Graduate Theses University of Stirling, Scotland 1972: G. C. Craig. The population genetics of Agrostis canina with respect to lead tolerance. M. S. 1972: H. Ford. Ecological partitioning by Drosophila populations. Ph. D. 1975: J. Watson. Evolution in heterogeneous environments. Ph. D. Duke University 1973: S. L. Chen. Selection for competition interactions between Drosophila strains. M. S. 1974: M. C. Grant. Genetic properties of ecologically marginal populations of Anthoxanthum odoratum. Ph. D. 1976: J. A. Silander. The genetic basis of ecological amplitude in Spartina patens on the outer banks of North Carolina. Ph. D. R. Primack. The evolutionary basis of population dynamics in the genus Plantago. Ph. D. 1977: R. Wyatt. Population dynamics and reproductive biology of butterflyweed, Asclepias tuberosa L. Ph. D. 1978: N. Fowler. Competition and coexistence in an herbaceous plant community. Ph. D. T. Meagher. Evolutionary consequences of dioecy in Chamaelirium luteum, a perennial plant species. Ph. D. A. Teramura. Local differentiation and light and temperature acclimation in populations of Plantago lanceolata, the Ribwort Plantain. Ph. D. (co-adviser, B. R. Strain). 1981: J. Reinartz. Biomass partitioning, life-history and population dynamics of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.). Ph. D. 1982: K. Clay. Ecological and genetic consequences of cleistogamy in the grass Danthonia spicata. Ph. D. H. Miller. Demography of and intraspecific variation in Plantago lanceolata in relation to infection by the fungus Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans. Ph. D. (co-adviser, M.D. Rausher) J. McGraw. Physiological processes determining fecundity and mortality in Dryas octopetala ecotypes. Ph. D. (co-adviser, Dr. B. R. Strain) 1983: S. Via. Genetic basis of polyphagy: genotype x environment interaction in host plant use by an insect herbivore. Ph. D. (co-adviser, M. D. Rausher) R. Shaw. Ecology and genetics of density dependent regulation in Salvia lyrata. Ph. D. 1984: R. J. Ambrose. Ecologically based agricultural technology in Central America: experiments with polyculture cropping systems. M. S. D. A. Roach. Ecological genetics of life-history characteristics in Geranium carolinianum. Ph. D. A. J. Hruska. Plant density, varietal diversity and cyanogenic glucoside level effects in a cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) agroecosystem in Costa Rica. M.S. 1985: S. Kelley. The mechanism of sib-competition for the maintenance of sexual reproduction in Anthoxanthum odoratum. Ph.D. 1986: B. Jacobs. The relative fitness of atrazine resistant biotypes of Solanum nigrum. M. S. (co-adviser, Dr. D. Patterson) N. Jordan. Components of adaptive differentiation in a weedy plant, Dioidea teres. Ph. D. K. Moloney. Determinants of species distributions: Danthonia sericea as a model system. Ph. D. E. Lyons. The evolutionary significance of breeding system variation in Leavanworthia crassa Rollins (Cruciferae). Ph.D. 1989: J. Evans. Population consequences of clonal integration in a heterogeneous environment. Ph. D. (co- adviser, B. Strain.). F. Levy. Mechanisms of speciation in Phacelia. Ph. D. A. Kelly. Distribution and crossing relationships within and among diploid and tetraploid populations of Cuthbertia graminea Small. M. S. 1990: L. Broaddus. Natural selection on gynodioecy in Plantago lanceolata. Ph. D. B. Best. A stochastic model of genetic differentiation at the margin of a finite plant population. M. S. 1991: P. Peroni. Genetic change and persistence of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) during secondary succession in North Carolina piedmont forests. Ph. D. (co-adviser N. Christensen) 1992: R. Del Castillo. Evolutionary consequences of breeding systems in Phacelia dubia. Ph. D. M. Ronsheim. The relative advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction in Allium vineale. Ph. D. J. Bever. Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plants and their soil community. Ph. D. P. Thrall. Genetics and population dynamics of the Silene-Ustilago plant pathogen system. Ph. D. D. Taylor. Sex ratio bias in Silene alba. Ph. D. 1993: J. Molofsky. Population dynamics and pattern formation in populations: theoretical and empirical tests using Cardamine pensylvanica. Ph. D. 1995: Elizabeth Crone. Causes of complex dynamics in long-term experimental populations of Cardamine pensylvanica. Ph. D. 1997: S. St. Amour. Sex-ratio and sex-switching in Jack-in-the-Pulpit. M.S. C. Richards. Population genetics of the colonisation process in Silene alba. Ph. D. M. Olson. Genetic basis of sex-determination in Astilbe biternata. Ph. D. 2000: A. Pringle. Genetics and community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Ph. D. M. Gilchrist. Virulence, transmission, and added mortality: measuring and modeling the relationships that drive parasite evolution . Ph. D. 2002: L. C. Moyle: Evolution and genetics of reproductive isolation in Silene. Ph. D. A. Heidel: Systemic acquired resistance expression in mutant and natural populations of Arabidopsis. Ph. D. K. O'Keefe: Evolution of the sterility component of virulence and levels of selection. Ph. D. 2003: D. Hlavaty: Causes and consequences of biased sex-ratios in the ant Leptothorax. M.A. A. Golonka: Evolutionary and ecological consequences of nectar-inhabiting microorganisms. Ph. D. University of Virginia 2005: A. B. Pederson. Intestinal parasites and acorn masts in the population dynamics of Peromyscus. Ph.D. 2007: J. Abbate. The evolution of suppressed recombination in the sex chromosomes of Microbotryum. M.S. 2009: V. Panjeti. Spatial dynamics at population margins. Ph. D. 2010: C. Baker: Correlates of genetic variation in susceptibility to infectious disease in humans. M.S. Current Graduate Students J. Abbate: Limits to pathogen distribution in Silene vulgaris.