a Fire sign. Those born under this sign are said to be resolute, aggressive,
spirited, and seekers of light, energy, and power.
CHICKEN - denotes a feeling of fear or reluctance to face situation in life Seeing a chicken with it's
head cut off signifies hysterical futility because the person is not using their head. It can be a symbol
for timidity or lack of courage.
CHIHUAHUA - (dog) see that you do not underestimate the power or abilities of the other person
in a situation
CHIMERA - a monster, part lion, part goat and part serpent, having one head from each of these
animals.. A symbol of imaginings or rumour. In mythology, the chimera is said to be the daughter
of Echidna, who was part serpent and part woman, and Typhon, a monster from the underworld.
In the myth, the Chimera was killed by Bellerophon, riding on a winged horse named Pegasus. The
Chimera appears on several coats of arms in cities like Corinth and Cyzicus. The triadic form
stands for spring, summer, and winter.
CHIMPANZEE - immaturity or lack of individuality
CICADA - The tree cricket. The sound denotes 'elevated' poetry, immortality or life after death.A
stylized cicada form represents "loyalty to one's principles.
COCKERSPANIEL - (dog) denotes companionship, a faithful friend, good associations
COCKROACH - denotes major irritations or disruptions in one's physical, mental, or spiritual life.
COLLIE - (dog) - denotes a faithful friend, to see one blocking ones way, however, means that
something is blocking your spiritual path.
COUGAR - denotes quiet strength and wisdom
COW - can denote compassion and expression of that emotion It stands for the maternal nurturing
powers of the earth. It is a universally positive force. In India the sacred cow symbolizes fertility
and abundance. Slow moving cows denote inner reluctance to do something in daily life
CRAB - denotes a negative personality or situation. Crabs move backwards so denotes misfortune.
In Christian symbology, the crab sheds its shell refers to "casting off the old Adam" and
resurrection from the confines of the grave. It can symbolize 'great flooding'. The fourth sign of the
Zodiac, (June 23 to July 22) Cancer is a water sign, and 'feminine'. Cancer is the house of the Moon
and it's metal is silver. Astrologers associate Cancer with pregnancy, imprisonment, baptism, and
rebirth and the awakening of the consciousness.
CRANE - denotes a sense of inquisitiveness. This is a symbol of renewal and of Christ resurrected.
In China, it is a symbol of longevity, also for wisdom. A crane soaring toward the sun denotes desire
for 'social elevation'. In the legends of India, however, it denotes deceit and knavery. It has also
been denoted as a symbol of vigilance. See the other dream symbols to see if this symbol is positive
or negative.
CRAYFISH - denotes withdrawal from a responsibility or situation
CROCODILE - denotes underlying negative spiritual aspects or forces, same as alligator. The
crocodile also symolizes crocodile tears, those which are false
CROW - denotes clear messages or straight talk
DACHSHUND (dog) denotes caution against the tendency to make physical aspects of oneself too
important, a high interest in materialism
DALMATIAN - (dog) denotes a traveling companion, since they are black and white can represent
the right and wrong of a situation, the positive and negative sides, the faithful and unfaithful.
DEER - The stag with horns represents rejuvenation, rebirth, and the passage of time. The deer's
antlers represent the sun's rays. In China, the deer symbolizes wealth and filial piety. In heraldry,
the deer represents gentleness and mildness and long life. In Christianity, the deer striving to reach
a spring denotes the desire of purification through baptism. The term 'stag' refers to a gentlemen
attending a social party without a female at his side, such as a 'stag party'.
DINOSAUR - denotes an overwhelming situation or a highly demanding, manipulative individual
The dinosaur represents one's own primitive state of being. Killing the beast represents overcoming
one's own lower nature.
DOBERMAN PINCHER - (dog) denotes a person who represents the law-abiding factor in one's
DOE - Despite the gentle appearance of a doe, it has a demonic attribute according to mythological
DOG - The first primary symbol is one of loyalty, vigilance and intelligence. Dogs are said to be able
to see 'ghosts' and thus warn us of invisible dangers. A dark dog can denote negative aspects in
one's life, a black dog were thought to be companions to witches. Hell-hounds are said to
accompany Satan. In the Muslim world, the dog is considered to be unclean, but a watchdog is
tolerated. In ancient Mexico, a dog was sacrificed and buried with a dead person to guide it's soul to
the afterlife. In China, the dog is the 11th sign of the Chinese Zodiac with both positive and negative
symbolisms. A white dog can denote a spiritual aspect and guidance that needs to be followed ; a
sleeping dog shows one is unaware of what is going on, a dog pulling a sled is a helpful friend, In a
dream, first look at the behavior of the dog to see whether it is positive or negative because a dark
colored dog can be a sign of depression or ferocity as well. A snappy little dog can mean a bad
temper. Washing a white dog represents a need to cleanse oneself of a bad aspect of oneself. -Also
see separate article on wolf/dogs.
DOLPHIN - Dolphins are intelligent and human-friendly. They have been noted to save lives. In
Estruscan art, the dolphin carries the souls of the dead to the afterlife.
DONKEY - denotes an independent personality - perhaps stubborn. It represents procreation and
fertility. It is also looked upon as a ridiculous character. In Christianity, it symbolizes the Gentiles.
It was used in both the 'birth' and 'riding into Jerusalem' scenes of Christ. In the doubting Thomas
scene, the donkey represents insufficient faith as donkey's accompanied him.
DOVE - denotes a peaceful nature or condition - may be a religious or spiritual sign from God or a
spiritual guide. It represents love and tenderness. It can mean an 'inner' initiation, such as the
descent of the Holy Ghost as in Matthew 3::16 when Jesus Christ was baptized In the Bible, the
dove was used to symbolize the end of the Flood, and represents the Holy Spirit. It was used at Jesus
Baptism, the Annunciation, the Holy Trinity, and divine inspiration. The seven gifts of the Holy
Spirit are represented by seven doves, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety,
and fear of the Lord. Doves also stand for the newly baptized. Doves are also shown flying out of the
mouths of dying martyrs. The dove is the symbol for the soul in India. In China, it stands for
marital fidelity and longevity. It is also a sign of fertility. The cooing of a dove is preferable to a
'booing'. We should speak with a 'coo' rather than with harshness.
DRAGON - represent the untamed natural world, a violent primeval creature. It represents the
bestial element which must be defeated with strength and discipline. The Satanic element. However,
in the Occidental world, the dragon is associated with happiness, produces the potion of
immortality, and represents the primal essence 'yang'. It stands for procreation, fertility, activity,
and wards off evil spirits. It is the 5th sign of the Chinese zodiac a symbol of the East and the rising
sun. However, the white dragon represents the West and death. In Japan, it represents the raindivinity.
DUCK - denotes spiritual vulnerability, inner strength perhaps not quite strong enough to handle
situations yet
EAGLE - denotes self-confidence, intellectual
freedom, pursuing unconventional concepts or
issues The eagle can symbolize the thymus
center of the body which is related to love. In
America the eagle stands for freedom with
responsibility. It is also the symbol of Mexico.
The eagle also represents baptism and high
flying is seen as Christ's ascension. It is the
symbol of triumph of light over the darker
forces.It represents energy, renewal,
contemplation, acuity of vision, royal bearing,
justice. In Freemasonry, the double headed
eagle stands for the 33rd Degree of the Scottish
Rite. Until the early 20th Century, it also was
used in the symbols of Russia, Servia, Austria, the Roman emporer and Germany. In China, the
eagle represents strength and power.
ELEPHANT - denotes great, long lasting memory or memories, can also
mean a generous and gregarious nature It has an image of great
strength. It denotes intelligence. A white elephant announced the birth of
Gautama Buddha. The white elephant brings salvation from worldly
entanglements. In Hinduism , Ganesha, God of wiring and wisdom in
general, has an elephant's head with with one tusk and rides a mouse.
The elephant is the chief of attendants on the God Shiva. It is a symbol of
victory of life over death.
FALCON - denotes a spiritual relationship with higher forces A trained
bird of prey. The falcon generally has the same symbolism as the Eagle
and Hawk. Negatively, it can represent preying on others to benefit
oneself. See other details in the dream for analysis
FIREFLY - denotes moments of intense spiritual illumination
FISH - denotes spiritual aspects or people in one's life, and spiritual achievements. It was the early
Christian sign or symbol which separated the hostile unbelievers from the believers.It also
represented the Age of Pisces which began in the year 7 A.D. Fishing represents the spiritual
purposes of life and man's search for the higher consciousness. It also represents fertility and the
life giving principles of the maternal. To catch a fish suggests growth of the divine self. To catch an
ugly fish my imply spiritual weakness. To have an ugly fish appear denotes seeing spiritual
weakness in a situation. To see a frozen fish denotes that one's spiritual life is frozen and not used as
it should be. To see beautiful multicolored fish represents the joy and peace in one's spiritual life.
The fish represents Christian principles. Showing a fish to someone denotes showing the Christian
principles to others. Saving a fishes life represents the need to save those principles in oneself. In
China, the fish represents happiness and plenty. It also stands for courage, strength, and endurance.
Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac.
FLEA - denotes irritations in one's life, usually in juvenile relationships
FLY - an irritation in a life situation. To swat the flies denotes needing to kill or stop the negative
irritations. If one concentrates too hard on the negative irritations, one misses the important or
beautiful aspects of life. Beezelbub is the Lord of the Flies is associated with swarming flies.
Invincible swarms of flies were seen as embodiments of demonic powers. Swarms of flies of
harbingers of disaster, Isaiah 7:18. Flies are predominantly symbols of satanic beings.
FOX - denotes a cunning, trickery, malice, or shrewd person. It's reddish coat symbolizes Fire and
was seen as one of the devil's followers. In ancient times, the fox was seen as very seductive and a
symbol of eroticism. A white fox was the was ridden by the rice god Inari.
FROG - denotes an impaired mental or physical condition. In Revelations 16:13, the frog is seen as
uncleanliness as the spirits of evil. It could represent unintelligent and ugly speech. However, to a
young boy, dreaming of frogs could show an interest in the study of nature to better understand life.
Exodus 8:3 shows frogs as a plague upon one's house. On the positive side, the frog represents
fertility, genesis, and reproductive life. In the Fairy Tale, the kissed frog turns into a Prince, a great
transformation. The frog croaking in the mud for sheer joy is croaking a hymn of praise to God for
the simple gift of life and is a lesson for humanity.
GEESE - denotes of a personal desire to escape problems
GERBIL - denotes aspects of life that are small comforts
GERMAN SHEPHERD - (dog) denotes a helpful friend or condition; except if dog is threatening
GIRAFFE - denotes a situation where one is meddling into the affairs of others, can denote a
distortion of the image of self, too much distance between heart and head, too much emotion and
not enough reason.
GOAT - The male goat represents lust and vitality. It is impure, and stinking creature. He has most
of the devils physical traits. It also was ridden by witches through the air. The goat also represents
"idol Baphomet" of the heretical Knights Templar. It is the 'scapegoat' driven into the wilderness
as the bearer of all the sinful impurity of children of Israel. Greeks associate the goat with
Pan. The female goat represents the nurturing nature. It stands alongside the sheep in the nativity
depictions. In Medieval bestiaries, the goat climbs tall mountains.
GOLDEN CALF - denotes negative goals and misplaced priorities
GOLDFISH - a spiritually confining situation, or belief
GOOSE - denotes a need for more seriousness in life Usually stands for foolish behavior or being
'silly'. It is a symbol for talkative 'old people'. Gray geese area like devout Christians who keep
their distance from the bustle of the world and wear grey sackcloth. White geese resemble towndwellers giving themselves over to chatter and gossip.
GORILLA - a docile and peaceful nature though low mental state which might bright troublesome
activities or conditions. Could stand for emotional dysfunction or gregariousness depending on the
surround details of the dream.
HARE - see rabbit - a symbol of longevity, vigilance, easily frightened, cowardice, self-sacrifice, a
trickster figure
HAWK - denotes acute perceptions, an ability for quick discernment - also see eagle.
HEDGEHOG - shrewd, miserly in ways of seeking wealth, loving of it's young, always has two ways
out of situations.
HEN - protective, patience, intellectually impoverished, highly susceptible to outside influences,
panic over nothing. Also the hen sitting on eggs symbolizes supernatural forces guarding treasures.
HERON - it's appearance is a good omen. contented, it's high flying serves as a warning of
impending bad weather. A symbol for the souls of the world, ash-grey is the color of penitence,
white the color of innocence. It is a symbol of Christ on the mount of olives. It is also curious, also
HIPPOPOTAMUS - the positive symbol isi that of protection in childbirth, in the negative a
destroyer of crops, expected to return as a hostile, satanic beast in the last days of the earth.
HOG - denotes a tendency to take more than one needs
HORNET - denotes a situation where one might get 'stung'. Swatting at one can represent can
denote trying to stop the negative situation.
HORSE - denotes a 'wild' nature. In ancient lore horses sometimes see visions, hear voices and
speak. The horse is capable of quick starts but panics easily. The horse has tempestuous
emotions. Dreams of horses striking out blindly are often interpreted as a longing for integration.
In the book of Revelations there are a series of horses in Chapter 6. The white horse can represent
qualities necessary to master, and balance. Fear of riding a white horse an ambivalence of feelings.
Seeing four white horses represents the purification of the four lower centers. To see seven white
horses swimming, means that when the spiritual quest is finished would come power and life. When
balanced, this energy brings courage, persistence, drive, energy, and patience. On the negative side,
the red horse usually represents dangerous, negative emotions for 'red' usually means "stop". The
black horse in the book of Revelations relates to a necessary balance of the male and female
qualities of the soul. The pale horse represents the thymus gland and represents the affections of
love. Being halted by horses denotes a necessity to control and redirect the emotions. Falling off a
horse shows rejection of some of the dream warnings. To follow a horses foottracks represents
following Christ's footsteps.
HUMMINGBIRD They are named for the characteristic hum of this rapid wing motion
According to
Hummingbird: messenger, timelessness
Hummingbird - the tiniest of all birds - brings special messages for us. It is the only creature that
can stop dead while traveling at full speed. It can hover, or can go forward, backward, up or down.
It lives on nectar and searches for the sweetness of life. Its long tongue lets it bypass the often tough
and bitter outer layer to find the hidden treasures underneath. Hummingbird is loved by the
flowers and plants, for as it sucks the nectar from the flower, the plant reproduces and more of its
kind are created. In many traditions, Hummingbird feathers have been prized for their almost
magical qualities. It is said that Hummingbird brings love as no other medicine can, and its
presence brings joy to the observer.
If you have Hummingbird medicine, you adapt easily to whatever situation you may find yourself
in, and make the most of your new circumstances. You don't waste time looking back and wishing
for "what was" for you are concerned with making the most of "what is". Also, you could never
become addicted to any artificial stimulants, for you find joy in your own heart. You take great
pleasure in spreading joy and love and beauty to all around you, and have the gift of taking that
inner joy into new and different surroundings. You have a talent for finding the good in people, and
are not put off by a gruff or abrupt exterior, for you know that, if you can only get beyond that
tough outside layer, you'll find goodness and beauty inside. You may have a gift for working with
flowers, maybe growing them to share with others, or using flower essences for healing. Aroma
therapy may be your calling. You have high energy and a spirit that must be free. To restrict that
wonderful, free, loving energy is to suffer great depressions and feelings of uselessness.
Hummingbird must fly free in search of beauty, spreading joy and love to all it touches.
HYENA - denotes a lack of seriousness or vicious nature, avarice, one who waits for the leftovers
instead of being aggressive in a situation. An unclean scavenger.
IBIS - denotes a spiritual esoteric aspect to spirituality. However, for the Jews, it is an unclean
animal. Job 38:36 quoting God, "Who hath given the ibis wisdom and the Rooster insight?" The
ibis eats dead fish and feeds it to it's young; devouring deadly deeds and even feeding it's children.
IRISH SETTER - (dog) denotes nervousness and lack of focus on a situation
JACKAL - denotes a predatory nature
KANGAROO - denotes overprotectiveness, or jumpiness, can also denote long endurance
KITTEN - denotes an innocence of character, may indicate a feeling of helplessness with others in a
LADYBUG - denotes an irritating situation in one's life
LAMB - usually denotes a reference to Jesus Christ or God, sacrificed by the Israelites to escape the
tenth plague that God meted out to Egypt for refusing to let Moses and his people go. (Exodus 1112) Christ, seeks lambs who have gone astray. John 1:29 quotes John the Baptist calling Christ...the
lamb of God. Rev: 14:1 refers to the triumphant lamb. The Easter Lamb is the flag of victory over
LEECH - denotes a freeloader, one who lacks self-respect and responsibility
LEMMING - denotes a person who always follows and does not follow one's own path, a lack of
LEOPARD - denotes a tendency of resistance to
LICE - denotes lack of cleanliness of the person, or emotional or mental
or spiritual negativity
LION - denotes a strength of character, military valor, tremendous
energy, effortlessly masterful, and dominion, may indicate the "Lion" of
God,. It can represent the victory of human intellect over it's animal
nature. It can also be negative and denote a braggart, a roaring lion can
denote anger and temper - However, the golden color can represent the
good side of the individual. Being eaten by a lion represents being eaten
alive by one's own bad temper. see dream situation surrounding the
animal. In symbolizes Leo, (July 23 - Aug 23) , the fifth sign
of the Zodiac, it's planet is the Sun. People born under Leo are thus solar
in nature. People born under Leo are said to be natural leaders, intelligent, magnanimous. A lion
can be one extreme or the other, either a symbol of the devil whom Christ overcomes, or a model
for a hero.
LIZARD - denotes a lack of scruples. symbolizes death followed by resurrection. It also symbolizes
safety and welfare because it can lose it's tail and regenerate it.
LOCUST - seen as a feared plague, the embodiment of divine retribution. The locust is Christ's
comrade in the battle against the heathen. It symbolizes Christ resurrected. Swarms of them are
taken as an indication that the order of the cosmos had been disturbed.
LOON - denotes mental or emotional confusion
LOUSE - can denote a personality trait, or a negative situation or person
LYNX - acuity of vision, rapid cleverness, mental alertness.
MAGGOT - denotes a self-serving personality who gains from the efforts of others
MAGPIE - denotes talkativeness, 'chatterbox'. In China the magpie is considered 'good luck.' It's
cry is believed to announce 'good news'. It is the embodiment of 'yang', the bird of happiness and
good fortune, marital bliss.
MALAMUTE - (dog) denotes a friend or person who can ease one's burden or hasten progress
along a life path
MOCKINGBIRD - denotes a lack of individualized expression associated with mockery, such a
person committing adultery make a mockery of their marriage vows. Seeing a mockingbird may
denote a rebuke in the form of this bird.
MOLE - indicates a lack of communication; fearing reality. I lives in the dark and is afraid of light.
It represents avarice because it lives on it's own body fat.
MONARCH BUTTERFLY - denotes perseverance, a transformation in spirituality,
MONKEY - immaturity or lack of individuality. Asian sculptures of three monkeys show them with
their hands over their mouth, eyes, and ears which is a sign of 'evil'. In Japan, these same three
monkeys are denoted by the word "saru", which means both 'monkey' and 'not do' thus
symbolizing conscious abstinence from evil.
MOSQUITO - denotes temporary irritations in one's daily life
MOUSE - can denote a negative aspect in one's life. Mice can represent the little irritations in life.
Seeing dead mice but not cleaning them up can denote refusal to let negative emotions go. They are
said to have demonic and prophetic powers. Their squeaking and footsteps are taken as portents of
storms. In dreams a mouse could embody the soul of the dreamer and as such leave the body and
then return to it. The worst thing they do is spread pestilence. They are associated symbolically with
satanic demons and with all powers hostile to humanity. In the positive aspect, the mouse is seen as
though of as analogous to the soul. See the Mouse story article for a positive aspect of the mouse
MUD TURTLE - denotes a negative personality trait of near-constant confusion and withdrawal
from situations
MULE - denotes a stubborn personality, but independent, a reluctance to be persuaded to another's
MUSKRAT - denotes a repulsive attitude, an aversion
NIGHTINGALE - a plaintive mother, symbolizes the human goal of producing truly melodious
language. The name of the bird stands for poetry or song. The parents patiently teach their young
to sing. It is a good omen. Some, however, interpret it's cry as a cry for help from a 'poor soul in
purgatory' or a plaintive warning of an impending death. It also symbolizes acts of charity being
OCTOPUS - symbolizes the spirits of the Underworld and mysterious otherworldly forces.
OSTRICH - It's feather symbolizes the Egyptian Goddess Maat. The eggs symbolize the virginity of
Mary. It is however, a symbol of religious hypocrisy, who give the appearance of holiness, but do
not act holy.
OWL - denotes wisdom, a symbol of knowledge, heightened observational
skills, introspective, brooding, can see in the dark, developed awareness,
high spiritual enlightenment It can also mean to use more judgment in a
life situation. In the negative, it represents nocturnal "furtive' habits,
solitude, silent flight, a plaintive 'harbinger of death' cry, and symbolize a
turning away from spiritual light. In China the owl is a harbinger of
misfortune, but it is the sacred animal of the rain-god it symbolizes a
demonic nightcreature and considered an evil omen.
OXEN - denotes overwork, pulling harder than necessary. An image of
patient servitude and peaceful strength.
OYSTER - denotes inner fears or anything new, withdrawing from
interaction with others
PANTHER - denotes caution is necessary. A savage and cunning animal. has superior fighting
courage of the female. In the positive, it has a beautiful voice, it symbolizes Christ. The Panther is
said to keep the diabolical dragon away. A black panther is considered especially dangerous.
PARAKEET - a lack of analytical spiritual thinking, denoting the 'love' bird could mean a
relationship that is caged in and needs to be freed.
PARROT - denotes the inability to think for oneself, repeats only what others say. It is a symbol of
babbling humans.
PEACOCK - denotes arrogance of behavior Stands for self-love. It is a positive symbol of the Sun.
In the Mid-east, the Kurds view the bird as a messenger of the God. For Muslims, it symbolizes the
cosmos or the sun and the moon. He symbolizes renewal and resurrection. It represents spiritual
rebirth. The negative symbols are that is struts about, prides himself on his appearance and gazes
haughtily about. See Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goeth before destruction."
PEGASUS - (The flying Horse) symbolically is represents vitality and the strength of the horse, and
with weightlessness as it flies like a bird. It symbolizes the indomitable poetic spirit overcoming the
impediments of the world.
PELICAN - symbolizes the sacrificial death of Christ, selfless striving for purification. It is
associated with the Rosicrucian degree of the Scottish system of Free-masonry.
PHEASANT - denotes a spiritual seeker. On the negative side, it symbolizes flooding, immorality, or
seduction, and supernatural calamity.
PHOENIX - denotes the utmost examples of spirituality, a personality who bounces back from
adversity, refuses to be defeated In Mythology, the bird had a life of 500 years.Because it is
consumed in fire only to rise from the ashes, it represents resurrection and immortality. It can mean
the harbinger of spiritual rebirth. In the American Indian tradition, the Phoenix is starting to rise
now for the destruction/recreation process of the earth.
PIG - denotes one who takes more than one needs. Primarily a symbol of uncleanliness. But it
represents fertility and prosperity in cultures of antiquity. In China, the pig is the 12th and last
sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing manly strength. Pigs are considered unclean by the Egyptians, but
not as strenuously as the Jews and Muslims. The pig is a symbol of ignorance and voracious
appetitite, as well as an emblem used in mockery of Judaism. The pig is usually the 'booby' prize for
coming in last in contests. Dreaming of a pig usually denotes good fortune coming one's way.
PORCUPINE - denotes a a tendency to unconsciously defend oneself in obtaining one's personally
goals. This person irritates others, instinctively defending against new ideas, relationships, or
PORPOISE - denotes spiritual guidance, or humanitarian nature
PRAYING MANTIS - denotes one who is a spiritual hypocrite
PYTHON - denotes a suffocating personality or situation
RABBIT -A rabbit also denotes quiet endurance of one's pain. A white rabbit can symbolize the
awakening of spirit or a symbol for Easter and resurrection.
RABBIT EARS - denotes one's personal spiritual antenna
RACCOON - denotes an industrious personality
RACEHORSE - competitiveness, a desire to be better or faster than others, a desire to get ahead of
RAM - The male sheep is the first of the 12 signs of the Zodiac and stands for Aries (March 21 April 20) A Fire sign. Those born under Aries are said to be aggressive, strong oriented toward
progress, but to squander love and energy. It is a wild symbol of the creative forces of nature, but
more linked with problems of the intellect. In the Bible, the ram was the substitute for 'human'
RAT - a negative personality, or diseased element in one's life Think the word 'dis-ease' when
seeing a rat. Feeling fear of rats in a dream can symbolize acknowledging negative aspects of
oneself. It frequently represents Satan, the tempter and captor of souls. The rat is the mount of
Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of learning. In Japan, the rat is the companion of the god of good
fortune. In China, a miser is called a 'money rat'.
RAVEN - denotes watchfulness and recognition of spiritual lies A reminder of God's love and the
ability of God to meet all of man's emergencies. See Kings 17:4 where Elijah was fed by the
ravens. To an Englishman, the raven can stand for self-survival or the British Empire and the
continuity of the United Kingdom. However in Edgar Allen Poe's novel, the raven stood for fatalism
and despair. The raven represents those who are so caught up in worldly pleasures that they keep
putting off their conversion. It is a harbinger of misfortune, disease, war, and death.
ROBIN - denotes a rebirth of ideas or spirit Denotes the coming of Spring, a new beginning, a new
opportunity, or a new birth of self. It also relates to patience such as when he waits for the worm to
emerge from the ground for his food.
ROOSTER - denotes an awakening of ideas or spirituality. Negatively, the rooster is cocky and
suggests aggressiveness. See other dream details for analysis.
SAINT BERNARD - (dog) a helpful friend and guide
SALAMANDER - the ability to merge or blend the spiritual life with and through daily life, this is a
positive symbol
SALMON - denotes one is going against the flow of spiritual life, or a spiritual search that is in
error for one's personal path
SCARAB BEETLE - denotes one's soul, the inner self and of renewal and resurrection.
SCORPION - denotes a person who will retaliate if crossed. In a negative situations, one can also
sting oneself in the aftermath.In the Bible it denotes demonic powers. In Astrology, the scorpion is
the eight sign of the zodiac, (October 23 - November 21). It's sign is governed by the planet Mars.
Scorpio is associated with destruction, the occult, the mystical, illumination, healing, and
resurrection. It is an ambivalent sign, a source of change, a symbol of the triumph of life over death.
SEA HORSE - denotes a spiritual search or belief that is a fantasy rather than reality
SEAL - denotes the use of spiritual beliefs in one's daily life
SEASHELL - denotes spiritual gifts. To see whole and broken seashells, one is looking at the good
and bad situations in one's life.
SEA SLUG - spiritual laziness
SEA SNAIL - slow and methodical spiritual pace
SEA TURTLE - cautious spiritual search or path
SHEEP - denotes lack of individuality. See Ram and Ewe. The ewe is seen as stupid and harmless.
The ram is seen as strength, vitality, and unwavering determination. In the lamb, the symbolism is
SHELLFISH - denotes the attempt to learn as many spiritual aspects as possible
SHETLAND PONY - denotes one is concealing personal power
SHRIMP - denotes the learning of refined spiritual aspects
SKUNK - - a person with a strong desiree for justice to prevail
SLOTH - denotes a lazy individual, warns against procrastination
SLUG - a slow moving, perhaps not doing all one can in a situation, lazy
SNAIL - denotes a slow, cautious attitude. It represents the resurrection of Christ and it's
harmonically formed spiral shell. They are considered self-sufficient because they carry around
their own houses and has all it's own belongings with it every moment.
SNAKE - a non-poisonous snake denotes cleverness, proceeding with discernment, see mythology
for further definitions
SNAKE - a poisonous snake can relate to a person who will attack or retaliate with vengeance, can
relate to temptation or evil, though as in India, it can also represent wisdom, it can represent
sneakiness or treachery such as a 'snake in the grass', being bitten by a snake can represent
dangerous emotions or situations where one holds or expresses poisonous thoughts or emotions. The
serpent denotes the right or wrong thoughts, the wisdom of knowing the difference.
SNAPPING TURTLE - a person who will retaliate in a negative situation
SPARROW - denotes a gentle nature of an intellectual person
SPIDER - can denote a conniving individual, or a personal protective
measure. Can denote weaving a web or trap oneself is falling into. It may
relate to a recent indiscretion, a warning against a temptation or habit. See
the other aspects of the dream to see the situation one is dealing with. See
also mythology for the positive
SQUIRREL - negative connotation scurries back and forth telling stories,
STALLION HORSE - denotes uncontrolled strength, a need to
contain and direct one's energies
STORK - although an unclean bird, it symbolizes Christ and his
disciples who destroyed satanic creatures in the northern latitudes
and returned every spring was linked to Easter and the resurrection.
It represents fertility and creation. In China it represents longevity. In the Netherlands it brings
good fortune. It is a symbol of meditation and contemplation. It's beak represents the phallus.
SWALLOW - denotes punctuality, a harbinger of spring, and resurrection. However, it has the
speech of a barbarian. It is the attribute of the love goddess Aphrodite. It also represents the
relationship between an older and younger brother.
SWAN - denotes a personal spiritual nature of grace, inherent spiritual essence, purity, and
resulting gifts. It supposedly foresees impending death and emits extraordinary cries at it's own
death. The death of the swan in the ballet "Swan Lake" symbolizes the loss of the woman's
gracious qualities to jealousy. Because it has black flesh it is also a symbol of hypocrisy.
TADPOLE - denotes spiritual immaturity
TIGER - denotes an aggressive nature, emotionally erratic, an overly severe nature. denotes one's
own shortcomings and a need to re-evaluate oneself. It is the third sign of the Zodiac in China. It
has vitality and energy. In China it is equated with a quarrelsome woman. However, it has great
maternal instincts.
TUNA - denotes spiritual generosity
TURKEY - denotes an indication of promise of acquisition of food , clothing, and work
TURTLE - the negative aspect is a fear of facing responsibility or reality. Can represent long life
because turtles live a long time. Quiet strength,. In China it carries the world on it's back. It is a
symbol of fertility and unwavering vitality, and great patience.
UNICORN - denotes real possibilities, the reaches of reality. healing powers, and intellect. In China
it stands for happiness and blessedness.
VULTURE - denotes greedy and aggressive individuals, usually with overeating. They are
considered prophetic because they followed marching armies and appeared always three days
before a great battle. It symbolizes the Virgin Mary because it does not sit on it's own eggs.
WALRUS - denotes spiritual righteousness
WASP - indicates stinging events in life
WEASEL - a person who does cowardly act
WEEVIL - denotes negative elements that can destroy a person's natural abilities. These are usually
jealousy, egotism, etc.
WHALE - indicates spiritual generosity, a giving, compassionate individual. It is a symbol of the
resurrection of the dead.
WOLF - a dark, negative impression denotes a clever and
evasive person, infers self-interest. A white wolf indicates a
spiritual guide. It is an omen of victory, but represents the
forces of Satan. In China it stands for greed and cruelty. It
represents the diabolical enemy that threatens the flock of the
faithful. It pretends to be lame before it attacks. They pretend
to be utterly innocent and harmless but their hearts are full of
deceit. It symbolizes cunning, treachery and gratification. In a
dream it symbolizes prowling the landscape of the psyche,
representing untamed external energies. It can, however, be
trained to co-exist with humans. It represents alert caution.
See separate article for more details of the wolf's traits.
WORM - denotes an interference forcing one's way into affairs
of daily life. To see a worm in some kind of food is a warning
against that type of food or the diet in general. Relate it to
something you just ate the day before.
ZEBRA - represents the duality of good/evil, right/wrong
polarity of life's events