ofah-zone-g-apr-2015-minutes - Ontario Federation of Anglers and

O.F.A.H. Zone G
Sponsored by Islington Sportsmen Club
Apr 19 2015
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Hare
at 9:05 a.m. with the recitation of the OFAH conservation pledge.
Introductions - The individuals present were asked to introduce themselves and to state which club
if any they represented.
Agenda - The proposed Agenda was approved with no further additions
Speaker – Advanced Taxidermy James McGregor
Covered the Dos and Don’ts of engaging Advanced Taxidermy to preserve fish, fowl or wildlife using
the carcass or one of their 600 moulds to replicate the natural mounting of game that can suffer from
degradation over time. Important to take measurements, pictures and weight of fish if you want to
preserve the memory of the trophy. Important to talk to Advanced Taxidermy in advance so any to
minimize sticker shock of cost for creating mount. Birds should have all traces of blood removed to
minimize blood burn, then put into a nylon stocking and frozen to preserve bird until it is turned in to
the taxidermist. Imperative to have copies of all licences and permits for mount to accompany
animal to taxidermist. For game taken outside of country ensure that required export permits (cities)
and if necessary Dept of Health certificates are available. Advanced Taxidermy will not do animals
or family members.
Previous Minutes -The minutes of the previous meeting which was held in Jan 2015 were reviewed
and on a motion by B Vickery seconded by J Etherington were passed without changes
Financial Report –. Year to date Financials presented , moved by D Dixon, seconded by R Forsyth
and passed.
Zone Chair Report – As distributed
CorrespondenceTake a Kid Fishing Pefferlaw River request for funding – Karen Wolfe
Uxbridge Huck Finn Kids Fishing motion from PRGC requesting funding
Hunter Education Conference request for funding – Dave Pind
Long Point Youth Camp request for funding – Bill Blackwell
2016 Zone Meeting dates – Giselle Hatton
Cheque for $250 received from Zone H
Adopt a Dock – Terri LeRoux
Committee Reports:
Native Affairs: Stephen Huntley
Request by OFAH to be granted intervener status on the Williams Treaty hearing denied by courts,
progress with Algonquin Land Claim being delayed due to conflicts arising as to who can be included
in the Aboriginal claim. There is some question as to which groups or individuals qualify to be
included in the claim as originally there were 10 groups, numbering 1800 individuals, and there are
now another 10 groups of approx. 5000 claimants that want to be consulted and benefit from the
settlement, until this issue is resolved negotiations with the Governments cannot proceed.
Fisheries Report: Jim Kelly
The 2015 Fishing Regulations have been issued but as in the recent past the number printed will
not likely meet demand so anglers are directed to download the FMZ regs for the bodies of water
that they will be fishing in. MNRF have yet to finalize the recreational fishing objectives so there are
few changes included the regs, important that anglers check the MNRF website to see if there are
any changes before they make their annual fishing trip. The changes to the provincial bait policy is
still being developed and it is hoped that MNRF will have the revised policy posted for comment on
the EBR website by mid year. MNRF launched their Operation Bait Bucket public relations campaign
on Lake Simcoe distributing pamphlets on proper handling of and disposal of baits during the ice
fishing season. It was reported that catches of whitefish and lake trout out of Lake Simcoe were on
target for the ice fishing season in spite of the cold temps that kept many off the lake in Feb.
Muskies Canada will be entering into their 10th year partnership with Flemming College for their
Musky stocking program in Lake Simcoe. Dr John Casselman, academic advisor on the Fisheries
Advisory Committee feels that another 5 years of stocking at a minimum will be required to establish
a productive year class of naturally reproducing muskies.
OFAH Zone G Youth Camp report: Stephen Huntley
Nine of 24 spaces available have already been filled from those who applied for camp in 2013. With
cancellation of fishing rod donation program by Canadian Sportsman Show have been able to
source replacements via Head Office and CTC. Volunteers are still needed for running the kitchen
and to assist in the delivery of the program as some who have donated their time in the past are no
longer able to continue to do so. CTC, Uxbridge the organizers of the Uxbridge Huck Finn Kid’s
Fishing have agreed to sell 3 canoes at their cost to replace the donated canoes that are no longer
available. Attempts are being made to seek assistance from clubs in the Zone and other CTC
outlets to acquire up to another 3 canoes.
Land Use report:
No report
Firearms Committee report: Rob Hare
Review of Firearms/ Hunter Safety Advisory report from AGM, with specific references to Supreme
Court ruling on destruction of Long Gun Registry info from Quebec, impact of passage of C51, aka
the Terrorist Bill and impact on hunting community and possibility of C42, the bill to further simplify
the Firearms legislation not being passed before the House of Commons rises for the summer
vacation and Oct Federal election. Ergo it may have to be reintroduced by the Conservatives when
Parliament reconvenes following the election.
Migratory Birds/Small game/ Sporting Dog committee report: No report
Big Game report: Rob Hare
Review of Big Game Advisory report.
MNRF announced another reduction in AVT for moose across the province bringing the total
reduction down by 30% in the 2014/2015 hunting seasons. In spite of feedback from the public
meetings, OFAH and the NOTO the concerns were ignored and it is anticipated that more moose
hunters will stop buying licences, MNRF reported there was a drop of 6000 licences in the 2014 hunt
Hunter Ed. Frank Wick
Over 25,000 students, an all time high since OFAH was contracted by MNRF to administer the
Hunter Safety program was reported for 2014. Two notable changes cited in statistics, 20% of the
new hunters are women and that due to delays in training new instructors the existing instructors
were averaging 14 weekend courses in 2014
Motion to accept all Committee Reports made by Stephen Huntley, seconded by Bev Mavey, passed
Membership report: Membership numbers are fluctuating between 82,000 and 84,000 with no
significant growth being experienced province wide.
Resolutions: None submitted
Old Business:
1. Mentored pheasant hunt- Rob is looking to strike a committee of members who would be
interested in running a trial for a limited number of youth to participate in a pheasant hunt at
a local pheasant farm. Zone J has successfully run youth pheasant hunt for a number of
years and the organizers have put a program together of what they have done. A notice will
posted to the Zone web site to gauge interest for committee members and youth
2. Zone Awards – in the recent past the Zone made a number of awards available to recognize
contributions made by members for Fish, Wildlife and Conservation that either they or their
clubs were carrying out. As the Zone has limited opportunities for Fish, Wildlife or
Conservation activities it was recognized that individuals may be recognized for work carried
on outside of the Zone. A listing of the recognition awards is to be drafted and presented at
the next Zone meeting
3. Motion made to match contribution from Zone H in sponsoring an activity at the AGM in
March. $250 approved on basis that activity would be $500 as it was in the past. – Update
cost for sponsorship increased to $1250, Zone H contributed another $500 and Zone G
made up the difference
New Business
1. Take a Kid Fishing Pefferlaw River request for funding – Motion by Brian Vickery, seconded by
Roger Forsyth to donate $500, passed
2. Uxbridge Huck Finn Kids Fishing motion from PRGC requesting funding - Motion by Brian
Speedie, seconded by Jim Kelly to donate 50% of cost to a maximum of $950, passed
3. Hunter Education Conference request for funding – Motion by Brian Speedie, seconded by Frank
Kujak to donate $150, passed
4. Long Point Youth Camp request for funding – Motion by Jim Etherington, seconded by Joe
Gowan to donate $100, passed
5. Adopt a Dock – Motion by Roger Forsyth, seconded by Frank Kujak to donate $100, passed
2015 Meeting Dates
Sunday August 16 Hosted by Uxbridge Shooting Club
Saturday November 21 hosted by the Ajax Rod and Gun at clubhouse in Paulynn Park in Ajax
2016 Meeting Dates
Jan 17 – Sutton
Apr 17 – Caledon
Aug 21 – Toronto
Nov 26 – Annual General Mtg – Ajax/Pickering