welcome packet - Crosby Elementary School

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another school year with me as your
child’s teacher. First I would like to thank you for having
enough faith in me and my teaching abilities to allow me
to continue to be your child’s teacher. 1st grade is a very
exciting year and my favorite grade to teach. The
students really get into the academics of school and an
even stronger foundation for success is made. As you
know, I teach more than just what is in the book. I also
believe in teaching real life skills, manners, creativity and
a love for learning. There are some things that are
different this year from last year such as discipline,
homework, treasure box and reading expectations. I am
still available to contact at any time. I will continue to use
the planners as the primary source of communication. So
I hope you are ready for another exciting school year. At
the end of this welcome packet I will require several
signatures from you stating that you have read the
different policies. I will need you to return just that page
back to me. Keep everything else for the school year so
that you can reference it as needed.
Homework Policy
Homework will be given 4 nights a week, unless we have a short
week. This year students will have a spelling notebook for their weekly
spelling words as well as a worksheet of either writing, math or
language arts. Both items must be done. Homework is extremely
important to do each night. If you child is not able to do their
homework due to a family event, emergency or other reasonable
explanation, you must write me a note explaining why homework was
not done. A note in the planner is fine. If there is no note and
homework is not done your child will not receive a homework sticker
for that day (important to have for treasure box), they will have to stay
in from recess to complete it (if not finished by the end of the day it
goes home as additional homework) and a note is sent home by me
that must be read and signed by parents. If you send a note in then
your child will receive one additional day to complete it with no
penalty. If the homework is not completed on the second day there is
no chance for treasure box for that two weeks.
If you know that you will be leaving out of town and you give me
several days of notice I will try to ensure all of your child’s work will be
ready for them to take. 48 notice minimum please.
In the even that you do not understand the homework and are
not able to help your child with it, please write that in their journal as
the reason homework was not done. This is allow them an extra day to
complete as well as giving me the opportunity to write out directions.
If anything on this policy is not clear please let me know ASAP so
that I can clear it up. Homework will start the third week of school.
Discipline Policy
There are school wide expectations for the campus this year that are new from
last year. In addition to the campus expectations, there are still my classroom
expectations as well. You most of you know, I am a strict teacher, but extremely
fair. I understand that these students are still young and learning, but it is easier
to learn in an environment that is structured, well organized and where the
students know what is expected of them. This is one of the major reasons for the
success your child has had in my classroom. The class room rules are as follows:
You will show respect to all adults, your fellow classmates and yourself.
Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given.
Raise your hand to leave your seat.
Clean up your area, your basket and any mess you make.
Do not touch anything that is not yours, including your classmates.
There are consequences when expectations are not met and poor choices are
made. This is a life lesson. For every action that is a reaction, whether it is good or
bad depends on the choice that was made. I will record your child’s daily behavior
in their planners. This year I am using the same green/yellow/red system as last
year, but there are some changes. If your child goes to yellow there is not a
chance to go back to green, but they are given several warnings prior to going to
yellow for minor infractions such as talking in line, talking during instruction,
forgetting an expectation on occasion. There are certain actions though that will
warrant a student going straight to red such as hitting, taking something that does
not belong to them or any action that would hurt someone’s feelings. I have a
strong 0 tolerance for bullying. I know the affects it can have on someone.
Depending on the frequency of red days, a parent conference may be requested.
If you have any questions about the discipline policy for my room please
contact my right away so that we can clear it up.
Treasure Box
Every student loves treasure box days. I will continue this practice
but a few differences this year. Treasure box is done every other week
with super treasure box the last Friday of the month. Treasure box is
more difficult to get this year, but it is still easily obtainable for all
students. In order to get treasure box within the two week time frame a
student must have a minimum of 7 green days and 7 homework
stickers. Both requirements must be met!!! Any red days automatically
does not receive treasure box for that two weeks or super treasure box.
I require the students to have made positive choices for at least 7 of the
9 school days as well as completed homework 7 of the 8 days.
Super treasure box is for those students that have no red days, no
more than three yellow days for the month and have completely their
homework on time at least 85% of the time. When a student meets
these requirements they are allowed super treasure box at the end of
the month.
I will also take into consideration attendance, homework notes
from parents, shortened schedules, etc. Please understand that there
are always exceptions but for the most part this is “set in stone”.
If at any time you feel that your child was unfairly left out of
receiving treasure box please let me know so that we may meet. I am
more than happy to change my decision if it is brought to my attention
that I was not fair. I do make mistakes too.
Classroom Supply List
These are the items needed for my classroom.
1. School box or Ziploc container with lid
2. 2 bottles of glue (no glue sticks)
3. Pair of scissors
4. Box of crayons 16 -48 count. No more than 48
5. Erasers
6. 2 boxes of pencils # 2 (no mechanical pencils)
7. 1 box of tissue
8. 2 bottles of sanitizer
9. 3 pack of sanitizing wipes
1 pack of baby wipes
10 plastic pocket folders (any color)
3 composition books (primary K-1)
5 spiral notebooks (wide rule)
Students will also need a backpack without wheels. Backpacks must be
brought to school every days.
The following are optional to bring:
Colored pencils
Ream of copy paper
Dry eraser markers
I do not require students to share their school supplies. They only items
shared are tissue, sanitizer, copy paper, and pencils. Everything else is
used only by them.
Dress Code
The dress code is the same as last year with the exception of belts and shirts
being tucked in. Students are allowed to wear the following:
Crosby shirt
royal blue
I will let you know what day we will be doing college shirt day, but until I do
students are required to wear a uniform shirt.
Shirts are to remain tucked in at all times.
Students may wear either jeans or khakis.
Pants may not be skinny jeans. No holes, tears or cuts in pants or shorts. They
must be clean. No writing or decorations on the garment.
If a skirt is worn it must be the appropriate length. With arms straight down to the
side, the skirt must be as long as the middle finger. Students may not wear
leggings under their skirt regardless of length. Shorts may be worn under skirts for
modesty as long as they cannot be seen when standing. If in doubt, do not wear.
If there are belt loops a belt must be worn. It needs to be either black or brown.
Students need to wear tennis shoes to school every day. In the even that other
shoes are worn, tennis shoes must be brought to school for the student to change
into. Please check to make sure shoes are the correct size also. The following
shoes are not allowed:
Flip flops
Any shoes that slides on and off
If a student is not in compliance with dress code, parents will be called
immediately to bring the correct clothes to school for the student to change into.
If it continues to be a problem, parents will be called for a conference. It is
important that all students follow the dress code every day.
If you are not able to purchase school uniforms, please contact me
IMMEDIATELY so that I can get you in contact with the correct school personnel.
I will notify you of the days that school uniform is not required, such as
certain picture days (not all school pictures are free dress).
Parents in the Classroom
I have included the blue volunteer form with this packet. In order
to be allowed into your child’s classroom you must fill it out and return
it, signed even if you did it last year. Please understand that we are
doing this for the safety of all students and staff. Crosby takes your
child’s safety very serious. We must ensure that only those parents that
have passed the background check are allowed onto our campus and
around our students. It must be done every year because incidents can
take place at any time. You must only do it once per year regardless of
how many children you have attending Crosby. If you need additional
forms please let me know. You must have this form turned in and
cleared in order to do the following:
Volunteer on campus
Help chaperone field trips
Attend parties in your child’s classroom
Attend ceremonies in the classroom
Volunteer in your child’s classroom
I love for parents to help on campus, but I take your child’s safety very
serious as you know. Please help any future problems by completing
the blue form and returning it to school as soon as possible.
Brushing Teeth
I am blessed to have a sink in my classroom. I encourage my students to
brush their teeth after breakfast. This year though I ask that parents
send in a toothbrush and toothpaste for their child to use. I will provide
the cups like last year. Students DO NOT SHARE their toothpaste so you
will need to make sure your child has some or they will have to use the
paste that I have and not all students enjoy the flavor. If you do not
send in a tooth brush then your child will not brush their teeth. This is
completely optionally for you.
I keep my room fairly cool all year long. I always tell my students to
bring in a jacket or sweater to use in case they get cold. They are more
than welcome to leave it in the room. So even though it might be 95
degrees outside, if your child says that Mrs. Tucker keeps the room
cold, I really do. Thank you for understanding this.
I have read and understand the following policies in this packet.
By signing below, you are agreeing to the information in this packet and have
discussed it with your child. You only need to return this back page to me. Please
keep the rest of it for the remaining school year in the event you need to
reference anything I have said.
Homework Policy: ____________________________________
Print name: _________________________________________
Discipline Policy: ______________________________________
Print name: __________________________________________
Treasure Box: _________________________________________
Print name: ___________________________________________
Supply List: ____________________________________________
Print name: ____________________________________________
Dress Code: ____________________________________________
Print name: _____________________________________________
Parent in the classroom: ___________________________________
Print name: ______________________________________________
Brushing teeth/jackets: ____________________________________