Standing Rules

Penny Creek Elementary School
PTA Local Unit 7.3.42
Standing Rules 2015-2016
The name of this association is Penny Creek Elementary PTA. It was incorporated April 24, 1998. The local unit number is
7.3.42. This PTA serves the children in the Penny Creek Elementary School community (which includes the residents and
businesses in the Penny Creek Elementary School enrollment area).
Penny Creek PTA is a non-profit corporation recognized by the state of Washington on April 24, 1998. The Washington State
Incorporation number is on file with the Treasurer, and is to be renewed prior to April 30th of each year. The Treasurer is
responsible for filing the Annual Corporation Report.
This PTA was granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) on April 24, 1998. IRS identification number, UBI # 601 872
577 is on file with the Treasurer. A copy of the Letter of Determination is available from the Treasurer. The accounting period
shall be July 1st through June 30th. The sitting Treasurer is responsible for filing IRS Form 990 or Form 990 EZ prior to
November 15th if required and providing a copy to the board no later than December 1st.
Copies of current and past years returns are located in the Legal Documents binder held by the treasurer. All legal documents
required by the state and federal authorities will be kept in the legal binder and held by the treasurer of the PTA.
WA State PTA is the registered agent of Penny Creek PTA. This PTA is registered under the Charitable Solicitations Act,
registration number 7173. The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31 to avoid penalties.
The Association shall conduct an annual membership campaign beginning in the fall of the school year and shall make
membership available throughout the year. Membership in this PTA shall be open to all people without discrimination.
Membership is open to all parents, grandparents, teachers, staff, community members, guardians and any other persons that
support and encourage the purpose of the PTA.
Each member of the Association shall pay annual dues set by the Board $10.00 per staff/teachers or individual members;
$20.00 per family; $25 per community member). Such annual dues include a portion payable to the council ($0.50 per member),
state ($5.75 per member) and national PTA ($2.25 per member). A onetime fee of $5.00 to the state of Washington and $50.00
to the local council will be paid from membership dues per year. All students are recognized as honorary members of Penny
Creek PTA without voice, vote, or the privilege of holding office.
The elected officers of this association shall consist of no more than two (2) persons for each of the following
positions: President, Vice President-Volunteers, Vice President-Fundraising, Secretary, Vice President-Membership and one (1)
position for Treasurer. In the event that the Presidency is held by a single person, there will be the optional office of Executive
Vice President which can only be held by one (1) individual. These officers make up the Executive Committee. Each co-position
holder shall be entitled to voice and vote at Board of Directors’ meetings. Voting for officers and nominating committee positions
will take place at a general membership meeting.
In the event that the President is unable to serve, the Vice President with the longest record of service to the Association shall
perform the Presidents’ duties pro tempore. However, if there is an acting Executive Vice President then he/she shall perform
the Presidents’ duties pro tempore.
Officers will assume their official duties on July 1st and shall serve for the term of one year. An elected officer shall not be
eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
In compliance with the Washington State Uniform Bylaws, all elected officers must receive at least one (1) PTA approved
training each term they hold office. In addition, at least one elected officer from the Executive Committee must attend PTA & the
Law each year.
Penny Creek Elementary PTA Standing Rules 2015-2016
The Board of Directors will consist of the Executive Committee of the Association and three to five at-large members from the
general membership, which will be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. At-large members of
the Board shall have full voice and vote, and shall serve for a term of one year. The Board of Directors will meet monthly, on a
date and time determined by the Board. A majority of the Board of Directors will constitute a quorum. A special meeting of the
Board of Directors may be called by the president or a majority of the Board of Directors with ten (10) days notice being given.
Meetings of the Association shall be held at least three (3) times during the school year for adoption of the budget, adoption of
the standing rules, election of the nominating committee, and election of the Executive Committee. Meetings shall be held at the
direction of the Board of Directors.
Three (3) percent of the entire membership, or a minimum of ten (10) members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business in any general meeting, all members having been notified of the meeting.
A Budget Committee consisting of at least the incoming and outgoing president(s), treasurer and the second vice president, with
input from appropriate Board of Directors members, will prepare a preliminary budget for the coming year. This budget will be
presented to the general membership for approval in the spring, prior to July 1st of each year.
Changes to the approved budget will be submitted to the Board of Directors at the first fall meeting for approval and will then be
submitted to the general membership at the first general membership meeting. The Board of Directors may move no more than
$1000 from Funds to Reallocate in a calendar year without vote by General Membership.
Copies of current and past years returns are located in the Legal Documents binder held by the treasurer. All legal documents
required by the state and federal authorities will be kept in the Legal Documents binder and held by the treasurer of the PTA.
Penny Creek PTA will conduct a mid-year financial review in addition to the required financial review at the close of the fiscal
year after June 30th. Written and signed results of the financial review shall be given to the President to present to the Board of
Directors following the review. Results of the financial review and actions taken shall be presented at the next general
membership meeting.
All Penny Creek PTA checks are to be signed by at least two (2) of the three (3) selected officers established by the Executive
Committee. The PTA Treasurer and President plus one elected officer of the Executive Committee shall be on the signature card
for this PTA’s authorized bank account.
Penny Creek PTA will conduct a monthly independent review of all bank statements by two non-signers on the accounts.
All monies deposited for the Penny Creek PTA will be counted by two (2) persons and documented with two (2) signatures prior
to depositing money to the Treasurer.
The Treasurer will have the authority to pay all the budgeted expenses up to 110%, at the maximum amount of $50, of the
approved budget line item. All non-budgeted expenses shall be brought before the Board of Directors for approval. Any
expense from the School Improvements and School Programs Fund must be approved by a majority vote of the
General Membership prior to purchase.
All reimbursement requests must include a receipt and must be submitted to the Treasurer within seven (7) days of the event.
After seven (7) days, reimbursements will not be issued and items purchased will be considered a donation to the PTA. All
requests for reimbursement must be received by June 15th. Additionally, all receipts must be free of any purchases not being
reimbursed by PTA. Exceptions to the guidelines will be considered by the Board of Directors on a case by case basis.
Penny Creek Elementary PTA Standing Rules 2015-2016
The PTA shall recover the full amount of the original check plus any bank charges incurred on all NSF checks. If the NSF check
or checks are not paid for then the PTA will not accept any checks from this individual in the future. The PTA shall place a stop
payment on misplaced reimbursement checks and deduct bank fees incurred from the original amount of the check written to the
The PTA will not write any checks to Service Contractors (paying them $600.00 and more) (Not for products) unless all pertinent
paperwork has been received and is complete. The paperwork consists of: A signed Contract with the PTA, IRS form W-9,
PTA’s Independent Contractor Form, a copy of their Business License and a copy of their Certificate of Insurance. This
information must also be a part of the Contract.’
The PTA will accept credit and debit cards using the Square processing system. All credit/debit transactions will be subject to a
minimum $1.50 surcharge. A monthly review of transactions processed will take place.
The newly elected Executive Committee shall permit expenditures that have been provided for in the previous year's approved
budget from the last day of school through the first general membership meeting.
An Awards Recognition Team, led by the immediate past recipients and including the Vice President of Volunteers (with voting
powers limited to past award recipients), shall lead a committee consisting of past award recipients to select the Golden Acorn,
Outstanding Educator, Outstanding Advocate and Honorary Life Membership Award recipients. These awards shall be
presented annually to individuals selected by the committee. The number of awards recipients shall be established by the
committee based on the number of nominations received and budget allocation. This committee will consider only nominees
submitted in writing by the unit members by the established due date with the exception of the Honorary Life Membership
Award. An Honorary Life Membership Award recipient may be selected by the awards committee and be presented annually to
one individual within the unit membership at the committee’s discretion. An Awards presentation for all recipients will be made
at a general meeting.
Delegates to the annual Washington State PTA Convention shall consist of an incoming president and at least one other newly
elected officer of the Executive Board.
The delegate to the Legislative Assembly shall be the chairperson of the committee and shall vote on behalf of and as dictated
by the Penny Creek PTA membership. If such delegate cannot attend, then the delegate shall be appointed by the Board of
Directors, and if it fails to do so, then by the president.
Three (3) voting delegates are allowed at each council meeting. They shall be the first three (3) members in attendance to the
council meeting or three (3) members designated by the Board prior to each meeting.
These Standing Rules may be read by request at any of the general meetings. The Standing Rules shall be reviewed annually
by the Board of Directors and approved at the first general membership meeting. The Standing Rules may be amended or
rescinded at any general meeting by a majority vote.
Approved at the Membership Meeting on September 21, 2015
Last revised 09.21.15