HEALTH EDUCATION KENT SURREY & SUSSEX FOUNDATION TRAINING FOR GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICE GENERAL INFORMATION FOR APPROVAL AS A TRAINER All enquiries to Dental Foundation Training Office Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex 7 Bermondsey Street London. SE1 2DD Tel: 020 7415 3424 Email: J:\DENTALFOUNDATION TRAINING\HEKSSDFT\Applications 2015-2016\TRAINER APPLICATION FORMS\GENERAL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2014 Dental Foundation Training Foundation training introduces newly qualified dentists to general dental practice and became mandatory in October 1993 for UK graduates wishing to work as principals within the GDS. Recent graduates – Foundation Dentists (FDs), formerly referred to as trainees - join as salaried performers in recognised practices with general dental practitioners who have been approved as Trainers for a period of one year. FDs attend study days designed to educate them in both the clinical and administrative aspects of NHS dental practice. Trainers are prepared for their supervisory and guiding roles beforehand and are required to undertake specified educational activities during the training year. Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex Dental Foundation Training Schemes are listed below and, for all of these, FDs commence their contracts on 1st September. The scheme a Trainer is allocated to depends on the geographical distribution of approved Trainers and will be done by the Dental Department at HEKSS. HEKSS Dental HEKSS South - The Euan Keat Medical Education Centre, The Princess Royal Hospital, Lewes Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex. RH16 4EX Training Programme Director: Dental FT Secretary: Tel: HEKSS East - The Education Centre, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury, Kent. CT1 3NG. Training Programme Director: Dental FT Secretary: Tel: HEKSS West - Mr. Mike Kelly Mrs. Yolande Nicholson 01483 454708 The Education and Training Centre, The Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury, Tonbridge Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. TN2 4QL. Training Programme Director: Dental Administrator: Tel: HEKSS Coastal- Mr. Huw Winstone Alison Bennett 01227 866396 Guildford Postgraduate Medical Centre, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey. GU2 5XX. Training Programme Director: Dental Administrator: Tel: HEKSS Central- Mr. Simon Quelch Mrs. Carol Langley 01444 441881 Ext. 8021 Mr. Shabir Shivji Ms. Nicola Matthews 01892 635667 Eastbourne Postgraduate Medical & Dental Centre, District General Hospital, King’s Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN21 2UD. Training Programme Director: Dental Administrator: Tel: Mr Peter Mauthe Mrs. Sarah Miller 01323 414967 The Trainer Eligibility Criteria Applicants must practise in the General Dental Services and be on a Performer List. Prospective Trainers must be able to demonstrate that they meet, or will meet, the eligibility criteria outlined below and in the person specification attached to the trainer application form. Applications will only be accepted from dentists for practices within the counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex. It must be possible to provide the Foundation Dentist (FD) with a wide range of treatment for NHS patients. In a mixed practice, NHS work should predominate. All applicants who have no previous experience as a trainer for HEKSS must attend an information session at HEKSS in London on Thursday 2nd October 2014. To be a trainer or joint trainer, a dentist is expected to have worked in the training practice for a minimum of 2 years, either as a provider or a performer (by the time a FD would commence in the practice) and fulfils the other HEKSS trainer criteria. The only exception to this would be where one of the joint trainers is present for six sessions when the FD is present and then that joint trainer must fulfil the requirement to have been working in the training practice for a minimum of two years as a provider or a performer and both trainers must fulfil the other HEKSS trainer criteria. On initial application: For sole trainers – 1 A UDA commitment of 1,000 UDAs per year minimum within the proposed training practice (as evidenced by previous years Dental Business Services report or evidence this will be achieved in the proposed training year). 2 Upon commencement of the FD in the training practice, the trainer to be present in the practice as the agreed hours on the application form, with no planned absences for a minimum of three weeks (e.g. holidays). After the first three weeks, where no second appropriate dentist is present on the premises to provide help on demand, the trainer is to be present in the practice as the agreed hours on the application form (e.g. no holidays) until the FD is assessed by them as being sufficiently competent to be left alone – which will be after a minimum of four weeks. 3 Not to be an appointed DFT Programme director. For joint trainers, 1 A joint minimum UDA commitment of 1,000 UDAs per year and an individual minimum of 400 UDAs per year within the proposed training practice (as evidenced by previous years Dental Business Services report or evidence this will be achieved in the proposed training year). 2 Upon commencement of the FD in the training practice, the trainers to be present in the practice as the agreed hours on the application form, with no planned absences for a minimum of three weeks (e.g. holidays). Or one of the trainers to be present for all the time the FD practices to provide help on demand. Where no other appropriate dentist is present to provide help on demand, one of the trainers is to be present in the practice, to cover all the hours the FD is present, until the FD is assessed by the trainers as being sufficiently competent to be left alone – which will be after a minimum of four weeks. For all trainers: The application form lists the usual clinical and administrative facilities as required when a CQC or NHS England dental practice inspection occurs. The dental practice inspection document is available from your Area Team. However, there are some specific additional requirements for HEKSS Dental Foundation Training Practices. These are: No new applications for trainers with NHS contract restrictions specifying the main practice contract or trainer’s NHS contract is limited to children and/or exempt adults only. By the commencement of the Foundation Dentist’s contract, all new applicants must have a computer system in place with full in-surgery clinical data entry and the capability to transmit clinical activity data to NHS Business Authorities Dental Services. The Foundation Dentist must have easy, unrestricted access in the practice, to a computer with an internet connection to allow them to complete their EPDP. Trainer Recruitment for September 2015 intake For the September 2015 FD intake, we anticipate that as the majority of existing experienced trainers will be assessed to be suitable to be reappointed, it is likely that we will have relatively few available positions available. Application is via an application form, which will be available, online ( from mid October 2014. Application forms must be submitted to the Dental Department at HEKSS by November 30th 2014. Applications will than be checked to ensure they are complete and all requested documents have also been submitted. These documents will include: 1) a copy of your practice information leaflet 2) a recent practice inspection document (less than three years old) 3) a complete copy of your latest NHS End of Year Statement of Activity for your GDS/PDS contract to include end of year data for your recent FD 4) a complete copy of the 2013/2014 Mid Year Statement of Activity for your GDS/PDS contract* 5) a copy of your CPD record a. for the last five years for all core CPD (see below) and b. the last two complete years for verifiable CPD (Please use – Continuing Professional Development Record template HEKSS 2014 – available on the HEKSS Dental Department website, or a very similar template but this must show - subject, learning objective, date, venue, provider, number of hours, speaker/s, course content, reflection/future learning needs) 6) a document detailing your sources of non verifiable CPD 7) your personal development plan (as detailed in the GDC guidance booklet – Con tinuing Professional Development for dental professionals available on the GDC website ) Core CPD in the last five years (as outlined on the GDC website under Continual Professional Development for Dental Professionals), Medical Emergencies Disinfection and Decontamination Radiography and radiation protection [IR(ME)R] Legal and Ethical Issues Complaints Handling Oral Cancer: improving early detection Please also include your verifiable CPD on: Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Safeguarding Adults/Mental Capacity Act Applications will then be shortlisted. Shortlisting criteria will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Length of tenure of the applicant/s in the training practice. The applicants and the practices NHS commitment. Previous training experience of the applicant. The applicant’s regular availability within the training practice. Availability in the proposed training practice of other experienced dentists to support the FD when the applicant/s is/are not available. 6. The applicant’s commitment to continuing professional development. 7. Other commitments/experience of the applicant/s, which may enhance the training experience. Applicants who are shortlisted will be invited for interview. Any appointment will also be subject to a satisfactory dental practice inspection, by NHS England or one of the DFT Programme Directors. This inspection may occur after the interview. The role of the Trainer The relationship between the Trainer and FD is the heart of the scheme. This will be closer than the usual Associate/Principal relationship, hence the salaried performer arrangement. The emphasis is on developing an interchange that allows the Trainer to form an awareness of the FD's progress on the one hand, while on the other, the FD will be able to call on the Trainer's experience and guidance. The responsibilities of the Trainer 1. The Trainer is required to employ the FD as a salaried performer under a standard contract, details of which are attached (sample of FD Contract on Pages 8 to 12). The FD is, thus, an employee of the practice. 2. The Provider (practice contract holder) is responsible to the NHS for the FD’s acts and omissions 3. Upon approval, the Trainer will be obliged to attend a new Trainer induction course (two days) plus a Trainer Study Day. These courses seek to indicate methods of preparing the practice for a FD and help to develop the skills required to become an effective Trainer and teacher. 4. Trainers must appoint FDs according to the National and HEKSS FD recruitment process. See below. 5. It is essential that the full-time Trainer is available for the FD for day-to-day guidance in the practice for a minimum of six sessions a week, excluding Fridays (the study day). A full time FD is employed for thirty-five hours per week. The FD, if full-time, is contracted to work 28 hours per week in the practice, during those weeks in which there is a study day and 35 hours per week in the practice at all other times (pro rata, by arrangement with the HEKSS Dental Department, for part-time FDs). This includes study days, which for employment purposes, are deemed to be seven hours each. Thus, a trainer may choose to have a contract with a FD to work for seven hours each day Monday to Friday or, for example, for a 9.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 6.00pm day for four days and, say, 2.00pm to 6.00pm on the fifth day (excludes Fridays). This would still amount to thirty-five hours a week, whether there was a study day or not. However, in both of these examples, the FD would be required to work in the practice if there was not a study day. If a practice does not have a surgery available on a Friday, then it is possible to contact with a full-time FD to work for thirty-one and a half hours total on Mondays to Thursdays. The FD would be required to attend all study days on Fridays or Saturdays as part of their contract, in addition to these thirty-one and a half hours. Over the training year this will equate to a thirty-five hour working week. The trainer will ensure they are not on leave for the first three weeks of the FDs time at the training practice or for the first six weeks if there is no other experienced dentist in the practice. 6. An initial assessment interview must be conducted with the FD to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses and to draw up a Training Agreement. Thereafter, the FD’s Electronic Professional Development Portfolio (EPDP) and the processes involved in assessment must be maintained and kept up-to-date under the supervision of the Trainer. Trainers must ensure that, in order to complete the EPDP, the FDs have unrestricted use of a computer with internet access in the practice (preferably in their own surgery). 7. The Trainer must plan for a period of protected teaching time of at least one hour per week (for a full-time FD) for an in-practice tutorial. This must take place during the FDs’ normal practice working hours. 8. The Trainer will require the FD to attend the course of study days. Absences could result in the retention of the FD’s foundation training certificate at the end of the FT year, and repeated absences will be interpreted as a withdrawal from the scheme by both the Trainer and the FD. If that happens, all funding will be withdrawn. 9. The Trainer will support and ensure that the FD completes the project work set to the best of the FD’s ability. 10. The Trainer should provide satisfactory facilities, materials, chairside and clerical assistance so that a wide range of NHS dentistry may be experienced and so that the FD is reasonably occupied. 11. During the year, Trainers will be asked to attend meetings with the Training Programme Director. There will be one at the September Residential and one towards the end of the Autumn Term. Thereafter, they are usually held each term in the afternoon/evening at the postgraduate centre concerned. A full-time Trainer is required to attend 14 sessions of FT-related postgraduate education during the training year. This should include attendance at sessions involved direct with the course, such as the Trainer induction course, training sessions and meetings with the Training Programme Director. 12. Trainers are required to attend the local appointment session at the Education Centres for the Scheme they are attached to. See dates on the website ( and details below concerning DFT recruitment. 13. The Trainer should keep the Dean/Associate Dean for DFT and Training Programme Director informed of any alteration in the circumstances of their practice, their training involvement, the FD’s commitments or their own commitments which could affect the Trainer/FD contract. The appointment of the trainer is to employ a FD at a specified location. Trainer approval There is a two-part application form for potential new Trainers to complete. Please complete ALL sections. Failure to answer all the questions may result in your application not being shortlisted. Lists of approved training practices are published on the Dental Website The completed form and supporting documentation is to be returned electronically to the Dental Department, Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex (HEKSS) and receipt is acknowledged. There are three stages to the recruitment process: Shortlisting: candidates are shortlisted according to the trainer person specification and the eligibility criteria (see page 8 of this document), and in competition with other applications. In the eligibility criteria document, there are details of short-listing criteria. Candidates not shortlisted are informed within 4-6 weeks of the closing date Interviews: formal interviews (approx. 40 minutes each) with a Trainer Selection Committee (3-4 people) will take place at a venue within the Kent Surrey & Sussex area. References will be taken up by the committee Practice visits: practice visits take place before or after the interviews (as time permits). You will be contacted by the Training Programme Director to arrange a mutually convenient time for the visit. A list will be drawn up to indicate those applicants whose practices will be visited by the Training Programme Director and another GDP, as appropriate. In some cases a practice inspection by the NHS England Area Team may also be necessary. Assuming approval as a Trainer is granted, the Trainer/FD contract would not come into effect until a new graduate joins the practice as a FD on 1st September, although you would be expected to attend the Trainer induction courses prior to the FD's arrival, as outlined above. Trainer preparation Trainers are introduced to the 'nuts and bolts' of foundation training, before employing a FD in their practice, through Trainer support workshops. Trainers are introduced to the concepts of 1:1 tuition, assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and communication skills. Trainers and GDP teachers are encouraged to develop their teaching skills through participatory courses. Recruitment of Foundation Dentist (FD) FD recruitment is managed nationally. The national process will result in the correct number of FDs being recruited to each scheme. Each scheme will run a session to introduce trainers to potential FDs. The dates for this are published on the website ( After the sessions, FDs are encouraged to visit the training practices they are interested in training at. The potential FDs then complete a preference sheet, which is submitted to HEKSS. You will then subsequently be notified of the name of your FD. Finance The practitioner who is appointed as a trainer will have their provider’s contract value increased to reflect the following (April 2014 fees): a trainer grant in respect of a contract providing for employment of at least 35 hours per week, £761.00 per month; reimbursement of salary paid to the trainee under a full-time contract providing for employment equivalent to 35 hours each week, £2,536.11 per month full-time; and a sum representing the service costs of employing the Trainee of £5,347.02 per month. These figures are for full-time trainers and trainees (pro rata by arrangement with the HEKSS Dental Department, for part-time FDs) The contractor will also be reimbursed the amount of national insurance contributions paid each month as the employer of the trainee. The Dental Services Division of the NHS Business Services Agency (formerly the DPB) on behalf of the NHS Area Team will make these payments to the contractor each month, once the FD is included on the Dental Performers List. The course of study days FDs attend a course of approximately 30 study days (60 half-days or sessions) which are held on a weekly, day-release basis (usually) on Fridays spread over the year. The course is divided into three phases; introduction to practice, improving the quality of care, and widening the horizons. The majority of the teachers work in general dental practice, and Trainers are often asked to contribute to the programme. The topics covered in the course include: treatment planning human behaviour, psychology and interpersonal skills, psychiatry clinical dental subjects medico-legal matters, including risk management and handling complaints surgery design, equipment layout and maintenance visits to practices to discuss surgery design, sterilising systems, equipment record systems and other facts of practice management structure of the National Health Service and its administration relationships with other professions and organisations child protection and safeguarding children Summary of the Trainer Selection Process for New Training Practices 1. From October 2014, Trainer Application Forms and information will be available on the HEKSS Dental website. 2. The practitioner returns the completed application form and supporting documents, via email, to the Dental Foundation Training Department at HEKSS by the notified closing date. 3. If shortlisted, the practitioner is required to attend a formal interview. 4. Practice visits may be carried out before or after the interview, by mutual agreement. Visits are carried out if an applicant is new, or every 3 years if an existing/reappointed Trainer. 5. The candidate is informed of the outcome by the Dean in writing. If successful, the practitioner is required to acknowledge that s/he accepts the responsibility of a Trainer as detailed in the letter of approval. The approval is subject to a FD joining the practice. 6. The number of new training practice places will depend on the number of existing practices that are reappointed. TRAINER PERSON SPECIFICATION The personal specification summarises the requirements of the Trainer and the criteria against which the Trainer will be assessed for shortlisting. The information will be sought from the application form. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP AND CONDUCT On GDC Register On NHS England Area Team Performers List Absence of serious substantiated complaints GDC CPD Requirement QUALIFICATIONS Principal, Associate or Salaried with an involvement in and influence on the running of the practice and practice policy. Demonstrable commitment to lifelong learning Sound professional judgement Clinical audit experience Commitment and availability for Study Days and all trainer commitments NHS Contract with an acceptable level of NHS commitment, which will continue KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE AS A DENTIST & TRAINER High clinical and ethical standards Commitment to Clinical Governance Provides (or Practice provides) a wide range of treatment Understanding of legal framework of NHS Practice Record of Postgraduate education and development Adequate experience of Primary Dental Care NHS Practice Strong personal organisation Commitment to development of the profession (and experience) SKILLS & ABILITIES Able to provide guidance to the FD within the practice for a minimum of 6 sessions (half days) per week. Works as part of a stable Team Communicates effectively with patients and team members Financial and management skills Encourages lifelong learning for whole team Available and accessible to FD Ability to self-assess and change practice, self-awareness Good listening skills Personal Development Plan Modern, up-to-date practising skills Some areas of expertise that can be passed on to all FDs Tolerance Ability to give and accept criticism Honesty and integrity Enthusiasm for General Dental Practice/Primary Dental Care FULL-TIME FOUNDATION TRAINING IN THE GENERAL DENTAL SERVICES THIS IS A CURRENT DFT CONTRACT, AS AN EXAMPLE. A NEW CONTRACT WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR APPOINTED TRAINERS TO USE Foundation Dentist’s Contract THIS AGREEMENT is made the __________ day of _____________ 20 ____ BETWEEN ___________________________________________________________________ of_________________________________________________________________ ________________________Dental Practice owner/partner (“the Practice”) and ________________________________________________________ of Foundation Dentist and ________________________________________________________ of Educational Supervisor Background This contract of employment applies exclusively to arrangements made under dental Foundation Training schemes in [England]. The purpose of the national Dental Foundation Training Scheme is to enhance clinical and administrative competence and promote high standards and to introduce the Foundation Dentist to general dental practice in a protected environment while enhancing skills. The Practice agrees that the Educational Supervisor will be the nominated Educational Supervisor of the Foundation Dentist throughout the duration of this contract. Both the Educational Supervisor and the Foundation Dentist have entered into educational agreements with Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex The Educational Supervisor has been approved as an Educational Supervisor in General Dental Practice. On that basis the Foundation Dentist wishes to enter employment on a Dental Foundation Training programme with the Practice. The Practice understands that it is a requirement of this contract that the Educational Supervisor provides and is responsible for the relevant training to the Foundation Dentist at the Practice. The parties agree to establish this contract upon the following terms and conditions: IT IS AGREED as follows: 1 The Practice will employ the Foundation Dentist and the Foundation Dentist will work as an employed performer at the Practice to the best of his/her ability and will do his/her best to promote the interests of the Practice and to serve its patients as required. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Subject to any early termination under the clauses below, this agreement shall start on the 1st day of September 2014 and shall automatically terminate one year later. No employment with a previous employer counts towards the Foundation Dentist’s period of continuous employment with the Practice. Notwithstanding clause 2 this agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving one month’s notice in writing to the other. If both parties agree a shorter period of notice, a shorter period of notice or payment in lieu of notice may be given. The Practice shall be entitled to dismiss the Foundation Dentist at any time without either notice or payment in lieu of notice if the Foundation Dentist commits a serious breach of their obligations as an employee (including but not limited to the obligations as set out below and gross misconduct as defined in the Practice’s relevant policy); if they cease to be entitled to work in the United Kingdom; or if they are suspended by the General Dental Council (GDC) or from the Performers List. The Foundation Dentist is employed as a Foundation Dentist and reports to the Educational Supervisor. The duties are set out in the attached job description. The Foundation Dentist may be required to undertake other duties from time to time as may reasonably be required. The Foundation Dentist warrants that he/she is entitled to work in the UK and has obtained GDC registration prior to starting employment with the Practice. The Foundation Dentist will notify the Educational Supervisor, the Practice and the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director immediately if he/she ceases to be so entitled or registered at any time in the duration of this contract. The Foundation Dentist will not be required to work outside the UK. During employment under this contract the Practice shall pay to the Foundation Dentist a salary at the rates laid down from time to time in the Statement of Financial Entitlements payable to General Dental Practitioners as applicable to Foundation Training. Payments will be made in arrears by monthly instalments on the ___________ day of each calendar month. The Practice acknowledges that termination of this contract for any reason will lead to the stopping of all associated Foundation Training payments from the NHS and that any overpayment from the NHS to the Practice will be repaid by the practice to the NHS England Local Area Team The Foundation Dentist will be subject to the NHS Superannuation Regulations and the Educational Supervisor will account to the proper authority for all contributions and other payments for which the Foundation Dentist is liable under the said Regulations. The Practice is entitled to deduct from the Foundation Dentist’s salary or other payments due to them any overpayments which the Foundation Dentist may owe to the Practice at any time. The Practice will pay to the Foundation Dentist all travel and subsistence payments received on behalf of the Foundation Dentist in the monthly schedules from the NHS. The Foundation Dentist and Educational Supervisor will maintain themselves on the GDC Register and be members of an appropriate medical defence organisation during the period of the employment at their own expense. The Practice will ensure employers liability cover is in place. During the continuance of this employment the Educational Supervisor shall: 15.1 work in the same premises as the Foundation Dentist in a surgery to which the Foundation Dentist has sufficient access to allow him/her to fulfil his/her obligations under the contract, for not less than 3 days per week; 15.2 ensure the Practice can provide the Foundation Dentist with NHS activity as determined by the Health Education England, COPDEND or any successor organisations; 15.3 be available to the Foundation Dentist for guidance in both clinical and administrative matters; 15.4 provide reference material for the use of the Foundation Dentist; 15.5 except during holiday or sickness absence of the Educational Supervisor or the Foundation Dentist, provide weekly tutorials for the Foundation Dentist. Such tutorials to take place during normal practice hours (not during lunch hours or other breaks) and to be of a minimum of one hour’s duration. Exceptionally tutorials may be provided outside of normal practice hours; 15.6 16 17 carry out work based assessments with the Foundation Dentist as determined by Health Education England, COPDEND and any successor organisation; 15.7 provide the Foundation Dentist opportunities to perform a broad range of clinical procedures under the NHS and shall ensure as far as reasonably practicable that there is an adequate patient flow to fully occupy clinical time and to allow the Foundation Dentist to achieve the competencies within the Interim Foundation Curriculum (see; 15.8 complete the required sections of the Foundation Training e-Portfolio provided by Health Education England, COPDEND and any successor organisation; 15.9 inform the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director immediately in writing if the circumstances of either the Educational Supervisor, the Practice or the Foundation Dentist change in such a way as to alter the contract of employment or training contract; 15.10 inform the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director immediately should the Foundation Dentist have a cumulative sickness absence greater than 10 days during the duration of this contract; 15.11 inform the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director immediately should the Practice, the Foundation Dentist or the Educational Supervisor be investigated by any NHS body and/or the GDC; and 15.12 fulfil the obligations and responsibilities of Educational Supervisors as set out in the Educational Supervisor’s educational agreement with HEKSS. During the continuance of this employment the Practice shall: 16.1 provide the Foundation Dentist with in surgery access to the internet during working hours; 16.2 allow and require the Foundation Dentist to attend a minimum of 30 study days in the year arranged by the Foundation Programme Director and allow the Foundation Dentist to work in practice on those days when study days are not organised or cancelled; 16.3 provide the Foundation Dentist with satisfactory facilities to comply with health and safety and infection control standards as contained in the Department of Health’s guidance or successor body; 16.4 provide the Foundation Dentist with administrative support and when required the assistance of a suitable experienced dental nurse; 16.5 ensure that the Hepatitis B immunisation status of the Foundation Dentist is in line with local guidelines and that the Foundation Dentist is compliant with other blood borne virus policies, where applicable; and 16.6 inform the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director immediately should the Foundation Dentist or the Educational Supervisor have a cumulative sickness absence greater than 10 days during the duration of this contract. During the continuance of this employment the Foundation Dentist shall: 17.1 fulfil and obey all lawful and reasonable directions and orders of the Educational Supervisor and the Practice and not at any time except in the case of illness or other unavoidable cause or permitted holidays be absent from the service of the Practice without its consent; 17.2 work cooperatively with colleagues in the Practice, in particular with the dental nurse assigned to him/her; 17.3 follow all of the Practice’s protocols for record keeping and taking fees for any NHS or necessary private work which the Foundation Dentist may carry out whilst at the Practice. The Foundation Dentist will not be paid anything over their salary as set in clause [8]. Any private fees for work done by the Foundation Dentist will accrue to the Practice; 17.4 keep all usual and necessary dental charts and an appropriate records of the work done for all patients attended to by him/her following current good practice, and follow and practice as advised by the Educational Supervisor or the Practice in relation to record keeping; 17.5 devote his/her whole time to the Practice during the hours specified in clause [18]. The Foundation Dentist is prohibited from being an employee, consultant, worker or director of 17.6 18 any other company, firm or organisation during the course of this contract unless it is with the prior written consent of the Educational Supervisor and the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director; 17.7 unless as part of the training course, not normally attend any patient or perform any operation or prosthetic work for any person other than the Practice. For the avoidance of doubt, the Foundation Dentist is prohibited from performing any out of hours work during the course of this contract unless it is with the prior written consent of the Educational Supervisor and the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director. The Foundation Dentist should only perform operations they have been trained to do and should not perform operations outside the GDC Scope of Practice, e.g. Botox or cosmetic fillers; 17.8 observe and conform to the provisions of the Dentists Act 1984 so far as they relate to the Foundation Dentist or his/her employment and observe and conform to all the Standards For Dental Professionals, as set out by the GDC; 17.9 attend all study day courses as are set out in the published programme and shall not, except in case of illness or other unavoidable cause, absent himself/herself from any such course without the prior consent both of the Educational Supervisor and Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex. Such consent will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances and is subject to the agreement of the Training Programme Director and the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director following written application at least 6 weeks in advance. The Foundation Dentist will be expected to make up any study days missed with suitable equivalent training/education; 17.10 attend weekly tutorials with the Educational Supervisor and participate in work based assessments as determined by Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex 17.11 maintain and complete the Foundation Training e-Portfolio provided by Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex, COPDEND and successor organisations; 17.12 undertake such educational studies as may be reasonably advised from time to time by the Regional Director/Training Programme Director of Foundation Training; 17.13 inform the Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director, Practice and Educational Supervisor of any alteration in his/her circumstances which might affect this contract of employment; and 17.14 fulfil the obligations and responsibilities of Foundation Dentists in the Dental Foundation Training scheme as contained in the Foundation Dentist’s educational agreement with Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex and the standards expected by the GDC of a dental practitioner. The Foundation Dentist will work 35 hours per week at times as specified by the Practice in the table below. These hours of work are only to be changed with agreement from the Postgraduate Dean/Director. Hours worked must be between 8 am and 8 pm Monday to Saturday and a maximum of 5 days in any week inclusive of study days; with a maximum of 8 hours worked in a single day (Practice to insert details in table below specifying days and hours of work including breaks) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 19 The Foundation Dentist shall be entitled to 5.6 weeks’ holiday, including bank holidays, with full pay during the period of twelve months in the Practice, pro rata for part-time working. Such holidays shall be taken at the times agreed between the parties. The Foundation Dentist shall not take more than 3 days annual leave within the first 8 weeks of the training year or take holidays on study days without the written approval of the regional Postgraduate Dental Dean/Director of Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Where employment ends or is terminated a payment will be made on a pro-rata basis in respect of any accrued holiday entitlement that has arisen in the relevant leave year but has not been taken on the date of termination. A deduction will be made from the Foundation Dentist’s final pay on a pro-rata basis for any holiday taken in excess of their entitlement in that leave year, at the date of termination. If absent due to sickness the Foundation Dentist will be entitled to statutory sick pay entitlement during the first four months of employment; after four months service the Foundation Dentist is entitled to one month’s full pay and two months’ half pay. Any entitlement to sick pay ends when this contract ends or is terminated by either party. If the Foundation Dentist is absent from work for any reason, he/she must notify [ ] of the reason for absence as soon as possible but no later than [ ] on the first day of absence to give the reason for absence and, if possible, to say when they hope to return to work. Unauthorised absence will not be paid. The Foundation Dentist should fill out a self-certification form for any period of absence due to illness lasting less than 7 days. For any period of incapacity due to sickness or injury which lasts for seven consecutive days or more, a doctor's certificate stating the reason for absence must be obtained at the Foundation Dentist’s own cost and supplied to [ ]. Further certificates must be obtained if the absence continues for longer than the period of the original certificate. Cumulative absence of greater than 10 days during the training year must be reported by the Foundation Dentist to the Postgraduate Dean/Director and will be reviewed by the Postgraduate Dean/Director for possible extension or termination of training. The Foundation Dentist agrees to consent to a reasonable request for a medical examination (at the Practice's expense) by a doctor nominated by the Practice should the Practice so require. The Foundation Dentist agrees that any report produced in connection with any such examination may be disclosed to the Practice and Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex and the Educational Supervisor and the Postgraduate Dean/Director may discuss the contents of the report with the relevant doctor. Upon notification to the Practice of pregnancy/adoption, the Foundation Dentist shall be entitled to up to 52 weeks’ maternity/adoption leave (Statutory Maternity Leave). During the period of Statutory Maternity Leave, the Foundation Dentist’s fixed-term contract of employment shall continue unless either party expressly ends it or this fixed-term contract expires without being renewed by the Practice. This contract will not be automatically extended to allow a Foundation Dentist to complete any Maternity or Adoption Leave. Continuation of the contract includes all terms and conditions applying to the Foundation Dentist under the contract, save for the terms as to remuneration. Foundation Dentists, who properly qualifies with sufficient continuous employment with the Practice, shall be entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay/Statutory Adoption Pay as the case may be. Statutory Maternity Pay shall be paid for the first 6 weeks at 90% of average earnings and then at the prescribed rate of Statutory Maternity Pay for the following 33 weeks. The Foundation Dentist shall be entitled to paid time off during working hours for the purpose of receiving ante-natal care however it may be reasonable for the Practice to refuse any such request. Nothing in this contract shall entitle the Foundation Dentist to any of the rights or expose him/her to any of the liabilities of a partner or constitute in any way the relationship of partners between the Educational Supervisor and the Foundation Dentist. The Foundation Dentist should note the Practice’s disciplinary and grievance procedures. The grievance procedure is contained within Appendix 1 to this agreement. Should the Foundation Dentist have any complaint or grievance regarding his/her employment or terms and conditions relating to that employment, the Foundation Dentist should raise the matter initially with the Practice and notify the Postgraduate Dean/Director. The full disciplinary rules in place in the Practice are set out in Appendix 2. The Educational Supervisor reserves the right to suspend the Foundation Dentist with pay for a period of no longer than necessary for the purposes of investigating any allegation of misconduct or neglect against the Foundation Dentist. Any suspension must be immediately reported to the Dean/Director of Postgraduate Dental Education in Health Education Kent Surrey & Sussex. 29 30 31 32 33 34 The Foundation Dentist shall not use or disclose to any person either during or at any time after his/her employment with the Practice any confidential information about the business or affairs of the Educational Supervisor or Practice or any of the Educational Supervisor’s patients or Practice employees. For the purposes of clause [29], confidential information means any personal information or matter which is not in the public domain and which relates to the affairs of the Practice, Educational Supervisor or any of the Educational Supervisor’s patients or Practice employees. The restriction in Clause [29] does not apply to: 31.1 prevent the Foundation Dentist from making a protected disclosure within the meaning of section 43A of the Employment Rights Act 1996; or 31.2 use or disclosure that has been authorised by the Practice, as required by law; or the GDC. All documents, manuals, hardware and software provided for your use by the Practice, and any data or documents (including copies) produced, maintained or stored on the Practice's computer systems or other electronic equipment (including mobile phones), remain the property of the Practice. Any Practice property in the Foundation Dentist's possession and any original or copy documents obtained by the Foundation Dentist in the course of his/her employment shall be returned to the Practice at any time on request and in any event prior to the termination of your employment with the Practice. In this agreement references to any enactment order regulation or other similar instrument shall be construed as a reference to such enactment order regulation or instrument as amended from time to time or as replaced by any subsequent enactment order regulation or instrument. Signed as a deed by the Educational Supervisor [Insert signatory name ] ………………………………………………………………………………………... in the presence of: .......................................................................................................................... Witness [Insert witness name: ] [Insert witness address: ] [Insert witness occupation: ] Signed as a deed by the Foundation Dentist [Insert signatory name: ………………………………………………………………………………………... ] in the presence of: .......................................................................................................................... Witness [Insert witness name: ] [Insert witness address: ] [Insert witness occupation: ] Option 1: FOR Practices that are COMPANIES / LLPs Executed as a deed by [Insert Practice company / LLP name: signatory name: ] ……………………………………………………………………………………………... [“Director” for company / “Member” for LLP: ] in the presence of: ................................................................................................................................ Witness [Insert witness name: ] [Insert witness address: ] [Insert witness occupation: ] ] acting by [insert Option 2: FOR Practices that are PARTNERSHIPS [Drafting note – because a partnership does not have its own legal status independently of the individual partners who participate in it, in order for a deed to be validly executed by a partnership either (i) all of the partners comprising the partnership must sign the document in their own right or (ii) evidence must be obtained (eg a valid power of attorney) that the partner(s) signing the document are duly authorised to do so on behalf of all the partners comprising the partnership. In most cases the partners will be individual persons in which case the form of words below is to be used, though if a partner is a company, the form of words above should be used.] Executed as a deed by [Insert name of signatory: ] in their capacity as a partner of [Insert partnership name: ] .................................................................................................................................. Partner in the presence of: .................................................................................................................................. Witness [Insert witness name: ] [Insert witness address: ] [Insert witness occupation: ] [Drafting note – in the event that any other capacity of legal entity is proposed to sign the deed, you should consider taking legal advice on the form of signature block prior to completion]