Lecturer: Vaidas Stalioraitis (Melbourne, Australia)


Lecturer: Vaidas Stalioraitis (Melbourne, Australia)

MSc (Curtin University), Graduate Entry Master of Physiotherapy

(Curtin University, Australia), Master of Clinical Manipulative

Physiotherapy (Curtin University, Australia), International Mulligan

Concept Teacher, Titled Member of the Australian Physiotherapy

Association, Faculty staff member Manual Concepts, Western


These exciting 2 day clinical Mulligan workshop will present in depth the unique concept developed and refined by internationally acclaimed New Zealand physiotherapist Brian Mulligan. This concept will provide your clinical practice with a stimulating new dimension, giving you an extensive array of treatment options to manage your client with musculoskeletal disorders. All the latest techniques, including Nags, Snags, PRPs and MWMs, for the spine and lower extremity will be covered in this full comprehensive programme.

Goal: The simple yet effective manual approach addresses musculoskeletal disorders with pain free manual “repositioning” techniques for restoration of function and abolition of pain.

Course content:

The Lower Quadrant course covers the lumbar spine, pelvis, and the lower limb.

2 day (B) Lower Quadrant course includes the lumbar spine, pelvis and lower limb.

- Scientific evidence to Mulligan concept

- Basic principals and biomechanics

- Positional fault theory

- Lumbar SNAGS

- Spinal mobilisation with leg movements

- SIJ treatment techniques with MWMT

- Knee treatment techniques with MWMT

- Ankle and foot treatment techniques with MWMT

The course usually run from is 9AM – 5PM with a 15-minute morning break and a 30- minute lunch break.


This concept will provide your clinical practice with a stimulating new dimension, giving you an extensive array of treatment options to manage your client with musculoskeletal disorders.

The latest edition of Brian Mulligans book, "Manual Therapy", now in its 6th ed forms the basis for these courses. So course participants can be assured of receiving the latest information regarding the concept. No previous experience of the Mulligan Concept is required to attend. Participants are given very close practical supervision to ensure high levels of competency and an understanding of technique application through clinical reasoning and patient demonstration.

Vaidas Stalioraitis is an International Mulligan Concept Teacher. He will bring both a wealth of clinical experience and in-depth knowledge regarding the evidence base for the Mulligan Concept. For more info please refer to the Mulligan website: http://www.bmulligan.com/

Common Indications for this approach:

Acute and chronic spinal and peripheral joint pain

Loss of motion due to arthritic conditions for the whole spine and

 peripheral joints.

Post surgical conditions causing loss of pain free movement, e.g. post scope conditions, spinal surgery

Hip and knee related musculoskeletal conditions

Spinal mediated Upper limb or Lower Limb nerve related pain

Headaches due to neck problems

Dizziness associated with neck problems

Acute to chronic ankle sprains

“Tennis elbow” or lateral elbow pain
