8th grade Math Lab exponent properties, simplify expressions Objective: “I can” Statements Vocabulary Bell Work/ RM: ARK: Fluency Practice Homework Lesson/ Activities TIP: Me TIP/SAP: We SAP: Two Monday 10/7 Lesson 1.5 Tuesday 10/8 Wednesday 10/9 Thursday 10/10 I can use the properties of exponents to multiply or divide numerical and algebraic expressions. Multiplication Negative exponent Zero exponent Expression Simplify and more… I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. Test Review Test Friday 10/11 Flashback Friday I can understand negative exponents. I can use zero and negative exponents. Multiplication Negative exponent Expression Simplify Multiplication Negative exponent Zero exponent Expression Simplify I can use the properties of exponents to multiply or divide numerical and algebraic expressions. Multiplication Negative exponent Zero exponent Expression Simplify and more… Rocket/Racetrack Math Rocket/Racetrack Math Rocket/Racetrack Math Rocket/Racetrack Math Rocket/Racetrack Math Purple group uses Reflex Math for fluency. Blue group uses Reflex Math site for fluency. T chooses students for Reflex Math site for fluency. Green group uses Reflex Math for fluency. Purple group uses Reflex Math for fluency. TTW use text p. 43-45 to teach negative exponents. TTW use examples from text p. 46 to review the zero/negative exponent properties on the PB. TTW use the following lesson to review mult. Properties and power to a power: TTW use the following lesson to review properties (includes division). (***Error on slide 6, skip it.) TTW review the rules of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. TTW use Reteach wkst. p. 40 to practice together. TTW use p. 46 questions – allow student to choose. http://www.slideshare. net/sirgautani/multiplic ation-properties-ofexponents-14917484 http://www.slideshare.net /zagorskij/exponentproperties-8272478 TTW will work the first two rows on wkst. using PB. TSW complete the remaining wkst. with their partner or individually depending on need. TSW complete (studentselected) questions from text p. 46 with a partner and/or individually as they are able. TSW answer questions from the above site on a whiteboard. (show the teacher) TSW answer questions from the above site on a whiteboard and show the teacher their answers. TSW complete the remaining wkst. Two students will review multiplication fluency using Reflex Math. Two students will review multiplication fluency using Reflex Math. Two students will review multiplication fluency using Reflex Math. Two students will review multiplication fluency using Reflex Math. Two students will review multiplication fluency using Reflex Math. Multiplication Negative sign Positive sign You ESS