Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, September 20, 2012 Group C: Community Supports Matt Janicki Larry Force Nancy Jokinen Phil McCallion Attending Attending Attending Absent Group S: Screening Lucy Esralew Lin Nelson Melissa DiSipio Attending Absent Attending Group H: Health Care Ron Lucchino Baldev Singh Kathy Service Julie Moran Kathie Bishop Seth Keller Dawna Mughal Nabih Ramadan Attending Regret Absent Absent Regret Attending Attending Attending Advocacy Mary Hogan Leone Murphy Absent Attending 1. National Project National Plan called for special task force to include IDD and Down Syndrome. For now it has only been set up under federal agencies, including CDC, due to cost. A document is being prepared for submission (in early January) to the Secretary regarding the four populations (early onset dementia, minority populations, IDD &Down Syndrome, and Group Number 4. Matt knows at least three people on the National Task Force who will be sympathetic to our cause. Lucy said it would help if Matt and Seth have a conversation with Dr. Mette Pederson of AIDD to prepare for the listening session next week. Barbara Wheeler is invited to participate along with the NTG. We should try to be helpful to Dr. Pederson. The areas to be discussed (and areas in which she is interested) are: a) Accurate and timely diagnosis b) Access to Care c) Education on Alzheimer’s Disease for non-specialized Practitioners providing care for the populations d) Special considerations for these population Dr. Pederson has been assigned liaison responsibilities for the National Alzheimer's Plan. It is Wednesday, 9/26/2012 at 8 PM. Please respond to Matt or Seth as seats are limited. 2. Group C Nancy notes Group C has a draft document discussing community services & guide lines which has been passed on to John Hood to be set up on Google docs with links to Group C members and the NTG Steering Committee and finally, after additional revisions, on to all Task Force members. It is a 40 page document. Larry thanked Nancy for all she did to make this happen. 3. Group H Seth said they had a meeting with Julie Moran to review her document. Julie contacted the Mayo Clinic Proceedings Journal and has been given information on how to proceed with publishing the document with MCPJ. The Task Force will get a chance to review it before it is published. Kathy Bishop is looking at an IDD Journal or possibly Exceptional Parent Magazine to publish her document. They publish digitally. Lucy noted a downside with respect to EPM as its target audience is “parents of children or young adults with disabilities”. Dawna notes another possibility is Practical Neurology. 4. Group S Lucy reported that they got most of the test records and instruments back (NTG DST’s). She has seven test sites. Rick Rader has promised another batch. Lucy connected with Betsy Benson, Ohio State, and Marge Barnheiser. Betsy heads a Parents of Down Syndrome Adults Group and Betsy felt that family members of her group who would want to participate. This is important as we have professionals completing but this would be the first “family member” completion. They have 33 completed records. Lucy has a graduate student helping her. Marge Barnheiser heads the Central Ohio Down Syndrome Association. Is this a useful tool? Will it be helpful to families and caregivers? Anecdotally “yes". Uniformly people say we should have some way to capture a score or summary but no ideas yet on how to do it. At the annual meeting of NADD, Lucy will be reporting the use of this tool. Lucy and Melissa will be presenting the NTG DST at the New Jersey NTG conference. Matt and Lucy discussed the need for summarizing data. Lucy spent two days at Alzheimer's Conference in Chicago. It was scientific and focused on biomedical research. The group will reconvene in New Orleans in October. Tom Blumenthal summed it up by saying that the connection between Alzheimer's and Down Syndrome is important in understanding Alzheimer’s disease. Lucy was invited to discuss cognitive testing. Lucy discussed a comprehensive approach to the testing to include emotional changes and functional changes as opposed to memory only testing. There will probably be a white paper coming from this. Several pharmaceutical companies interested in biomedical research were represented. 5. Group A has nothing new to report. 6. AAIDD Nancy said they posted the “Thinker Document" under Endorsements (select Policy on the Home page and drill down to Endorsements). The Gerontology Division made this happen. 7. Care Matt has been working with them to develop dementia care standards. Seth said they are looking at having a webinar to discuss what we actually want to do regarding standardized community care practices. More info will follow. 8. Workshops October 15 in New Jersey. The Arc of New Jersey and Trinitas Hospital are sponsoring an all-day conference in New Brunswick. Dr. Ted Feigelman will be presenting Aging and IDD with the help of Seth's slides. October 17 in LA. Matt said Lin Nelson has been working on this. Registration is going well. Seth is going to Colorado Springs and presenting on what the NTG is doing. He is then having a roundtable with state leaders to further network and determine where they want to go. That will be held 11/14/2012. Matt is looking at something for Chicago in December. Maine, Connecticut, Texas and Virginia along with BC are also interested in sponsoring an NTG workshop. Dawna is working on the brochure and it is posted on the website under resources. Dawna will look into the printing. Dawna spoke of being a reviewer for a foundation that will look at Health Disparities. The NTG members could really benefit from funding. Dawna will travel to DC for training and keep us informed. Webinars - Kathy Bishop will be coordinator of 9 (1 hour) webinars to run between January and May, 2013. 9. Next meeting will be October 23, 2012 at 8 PM EDT. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM Respectfully submitted, Leone Murphy