Other Outcomes & Related SPAN Activities (2015)

Maternal & Child Health Bureau Other Outcomes & Related SPAN Activities (2015)
Core Outcome &
Assistance to
Preventive Visits, Smoking
Cessation, Cesarean
Deliveries: Improving Pregnancy
Outcomes Community Health
Workers, OPDD Health
Communication Messages for
Diverse Women of Childbearing
Age (peer matching)
Workshops &
resources for
Preventive Visits, Smoking
Cessation, Cesarean
Deliveries: Improving Pregnancy
Outcomes Community Health
Worker workshops for
underserved women of
childbearing age on health
promotion, smoking cessation,
etc.; materials on web & in hard
copy in 7 languages
Preventive Visits, Smoking
Cessation, Cesarean
Deliveries: Workshops for
healthcare providers (doctors,
nurses, home visitors) on
effective health promotion
communication messages for
women (OPDD project)
leadership training
Policy advocacy
Pregnant Women
(NPM 1, 2, 3, 14A)
2. Infants Under Age 1
(NPM 4-6)
3. Children 1-22 years
(NPM 7-12, 14B, 15)
4. CSHCN (NPM 11-12)
Breastfeeding: Improving
Pregnancy Outcomes Community
Health Workers provide individual
assistance, facilitate breastfeeding
support groups
Screening: PTI TA staff, F2F, FV
& P2P, Act Early Ambassador,
provide information & TA to
families on screening needs and
connect them to screening
resources; P2P Newborn hearing
screening activities; Well Care
Quick Peek; FQHC & child care/
Head Start screening training with
Breastfeeding: Improving
Pregnancy Outcomes Community
Health Worker workshops for
underserved women on
breastfeeding (value, strategies,
rights); multilingual resources
Screening: PTI & F2F
teleconference series, workshops;
NJ Inclusive Child Care Red Flags
in Child Development, Rights &
Resources workshops; multilingual
Breastfeeding: Improving
Pregnancy Outcomes Parent-Led
Breastfeeding Training for
Screening: Information on SCHS
CMUs in Family WRAP brochure,
widely disseminated; medical
home training on screening
(UCEDD); child care & Head Start
screening training (CDC/Act Early
Insurance: PTI TA staff, F2F &
FV provide individual
information& TA for families on
available public health options
including Medicaid, SCHIP/
Family Care, Family Care
Advantage & health coverage
issues including appeals;
Enrollment assistance under
ACA grants
Physical Activity, Bullying:
Coordinated School Health
project TA
Medical Home: See right
Transition: See right
Insurance: F2F workshops for
families: Health advocacy,
resources; teleconferences; NJ
Council on Developmental
Disabilities Health Advocacy
Toolkit Workshops, webinars,
read aloud on web
Physical Activity/Bullying:
Coordinated School Health
project workshops for families
Medical Home: see right
Transition: see right
Insurance: County workshops
on health advocacy (F2F), Health
Advocacy Toolkit (NJCDD),
Healthcare Financing Resources,
ACA enrollment strategies
Physical Activity/Bullying:
Coordinated School Health
project training (NJ DOH Office
of Adolescent Health)
Medical home: see right
Transition: see right
Improving Pregnancy Outcomes
Peer Leader intensive training
Breastfeeding: IPO Peer Leader
Intensive training
Screening: Train the trainer for
parents on parent-led screening
SPAN Resource Parent (SRP)
training; PTI, F2F, START
project parent leadership
training; Coordinated School
Health parent leader training
IPO, OPDD, Partners for
Prevention staff & parent leaders
sit on State Improving Birth
Outcomes Advisory Council,
facilitate Partners for Prevention
of Birth Defects & DD, work with
Governor’s Council for
Prevention of DD, testify on block
Breastfeeding: IPO staff, parent
leaders chair Statewide
Breastfeeding Coalition
Screening: PTI, NJICC, Family
WRAP & F2F/FV staff participate
on AAP ABCD Advisory
Committee, UCEDD early autism
ID team, Early Learning Council,
Map to Inclusive CC; Community
of Care Consortium Screening
Medical home: FRS, F2F
coordinators, FV coordinator, P2P
Support Parents, provide families
with information & support on how
to access ongoing, coordinated
comprehensive care across
systems; connect families to more
effective pediatricians & specialty
Transition: TA Specialists provide
information (Youth CD, transition
resources for health practitioners,
brochures, info packets) &
telephone, email & in person TA;
target families of YSHCN (PTI)
Medical home: F2F workshops for
families: Health advocacy,
resources for families;
teleconferences; Regional miniconferences; multilingual
Transition: County transition
workshops (IOLTA); Regional
Mini-Conferences Youth Strand;
Dare to Dream Student
Leadership conference;
multilingual resources
Medical home: Professional
development for providers on
resources for families; sharing of
resources with providers; medical
home learning collaboratives;
NYMAC-funded Train the Trainer
for Teams
Transition: Professional
development on transition
including through medical home
learning collaborative, county
workshops, teleconferences
SPAN Resource Parent (SRP)
training; PTI, F2F, START project
parent leadership training; Medical
Home Parent Partners intensive
training; youth intensive leadership
training in regional conferences &
Dare to Dream conferences
Medical home: Family WRAP &
F2F/FV staff participate on task
forces, etc., on medical home,
including AAP Committee on CSN,
PCORE Medical Home Leadership
Transition: PTI, Family WRAP,
F2F/FV, Transition staff participate
on task forces around transition;
NJ YELL (youth leader group);
Community of Care Consortium
Transition Workgroup
Insurance: Family WRAP &
F2F/FV staff participate on task
forces, etc. focused on improving
coverage including Medicaid
Advocates Group, HMO
advisories; Community of Care
Consortium Insurance
Workgroup; NJ 4 Healthcare
Physical Activity/Bullying:
Engage trained parent leaders in
policy advocacy, testify on block
grant, etc.
Medical home: see right
Transition: see right
FRS = Family Resource Specialists housed at SCHS Case Management Units with funding through Family WRAP (NJ DOH) and PTI (US DOE); CNNH contract; Well Care grant
FV = Family Voices. Lauren Agoratus is NJ Family Voices coordinator (funded through Family WRAP by NJ DOH)
F2F = Family to Family Health Information Center funded by US DHHS
P2P = Parent to Parent (funded through Family WRAP by NJ DOH)
PTI = Parent Training & Information Center (funded by US DOE)
NJICC = NJ Inclusive Child Care Project (funded by NJ DHS)
IPO = Improving Pregnancy Outcomes project (funded by NJ DOH to identify, support, and connect underserved women of childbearing age to resources)
OPDD = Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities (funded by NJ DHS to educate providers on effective health promotion messaging & connect diverse women of
childbearing age to support and resources)
START = Statewide Technical Assistance and Resources Team (funded by NJ DOE to build local parent leadership groups and foster parent-professional collaboration)
NJ YELL = NJ Youth Engaged in Leading and Learning (statewide youth council)