2012 Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Government of India Agricultural Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan Information on Soil Health (Service 2) Version 1.1 Software Requirement Specifications Agricultural Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan Agricultural Informatics Division National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Government of India Sahara India Center 2, Kapoorthala Complex, Aliganj Lucknow – 226002, India Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Amendment Log Version Number Date 0.01 Draft 15/01/2012 1.1 05/05/2012, 27/06/2012 SaharaNext Change Number Brief Description - Draft Sections change All. Introduction (material from 1.Introduction and CRIDA and ICRISAT), Farmer 2.2 Product Functions linkage diagram January 2012 Page 1 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................... 4 OBJECTIVE: ............................................................................................................... 5 SCOPE........................................................................................................................ 6 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................... 6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 6 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................ 7 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 2. 2.1 OVERALL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 11 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE ........................................................................................... 11 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 Soil Health & Soil Health Card.................................................................................... 7 Organic Farming .......................................................................................................... 8 Soil Survey .................................................................................................................... 9 Soil Survey Maps: ......................................................................................................... 9 System Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 11 Memory Constraints ................................................................................................... 13 Operations .................................................................................................................. 13 Site Adaptation Requirements .................................................................................... 13 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS.............................................................................................. 14 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 Soil Testing ................................................................................................................. 15 Generation of Soil Health Card ................................................................................. 18 Push SMSes ................................................................................................................ 19 Generation of Soil Maps ............................................................................................. 19 Generation of Various reports and queries ................................................................ 21 Agro Climatic Regions ............................................................................................... 22 2.3 2.4 2.5 USER CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................... 24 CONSTRAINTS ......................................................................................................... 24 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ......................................................................... 24 3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 25 3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 25 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 SOFTWARE PRODUCT FEATURES ............................................................................. 25 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 Business Process AS-IS .............................................................................................. 73 Business Process TO-BE ............................................................................................ 74 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 75 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 Use Cases ................................................................................................................... 25 Flow Chart for Soil Testing Process: ......................................................................... 70 Workflow Diagrams.................................................................................................... 72 BUSINESS PROCESS DESCRIPTION.................................................................................... 73 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 User Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 25 Hardware Interfaces................................................................................................... 25 Software Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 25 Communications Interfaces ........................................................................................ 25 Scalability Requirements ............................................................................................ 75 Response Time ............................................................................................................ 75 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................ 75 SaharaNext January 2012 Page 2 Software Requirements Specification 3.6 SOFTWARE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................ 76 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.6.7 3.6.8 3.7 Information on Soil Health Usability ..................................................................................................................... 76 Reliability ................................................................................................................... 76 Availability ................................................................................................................. 76 Security ....................................................................................................................... 76 Maintainability ........................................................................................................... 77 Portability ................................................................................................................... 77 Language Support ...................................................................................................... 77 Interoperability ........................................................................................................... 78 LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... 78 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7.5 3.7.6 3.7.7 Master Tables ............................................................................................................. 79 Database on Frontline Demonstrations ..................................................................... 83 Database on Soil Resources (Micro level conditions)................................................ 85 Database on Agro Climatic Parameters .................................................................... 85 Database on Expert Advisory ..................................................................................... 86 Database on Organic / In-organic Fertilizers ............................................................ 87 Database of all Soil Testing Laboratories and Computerization of Soil Health Cards88 3.8 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 98 4. DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................. 99 5. ANNEXURE ........................................................................................................... 100 5.1 5.2 PACKAGES OF PRACTICES FOR PILOT STATES ....................................................... 100 SOIL TESTING LABS AT PILOT STATES: ................................................................. 100 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 Soil Testing Labs at Jharkhand ................................................................................ 100 Soil Testing Labs at Maharashtra ............................................................................ 101 Soil Testing Labs at Himachal Pradesh ................................................................... 104 Soil Testing Labs at Madhya Pradesh ...................................................................... 104 Soil Testing Laboratories in Assam .......................................................................... 105 Soil Testing Labs in Karnataka ................................................................................ 106 Soil Testing Labs in Kerala ...................................................................................... 108 5.3 LIST OF OFFICIALS MET REGARDING REQUIREMENT CAPTURING FOR SERVICE 2 UNDER NEGP(A) ......................................................................................................................... 110 SaharaNext January 2012 Page 3 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 1. INTRODUCTION In India, rainfed cropping is practiced on 80 Mha, in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid climatic zones; constituting about 57% of the net cultivated area. Even after development of all irrigation water resources, around 50% of the cultivated land will remain rainfed. Low and erratic rainfall, high temperature, degraded soils with low available water holding capacity and multinutrient deficiencies, low input use and low use efficiencies of applied nutrients, are important factors that contribute to low crop yields in these regions. Besides major nutrient deficiencies, deficiency of secondary and micro nutrients has also crept extensively in rainfed regions as supplementation of nutrients is seldom practiced. Additionally, adoption of intensive cereal based cropping systems, imbalanced use of fertilizers largely due to subsidized urea and DAP, micro and secondary nutrient deficiencies have become limiting factors for realizing potential yields. Among these, sulphur(S), boron(B) and zinc(Zn) are considered to be the most limiting nutrients in the rainfed areas, even in intensively cultivated tribal and backward regions. Judicious and balanced or integrated use of nturients based on Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM), will play a major role in improving nutrient use efficiency, achieving food security and solve malnutrition problem in rainfed regions. Plants require 16 nutrients for proper growth and development. Nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K), are needed in large quantities (macronutrients). Others, such as calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg) and sulfur(S), are required in small quantities (secondary nutrients). Plant nutrients, like zinc(Zn), boron(B), manganese(Mn), iron(Fe), copper(Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and chlorine (Cl) , are required in very small quantities (micronutrients). In rainfed regions of the country, declining soil fertility and nutrient imbalances are manor issues affecting agricultural productivity (Srinivasarao 2011a). Organic matter levels have declined sharply in intensively cropped regions, leading to stagnant yields of major food crops in India. In addition to universal deficiency of nitrogen, deficiencies of potassium, sulphur and micro nutrients are emerging as constraints for sustaining and or enhancing productivity under intensive crop production systems. Zinc, sulphur and boron deficiencies are widespread across the vast dryland tracts of India (Srinivasarao et al. 2008a, c). It is estimated that 29.4 m ha of soils in India are experiencing decline in fertility with a net negative balance of 8-10 m t of nutrients per annum. Poor nutrient use efficiency is another cause of concern. So far soil fertility issues have been addressed mainly in irrigated agriculture, but recent studies indicated that drylands are not only thirsty but also hungry. Most of the soils in the rainfed regions are low in organic carbon and available N, and these soils are showing multi-nutrient deficiencies including secondary and micronturients also. Soil organic matter, being the storehouse of many plant nutrients has a significant effect on productivity besides improving water retention and soil microbial diversity. However, due to competing usages of organic resources, application of organic manure and crop residues has declined over time. Considering the growing nutrient imbalance in soils and crop plants, even if we use all organic manures available in the country, we will still have a large deficit of essential plant nutrients (Srinivasarao et al. 2009a). Use SaharaNext January 2012 Page 4 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health of chemical nutrients to some extent therefore, is inevitable to sustain agricultural productivity and food security of the country. Fertilizers contribute about 50% of the increased yields as a component of improved technology. The dramatic increases in the yields of crops like wheat and rice have occurred because of high yielding varieties and higher fertilizer use. The yield potential of many dry land crops has not been tapped much despite the introduction of high yielding cultivars because of low nutrient use. About 80% of the fertilizer is consumed in irrigated areas while only 20% is used in the rainfed areas that constitute 65% of the cropped area. Hence, apart from several other reasons, low nutrient use in rainfed agriculture is one of the important causes of low yields (Srinivasarao et al. 2006, 2011b). Efforts therefore need to be made to redefine the fertilizer dozes by synchronizing with the crop nutrient demand water availability in the soil particularly in drylands. (Reference:Technical Bulletin No.1/2011 Benefits from Micro and Secondary Nutrients: [Impacts on Farm Income and Livelihoods in Rainfed Tribal and Backward Regions of Andhra Pradesh] by CRIDA and ICRISAT) 1.1 Purpose 1. To detail the As IS and TO BE process. 2. Develop the document that becomes an input for the design document. 3. Develop reference document for designer, developers and testers a. To understand requirements to standardize the software for Soil Testing and Soil Health Card for quick adoption at State Government and Agricultural Research Institutions. b. To understand manual procedures, analysis methods, constraints etc for soil testing & fertilizer recommendations for integrated nutrient management and issue of soil health card. c. Based on the analysis of the manual procedures, analysis methods and constraints practiced by states, making an attempt to propose a uniform Soilution to be acceptable by all the states. d. Integration of the state specific stand alone systems data into NeGP(A). 1.2 Objective: To provide information on: Soil health Conditions Package of Practices suitable to Soil Type Balanced use of Fertiliser (In-Organic / Organic) Automation of Soil Testing Labs for quick dissemination of results Soil Survey Organic farming Details of Soil testing laboratories SaharaNext January 2012 Page 5 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Expert Advisory Grievances redressal To propose computerized system and to define its facilities as well as limitations. 1.3 Scope 1. Result of Front line demonstrations conducted on different crops for proving efficacy of Soil Health Management to be listed for different agro climatic zones 2. Advisory Services : Farmer to know about right kind of seeds of the same crop or an alternative crop depending upon expected yield and maturity period after considering soil condition and other agro-climatic parameters. 3. Soil Testing and Soil Health Card Process needs to be automate and should be a generic process which is adaptable to all the states across India. Along with the details of soil testing labs across states in India. 4. Information of the Organic / In-organic fertilizers Dealer Details 5. Work flow on Expert Advisory System. Should be accessible from State Agriculture Department, Districts and Blocks to provide the Soilution for any query asked by different farmers. 1.4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations SAU DAC GOI SMS HQ ICAR ICT IARI IISS IT JDA KVK MSTL NIC QMS SHC SRS SAD SME ADO AEO State Agriculture University Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Government of India Subject Matter Specialist Head Quarter Indian Council of Agricultural Research Information and Communications Technology Indian Agriculture Research Institute Indian Institute of Soil Science Information Technology Joint Director Agriculture Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mobile Soil Testing Lab National Informatics Centre Quality Management System Soil Health Card Software Requirements Specifications State Agriculture Department Subject Matter Expert Agriculture Development Officer Agriculture Extension Officer 1.5 References SaharaNext Presentation from NIC on Soil Health Information January 2012 Page 6 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Soil SRS prepared by NIC, Pune Soil SRS prepared by NIC, West Bengal Discussion with DAC Officials, State Laboratories. http://www.nbsslup.in http://www.iiss.nic.in/index.html http://cfqcti.dacnet.nic.in http://slusi.dacnet.nic.in http://ncof.dacnet.nic.in http://rbdcbangalore.dacnet.nic.in http://rbdchisar.dacnet.nic.in http://rbdcimphal.dacnet.nic.in http://rbdcjabalpur.dacnet.nic.in http://rbdcnagpur.dacnet.nic.in http://slusiranchi.dacnet.nic.in http://sctc.dacnet.nic.in http://seednet.gov.in/ http://wbagrisnet.gov.in http://www.nbsslup.in/ http://www.iiss.nic.in/ Agriculture Department, Testing 1.6 Overview 1.6.1 Soil Health & Soil Health Card Soil health plays a vital role to ensure Agricultural production in a sustainable manner. The basic objective of the soil-testing is to give farmers a service leading to better and more economic use of fertilizers and better soil management practices for increasing agricultural production. High crop yields cannot be obtained without applying sufficient fertilizers to overcome existing deficiencies. Efficient use of fertilizers is a major factor in any programme designed to bring about an economic increase in agricultural production. The farmers involved in such a programme will have to use increasing quantities of fertilizers to achieve the desired yield levels. However the amounts and kinds of fertilizers required for the same crop vary from soil to soil, even field to field on the same soil. The use of fertilizers without first testing the soil is like taking medicine without first consulting a physician to find out what is needed. It is observed that the fertilizers increase yields and the farmers are aware of this. But are they applying right quantities of the right kind of fertilizers at the right time at the right place to ensure maximum profit? Without a fertilizer recommendation based upon a soil test, a farmer may be applying too much of a little needed plant food element and too little of another element which is actually the principal factor limiting plant growth. This not only means an uneconomical use of fertilizers, but in some cases crop yields actually may be reduced because of use of the wrong kinds or amounts, or improper use of fertilizers. A fertilizers recommendation from a soil testing laboratory is based on carefully conducted soil analyses and the results of up-to-date agronomic research on the SaharaNext January 2012 Page 7 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health crop, and it therefore is most scientific information available for fertilizing that crop in that field. Soil testing is essential and is the first step in obtaining high yields and maximum returns from the money invested in fertilizers. 1.6.2 Organic Farming Organic agriculture, to begin with has been the outcome of concerns related to increasing contamination in food and its consequent negative effects on human health. Originally, only chemicals especially pesticides in agriculture were considered to be the culprit. Subsequently and more recently pesticides contamination even in ground water, used for food industry and human consumption has given rise to further restrictions on the use of pesticides for any and every application. Organic agriculture covers all kinds of food and fiber production systems and can be defined as essentially farming system with maximum use of internal inputs and without use of prohibited materials (as listed in different standards) to produce uncontaminated farm produce of high quality in sufficient quantity. It allows agricultural producers to cover their needs by obtaining adequate returns, satisfaction from their work, and a safe working environment. It aims to further create ecologically, socially and economically sustainable system of food and fiber production without use of artificial external input such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farming management is an integrated approach, where all aspects of farming systems are interlinked with each other and work for each other. A healthy biologically active soil is the source of crop nutrition, on-farm biodiversity controls pests, crop rotation and multiple cropping maintains the system’s health and on-farm resource management with integration of cattle ensure productivity and sustainability. Organic management stresses on optimization of resource use and productivity, rather than maximization of productivity and over exploitation of resources on the cost of resources meant for future generations. Incorporating principles of organic agriculture in Policy: Organic agriculture is a unique production management system which promotes and enhances agro ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity, and this is accomplished by using on-farm agronomic, biological and mechanical methods in exclusion of all synthetic off-farm inputs. Organic farming as a system avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc) and to the maximum extent feasible rely upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection”. Organic is not only about replacing inputs, which is the starting point of the process, it goes beyond, as enshrined in the four principles of organic farming advocated by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement). SaharaNext Principle of health: Organic agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet as one and indivisible. January 2012 Page 8 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Principle of ecology: Organic agriculture is based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, emulate them and help sustain them. Principle of fairness: Organic agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities. Principle of care: Organic Agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner, to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations, as well as the environment. 1.6.3 Soil Survey India is a country of splendid diversity of soil, climate, food, clothing and culture. The stability in the sector of food security, fiber and shelter provisions and animal wealth has been threatened due to ever-increasing population pressure and in discriminatory use of land resources. It is also well recognized all over the world, specially in the developing countries that inappropriate land use leads to decline of soil productivity and ultimately to poorer quality of life. The objectives of the soil survey done in India are: To identify and evaluate the land and water resources To develop a sustainable land use plan based on resource inventory data and socio-economic scenario. To stimulate research and to collect, collate and disseminate information relating to all aspects of soil survey, pedology and land use planning. To sponsor and organize symposia, seminars and conferences which provide forum for presentation of papers in all areas of soil survey, pedology and land use planning. To publish journal, bulletins, reports and other publications to achieve the objectives of the Society. To present a common forum for scientists working in soil survey, pedology and land use planning where they can discuss topics of mutual interest. To enhance the education and teaching standards in soil survey, pedology and land use planning. To work in association with other national and international societies having similar objectives. To undertake all other activities that may assist in the fulfilment of the above objectives of the Society. 1.6.4 Soil Survey Maps: SaharaNext Soil testing is the base for management decisions about fertilizer requirements. It involves the estimation and evaluation of the available nutrient status and acidic reaction of a sample of soil. After testing, a fertility map is prepared where the available nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium is marked as low, medium or high. Areas of sufficient and insufficient nutrients are marked out and nutritional requirements are determined. Fertilizers such as NPK, lime or gypsum are recommended to improve soil fertility. January 2012 Page 9 Software Requirements Specification SaharaNext Information on Soil Health Fertilizer addition, which is based on soil testing, usually leads to an increase in yields and profits by providing the correct amounts of needed nutrients. It also leads to uniform application of nutrients in a field. As nutrient availability becomes less variable, the crop growth is more uniform. Regular soil testing also contributes to environmental sustainability as the use of excess fertilizers can be avoided. January 2012 Page 10 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product Perspective 2.1.1 System Interfaces The system shall so be designed that there shall be linkages with other existing systems. The aoil testing application shall be a web based application / interface which will be incorporated with features like online generation of lab testing results with the facility of viewing them online. These results shall be made available on SAP and CAP through web services for quick dissemination of results. Besides the soil testing application shall also push SMSes to the farmers informing them about the lab results after generation of the results within the system. In a similar manner information regarding Soil Survey, Organic Farming, Expert Advisory system can be pulled from other websites containing relevant information and pushed to SAP and CAP. System Architecture Diagram Accessibility to Soil testing Lab On the portal the location of different soil testing lab across states inside pan India can be provided. Along with this, the process to draw the sample of soil should also be there. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 11 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Crop recommendations Based on the crops for different types of lands and patterns the recommendation related to different types of crops can be given on the portal. List of Organic Fertilizers Suppliers Fertilizers Suppliers Chaitanya Biologicals Pvt. Ltd Mani Dharma Biotech Private Limited Suboneyo Chemicals Pharmaceuticals (P) Limited Ava Chemicals Private Limited M.J. Exports Vizien Organics Asean Agritechnologies (I) Private Limited Concept Biotech Vin Corporation Rajarana Impex Kisan Agro Product Ind Scientific International BlueCross Animal HealthCare Pvt Ltd Sushil Corporation District Malkapur Chennai State Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Pin 443 101 600 116 Jalgaon Maharashtra 425 003 Thane Anand New Delhi Nashik Maharashtra Gujarat New Delhi Maharashtra 421 503 388 121 110 033 422 003 Vadodara Delhi Rajkot Palanpur New Delhi Gandhinagar Gujarat New Delhi Gujarat Gujarat New Delhi Gujarat 390 018 110 085 360 001 385 001 110 085 382 305 Indore 452 001 Suboneyo Chemicals Pharmaceuticals (P) Limited Canary Agro Chemicals Private Limited Sakay Industries Parul International Shreejee Impact Private Limited Falcon Overseas Traders Swati Enterprises Ava Chemicals Private Limited Growtech Agri Science Private Limited East Coast Seaweed Inc Eagle Plant Protect Private Limited Triveni Interchem Pvt. Ltd. K. G. N. Enterprises Ltd Shree Biocare India, Shree Biocare Soilution Pvt Ltd Jalgaon Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Delhi Delhi 110 015 Jalandhar Delhi Ahmedabad Punjab Delhi Gujarat 144 002 110 006 380 015 Madurai New Delhi Thane Indore 625 001 110 095 421 503 452 001 Madurai Ahmedabad Tamil Nadu New Delhi Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu Gujarat Vapi Kheda Ahmedabad Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat 396 195 387 411 380 005 SaharaNext January 2012 425 003 625 706 380 058 Page 12 Software Requirements Specification Hi Field - A. G. Chem India Private Limited Arjun Agri Industries Information on Soil Health Aurangabad Maharashtra 431 001 Salem Tamil Nadu 636 007 Source of Information: http://www.indianindustry.com/fertilizers/7939.html Multilingual support The proposed system shall have the capability to show the data available using vernacular languages. So the proposed system will be implemented using the Indian Languages with Unicode pattern. 2.1.2 Memory Constraints The proposed system will be suitably performed on 512 MB and above primary memory. However, lower primary memory will not debar the system from running but performance might not reach up to expected level. There is no such need in major secondary memory availability, so it is not constrained 2.1.3 Operations During the course of application usage, general user including CAP and SAP users will not be required perform any operation other than system features. Applications and portals will be hosted into the Data Centre in secured government domain. Normal maintenance operations such as backup will be scheduled and automated and will be looked into by the system administrators in case of any recovery is to be done. User initiations not needed. No additional data processing operations by the users would be required except the system interactive options. 2.1.4 Site Adaptation Requirements The application proposed will be developed as a web based application. For running the application the computer system having a basic GUI based Operating System and browsers will be required as minimum requirements along with internet connectivity. Skill manpower along with data entry operators at various locations like centre, states and other offices at block level will be required to upload and update the information/data. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 13 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 2.2 Product Functions SaharaNext January 2012 Page 14 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 2.2.1 Soil Testing SOIL HEALTH CARD PROCESS a) Sample Inward At Soil testing laboratory in the district, samples are received from farmers in the district or from other districts, from extension workers, or Soil survey unit of agriculture. After checking if the sample is in good condition and quantity is sufficient for testing the sample is accepted. Thus sample types can be defined as 1. General Soil Sample 2. Special Soil Sample 3. Soil Survey Soil Sample 4. Micronutrient Sample 5. Water Sample b) Payment Fees for sample testing are paid at the payment section and the slip is brought at the registration table. These details will be entered at inward section & in the system. These details can be further used as revenue of Soil testing. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 15 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health c) Inward Entry Since details about the sample given on sample slip are available only after opening the bag of sample and also since many samples may be received at the same time, it may not be practically possible to enter all the details of individual samples immediately, so minimum necessary information will be entered in the system to make inward entry of the sample. From the letter accompanying the sample, details as number of samples brought in a lot , samples received from whom ( i.e. farmer, extension worker, other STL), his name and designation, taluka and district are known. Payment details as amount paid, date of payment, mode of payment as challan / cash, receipt / challan number are available from payment receipt. This information along with date of receiving samples is entered to inward the sample/s. d) Inward Number Generation: Inward number will be generated by the system for every sample, which will start from 1 every year for every type of sample (i.e. general Soil sample, special Soil sample, Soil survey sample, micronutrient sample, water sample) For a lot of sample only one inward number will be given. This sample inward number will be shown on the screen; this will be noted on the letter for further entering individual sample details from sample slip. e) Entering of sample details and numbering a sample: Using inward number, sample type, laboratory code of receiving laboratory, sample serial number, an unique lab sample number is generated for each individual sample. This number identifies the sample. This lab sample number is 10 character and first character indicates sample type, next is laboratory code of receiving laboratory, its inward number and after it is sample serial number, where sample serial number is say first sample of lot of 100 samples, 2nd sample of lot of 100 samples etc. 1, 2 are sample serial. Sample serial number will be automatically incremented. Lab sample number is noted on the sample slip which will be further send to laboratory. For samples received from other laboratories for analysis, all details need not be maintained at analyzing laboratory. At analyzing laboratory only inward information will be entered. Sample number generated will have '99' as STL code. These samples will not be counted for samples received in the laboratory, but will be counted only for number of samples analyzed in the laboratory. The reading of test will be communicated to sample receiving laboratory using above sample number. Sample details as date of sample drawn, whether sample is accepted or rejected, (if sample is rejected further information is not required), farmers name , farmers address as village, taluka code, district code, pin code, survey /group number of the farm, area of the farm in acre, last season, crop taken in last season, next season for which recommendation is required, next season crop planned, age of tree for fruit crop, name of person collecting the sample, SaharaNext January 2012 Page 16 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health land profile number required in case of Soil survey sample, depth in cm of profile, source of water and sample processing laboratory code, is entered for keeping details of sample in a system. For samples which are sending to other districts laboratory for analysis, these details are entered after receiving test readings from that laboratory. f) Sample Rejection: Samples of type Soil sample may be brought in a lot, and so may not be checked individually for weight and condition. So they are accepted at inward If at the time of testing it is found that some sample is not usable then provision will be made in the present system to inform the owner about it. The letter for rejecting sample will be printed And sample will be marked as rejected. For other types checking is done while accepting the sample itself. g) Entry of readings of analysis tests In the laboratory depending on the sample type, number of tests are performed For every sample type, tests to be performed are different and sometimes procedure of the tests are different. Hence sample type wise separate database files are maintained for storing the readings of the tests. h) Filling test readings on reading sheet On a reading sheet readings for number of samples of one sample type will be entered if they are tested in a batch. The readings will be entered in the readings sheet against the lab sample number. i) Entering test readings in the system After all the tests for a batch of samples are over , the readings from the sheet will be entered in the system, for every sample, using its lab sample number as key Also date of analysis will be entered for every sample. Generally this date will be the date of entering reading in the system. When the readings for all the tests for a sample are entered, a flag will be set in the readings file to indicate that all readings of a sample are entered. This record will be then taken for calculating results of analysis. j) Result preparation Procedures for calculating the results and standard values such as normality of Solution required for certain chemical process or factor used for converting K to k2O and so on is already stored. k) Result processing The records for which all readings are entered will be taken for processing. From the readings entered in the system, and procedures already defined, test results are calculated and are stored in reading file and result files . These result files will then be used for referring the results wherever required such as producing analysis reports, and other reports. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 17 Software Requirements Specification l) Information on Soil Health Display results Results of each sample calculated by the system will be shown on the screen for confirmation. m) Locking of readings record: When analysis is thus completed a fag will be set to confirm the correctness of results. At the same time reading file will also be locked to avoid update of confirmed information. Once these results are confirmed updating of readings will not be allowed except for super-user of the system. Test wise readings will not be generally required here after, and will be discarded at the end of the year. On printing the analysis reports the date of printing is stored in the result file. n) Micronutrient suggestion For micronutrient sample based on the range of micronutrient values found in a sample, standard suggestions are available. These suggestions are stored in the database file 'micro_suggestion' for reference. Suggestions for particular Soil sample are communicated to the farmer through analysis report. o) Water suggestion For water sample based on the class of water, which is decided according to values of conductivity and SAR in a sample, standard suggestions for use of water are available. These suggestions are stored in the database file 'water_suggestion' for reference. Suggestions for particular sample are communicated to the farmer through analysis report. 2.2.2 Generation of Soil Health Card Soil Health Card is the report of the soil issued by Soil Testing Laboratories based on the nutrients essential for plant growth the essential nutrient are: Nutrient Chemical Primary Nutrients 1. Carbon 2. Hydrogen 3. Oxygen 4. Nitrogen 5. Phosphorus 6. Potassium Secondary Nutrients 7. Calcium 8. Magnesium 9. Sulphur Micro Nutrients 10. Iron SaharaNext January 2012 Symbol C H O N P K Ca Mg S Fe Page 18 Software Requirements Specification 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Information on Soil Health Zinc Manganese Copper Boron Molybdenum Chlorine Zn Mn Cu B Mo Cl The Soil Health Cards, which are based on the principles of the ration card, provide permanent identification and status of the land to farmers. They are made out after a detailed analysis of samples of soil collected from land held by individual farmers. The card would act as a tool in helping the farmers to monitor and improve the soil health based on field experience and working knowledge of the soils in their home turf. Soil Health Card is: o A tool to help the farmer to monitor and improve soil health o A tool to record long-term trends in soil health o A tool to keep record of soil quality o A tool to detect soil quality changes over time o A tool to communicate with soil specialist about issues or problems related to soil o A tool to identify researchable topics 2.2.3 Push SMSes Knowledge is going to play a dominating role in all the developments leading towards agrarian prosperity of India. The purpose of this Techno-social networking project is to employ the latest Information Communication Technology, infrastructure and managing resources to reach the unreached. The mobile penetration in rural part is significant. This technology is one of the fasted adopted by the rural population and the youths in particular. With the explosion of mobiles usage especially in the rural area the department saw an opportunity and explored this tool for real time communication. Based on the above strategy, various type of the push SMS can be sent to the farmers containing the remarks about their soil and soil health. SMS containing the information for improving soil health can also be sent using the push SMS mechanism. 2.2.4 Generation of Soil Maps The overall situation of the District is described by: Low rainfall Erratic rainfall 87% of the area under cultivation Low level Farming Technology Poor soil fertility SaharaNext January 2012 Page 19 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Soil constraints such as shallow soils, rock outcrop etc. Depletion of the ground water level Less forest and vegetation cover Human and Animal population pressures Poor marketing and transport network Soil Mapping processes to generate Soil Maps (Types of soil surveys): Rapid Reconnaissance Survey: The Objective of RRS is to demarcate and identify priority watershed in the catchment area on 1:50K scale. It provides information on physiography, slope, soil depth, surface texture, land use, land cover, surface condition and existing management practices. It deals with identification and demarcation of very high and high priority sub watersheds in catchment on 1:50K scale based on sediment yield/run-off potential index. Detail Soil Survey: The Objective of detailed soil survey is to generate detailed information on soil and land characteristics of the priority area using cadastral map (1:4K/8K) or large scale aerial photograph (1:15,000).It deals with systematic detailed study of soils comprising morphological examination of soils in the field and mapping using 1:15000 scale or larger aerial photograph or cadastral map followed by analysis of soil samples in the soil laboratory ad processing maps in the cartographic laboratory. Selected very high and high priority sub watersheds are taken up for detailed soil survey to generate detailed data base on soils which are pre-requisites for formulation of village level plan. The data generated out of soil survey could be interpreted to derive base information on the use potential of land or various utilitarian purposes. It provides the following information's, which are essential for any land development programme. a) Proper diagnosis of soils b) Scientific land use planning c) Soil amendments for judicious use of chemical fertilizer d) Soil , land, water, crop and nutrient management e) Generation of soil health cards for dissemination of soil information to farming community f) Development of Soil Information System g) Optimal utilization of soil resources Land Degradation Mapping: The Objective is to generate realistic and scientific information base on degraded lands using remote sensing techniques on 1:50k .Development of degraded lands calls for their reclamation and proper management with specific information about their nature, extent, spatial distribution and SaharaNext January 2012 Page 20 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health magnitude of the problem. Sound and realistic data base on degraded lands is crucial for planning purposes that necessitates scientific mapping. It deals with mapping of degraded lands on district basis using remote sensing technique on 1:50,000 scale. Soil Resource Mapping: The Objective of Soil Resource Mapping is to a) Prepare soil map on 1:50000 scale using topo-sheets and satellite remote sensing data b) Generate district based information on nature, extent and potential of soil resources c) Develop a methodology to reduce time and man power required for ground surveys d) Delineate soil mapping units using uniform legend. Methodology for Soil Resource Mapping: The steps involved for conducting the soil resource mapping using remote sensing technique and generation of digital database are as follows: I. Development of Legend II. Preparation of Base Map III. Delineation of Landscape/ Geological boundary IV. Delineation of Physiographic Units V. Delineation of Slope Boundary VI. Delineation of Land use boundary VII. Pre-field Interpretation VIII. Selection of Sample Strips IX. Ground Trusting and Field Work X. Final Interpretation, Validation and Finalization of Maps 2.2.5 Generation of Various reports and queries The reports shall be generated online as well as the answers to the queries shall be posted online. There shall also be a feature to send these reports through SMS / email. Reports Related to Soil Testing Monthly Progress Report: Prepared by department of agriculture of different states and needs to be sent to centre Yearly Progress Report: A consolidated report of 12 monthly progress reports creates the yearly progress report and will be sending by different states to centre on yearly basis. Reports Related to Expert Advisory Queries came from farmer in a month / year Queries responded in a month / year Queries responded by Block, District and Department of Agriculture in a month / year SaharaNext January 2012 Page 21 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 2.2.6 Agro Climatic Regions It is also important to remember the efficiency and economic viability of the total food production system are objectives within which the various components need to be optimized to achieve overall goals. It is therefore advisable for nutrient application to be calculated on the site specific basis, taking account not only of the specific crop and expected yield, but also the type of soil on which the crop is grown including its nutrients status and the local climate. Attempts have therefore been made to compile the methodologies and other related information for improving nutrient use efficiency in crops and cropping systems under different soil conditions on agro climatic zonal basis. An agro climatic zone is a land unit in terms of major climate suitable for a certain range of crops and cultivators. The planning commission has broadly identified 15 agro climatic regions (ACR) in the country: 1. Western Himalayan Region 2. Eastern Himalayan Region 3. Lower Gangetic Plain 4. Middle Gangetic Plain 5. Upper Gangetic Plain 6. Trans Gangetic Plain 7. Eastern Plateau and Hills 8. Central Plateau and Hills 9. Western Plateau and Hills 10. Southern Plateau and Hills 11. East Coast Plains and Hills 12. West Coast Plains and Hills 13. Gujarat Plains and Hills 14. Western Dry Region 15. Island Region Dominant cropping systems are given in the following table: Sr. No. Agro-Climatic Region Major Areas Major Soils 1. Western Himalayan Region Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Uttaranchal Alluvial, Brown Hill, Tarai 2. Eastern Himalayan Assam, West Bengal, Alluvial, Red, Region North-eastern Hills Brown Hill, Tarai SaharaNext January 2012 Major Cropping systems Rice-wheat, maize-wheat, maizefallow/potato Rice-rice, ricevegetables, ricewheat/mustard Page 22 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3. Lower Plain 4. Middle Gangetic Plain 5. Upper Plain Gangetic 6. Trans Plain Gangetic 7. Eastern Plateau & Hills 8 Central Plateau & Hills 9 Western Plateau & Hills 10 Southern Plateau & Mils 11. East Coast Plain 12. West Coast Plains & Ghats 13. Gujarat Plains & Gujarat mils SaharaNext Gangetic West Bengal Ricevegetablessummer rice, ricevegetables-jute, rice-wheat Bihar, Uttar Pradesh Aluvial, Black Rice-wheat, & red rice-fallow, ricepulses Uttar Pradesh Aluvial Rice-wheat, rice-fallow, ricepulses Haryana, Punjab, Aluvial, Red & Rice-wheat, Rajasthan Lateritic cotton-wheat, pearl milletwheat Bihar, Madhya Red & Yellow, Rice-wheat, Pradesh, Red & rice-fallow, riceMaharashtra, Orissa lateritic, Mixed pulses red & black Madhya Pradesh, Black, Aluvial, SoyabeanRajasthan, Uttar Brown forest wheat, fallow hill, Kabal & mustard/wheat, Pradesh Mar soils gram, ricewheat Madhya Pradesh, Black, Reddish pearl Rajasthan, Uttar Brown millet/sorghum/ cootonPradesh fallow/wheat/So yabean wheat Madhya Pradesh, Red & RiceKarnataka, Tamilnadu Lateritic, Black, rice/pulses. Groundnut Alluvial based systems, Ragi fallow / cotton Andhra Pradesh, Red, Black, Rice-rice, riceOrissa, Costal aluvial, pulses, Tamil Nadu, Brown forest Pondicherry Kerala, Karnataka, Red & Rice-rice, riceMaharashtra, Tamil Lateritic, Costal pulses Aluvial Nadu January 2012 Aluvial, Red & Laterite Red, Black Groundnutmustard / wheat, cotton- Page 23 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 14. Western Dry Region Rajasthan 15. Island Region Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep pearl millet, cotton-castor Calcareous Pearl milletreddish Brown fallow / soils mustard, kharif pulses-fallow Costal Aluvial, Sandy Soils 2.3 User Characteristics All users of the system, e.g. DAC, SAD, Researchers / SAU, although are literate people excluding the farmers who may or may not be literate, yet training needs to be imparted to all users of the system for effective use and timely dissemination of information / data through the system. 2.4 Constraints Regulatory Policies- As per Govt. Directives Hardware Limitations - Dependency on connectivity, bandwidth constraints in different regions across the country for Web/Mobile based interface. Interfaces to other applications - The portal needs to interact with different set of applications at state soil testing labs in different states. Parallel Operation - Unexpected increase in the number of concurrent user requests during peak transaction period. Higher-Order Language requirements: The application will be in vernacular languages and language is not constrained. 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies It is assumed that every State Testing Lab will have hardware and software infrastructure setup like PC, UPS, printer, internet connection, OS, required patched and anti-virus etc. User will be provided with login & password facility. Data input and its accuracy though will depend on the user. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 24 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 3.1 External Interface Requirements 3.1.1 User Interfaces Web based Graphical User Interface (GUI) will be provided. Portal will be completely menu driven and user friendly. The GUI consists of the various Input forms, output screens along with the help files provided as per the requirement. 3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces The following hardware interfaces are required to access the portal: Computer System: any x86 based computer having minimum 512 MB RAM Printer: Dot matrix printer (132 columns) preferably a Laser Printer will be needed to take the various outputs of the system time to time. UPS: 0.5 or 1 KVA Online UPS will be required to maintain the uninterrupted power supply to computer and printer. 3.1.3 Software Interfaces At Client End: Base OS: Any Windows based operating system or any other system having graphical user interface based Operating System Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or above, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera At Server End: Base OS – Will be decided later at the development stage Framework - Will be decided later at the development stage Technology Platform – Will be decided later at the development stage Database - Will be decided later at the development stage Browser – Internet Explorer 6.0 or above 3.1.4 Communications Interfaces The Application will work on Local Area Network (LAN) or Internet also. Along with this, the system will interact the SMS Gateway server to push SMS to different stakeholders and emails servers also to send the automated emails generated from the system to various stakeholders of the system 3.2 Software Product Features 3.2.1 Use Cases Use Case for Master Tables SOILTYPE_MASTER UC SoilType_Master Version: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 25 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Context: This use case will be used to add records to the SoilType_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “SoilType_Master” via the following fields: a) SoilType_ID b) SoilType_Name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, SoilType_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: STATE_MASTER UC State_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the State_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when a new state is created Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “State_Master” via the following fields: a) State_ID b) State_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 26 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, State_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: AGROCLIMATIC_REGION_MASTER UC Agroclimatic_Region_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used Agroclimatic_Region_Master table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Agroclimatic_Region_Master” via the following fields: a) Region_ID b) Region _name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Agroclimatic_Region_Master. AGROCLIMATIC_ZONE_MASTER UC Agroclimatic_Zone_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used Agroclimatic_Zone_Master table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 27 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Agroclimatic_Zone_Master” via the following fields: a) Zone_ID b) Zone_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Agroclimatic_Zone_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: CROP_MASTER UC Crop_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Crop_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when a new crop is added Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Crop_Master” via the following fields: a) Crop_ID b) Crop_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Crop_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: DISTRICT_MASTER SaharaNext January 2012 Page 28 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health UC District_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the District_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new districts are created Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “District_Master” via the following fields: c) District_ID d) State_ID e) District_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, District_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: BLOCK_MASTER UC Block_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Block_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new blocks are created Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Block_Master” via the following fields: a) Block_ID b) District_ID c) State_ID SaharaNext January 2012 Page 29 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health d) Block_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Block_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: PANCHYAT_MASTER UC Panchayat_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Panchayat_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new panchayats are created Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Panchayat_Master” via the following fields: a) Panchyat_ID b) Block _ID c) District_ID d) State_ID e) Panchyat_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Panchayat_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: VILLAGE_MASTER UC Village_Master SaharaNext January 2012 Page 30 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Village_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new villages are created Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Village_Master” via the following fields: a) Village_ID b) Panchyat _ID c) Block_ID d) District_ID e) State_ID f) Village _name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Village_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: FERTILIZER_COMPANY_MASTER UC Fertilizer_Company_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used Fertilizer_Company_Master table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new fertilizer companies are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Fertilizer_Company_Master” via the following fields: a) Fertilizer_Company_ID SaharaNext January 2012 Page 31 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health b) Fertilizer_Company_name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Fertilizer_Company_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SOIL_TESTING_SCHEME_MASTER UC Soil_Testing_Scheme_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used Soil_Testing_Labs_Master table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Soil_Testing_Scheme_Master” via the following fields: a) Scheme_ID b) State_ID c) Scheme_Name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Soil_Testing_Scheme_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SOIL_SAMPLE_TYPE_MASTER SaharaNext January 2012 Page 32 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health UC Soil_Sample_Type_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used Soil_Sample_Type_Master table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Soil_Sample_Type_Master” via the following fields: a) Sample_type _ID b) Sample_type_Name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Soil_Sample_Type_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: RANGE_MASTER UC Range_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Range_Master table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Range_Master” via the following fields: a) Range_ID b) Range_Details The use case ends. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 33 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Range_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: USER_REGISTRATION_MASTER UC User_Registration_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to register the user with the portal for availing all kinds of services. Priority: Frequency: As and when a new user requires the services. Primary Actor: User Preconditions: Basic Flow: 1. The actor(s) should have to open the URL of the portal. 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of entering the user details in the master table “User_Registration_Master” via the following fields: a) User_ID b) User_Name c) User_Login_ID d) User_Password e) Address f) Contact_No g) Email_Id The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, User_Registration_Master and the system will generate a User_Id for the user. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: PROBLEM_TYPE_MASTER UC Problem_Type_Master SaharaNext January 2012 Page 34 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Version: Context: This use case will be used to provide the list the problem types for expert advisory service to the farmer. Priority: Frequency: As and when request for expert advisory comes. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Problem_Type_Master” via the following fields: a) Problem_Type_ID b) Problem_Type_Name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Problem_Type_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: DEPARTMENT_MASTER UC Department_Master Version: Context: This use case will be used to provide the relevant department details for expert advisory service to the farmer. Priority: Frequency: As and when request for expert advisory comes. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Master Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Department_Master” via the following fields: a) Dept_ID b) State_ID c) Dept_Name The use case ends. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 35 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the master table, Department_Master. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Soil Testing Process LOGIN UC Login Version: Draft Context: This use case will be used to enter into the Soil Testing Application. Actors will be presented with an interface where they can enter data. Priority: Frequency: As and when required Primary Actor: System Administrator, Registration Officer/Lab Assistant, Analyst, Soil Testing Officer Preconditions: The login credentials are already created for the system. Basic Flow: 1. Log in The system presents with an interface to enter username and password. The actor enters username and password in the input area. Actors submit data. The combination of username and password will be validated and by the application and if authorize then the user will be able to see the home screen of the application. The use case ends. Alternative 1. Invalid User Flow: The system presents with an interface to enter username and password. The system is not able to validate the user .The system displays error message and control goes to login interface once again. The Use case ends. Post At BF1, System displays interface as per entitlement of the actors. Condition: Special 1. Username should be combination of alphanumeric characters. Requirements: 2. Password should be made strong Unresolved Issues: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 36 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health LOGOUT UC Logout Version: Draft Context: This use case will be used to Logout from the Soil Testing Application. Actors will be presented with an option where they can opt for the Logout operation. Priority: Frequency: As and when required Primary Actor: System Administrator, Registration Officer/Lab Assistant, Analyst, Soil Testing Officer Preconditions: The actor is logged into the system. Basic Flow: The actor logged into the system using use case for Login The actor opts the option to Logout of the system The system logs out the actor The use case ends. Alternative None Flow: Post The system will display the basic application Login interface. Condition: Special None Requirements: Unresolved None Issues: ACCEPTANCE_ OF_SOIL_SAMPLE UC Acceptance_of_soil_sample Version: Context: This use case describes the function to accept the soil sample for analysis by the Soil Testing Lab. Priority: Frequency: As and when the soil samples come for testing in the Soil Testing Lab. Primary Actor: Registration Officer / Lab Assistant 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. Preconditions: 2. The samples are physically received at the STL for analysis from farmers / SMEs / Mobile Vans. Basic Flow: 1. The physical soil samples are received at the lab. They are accompanied by a sample slip. 2. The soil samples are checked for adequate quantity, moisture and other parameters where it is ascertained at the lab that they are fit for analysis and testing. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 37 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3. Only when they are OK, they are accepted by the lab for testing. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. If the physical soil samples are received at the lab are found not OK for testing, they are rejected by the lab and returned to the source who had brought them to the lab. Post Condition The soil samples are accepted by the lab for testing and analysis. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: RECEIPT_OF_FEES UC Receipt_of_Fees Version: Context: This use case describes the function to accept the soil sample testing fees as per the type of test at the lab. Priority: Frequency: As and when the soil samples are accepted by the lab for testing. Primary Actor: Registration Officer / Lab Assistant / Agriculture Assistant 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. Preconditions: 2. The samples are accepted by the STL for analysis. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. When the soil sample is deemed to be OK for testing then they are accepted by the lab. 2. The system presents an interface in the form of a dropdown list to choose the sample type. The samples could be of five types. They are as mentioned below: a. General Soil Sample b. Special Soil Sample c. Soil Survey Soil Sample d. Micro Nutrient Sample e. Water Sample 3. Basis the sample type and nature of testing required, the system presents an interface to accept the fees for the same (if applicable and not under any scheme) at the lab and a receipt for the same shall be generated/printed by the system and is given to the source of sample. 4. Based on the fee received from farmers, a SMS containing the information regarding fee receipt is generated and pushed at the farmer’s mobile by the system. The use case ends. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 38 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Alternative Flow: Post Condition The soil sample is sent for inward entry in the system. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: ALLOCATE_INWARD_NUMBER UC Allocate_Inward_Number Version: This use case describes the function to provide an inward number for all Context: the soil samples received by the STL during the day by farmers / SMEs / Camp / Mobile Van in any block. Priority: Frequency: Primary Actor: Registration Officer / Lab Assistant / Agriculture Assistant 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The fee for sample testing has been received by the lab or if it is Preconditions: being done free of cost then the scheme is mentioned against the same. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. The Receipt / Challan numbers of the payment or if it is done free of cost under any scheme, then the scheme code is already entered in the system at the time of accepting the sample at Lab. 2. The sample slip is kept inside the sample bag hence all entries cannot be entered. So when the samples come from farmers, extension worker or SMEs or any other STL, details are listed down from the letter accompanying the samples, like number of samples brought in the lot, name, designation of the official, taluka, district. The system shall present an interface to enter these details against Receipt / Challan number or Scheme code as the case may be. 3. Based on the details entered above the Inward number will be generated by the system for the entire lot of samples The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition Inward entries for the lot number of the soil sample will be added in the database and will be made available by the system to further enter sample details and number the sample. Special Requirements: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 39 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Unresolved Issues: REGISTER_FARMER UC Register_Farmer Version: Context: This use case will be used to enter the farmer’s details for the samples that come for Soil Testing. Priority: Frequency: As and when the STL receives a soil sample. Primary Actor: Registration Officer / Lab Assistant / Agriculture Assistant Preconditions: Basic Flow: Alternative Flow: Post Condition 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. As and when the Inward entries are made at the STL after accepting the soil sample. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. 1. Enter Farmer’s data System presents with an interface of entering the farmer’s data. The system interface presents with following items: A) Capture basic Information: a. Sample No. b. Date of Sample Drawn c. Fees d. Inward No. e. Farmer’s Name f. Village g. Post h. Taluka i. District j. Survey No. k. Area In Hectares l. Next Season’s crop The use case ends. 1. Invalid data Application will check for any invalid data or blank entries and shall prompt the user to enter appropriate data. On BF1, System will present an interface to save the farmer’s details in the system. Data will be updated in the core system. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 40 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health MODIFY_FARMER UC Modify_Farmer Version: Context: This use case will be used to modify the farmer’s details for the samples that come for Soil Testing. Priority: Frequency: As and when the STL receives a soil sample. Primary Actor: Registration Officer / Lab Assistant / Agriculture Assistant 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. As and when the Inward entries are made at the STL after Preconditions: accepting the soil sample. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. Modify Farmer’s data System presents with an interface of modifying the farmer’s data. The system interface presents with following items: A) Modify basic Information: a. Farmer’s Name b. Village c. Post d. Taluka e. District f. Survey No. g. Area In Hectares The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. Invalid data Application will check for any invalid data or blank entries and shall prompt the user to enter appropriate data. Post Condition On BF1, System will present an interface to save the farmer’s details in the system. Data will be updated in the core system. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SEARCH_FARMER UC Search_Farmer Version: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 41 Software Requirements Specification Context: Information on Soil Health This use case will be used to search the farmer’s details for the samples that come for Soil Testing. Priority: As and when the Inward entries are made at the STL after accepting the soil sample. Primary Actor: Registration Officer / Lab Assistant / Agriculture Assistant 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The sample should be complete in all respects and should be Preconditions: accepted by the lab for testing purpose. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. Search Farmer’s data System presents with an interface of searching the farmer’s data. The system interface presents with following items: A) Search basic Information: a. Farmer’s Name b. Village c. Post d. Taluka e. District f. Survey No. g. Area In Hectares The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. Data Not Found The Application will present an interface to enter the farmer’s details as elucidated in the Use Case “Registration of Farmer”. Post Condition On BF1, System will display the details of the farmer and the corresponding receipt of soil ample entry can be entered through the Use Case “Registration of Farmer”. Data will be updated in the core system. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Frequency: ASSIGN_LAB_NUMBER UC Assign_Lab_Number Version: This use case describes the function to assign lab number to the total sample soil collected in a lab at the beginning of a day for all the soils Context: collected previous whole day from Farmers / SMEs / Soil testing lab / Camp / Mobile Van. This process is basically a day opening process by the Soil testing Lab at SaharaNext January 2012 Page 42 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health district level. After this, the Soil testing Lab has to carry on the tests on all the soil samples collected from different blocks. Priority: Frequency: Primary Actor: Soil Testing Officer 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. Preconditions: 2. The inward number for the sample has been generated. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. Basis the inward number, sample type, lab code of receiving lab, sample serial number is generated for each sample by the system. 2. This number is used by the lab to identify the sample. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition Lab number added against all the soil sample which have physically come to soil testing along with the details like lot number etc should be there in the database Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: TEST_SAMPLE UC Test_Sample Version: Context: This use case describes the function of sample testing being done in the STL. Priority: Frequency: As and when samples with lab number reach the analyst Primary Actor: Analyst 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The samples have to necessarily have a lab number assigned Preconditions: against them. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. Depending on the sample type, many different tests are performed. The procedures for performing these tests may also vary. 2. Basis these tests, the analyst shall enter the readings of the tests in the Readings Sheet against the particular lab sample number. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 43 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3. Finally when the tests are complete for the entire batch, the analyst shall enter the readings on the Readings Sheet into the system against the lab sample number. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition The raw data (readings) entered in to the system will now generate a meaningful analysis of the soil sample with the help of the software (system). Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SAMPLE_ REJECTION UC Sample_Rejection Version: Context: This use case describes the function of sample rejection after it has been sent for testing in the STL. Priority: Frequency: As and when samples with lab number reach the analyst Primary Actor: Analyst 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The samples have to necessarily have a lab number assigned Preconditions: against them. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. Depending on the sample type, many different tests are performed. The procedures for performing these tests may also vary. 2. Basis these tests, the analyst shall enter the readings of the tests in the Readings Sheet against the particular lab sample number if the sample is fit for testing otherwise he will simply reject the sample. 3. Once the sample is deemed unfit for testing, the analyst will reject the soil sample. 4. Based on the rejection a SMS containing the information regarding sample rejection is generated and pushed at the farmer’s mobile by the system. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition A report for rejected samples is generated by the system and stored in the system. Special Requirements: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 44 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Unresolved Issues: GENERATE_SAMPLE_ RESULTS UC Generate_Sample_Results Version: Context: This use case describes the generation of sample results being generated from the raw data entered in the system. Priority: Frequency: As and when data from the Reading Register is entered in the system. Primary Actor: Analyst 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The samples have to be tested individually and their test readings Preconditions: should be recorded in the Readings Register. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. The formulae for calculation of the test results are already stored into the system. 2. When the tests readings are entered in the system, the formulae automatically process these readings basis the pre-defined procedures. 3. The test results are calculated and stored in the system. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition The calculated results are available for display. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SAMPLE_RESULTS_ CONFIRMATION UC Sample_Results_Confirmation Version: Context: This use case describes the viewing of test results being generated and stored in the system from the raw data entered in the system. Priority: Frequency: As and when data from the Test Results are stored in the system. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 45 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Primary Actor: Analyst / Soil Testing Officer 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The calculated results are already stored into the system and are Preconditions: available for display. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. When the actor wishes to see the tests results stored in the system, they are displayed on the screen. 2. These results are also displayed for confirmation 3. Once the results are confirmed for correctness, they are locked for final printing of test and analysis report. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition The final test and analysis report is available for printing. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: ISSUE _SOIL_HEALTH_CARD UC Issue_Soil_Health_Card Version: Context: This use case describes the function of the creation of Soil Health Card Priority: Frequency: As and when the test results are stored and confirmed for printing. Primary Actor: Soil Testing Officer 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. Preconditions: 2. The final test and analysis report is available for printing. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. The result of the tests and soil sample analysis is the testing report which is called the “Soil Health Card (SHC)”, which is generated by the system. 2. This SHC contains the details of all the tests performed and the corresponding values of each nutrient / micronutrient, its deficiency or abundance or perfectness. 3. Apart from these test results the reports also carry a recommendation on fertilizers dosage and other things. 4. This recommendation is provided by the system automatically as per the soil test results as per the 6-tier system recommended by SAUs for all crops. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 46 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 5. Recommendations are also provided by the system on Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) or targeted yield system. 6. For generating soil health card, the following details of the farmers need to be fetched from the system and shown on the screen: a. Farmer Details: i. Date ii. Farmer Name iii. Farmer Address iv. Contact Number/s v. Land Details (Survey No. etc.) vi. Crop and Variety b. Testing Lab Details c. Test Report Details d. Recommendations Note - These fields can be added further based on the requirement at design time. 7. Based on the appropriate entries, the farmer will get a unique system generated registration number from the system for the farmer. 8. This registration number will be provided to the farmer and from that time, the farmer will be known through this unique registration number. 9. Once the soil testing has been done and report is generated, SMS containing the information regarding the test, is generated and pushed at the farmer’s mobile by the system. 10. This card is delivered to the source of the soil sample by the lab. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition Successful creation of Soil Health Card for the farmers and entries related to soil health card are added in the system. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: GENERATE_REPORTS UC Generate_Reports Version: Context: This use case describes the function of the generation of Monthly/Yearly Progress Reports Priority: Frequency: At month end. Primary Actor: Soil Testing Officer SaharaNext January 2012 Page 47 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. 2. The result of the tests are generated and stored in the system on Preconditions: the basis of test type. 3. All the relevant Master database tables should be populated before starting the process. Basic Flow: 1. The System will present an interface to the actor to select the following fields: a. Year: The actor shall be presented with drop down list to select the year for which the reports are to be fetched. b. Month: The actor shall be presented with drop down list to select the month for which the reports are to be fetched. c. Test type: The actor shall be presented with drop down list to select the test type for which the reports are to be fetched. 2. Basis this criteria the system will generate the appropriate report. The use case ends. Alternative Flow: Post Condition Successful generation and printing of MPR for dissemination of information. This could also be exported in xls or pdf formats. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Use Cases Diagram for Soil Testing Process SaharaNext January 2012 Page 48 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Use Cases on Frontline Demonstrations FRONTLINE_DEMONSTRATIONS_DETAILS UC Frontline_Demonstrations_Details Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the master table for adding state wise, year wise frontline demonstrations data. Priority: Frequency: As and when required SaharaNext January 2012 Page 49 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Primary Actor: SAO 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Frontline_Demonstrations_Details” via the following fields: A) F_Demo_Master_ID B) Demo_Name C) State_ID D) Year_Introduced E) Duration The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Frontline_Demonstrations_Details. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: DEMONSTRATION_TRANS UC Demonstration_Trans Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the transaction table for details of the frontline demonstration. Priority: Frequency: As and when required Primary Actor: BAO 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Demonstration_Trans” via the following fields: a) Demo_ID b) F_Demo_Master_ID c) Demo_Year d) Demo_start_date e) Demo_end_date f) Training_Address SaharaNext January 2012 Page 50 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health g) h) i) j) k) State_ID District_ID Block_ID Pachayat_ID Village_ID l) Officer_Name The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the transaction table Demonstration_Trans. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Database on Soil Resources (Micro level conditions) STATE_SOILTYPE_TRANS UC State_SoilType_Trans Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the State_SoilType_Trans table. Priority: Frequency: Once Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the table “State_SoilType_Trans” via the following fields: a) State_SoilType_ID b) State_ID c) SoilType_ID d) Area e) Remarks The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, State_SoilType_Trans. Special SaharaNext January 2012 Page 51 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Database on Agro Climatic Parameters. CROP_VARIETIES UC Crop_Varieties Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Crop_Varieties table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when a new crop is added Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Crop_Varieties” via the following fields: a) Crop_ID b) State_ID c) Crop_Variety_Name d) Year_Release e) Notification_Number f) Notification_Date g) Resemblence_to_Variety h) Maturity_Days i) Agronomic_Features j) Quality_of_Produce k) Morphological_Characteristics l) Varity_Description m) Parent_Description n) Reaction_Major_ diseases o) Reaction_Major_ Pests p) Average_Yield q) Remarks The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Crop_Varieties. Special Requirements: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 52 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Unresolved Issues: CROP_RECOMMENDATIONS UC Crop_Recommendations Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Crop_Recommendations table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when a new crop is added Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Crop_Recommendations” via the following fields: a) State_ID b) Crop_ID c) Region_ID d) Zone_ID e) Crop_Recommendation The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Crop_Recommendations. Preconditions: Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Database on Organic / In-organic Fertilizers FERTILIZER_DEALER_DETAILS UC Fertilizer_Dealer_Details Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Fertilizer_Dealer_Details table. Priority: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 53 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Frequency: Once / As and when new fertilizer dealers are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Fertilizer_Dealer_Details” via the following fields: a) Dealer_ ID b) Dealer_Name c) Dealer_Type d) Sells_Fertilizer_Type e) Dealer_address f) License_Start_Date g) License_End_Date h) state_ID i) District_ID j) Block_ID k) Pachayat_ID l) Village _ID m) Contact_Nos n) Contact_Person_Name o) Company_Deals p) Website q) Email The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Fertilizer_Dealer_Details. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Database of all Soil Testing Laboratories and Computerization of Soil Health Cards (Automation of Soil Testing Laboratories with Networking) SOIL_TESTING_LABS_DETAILS UC Soil_Testing_Labs_details Version: Context: SaharaNext This use case will be used Soil_Testing_Labs_Details table. January 2012 to add records to the Page 54 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing labs are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Soil_Testing_Labs_Details” via the following fields: a) STL_ID b) Soil_Testing_Officer_Name c) Lab_address d) State_ID e) District_ID f) Contact_Nos g) Yearly_Test_Targets h) Test_Parameters The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Soil_Testing_labs_Details. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SOIL_SAMPLE_ACCEPTANCE UC Soil_Sample_Acceptance Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Soil_Sample_Acceptance table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Soil_Sample_Acceptance” via the following fields: a) State_ID SaharaNext January 2012 Page 55 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Districy_ID STL_ID Acceptance_date Sample_type Fee_Required FOC_under_scheme_ID Fee_Amount Mode_of_payment j) Amount_Collected The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Soil_Sample_Acceptance. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: INWARD_DETAILS UC Inward_Details Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Inward_Details table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Inward_Details” via the following fields: a) Inward_ID b) State_ID c) STL_ID d) Date_Received e) No_Of_Samples f) Received_From_name g) Received_from_address h) Received_from_blockID i) Received_from_Village_ID SaharaNext January 2012 Page 56 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health j) k) l) m) n) Received_Name_Designation Received_from_district_ID Paid_through Amount_Paid Date_of_Payment o) Receipt_No The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Inward_Details. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SAMPLE_DETAILS UC Sample_Details Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Sample_Details table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Sample_Details” via the following fields: a) STL_ID b) State_ID c) Farmer_Name d) Farmer_Address e) Sample_No f) Inward_ID g) Sample_Drawn_Date h) Fee_IF_Applicable i) District_ID j) Block_ID k) Panchyat_ID l) Village_ID m) Survey_No SaharaNext January 2012 Page 57 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health n) Area_In _Hectares o) Next_Season_crop The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Sample_Details. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: LAB_NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT UC Lab_Number_Assignment Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Lab_Number_Assignment table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Lab_Number_Assignment” via the following fields: a) Lab_Sr_No b) STL_ID c) Inward_ID d) Sample_No e) Sample_Type_ID The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Lab_Number_Assignment. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: SIX_TIER_SUGGESTION UC Six_Tier_Suggestion SaharaNext January 2012 Page 58 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Six_Tier_Suggestion table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Six_Tier_Suggestion” via the following fields: a) Sample_Type_ID b) Range_ID c) Crop_id d) State_ID e) Suggest_Component_Prop f) Sugg_Dose The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Six_Tier_Suggestion. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: MICRONUTRIENT_SUGGESTION UC Micronutrient_Suggestion Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Micronutrient_Suggestion table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Micronutrient_Suggestion” via the following fields: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 59 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health a) Prop_code b) Range_code c) Suggestions The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Micronutrient_Suggestion. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: WATER_SUGGESTION UC Water_Suggestion Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Water_Suggestion table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Water_Suggestion” via the following fields: a) SAR_Range_ID b) Conductivity_Range_ID c) Suggestions The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Water_Suggestion. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: FERTILIZER_EXPECTED_YEILD UC Fertilizer_Expected_Yield SaharaNext January 2012 Page 60 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Fertilizer_Expected_Yield table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Fertilizer_Expected_Yield” via the following fields: a) Crop_ID b) N_Factor1 c) N_Factor2 d) P_Factor1 e) P_Factor2 f) K_Factor1 g) K_Factor2 The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Fertilizer_Expected_Yield. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: LAB_TARGET UC Lab_Target Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Lab_Target table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Lab_Target” via the following fields: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 61 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health a) b) c) d) e) f) Year Testing_Lab_ID General_Target Soil_Survey_Target Micronutrients_Target Water_Target g) Special_Soil_Target The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Lab_Target. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: MONTHLY_TARGET_BLOCK_W ISE UC Monthly_Target_Block_Wise Version: Context: This use case will be used Monthly_Target_Block_Wise table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Monthly_Target_Block_Wise” via the following fields: a) Year b) Month c) State_ID d) District_ID e) Block_ID f) General_Target g) Soil_Survey_Target h) Micronutrients_Target i) Water_Target j) Special_Soil_Target The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation SaharaNext January 2012 Page 62 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Monthly_Target_Block_Wise. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: READING_GENERAL_SOIL_SAMPLE UC Reading_General_Soil_Sample Version: Context: This use case will be used Reading_General_Soil_Sample table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Reading_General_Soil_Sample” via the following fields: a) Lab_serial_Number b) PH_Reading c) EC_Reading d) Organic_c_reading e) Organic_c_Percentage f) P205_Reading g) K2O_reading h) P205_KG-HA i) K2O_KG_HA j) N_Soil_wt k) N_ir l) N_fr m) N_bk_ir n) N_bk_fr o) N_kg_ha p) Reading_date q) Status_Flag r) Report_Sent_date SaharaNext January 2012 Page 63 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Reading_General_Soil_Sample. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: READING_SPECIAL_SOIL_SAMPLE UC Reading_Special_Soil_Sample Version: Context: This use case will be used Reading_Special_Soil_Sample table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Reading_Special_Soil_Sample” via the following fields: a) lab_serial_Number b) ph_reading c) ec_reading d) Caco3 HCL e) CaCo3 ir f) CaCo3 fr g) CaCo3 percnt h) CaCo3 dolomite (comment from Ranchi) i) Ph_reading_soil_buffer_suspension (comnt from Ranchi) j) org_c Soil wt k) Org_C_ir l) Org_C_fr m) Org_C_bk_ir n) Org_C_bk_fr o) Org_C_percnt p) mst_Soil_wt SaharaNext January 2012 Page 64 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health q) mst_od_wt r) mst-percnt s) volsample t) Cs_wtl u) cs_od_wt v) sch_wtl w) sch_od_wt x) ch_wtl y) ch_od_wt z) hp_wt aa) hp_od_wt bb) hp_factor cc) coarse_sand_percnt dd) silt_percnt ee) clay_percnt ff) fin_sand_percnt gg) ca_i_r hh) cafr ii) ca_f_edta_ir jj) ca_f_edta_fr kk) ca_meq_percnt ll) mgca_i_r mm) mgca_fr nn) mgca_f_edta_ir oo) mgca_f_edta_fr pp) mg_meq_percnt qq) na_reading rr) na_meq_percnt ss) k20_reading tt) k20_mgm_percnt uu) p205_reading vv) p205_mgm_percnt ww) mwhc_wt1 xx) mwhc soil wt yy) mwhc_water_wt zz) mwhc cut wt aaa) mwhc od wt bbb) mwhc wt2 ccc) mwhc_od_wt2 ddd) mwhc_percnt eee) app_denst_gmcc SaharaNext January 2012 Page 65 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health fff) sp_denst_gmcc ggg) pore_space_percnt hhh) vol_expn_percnt iii) texture jjj) N_soil_wt kkk) n_ir lll) n_fr mmm) n_bk_ir nnn) N_bk_fr ooo) av_n ppp) Reading_date qqq) Status_flag rrr) report_sent_date The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Reading_Special_Soil_Sample. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: READINGS_W ATER_SAMPLE UC Readings_Water_Sample Version: Context: This use case will be used to add records to the Readings_Water_Sample table. Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Readings_Water_Sample” via the following fields: a) lab_serial_Number b) ph_reading c) ec_reading d) ca_i_r SaharaNext January 2012 Page 66 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health e) ca_fr f) ca_meql g) camg_i_r h) camg_fr i) mg_meql j) na_reading k) na_meql l) k_reading m) k_meql n) C03_ir o) C03_fr p) C03_meql q) HC03_ir r) HC03_fr s) HC03_meql t) cl_ir u) cl_fr v) cl_bk_i_r w) cl_bk_fr x) cl_meql y) so4_meql z) sar aa) rsc bb) water_class cc) Reading_date dd) Status_flag ee) report_sent_date The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Readings_Water_Sample. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: READINGS_MICRONUTRIENTS_SAMPLE UC Readings_Micronutrients_Sample Version: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 67 Software Requirements Specification Context: Information on Soil Health This use case will be used Readings_Micronutrients_Sample table. to add records to the Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Readings_Micronutrients_Sample” via the following fields: a) lab_serial_Number b) copper_reading c) copper_ppm d) iron_reading e) iron_ppm f) manganese_reading g) manganese_ppm h) zinc_reading i) zinc_ppm j) Reading_date k) Status_flag l) Report_sent_date m) Boron_reading (comment from Ranchi) n) Boron_ppm (comment from Ranchi) The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Readings_Micronutrients_Sample. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: OUTWARD_NUMBER_DETAILS UC Outward_Number_Details Version: Context: SaharaNext This use case will be used to add records to the Outward_Number_Details table. January 2012 Page 68 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Priority: Frequency: Once / As and when new soil testing schemes are added. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Outward_Number_Details” via the following fields: a) Out_no b) lab_serial_Number c) Reference The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Outward_Number_Details. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: Use Cases for Expert Advisory EXPERT_ADVISORY_TRANS UC Expert_Advisory_Trans Version: Context: This use case will be used to provide expert advisory service to the farmer. Priority: Frequency: As and when request for expert advisory comes. Primary Actor: System Administrator 1. The actor(s) should have necessary privileges to access the Preconditions: system. Basic Flow: 1. Add records in the Table in the database The system presents an interface of adding the records in the master table “Expert_Advisory_Trans” via the following fields: a) Ex_Ad_ID b) Problem_type_ID c) State_ID d) District_ID e) Dept_ID SaharaNext January 2012 Page 69 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health f) g) h) i) j) k) l) User_ID Problem_Details Problem _status Openning_date Closing_date Ex_Ad_ID Answer_given m) Answer_By_User_ID The use case ends. Alternative Flow: 1. User cancels or aborts the operation The system shall not add and store records in the master table. Post Condition On BF1, System will add records to the table, Expert_Advisory_Trans. Special Requirements: Unresolved Issues: 3.2.2 Flow Chart for Soil Testing Process: SaharaNext January 2012 Page 70 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health SaharaNext January 2012 Page 71 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3.2.3 Workflow Diagrams Workflow Diagram for Soil Testing Process in the Lab Workflow Diagram for Expert Advisory System SaharaNext January 2012 Page 72 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3.3 Business Process Description The system for soil testing being followed in five of the seven pilot states is completely manual with the exceptions of Maharashtra where “Soil Survey Testing Lab ( SSTL)” software is being used and Karnataka where “Bhoopala” software is being used for generation of Soil Test and Analysis results. However, Maharashtra follows a six-tier approach for recommendations and Karnataka follows a three-tier approach for recommendations on fertilizer usage. The result generation process is the same in both of the softwares. Both the softwares are currently standalone applications. 3.3.1 Business Process AS-IS S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SaharaNext Activity Receipt of Soil Sample Collection of Fees Receipt Generation Inward Entry of Sample Testing of Sample Result and Analysis of Soil Sample January 2012 Mode Manual Manual Manual Manual Physical process, through approved standard procedures Automated in Maharashtra & Karnataka (is being done through standalone software – Page 73 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 7 Providing Recommendations 8 Generation of Soil Health Card 9 Dissemination of Results no data sharing happening through the existing system, except manual printouts of reports being sent to department and farmers) Automated in Maharashtra & (is being done through standalone software – no data sharing happening through the existing system, except manual printouts of reports being sent to department and farmers) Automated in Maharashtra & Karnataka (is being done through standalone software – no data sharing happening through the existing system, except manual printouts of reports being sent to department and farmers) Manual 3.3.2 Business Process TO-BE S.No. 1 2 Activity Receipt of Soil Sample Collection of Fees 3 Receipt Generation 4 Inward Entry of Sample 5 Testing of Sample 6 Result and Analysis of Soil Sample 7 Providing Recommendations 8 Generation of Soil Health Card SaharaNext January 2012 Mode Manual Automated – through web based application Automated – through web based application Directly into the web based application Physical process, through approved standard procedures Automated in Maharashtra & Karnataka (but in the new system it will be done through web based software) Automated in Maharashtra & (but in the new system it will be done through web based software) Automated in Maharashtra & Karnataka (but in the new system it will be done through web based software) Page 74 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 9 Dissemination of Results 10 Data Transmission with CAP & SAP Automated. A SMS will be pushed to the mobile of the farmer by the system. It will be available on the web also and farmer can directly download it from there. This will also be linked to SAP & CAP as the software will be web based. Will be done through web services. 3.4 Performance Requirements The software package can be operated as independent system. The amount of transactions generated by the software can be very well tackled by the computer system as proposed. User may be familiar with operating of computer applications. Software package can be operated using mouse or keyboard. Package will provide consistent look and feel as well proper navigation for easy usability. 3.4.1 Scalability Requirements The system is scalable and can be rolled out to all the states in Pan India after the pilot implementation in 7 states. As the basic processes having transactional flows like Soil Testing Labs, Expert Advisory systems etc have same processes throughout India. 3.4.2 Response Time It will take less time (in seconds) for database access/update transactions. However, for report generation and query retrieval it may take sufficiently more time depending on data volume and complexity of queries. The response time should be as follows: 90% of the responses should be within 2 sec 5-10 second: For user operation on data (for e.g. sorting of data in a column) or (5 to 50 records per page up to max of 100,000 records) 10-20 second: For user awaiting response from the system upon executing a transaction (for e.g. a query/update). 1 minute – Unacceptable response time 3.5 Design Constraints SaharaNext System shall store and retrieve persistent data. System shall support PC and all other platforms available commonly. The system must be designed to allow web usability. That is, the system must be designed in such a way that will be easy to use and visible on most of the browsers January 2012 Page 75 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3.6 Software System Attributes 3.6.1 Usability The Screens should be designed for ease of use by non technical users who do not have any computer knowledge. The GUI design shall be intuitive and task-based without any superfluous design. The design should adopt the following principles: Use relative font size so that a user can easily change overall font size from the browser interface. Text equivalents should be given for all graphics. Application should function even if Javascript, CSS and Frames are turned off. Navigability –The user should be able to perform operations without having to navigate through multiple pages/links – No operation should require more than 2 to 3 clicks. Familiarity – The system’s interfaces and navigations should be based on other systems that the users are familiar with. Administration – The system should not require any administration tasks at the user level. Interfaces should be available for administration/setup operations. Help - The system should come equipped with Computer based tutorial in English and ten other languages for users to “self-Soilve” any navigability or operational doubts. Standards Adherence – The system should adhere to commonly accepted standards of web-design (such as acceptable size of web pages, minimal images, small style sheets etc) 3.6.2 Reliability From the application portal, it is expected that there shall not be any bug and the system shall be tested on end cases to offer user a quality and reliable package. Due to any human interventions, the system should not behave abnormally. 3.6.3 Availability Application shall be up and running and must be available 24x7 and any one shall be able to connect to it from anywhere. It shall trap all errors and prevent users from accessing unauthorized areas of the application. In case of application or a hardware failure, the system should re-initiate immediately. In case of a possible hardware failure or corruption of database the system administrator should immediately restore the backup. 3.6.4 Security The system should have protection against SaharaNext Unauthorized creation/modification of data - through user name and password authentication as defined for relevant user groups. January 2012 Page 76 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Unauthorized viewing of data - through user name and password authentication as defined for relevant user groups. The software should adhere to security guidelines, standards and policies prescribed by NIC’s Security Division and should be audited & certified for compliance to these standards by Security Division before it is hosted in Production Environment. The software should be protected against any unauthorized access to the software. 3.6.5 Maintainability In order to ensure maintainability of the application, the following should be insured The application will be designed and developed based on the instructions given by NIC / DAC. Software Code must be modular and well documented All the artifacts related to the software such as code, SRS, User Manual etc. should be well documented and self-explanatory for any programmer to understand. Detailed documentation shall be available at each stage for easy comprehensions of the application system. All documents shall be prepared as per the defined documentation standards. The system administrator shall take regular back up of the database. 3.6.6 Portability The software will be hosted / installed in the environment as decided by NIC/DAC later on. 3.6.7 Language Support SaharaNext The system will support the entry and display of : Non-Latin scripts such as Hindi, Tamil and other Indian vernacular languages The application will store data using Unicode representation. Nowadays there are many plug-in based applications are available in market, through which the phrase written in one language can be translated in different languages. By using these plug-ins, a portal that supports vernacular languages can be developed. The database can developed in a base language for e.g. in English. This plug-in is then placed between the database and the application. The language of the data is first selected in the application and then data is entered through the form available in the application. This information of the language and the data reaches the plug-in first. The plug-in understands the language and then translates the data in to base (English) language and then stores the data in the database. Similarly, when the information is retrieved from the database, it reaches the plug-in first, meanwhile; the plug-in also has the information of the language in which the data in base (English) language needs to be translated into, from the form available in the application. The January 2012 Page 77 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health plug-in then translates this data in the language of the user’s choice and displays the same on the form available in the application. Examples of the above mentioned plug-ins are as below: An Application related to Land Use and Acquisition has been developed by NIC which makes use of the plug-in developed by C-DAC, Pune. Details of another such Plug-in software developed by C-DAC, Pune is available at the mentioned link: http://pune.cdac.in/html/aai/mantra.aspx A software by the name of “MANTRA – Rajbhasha” has been developed by C-DAC, Pune. The details of the same are available at the below mentioned link: http://pune.cdac.in/html/aai/mantra_rajbhasha_en.aspx 3.6.8 Interoperability The software will interoperate with other software applications which are being developed under National e-Governance Program, Mission Mode Project, in particular Central Agriculture Portal and State Agriculture Portal. The following are the likely points of information exchange/reconciliation: State Codes/Names Panchayat Codes/Names Scheme Code/Names Scheme component Code/Names Prices of Notified Seed Varieties to show the dealer’s stock availability of the seed, fertilizer and pesticides nearest to the farmer’s area. 3.7 Logical Database Requirements Modules identified under service 2 can be categorized as: Master Tables: This section is used to describe the general Master Tables of all the modules. Frontline Demonstrations: In this section, information related to the frontline demonstrations will be stored. Soil Resources (Micro level conditions): In this section, the state wise approximate areas of different soil texture information need to be maintained for Pan India. Agro Climatic Parameters: Needed to maintain the details of Crops and its varieties, Agro Climatic Region Wise, Agro Climatic Zones wise, State Wise and District Wise Expert Advisory: This module is used to maintain the expert advisory section of the database. Organic / In-organic Fertilizers: In this section, the dealer/retailer location and contact numbers needs to be captured SaharaNext January 2012 Page 78 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Soil Testing Laboratories and Computerization of Soil Health Cards: This section is responsible to maintain the records related to soil testing labs and all sort of parameters related to soil testing. System will also be responsible to generate automatic recommendations to the farmers basis on the soil type tested in the soil testing lab. Tables under different modules of service 2 can be maintained 3.7.1 Master Tables SoilType_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation SoilType_ID Int SoilType_Name Nvarchar(25) Auto number, unique Primary Key key to get all the states Names of different Soil Types available throughout india State_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation State_ID Int State_name Nvarchar(25) Auto number, unique Primary Key key to get all the states Name of the states Agroclimatic_Region_Master Field Name Type & Size Region_ID Int Region_name Nvarchar(25) Agroclimatic_Zone_Master Field Name Type & Size Zone_ID SaharaNext Int Constraints Constraints Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key to get all the Agro Climatic Regions across India Name of the Regions. Total 15 Regions across India are there Primary Key Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key to get all the Agro Primary Key January 2012 Page 79 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Climatic Zones across india Region_ID Int Foreign Key Zone_name Nvarchar(25) Name of the Zones. Total 127 Agro Climatic Zones are there in India Crop_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Crop_ID Char(5) Primary Key Crop_name Nvarchar(25) Auto number, unique key to get all the crops across India Name of the Crops Problem_Type_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key Primary Key Problem_Type_ID Int Problem_Type_Name Nvarchar(100) Department_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Dept_ID Int Auto number, unique key Primary Key State_ID Int Dept_Name Nvarchar(100) Foreign Key User_Master (Registration of employee) Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints User_ID Int Primary Key User_Name Nvarchar(25) User_Login_ID Nvarchar(25) SaharaNext Auto number, unique key January 2012 Page 80 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health User_Password Nvarchar(25) Address Nvarchar(100) Contact_Number Nvarchar(25) Email_ID Nvarchar(50) District_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation District_ID Int State_ID Int Auto number, unique Primary Key key to get all the states Foreign Key District_name Nvarchar(25) Name of the District Block_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Block_ID Int Auto number, unique key to get all the Blocks under all districts Primary Key State_ID Int Foreign Key District_ID Int Foreign Key Block_name Nvarchar(25) Name of the Block Panchyat_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Panchyat_ID Int Auto number, unique key to get all the Panchyats under any Block Primary Key State_ID Int Foreign Key District _ID Int Foreign Key Block_ID Int Foreign Key SaharaNext January 2012 Constraints Page 81 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Panchyat_name Nvarchar(25) Name of the Panchyat Village_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Village_ID Int Auto number, unique key to get all the Villages under any Panchyat Primary Key State_ID Int Foreign Key Block _ID Int Foreign Key District _ID Int Foreign Key Panchyat_ID Int Foreign Key Village _name Nvarchar(25) Name of the Village Fertilizer_Company_Master Field Name Type & Size Fertilizer_Company_ID int Fertilizer_Company_name Nvarchar(25) Soil_testing_Scheme_Master Field Name Type & Size Scheme_ID int State_ID Int Scheme_Name Nvarchar(25) SaharaNext January 2012 Explanation Constraints Auto number, Primary Key unique key to get all the Companies Name of the Company Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key to get all the schemes State ID of the states in which the Scheme is applicable Name of the Scheme Primary Key Page 82 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Soil_ Sample_type_Master Field Name Type & Size Sample_type _ID Int Sample_type_Name Name Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key to get all the Sample types General Soil Sample / Special Soil Sample / Soil Survey Soil Sample / Micro Nutrient Sample / Water Sample Primary Key Range_Master Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Range_ID Int Primary Key Range_Details Nvarchar(10) Auto number, unique key to get all the Ranges Very Low / Low / Medium / Moderate/ High /Very High 3.7.2 Database on Frontline Demonstrations Frontline_Demonstrations Field Name Type & Size F_Demo_Master_ID Int Demo_Name Nvarchar(50) State_ID Int Year_Introduced Char(4) Duration Int SaharaNext Explanation Constraints Auto number, Primary Key unique key to get all the topics Name of the topic on which the training has to given Foreign Key Duration of the frontline demonstration (approximate January 2012 Page 83 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health period of the crop cycle need to entered) in days Remarks Nvarchar(100) Demonstration_Trans Field Name Type & Size Demo _ID Int F_Demo_Master_ID Int Demo_Year Char(9) Demo_start_date Date/time Demo_end_date Date/time Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key to get all the topics ID of the topic on which the Demo has to given Primary Key Foreign Key, derived from Topic_Master Eg.: 2010-2011 State_ID Comes automatically based on the training duration from Training_topic_master Nvarchar(255) Address where the training/front end demonstration is happening Int Foreign Key District_ID Int Foreign Key Block_ID Int Foreign Key Pachayat_ID Int Foreign Key Village _ID Int Foreign Key Officer_Name Nvarchar(25) Training_Address SaharaNext Name of the officer from Department of Agriculture who is looking after the training activity January 2012 Page 84 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 3.7.3 Database on Soil Resources (Micro level conditions) State_SoilType_Trans Field Name Type & Size State_SoilType_ID Int State_ID Int SoilType_ID Int Area Double Remarks Nvarchar(100) Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key states Primary Key Foreign Key Foreign Key In Hectares 3.7.4 Database on Agro Climatic Parameters Crop_Varieties (State wise crop varieties with varieties parameters) Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Crop_ID Char(5) State_ID Crop_Variety_Name Int Nvarchar(25) Year_Release Char(4) Notification_Number Nvarchar(10) Notification_Date Datetime Auto number, unique key to get all the crops across India Crop_ID + State_ID as Primary Key Crops Varities Notification Number in Records Notification date in Records Nvarchar(25) Resemblence_to_Variety Maturity_Days Int Agronomic_Features Nvarchar(100) SaharaNext January 2012 Total Number of Days for maturity Page 85 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Quality_of_Produce Nvarchar(25) Morphological_Characteristics Nvarchar(100) Varity_Description Nvarchar(250) Parent_Description Nvarchar(250) Reaction_Major_ diseases Nvarchar(250) Reaction_Major_ Pests Nvarchar(250) Average_Yield Nvarchar(50) Remarks Nvarchar(100) Crop_ Recommendations Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints State_ID Crop_ID Int Int Composite Key: State_ID + Crop_ID Region_ID Int Foreign Key Zone_ID Int Foreign Key Crop_Recommendation Nvarchar(255) For one crop, multiple recommendations can be made 3.7.5 Database on Expert Advisory Expert_Advisory_Trans Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Ex_Ad_ID Int Auto number, unique key Primary Key Problem_type_ID Int Foreign Key State_ID Int Foreign Key District_ID Int Foreign Key SaharaNext January 2012 Page 86 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Dept_ID Int Foreign Key User_ID Int Foreign Key Problem_Details Nvarchar(250) Problem _status Char(1) Openning_date Datetime Closing_date Datetime Ex_Ad_ID Char(6) Answer_given Nvarchar(250) New/Submitted/Pending/ Soilved Answer_By_User_ID Int 3.7.6 Database on Organic / In-organic Fertilizers Fertilizer_Dealer_Details Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Auto number, unique key to get all the Dealers Primary Key Dealer_ ID Int Dealer_Name Nvarchar(25) Dealer_Type Nvarchar(10) Sells_Fertilizer_Type Nvarchar(10) Dealer_address Nvarchar(255) License_Start_date DateTime License_End_date DateTime State_ID Int Foreign Key District_ID Int Foreign Key Block_ID Int Foreign Key Pachayat_ID Int Foreign Key Village _ID Int Foreign Key SaharaNext January 2012 Wholesaler / Retailer / Both Organic/In organic Page 87 Software Requirements Specification Contact_Nos Information on Soil Health Nvarchar(50) Contact_Person_Name Nvarchar(25) Company_Deals Int Foreign Key Website Nvarchar(50) Email Nvarchar(50) 3.7.7 Database of all Soil Testing Laboratories and Computerization of Soil Health Cards Soil_Testing_Lab_Details Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints STL_ ID Eg: MH-PUN-003 Primary Key Char(10) Soil_Testing_Officer_Name Nvarchar(25) Lab_address Nvarchar(255) State_ID Int Foreign Key District_ID Int Foreign Key Contact_Nos Nvarchar(50) Yearly_Test_Targets Numeric Test_Parameters Nvarchar(50) Remarks Nvarchar(100) Soil_Sample_acceptance Field Name Type & Size The parameters which can be tested in any particular lab Explanation Constraint s State_ID Int Foreign Key Districy_ID Int Foreign Key SaharaNext January 2012 Page 88 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health STL_ID Int Foreign Key Acceptance_date Date/time Sample_type Int Fee_Required Bit Soil_Sample_type_Mast er -> Sample_type_ID FOC_under_scheme_I Nvarchar(2 D 5) Fee_Amount Float Mode_of_payment Nvarchar(1 0) Float Amount_Collected Scheme codes selection through which the sample testing is made FOC. For Fee required no and FOC blank, in that state no fee is applicable for soil testing Scheme IDs for the particular state will be listed Cash/cheque/dd Based on the selection of particular state and sample_type, the applicable fee will be displayed from table State_Soil_testing_fee Inward_Details Field Name Type & Size Explanation Inward_ID Int State_ID Int Auto number, Primary Key unique key to get all the Inward numbers State ID of the states in which the inward number is given STL_ID Int Date_Received Datetime SaharaNext January 2012 Constraints Page 89 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health No_Of_Samples Int Received_From_name Nvarchar(25) Received_from_address Nvarchar(250) Received_from_blockID Int Received_from_Village_ID Int Received_Name_Designation Nvarchar(25) Received_from_district_ID Int Paid_through Char Amount_Paid Float Date_of_Payment Datetime Receipt_No Int H-Chalan / CCash Paymant chalan / Receipt Number Sample Details Field Name Type & Size Explanation STL_ID Int State_ID Int STL where sample received State ID of the states in which the inward number is given Farmer_Name Nvarchar(25) Farmer_Address Nvarchar(250) Sample_No Nvarchar(25) Inward_ID Int Sample_Drawn_Date Datetime Fee_IF_Applicable Float SaharaNext Inward_Details-> Inward_ID January 2012 Constraints Foreign Key Page 90 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health District_ID Int Block_ID Int Panchyat_ID Int Village_ID Int Survey_No Nvarchar(20) Area_In _Hectares Double Next_Season_crop Nvarchar(20) Lab_Number_Assignment Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Auto Number (Lab Number) Primary Key Lab_Sr_No Int STL_ID Int Foreign Key Inward_ID Int Foreign Key Sample_No Nvarchar(25) Sample_Type_ID Int Six_Tier_Suggestion Field Name Soil_Sample_type_Master Foreign Key -> Sample_type_ID Sample_Type_ID Type & Size Int Range_ID Int Foreign Key Crop_id Int Foreign Key State_ID Int Foreign Key Suggest_Component_Prop Int Sugg_Dose SaharaNext Int January 2012 Explanation Constraints Foreign Key Suggested Proposition of component Suggest Dose of fertilizer Page 91 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Micronutrient_Suggestions Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Prop_code Int Foreign Key Range_code Int Foreign Key Suggestions Nvarchar(100) Water_Suggestion Field Name Type & Size Explanation SAR_Range_ID Int Valid Range for SAR of Foreign Key Water Valid Range Code for Foreign Key Water Conductivity Conductivity_Range_ID Int Suggestions Constraints Nvarchar(100) Fertilizer_Expected_Yield Field Name Type & Size Crop_ID Int N_Factor1 Float N_Factor2 Float P_Factor1 Float P_Factor2 Float K_Factor1 Float K_Factor2 Float Explanation Constraints Foreign Key Factor for expected yield of Nitrogen Factor for available yield of Nitrogen Factor for expected yield of Phosphorous Factor for available yield of Phosphorous Factor for expected yield of Potassium Factor for available yield of Potassium Lab_Target (Target of Samples to be tested at Labs state wise) Field Name Type & Size Explanation Constraints Year Char(4) Eg. 1991/2011 Testing_Lab_ID Int Testing_Lab_ID from SaharaNext January 2012 Foreign Key Page 92 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health soil_Testing_Lab_Master General_Target Int Soil_Survey_Target Int Micronutrients_Target Int Water_Target Int Special_Soil_Target Int Monthly_Target_Block_Wise Field Name Type & Size Explanation Year Char(4) Eg. 1991/2011 Month Int 1,2…12 State_ID Int Foreign Key District_ID Int Foreign Key Block_ID Int Foreign Key General_Target Int Soil_Survey_Target Int Constraints Micronutrients_Target Int Water_Target Int Special_Soil_Target Int Reading_General_Soil_Sample Field Name Type & Size Lab_serial_Number Int Explanation Constraints PH_Reading Float Primary Key of table Foreign Key Lab_Number_Assignment Ph of Soilution EC_Reading Float Ec value Organic_c_reading Float Meter reading of organic carbon SaharaNext January 2012 Page 93 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Organic_c_Percentage Float Percent content P205_Reading Float P2o5 meter reading K2O_reading Float K2O Meter Reaging P205_KG-HA Float P2O5 Kg/ Hect K2O_KG_HA Float K2O Kg/ Hect N_Soil_wt Float N_ir Float N_fr Float N_bk_ir Float N_bk_fr Float N_kg_ha Float Wt in Gm for soil sample of Nitrogen Initial reading of nitrogen for soil Final reading if nitrogen of soil Initial reading for nitrogen for blank Final reading for nitrogen for blank Nitrigen Kg/Ha Reading_date Datetime Date of ananlysis Status_Flag Char(1) Report_Sent_date Datetime Used for setting various flags complete / confirmed etc Date of printing the report Reading_special_soil_sample Field name Type and size lab_serial_Number char(10) ph_reading float ph_reading_Soil_Buff float _suspension ec_reading float Caco3 HCL int CaCo3 ir float CaCo3 fr float CaCo3 Dolomite float CaCo3 percnt SaharaNext float Explanation Constraint Primary key PH reading PH reading of Soil Buffer Suspension EC reading HCL reading Initial reading Final reading Lime requirement in terms of CaCo3/dolomite kg/ha Percent CaCO3 January 2012 Page 94 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health org_c Soil wt Org_C_ir Org_C_fr Org_C_bk_ir float float float int Org_C_bk_fr int Org_C_percnt mst_Soil_wt mst_od_wt float float foat mst-percnt Volsample float int Cs_wtl float cs_od_wt sch_wtl float float sch_od_wt ch_wtl float float ch_od_wt hp_wt hp_od_wt float float float hp_factor coarse_sand_percnt silt_percnt clay_percnt fin_sand_percnt ca_i_r Cafr ca_f_edta_ir ca_f_edta_fr ca_meq_percnt mgca_i_r mgca_fr mgca_f_edta_ir float float float float float float float float float float float float float mgca_f_edta_fr float mg_meq_percnt na_reading na_meq_percnt float int float SaharaNext Wt of Soil sample for O.C. Organic carbon initial reading Organic carbon final reading Org. carbon blank initial reading Org. carbon blank final reading percent organic carbon Soil wt for moisture contents ovendry weight of Soil for moisture moisture percent volume of sample for mechanical analysis wt of empty wati for coarse sand ovendry wt of coarse sand empty wati wt for silt+clay+H.P. ovendry wt for sill+clay+H.P. wt of empty wati for clay + HP ovendry wt for clay + HP wt of empty wati for HP wt of wati with HP after ovendrying value of HP factor percent of coarse sand percent of sill percent of clay percent of fine sand intial reading for Ca final reading for Ca Initial reading for Ca factor Final reading for Ca factor Ca meq percent initial reading for mg+ca final reading for mg+ca Initial reading of factor for mg+ca Final reading of factor for mg+ca Mg meq percent Na reading Na meq percent January 2012 Page 95 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health k20_reading k20_mgm_percnt p205_reading p205_mgm_percnt mwhc_wt1 float float int float float mwhc soil wt mwhc_water_wt mwhc cut wt mwhc od wt mwhc wt2 mwhc_od_wt2 float float float float float float mwhc_percnt float app_denst_gmcc sp_denst_gmcc pore_space_percnt vol_expn_percnt Texture N_soil_wt float float float float char(3) int n_ir n_fr n_bk_ir float float float N_bk_fr float av_n Reading_date Status_flag float date char(l) report_sent_date Date K2O reading K2O meq percent P2O5 reading P2O5 meq percent empty wt of dish for max water holding capacity wt of Soil for mwhc wt after soaking in water wt of dish after cutting wt of dish after oven dry wt of empty aluminum wati wt of wati +wet expanded Soil after oven dry percent max water holding capacity apparent density specific density percent pore space percent volume expansion code of texture Weight of Soil sample for nitrogen initial reading for nitrogen final reading for nitrogen Initial reading for blank for nitrogen Final reading for blank for nitrogen nitrogen kg/Ha Date of analysis of sample Flag for setting various status of record Date of printing report Readings_Water_sample Field name lab_serial_Number ph_reading ec_reading ca_i_r ca_fr ca_meql SaharaNext Type and size char(10) float float float float float Explanation Constraint Primary key reading of PH reading of EC initial reading for Ca final reading for Ca Ca meq per liter January 2012 Page 96 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health camg_i_r camg_fr mg_meql na_reading na_meql k_reading k_meql C03_ir C03_fr C03_meql HC03_ir HC03_fr HC03_meql cl_ir cl_fr cl_bk_i_r cl_bk_fr cl_meql so4_meql Sar Rsc water_class float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float int Reading_date Status_flag date char(l) report_sent_date Date Ca +Mg initial reading final reading Ca +Mg Mg meq per liter reading of Na Na meq per liter reading of K K meq per liter initial reading of C03 Anal reading of C03 C03 meq per liter initial reading for HC03 final reading for HC03 HC03 meq per liter initial reading for chloride final reading of chloride blank initial reading for chloride blank final reading for chloride Cl meq per liter S04 meq per liter Sodium absorption ratio residual sodium carbonate class of water (derived from classification of water as sar and ec combination) Date of analysis of sample Flag for setting various status of record Date of printing report Readings_Micronutrients_sample Field name lab_serial_Number copper_reading copper_ppm iron_reading iron_ppm manganese_reading manganese_ppm zinc_reading zinc_ppm boron_reading boron_ppm Reading_date SaharaNext Type and size char(10) float float float float float float float float float float date Explanation Constraint Primary key reading for copper copper ppm (parts per million) reading of iron iron ppm reading of manganese manganese ppm reading of zinc zinc ppm reading of boron Boron ppm Date of analysis of sample January 2012 Page 97 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Status_flag char(1) Report_sent_date Date Flag for setting various status of record Date of printing report Outward_number_details Field name Out_no Type and size Explanation Constraints Outward number whose details Int Primary are given lab_serial_Numb char(10) Lab no with which outward er number is related Reference nvarchar(25) Details of the outward number 3.8 Soil texture- The hydrometer method is in more common use because it is less time consuming and easier to follow. (Comment received from STL Ranchi) Data sheet for recording hydrometer readings 1. Soil weight (g) 2. 40-second hydrometer reading(g) 3. Temperature of suspension (celsius) 4. Corrected 40-second hydrometer reading(g) 5. 2-hour hydrometer reading(g) 6. Temperature of suspension (celsius) 7. Corrected 2-hour hydrometer reading(g) 8. Grams of sand-line (1)- line (4) 9. Grams of clay- Corrected 2-hour hydrometer reading(line-7) 10. % Sand- (line-8/line-1)*100 11. % Clay- (line-9/line-1)*100 12. % Silt-(100-% Sand+% Clay) 3.9 Other Requirements Team of skill resources needs to be deputed specifically to run the system at centre and state level Regular updations from the side of Centre and State based on the requirements Systems used for running the portal at different stakeholder’s place needed to be capable to run the application smoothly. 24X7 internet connectivity is must to run the system smoothly. Supply of the stationary related to the system should be there based on the requirements. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 98 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 4. DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Refer 1.4 SaharaNext January 2012 Page 99 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 5. ANNEXURE 5.1 Packages of Practices for Pilot States 1. Package of Practices Himachal Pradesh are available at: http://hpagrisnet.gov.in/agriculture/Agriculture%20Pages/package%20of%20practice .aspx From state agriculture University Level the Package and Practices are: For fruits, flowers, veg., Forestry crops found on: http://www.yspuniversity.ac.in/package/pack-practices.htm (Soilan) 2. Package of Practices Madhya Pradesh are available at: http://mpkrishi.org/ 3. Package of Practices Maharashtra are available at: http://ncof.dacnet.nic.in/POP_Maharashtra.pdf http://rkmp.co.in/extension-domain/maharashtra/package-of-practices 5.2 Soil Testing Labs at Pilot States: 5.2.1 Soil Testing Labs at Jharkhand Sl.No 1. District Dumka 2. Dhanbad 3. Pakur 4. Palamu 5. West Singhbhum 6. Sahibganj 7. Jamtara SaharaNext Address of Soil Testing Lab Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Khunta Bandh District : Dumka, Pin : 841 101 Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baliyapur Farm District : Dhanbad, Pin : 828 201 Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Maheshpur Farm District : Pakur, Pin : 816 106 Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Chianki District : Palamu, Pin : 822 133 Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Jaganathpur District : West Singhbhum, Pin : 833 203 Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Sahibganj Farm District : Sahibganj, Pin : 816 109 Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Agriculture farm Bena January 2012 Page 100 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health District : Jamtara, Pin : 815 351 8. Singhbhum Programme Coordinator (E) Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Barakhurshi District : Singhbhum (E), Pin : 832 304 9. Lohardaga Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, KISCO Farm District : Lohardaga, Pin : 835 302 10. Garhwa Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sub Divisional Agriculture Farm District : Garhwa Pin : 822 114 11. Giridih Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O Bengabad ( Near Block office) District : Giridih, Pin : 815 312 12. Simdega Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Seed Multiplication Farm , Bano District : Simdega, Pin : 835 201 13. Latehar Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Seed Multiplication Farm , Balumath District : Latehar, Pin : 829 202 14. SaraikelaProgramme Coordinator Kharsawan Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gamharia (Block campus), P.O Gamharia District : Saraikela- Kharsawan, Pin : 832 108 15. Bokaro Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, P.O- Paterwar (Near Block) District : Bokaro, Pin : 829 121 16. Chatra Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Seed Multiplication farm Kullu District : Chatra, Pin : 825 401 17. Ranchi I/C soil Testing Department of Soil Science & Agriculture chemistry BAU, Kanke, Ranchi Source: As per the information provided by State Agriculture Department 5.2.2 Soil Testing Labs at Maharashtra District Thane Raigad Ratngiri SaharaNext Addresses Telephone Number District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Wagale Estate, 022/58233889 Road No. 16 Zed Lane,Thane,4000604 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Taluka Seed C/o. DSAO Multiplication Farm Ground, Gokuleshwar Mandir, 0241/22094 Alibag, Dist. Raigad. District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil C/o. DSAO Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, 1207 Zen Baug, Padaveshwar Colony, Udhyam Nagar, Ratnagiri; 02362/28708 Officer Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, C January 2012 Page 101 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Block, Second Floor, Zilla Parishad Building, Orros Br. District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Nashik Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Nashik, Reshma Manjil, 60 feet road, Gajmala near, Nashik District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Dhule Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Dr. Panet Banglow, Badgujar Plot , Parola road, Dhule 424001 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Mehrun Shivar, Jalgaon Shradha Colony, Telephone Nagar, Jilhapeth, Jalgaon 425002 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Pune Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Pune. District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory,Taluka kharedi Ahmednagar vikri mahasangh, second floor marketyard, Ahmadnagar. 414001 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, 22 Raviwar peth, Soilapur Khanna chauk, in front of Seva Yojan Karyalaya, Soilapur District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Co.Mrs. Vijaya Kolhapur GOpal Bendra 330/2 B Jawaharnagar Near Y. P. Pawar Nagar Kolhapur 416012 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Sangli Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory,,434, Tamboli Building, Dr, Ambedkar Road, Sangli. 416416 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory,69,Pratap Ganj Satara Peth, Prasad Bunglow Back of Aikya Press, Satara,415002 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Aurangabad Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Aurangabad, Krishi Karmashala, Aurangabad. District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Jalana Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Trimurti Cimplex, Ambad Road Jalana. District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Beed Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Adarshnagar, Back of S.T. Stand 431122 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Nanded Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Sai Chambers, SaharaNext January 2012 0253/592958 C/o. DSAO 02562/20207 0257/262004 0241/356502 0217/623686 0231/693983 0233/376503 Co. DSAO 02162/34891 0240/332157 02482/30128 C/o. DSAO 02442/30128 02462-41157 Page 102 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health Ist floor, Anand Nagar, Nanded 431602 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Latur Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory,Krishi Bhavan, Market Yard,Latur 413512 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Usmanabad Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Kakde , Plot, Kankade Building, Usmanabad District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Dr. Puri Parbhani Bunglow, Kalyannagar Basavant Road, Parbhani. 431401 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Shri. Bhaurao Amravati Deshmukh Banglow, Sahkar Nagar, near new cotton market 444604 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Buldhana Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Near ST stand, Near Gopal Hotel, Buldhana 443001 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Akola Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Kailas Bhavan, Durga Chowk, Bhagwat Plot Akola 444001 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Ruikar Trust Yavatmal Building, Pralhad Gining Factory, Near Ganpati Mandir, Dhamangao road, Yavatmal 445001 Wardha District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Wardha 02382/42223 C/o 02472/22276 C/o.DSAO 02452/21409, 20359 0721/671367 07262/42534 0724/435957 Vinanti Kandap Kendra 07232/45247 C/o- DSAO 07152-43374, 43323 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, Krishi Nagpur 534658 Mahavidyalaya Ground, Maharaj Bag, Nagpur 440010 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Bhandara Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory,In front of Jilha 07184 – 52389 Parishad Bhandar 441904 District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil Chandrapur Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, C/o- SAO, 07172-51126 Chandrapur District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer, Soil C/o- DSAO Gadchiroli Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, House No. 267, 07131-22593 Meshram Building, Main Road, Gadchiroli 442605 Source: http://mahanhm.gov.in/static_pages/page12a.php Website Developed by NIC. Pune. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 103 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 5.2.3 Soil Testing Labs at Himachal Pradesh 1. Soil Testing Laboratory, Bilaspur, District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. 2. Soil Testing Laboratory, Rajpura, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh. 3. Soil Testing Laboratory, Hamirpur, District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. 4. Soil Testing Laboratory, Kullu, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. 5. Soil Testing Laboratory, Sundernagar, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. 6. Soil Testing Laboratory, Dhaulakuan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh. 7. Soil Testing Laboratory, Palampur, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. 8. Soil Testing Laboratory, Chambaghat, District Soilan, Himachal Pradesh. 9. Soil Testing Laboratory, Howthornvilla, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. 10. Soil Testing Laboratory, Una, District Una, Himachal Pradesh. 11. Soil Testing Laboratory, Recong-Peo, District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. 12. Soil Testing Laboratory, Kotkhai, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Source: As per the information provided by State Agriculture Department 5.2.4 Soil Testing Labs at Madhya Pradesh Following are the soil testing laboratories where major soil nutrients can be analysed. 1. Pawarkheda 2. Bhopal 3. Sehore 4. Ujjain + Ujjain (Mobile) 5. Mandsaur 6. Dhar + Dhar (Mobile) 7. Khargone 8. Khandwa 9. Balaghat 10. Chhindwara 11. Narsingpur 12. Sagar 13. Nawgaon + Nawgaon (Mobile) 14. Rewa + Rewa (Mobile) 15. Morena 16. Bhind Soil Survey Laboratories having Soil Testing Facilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. SaharaNext Jabalpur Indore Gwalior Sagar January 2012 Page 104 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 5. Nawgaon (Chatarpur) 6. Rewa 7. Khandwa Source: http://www.mpkrishi.org/EngDocs/AgriLeft/Soilt/soiltHome.aspx#STL 5.2.5 Soil Testing Laboratories in Assam District Address of Soil Testing Laboratory Contact Person Phone Number Assistant Director of Agriculture 0361-2543891 Department of Agriculture: Kamrup Soil Testing Laboratory (Mobile) Dr. B. K. Kakati Road Ulubari, Guwahati-7 Soil Testing Laboratory (Static) Dr. B. K. Kakati Road Ulubari, Guwahati-7 Sonitpur Soil Testing Laboratory (Mobile) Hazarapar, Chandmari Tezpur-784001 Soil Testing Laboratory (Static) Hazarapar, Chandmari Tezpur-784001 Lakhipmpur Soil Testing Laboratory North Lakhimpur Jorhat Soil Testing Laboratory (Mobile) Barbheta, Jorhat-13 Soil Testing Laboratory (Static) N.C.Hills Soil Testing Laboratory Haflong SaharaNext January 2012 (Soil Survey) Assistant Director of Agriculture 0361-2543891 (Soil Survey) Assistant Soil Chemist 03712-220108 Assistant Soil Chemist 03712-220108 Assistant Soil Chemist 03952-232018 Assistant Soil Chemist 0376-2328871 Assistant Soil Chemist Assistant Soil Chemist 0376-2328871 03673-236249 Page 105 Software Requirements Specification Karbi Anglong Cachar Information on Soil Health Soil Testing Laboratory (Mobile) Diphu Soil Testing Laboratory (Static) Diphu Soil Testing Laboratory (Static) Silchar Assistant Soil Chemist 94350-67243 Assistant Soil Chemist 94350-67243 Assistant Soil Chemist 03842-260216 Other Institutions: Jorhat Department of Soil Science Assam Agricultural University Jorhat-785013 Sonitpur North Eastern Regional Institute for Water and Land Management Dolabari, Tezpur Head of the Department 0376-2310240 Senior Scientific Laboratory 03712-220685 Biswanath College of Agriculture Madhapur, Bswanath Chariali Head of the Department 03715-22130 Source: http://assamagribusiness.nic.in/fec17.htm 5.2.6 Soil Testing Labs in Karnataka S.No. Name with Designation and Address 1 Shankar D. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Commissionarate of Agriculture, Sheshadari Rd, Bangalore – 560 001 2 B.C. Meenakshi Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near DC Office, Kolar 3 C.B Habeebula Khan Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near District Court, Tumkur - 572101 SaharaNext January 2012 Phone Number E-mail ID 9448383310 9844423204 9916222125 Page 106 Software Requirements Specification 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SaharaNext Information on Soil Health Poornima Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near DC Office, Mandya – 571 401 Surekha Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Koodige, Kodagu District G.S. Ramaswamy Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Nanjanagude – 571 301 Mysore District Nagaraj T. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Sante Pet, Hassana J.M.Rajashekar Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Old Thirthahalli Rd, Shimoga District – 577 202 R.H. Peerzade Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Gokak, Belgaum District – 591 307 Vijay Kumar Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Kotnur, Gulbarga – 585103 ShivKumar Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Bhalki, Bidar District – 585 328 Menaka V. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Joint Director of Agriculture Compound Veena K.R. Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Jilla Panchayath Compound, Mangalore Shankar Hegde Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada District – 581402 Meenakshi H. Kesari Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, RMC Yard, Davangere – 577 003 January 2012 9611857260 9964361982 9945642347 9448020862 9845235291 9480017849 9449619170 9964004346 9483400022 9845216427 9449207088 9480076060 Page 107 Software Requirements Specification 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Information on Soil Health Hema Morab Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, APMC Yard, Gadaga – 582 101 Yasir Arafat, Sharanamma Patil Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Krishi Sankirna, Raichur – 585401 Shantala Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, APMC Yard, Bellary 583101 H.K. Nyamagoudar Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Jamkhandi, Bagalkot district – 587 302 M.S. Kulakarni Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Near District Agriculture Training Centre, Dharwad – 580008 Revanappa Manogooli Agriculture Officer, Soil Health Centre, Vaddarhatti Camp Road, Gangavathi, Koppal District Vijay Kumar Mobile Soil Health Centre, Kotnur, Gulbarga – 585103 9449177844 9449181659 9480689014 9448227522 9449644939 9611382321 9844423204 9449619170 Details provided by: Ms Shobha, Agriculture Officer, Department of Agriculture, Bangalore 5.2.7 Soil Testing Labs in Kerala S.No. Soil Testing Lab 1 Central Soil Testing Laboratory, Parottukonam, Nalanchira.P.O Thiruvananthapuram - 695 015. 2 Soil Testing Laboratory, Kottamukku, Kollam - 13 3 Soil Testing Laboratory, Sanandanapuram, Alappuzha - 3 4 Soil Testing Laboratory, Kadakkad, Pandalam,Pathanamthitta 5 Soil Testing Laboratory, Ettumanoor, Kottayam. SaharaNext January 2012 Page 108 Software Requirements Specification 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Information on Soil Health Soil Testing Laboratory, Muthalakkodam, Thodupuzha, Idukki Soil Testing Laboratory, Vyttila, Ernakulam Kochi - 19 Soil Testing Laboratory, Chempukavu Thrissur - 20 Soil Testing Laboratory, Pattambi, Palakkad - 679 306 Soil Testing Laboratory, Malappuram-5 Soil Testing Laboratory, Tikkotti, Kozhikode. Soil Testing Laboratory, Mananthavady Wayanad Soil Testing Laboratory, Ondane Road, Camp Bazar, Kannur-1 Soil Testing Laboratory, Seed Farm Complex (Agri) Kasargod Mobile Soil Testing Labs 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SaharaNext 1 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Parottukonam, Nalanchira. P.O Thiruvananthapuram - 695 015. Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Kottamukku, Kollam - 13 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory Sandanapuram, Alappuzha - 3 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Chempukavu,Thrisusur-20. Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Pattambi,Palakkad - 679 306 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Malappuram-5. Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Tikkotti, Kozhikode Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Ondane Road, Camp Bazar, Kannur-1. January 2012 Page 109 Software Requirements Specification 9 Information on Soil Health Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Ettumanoor, Kottayam. Source: http://www.keralaagriculture.gov.in/htmle/soils/labs.htm This information was also provided by Mr.George Alexander (Central Soil Testing Laboratory, Parottukonam, Nalanchira.P.O Thiruvananthapuram). 5.3 List of Officials met regarding requirement capturing for Service 2 under NEGP(A) Sr.No Date 1 20/12/2011 2 21/12/2011 3 21/12/2011 4 24/12/2011 5 26/12/2011 6 26/12/2011 7 8 27/12/2011 27/12/2011 SaharaNext Name & Designation 1) Sri. Koshy Ibarahm (Chief Soil Chemist) 2) Smt. Beena Maheswari (Asst. Soil Chemist) 3) Sri. George Alexander (AO Mobile STL) 1) Sri. Koshy Ibarahm (Chief Soil Chemist) 2) Smt. Beena Maheswari (Asst. Soil Chemist) 3) Sri. George Alexander (AO Mobile STL) 1) Mr Gurusidappa (Agricultural Officer) 2) Mr Suhas (Agricultural Officer) 3) Mr Vinay (Lab Assistant) 4) Ms Lalita Reddy (DDA) 1) Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Sr. System Analyst, NIC) Dr. Hemraj Thakur (Fertilizer side) 2) Mr. R.N.Thakur (Plant Protection Officer) 1) Mr. R.N.Thakur (Plant Protection Officer) 1) Mr. Ajay Ghosle, Regional Coordinator, Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals 1) Shri Sanjay Barod 1) Mr. Sanjay M. Jagtap, Senior Manager (Farm Diagnostics & Advisory Services), Deepak Fertilizers 2) Mr. S. R. Satav (District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Officer) 3) Mr. J. A. Takudage (Agriculture January 2012 State Kerala Kerala Karnataka Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Maharashtra Page 110 Software Requirements Specification Information on Soil Health 4) 5) 6) 9 10 28/12/2011 28/12/2011 1) 1) 11 28/12/2011 1) 2) 12 29/12/2011 1) 2) 3) 13 29/12/2011 1) 2) 14 29/12/2011 1) 2) 3) 4) 15 29/12/2011 1) 2) 3) 16 30/12/2011 1) 2) 17 30/12/2011 1) 2) 18 02/01/2012 1) 2) SaharaNext Officer) Mr. R. R. Shinde (Agriculture Assistant) Mr. Vikas Rajarshi, Director – Chaitanya Soil Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Girish Phegade, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC Pune S.P. Arnikar, Agriculture Officer Mr. K.L Gaurkey, Laboratory Manager (Soil Testing) Mr ChannaKeshava – Agricultural officer, Fertilizers Section Ms Rajeshwari - Agriculture Officer, Seeds section Dr. Veena Vora, Head of Extention of Education Dr. BK Jha, Scientist Shri Loukesh Kumar, Technical Director, NIC Mr. Sameer Sharma (Agriculture Information Officer) Dr. Raghveer Singh Thakur (Deputy Director, Shimla District) Mr. Sanjay Deshmukh, CEO, NOCA Mr. Jayprakash Sakle, Certification Manager, NOCA Mr. N.S. Jadhav, DDA Mr. S.P. Arnikar, Agriculture Officer Mr Gurusidappa – Agriculture officer Mr Suhas – Agriculture officer Ms Anuradha – ADA, Organic Farming cell Shri R P Singh, Chairman Shri BK Agrawal, Scientist, Head of Soil Testing Lab (On Phone) Dr. Subbarao, Director, IISS Dr. K.Sammi Reddy, Princilpal Scientist (Soil Science) Dr. BK Agrawal, Sr. Scientist and Head of Soil Testing Lab Dr. R P Singh, Chairman, Soil Department January 2012 Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Jharkhand Himachal Pradesh Maharashtra Karnataka Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Page 111 Software Requirements Specification 19 02/01/2012 20 02/01/2012 21 05/01/2012 22 05/01/2012 23 06/01/2012 24 16/01/2012 Information on Soil Health 1) Mr. J. A. Takudage (Agriculture Officer) 1) Mr. K.P Paliwal, Managing Director, OCA 2) Mr. J.S. Parihar, Asst. Director of Agriculture 1) Dr. A.K. Rai, Head, Instrumentation Division, JLNKVV 1) Mr. Janardhanan (Asst Director Agriculture (planning)) 2) Mrs. Jeeja kumara (Asst Director Agriculture (planning)) 1) Dr. A.K Rai, Head of Instrument Development 2) Dr. S.N. Murty, (Ret. Director of Instrumentation), JLNKVV 1) Mr Suhas (Agricultural Officer) (On Phone) 2012 Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Kerala Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Agricultural Informatics Division National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Government of India SaharaNext January 2012 Page 112