Educational Resources for ELs 2015











Resources for English Learners with Disabilities

Compiled by Jarice Butterfield, Ph.D.

EL Resources from the CDEs 2015-2016 Recommended ELA Supplemental Resources

Available at:

Category* Publisher Program



1 1, 6



Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California Excursions

McGraw-Hill Education

California CCSS Treasures


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California Medallion


Holt McDougal

Imagine It! CCSS Supplemental

Holt McDougal Literature California

Common Core

McGraw-Hill Education

California Literature CCSS


Pearson Literature California

Reading Wonders

Pearson Prentice Hall

McGraw-Hill Education

Holt McDougal

Scholastic Education

Scholastic Education

Achieve 3000

Scholastic, Inc.

Holt McDougal Literature

English 3D

Expert 21

KidBiz 3000 and TeenBiz3000

Scholastic CA CCSS-ELA Gap Bundle












K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

Category 1 programs are designed to supplemental specific 2008 SBE-adopted programs from the same publisher. Category 2 programs are designed to supplement any previous SBE-adopted program based up on the 1997 SBE-adopted English language arts academic content standards. Please see the SIMR Reports of Findings for detailed information.

What Works Clearinghouse Programs for ELS Found To Have Positive Side Effects in

English Language Development and / or Reading Updated 2015

1) Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies o Effectiveness

Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies was found to have potentially positive effects on reading achievement for English language learners.

o Program Description

Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies is a peer-tutoring program for use in elementary school classrooms to improve student proficiency in reading. Its purpose is to supplement students’ existing reading curriculum.Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies was developed for use with students with diverse academic needs and has been used with English language learners.

The program uses peer-mediated instruction, a process whereby students work in pairs or small groups to provide tutoring in three reading strategies: retelling (i.e., sequencing information), paragraph shrinking (i.e., generating main idea statements), and prediction relay (i.e., generating and evaluating predictions). In addition to being trained in each of the reading strategies, students are taught to correct their partner’s reading errors, award points for correct responses, and provide consistent encouragement and feedback. Developers recommend that tutoring sessions last approximately 35 minutes and be conducted three to four times a week.

2) Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (BCIRC) o Effectiveness

BCIRC was found to have potentially positive effects on reading achievement and English language development. o Program Description

The Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (BCIRC) program, an adaptation of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) program, was designed to help

Spanish-speaking students succeed in reading Spanish and then making a successful transition to

English reading. In the adaptation, students complete tasks that focus on reading, writing, and language activities in Spanish and English, while working in small cooperative learning groups.

The intervention focuses on students in grades 2–5.

3) Instructional Conversations and Literature Logs


Instructional Conversations and Literature Logs was found to have potentially positive effects on reading achievement and English language development.

Program Description

This WWC report examines the effect of Instructional Conversations and Literature Logs used in combination. The goal of Instructional Conversations is to help English language learners develop reading comprehension ability along with English language proficiency. Instructional Conversations are smallgroup discussions. Acting as facilitators, teachers engage English language learners in discussions about stories, key concepts, and related personal experiences, which allow them to appreciate and build on each others’ experiences, knowledge, and understanding. Literature Logs require English language learners to write in a log in response to writing prompts or questions related to sections of stories. These responses are then shared in small groups or with a partner.

4) Vocabulary Improvement Program for English Language Learners and Their

Classmates (VIP)


VIP was found to have potentially positive effects on reading achievement and English language development.

Program Description

The Vocabulary Improvement Program for English Language Learners and Their Classmates (VIP) is a vocabulary development curriculum for English language learners and native English speakers (grades 4–

6). The 15-week program includes 30–45 minute whole class and small group activities, which aim to increase students’ understanding of target vocabulary words included in a weekly reading assignment.

5) Enhanced Proactive Reading


Enhanced Proactive Reading was found to have potentially positive effects on reading achievement and no discernible effects on English language development.

Program Description

Enhanced Proactive Reading, a comprehensive, integrated reading, language arts, and English language development curriculum, is targeted to first-grade English language learners experiencing problems with learning to read through conventional instruction. The curriculum is implemented as small group daily reading instruction, during which English Language Learners instructors provide opportunities for participation from all students and give feedback for student responses.

6) Fast ForWord® Language


Fast ForWord Language was found to have potentially positive effects on English language development and no discernible effects on the reading achievement of elementary school English language learners.

Program Description

Fast ForWord Language is a computer-based instructional program developed to build cognitive skills students need to improve English language proficiency and reading skill. It consists of seven game-like exercises, including nonverbal and verbal sound discrimination, phonological processing, vocabulary recognition, and language comprehension. Each exercise begins with basic skills and builds up to more complex skills. The difficulty of each task is continuously adapted so that students would get about 80% of the items correct. Fast ForWord Language was designed for students struggling with reading, but has been used for English language learners. There are multiple Fast ForWord products; this review focuses on Fast ForWord Language as used with English language learners.


Reading Mastery


Reading Mastery was found to have potentially positive effects on the reading achievement of English language learners.

Program Description

Reading Mastery is a direct instruction program designed to provide explicit, systematic instruction in English language reading. Reading Mastery is available in two versions, Reading Mastery Classic levels I and II (for use in grades K–3) and Reading Mastery Plus, an integrated reading-language program for grades K–6.

The program begins by teaching phonemic awareness and sound-letter correspondence and moves into word and passage reading, vocabulary development, comprehension, and building oral reading fluency. Later lessons continue to emphasize accurate and fluent decoding while teaching students the skills necessary to read and comprehend and to learn from expository text. Lessons are designed to be fast-paced and interactive. Students are grouped by similar reading level, based on program placement tests. The program includes placement assessments and a continuous monitoring system. Although not designed exclusively for English language learners, Reading Mastery can be used with this group of students.

7) Arther


Arthur was found to have potentially positive effects on English language development.

Program Description

Arthur, a book-based educational television program designed for children ages 4–8, is popular among preschool and kindergarten students. The program is based on the storybooks, by Marc Brown, about Arthur, an 8-year-old aardvark. Each show is 30 minutes in length and includes two stories involving characters dealing with moral issues. The show has been used as a listening comprehension and language development intervention for English language learning students.

8) My English Lab By Pearson (9 th -12 th grade)

9) Focus On Grammar (9 th – 12 th grade) by Pearson

10) COREtolearn

Technology-Assisted Programs for ELs

1) Success Maker – By Pearson

2) Read Well

3) Vocabulary and Improvement Program (VIP)

4) Fast Forward Language

5) Arther

6) Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (BIRC)