
Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may
have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.
To LINK to any article, click on the titles in BLUE
Existential Art(ists): Francis Bacon, Alberto Giacometti, Jean Dubeffet
1. Existentialism in Modern Art - Modern Art Terms and Concepts | The
2. Existential Art - Washington State University
3. THE ART OBJECT: Jean-Paul Sartre: “Existentialism as Humanism”
4. Francis Bacon: The Visual Existentialist | In Perspective
5. Francis Bacon and the Existential Condition in Contemporary Art ...
6. Official Review of Francis Bacon Tate Modern Exhibit 2008-2009
7. Francis Bacon in the Tate Collection
8. Francis Bacon at the Museum of Modern Art
9. Tate Channel: Damien Hirst on Francis Bacon, 20 November 2008
10. Short BBC Documentary on Bacon
11. Jean Dubuffet at the Museum of Modern Art
12. Dubuffet at the Tate Gallery
13. The Alberto et Annette Giacometti Foundation website: [2]
14. The UNESCO Works of Art Collection
15. Alberto Giacometti at the Museum of Modern Art
16. smARThistory: Giacometti's City Square
17. Life of Alberto Giacometti: Chronology of his life with illustrations from the Museum of
Modern Art
18. Alberto Giacometti in the National Gallery of Australia's Kenneth Tyler Collection
Deep Web Databases
How to open articles. Click on the BLUE link under the citation information for each article.
Articles are already in MLA format. Then enter the username and password for the article
Academic Search Premiere advanced article search
1. Schneider, Kirk J. "Existentialism And The Transpersonal." Existential Analysis: Journal Of The Society
For Existential Analysis 23.1 (2012): 120-122.
2. Gaidenko, P. P. "Kierkegaard And The Philosophical-Esthetic Sources Of Existentialism." Russian
Studies In Philosophy 43.4 (2005): 5-33.
3. "Existentialism." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2013): 1.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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4. Lehman, David. "Exit No Exit: Whatever Happened To Existentialism?." American Scholar 77.2
(2008): 16-17.
5. Burch, Matthew I. "The Twinkling Of An Eye: Kierkegaard And Heidegger On The Possibility Of Faith."
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Journal Of The American Catholic Philosophical
Association 83.2 (2009): 219-238.
6. Sadigh, Micah. "The Foundation Of Existentialism In The Oldest Story Ever Told." Existential Analysis:
Journal Of The Society For Existential Analysis 21.1 (2010): 76-88.
7. Walters, David A. "Existential Being As Transformative Learning." Pastoral Care In Education 26.2
(2008): 111-118.
8. Martin, Andy. "Autism, Empathy, And Existentialism." Raritan 27.3 (2008): 89-112.
9. Smith-Pickard, Paul. "Merleau-Ponty's Husserlian Heresy." Existential Analysis: Journal Of The
Society For Existential Analysis 17.1 (2006): 55-70.
10. Drake, David. "The 'Anti-Existentialist Offensive': The French Communist Party Against Sartre (1944–
1948)." Sartre Studies International 16.1 (2010): 69-94.
11. Jones, A. "Absurdity And Being-In-Itself. The Third Phase Of Phenomenology: Jean-Paul Sartre And
Existential Psychoanalysis." Journal Of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing 8.4 (2001): 367-372.
12. Flynn, Thomas R. "Toward The Concrete." Journal Of Speculative Philosophy 26.2 (2012): 247-255.
13. SHAIN, RALPH. "Language And Later Heidegger: What Is Being?." Philosophical Forum 40.4 (2009):
489-499. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=45064361&site=ehostlive
14. Asmus, V. F. "Existential Philosophy: Its Intentions And Results." Russian Studies In Philosophy 44.4
(2006): 5-33.
Websites and Online Articles
Existentialism entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Existentialism on In Our Time at the BBC. (listen now)
Friesian interpretation of Existentialism
Existentialism entry by Steven Crowell in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
"Existentialism is a Humanism", a lecture given by Jean-Paul Sartre
The Existential Primer
Buddhists, Existentialists and Situationists: Waking up in Waking Life
The Existence, All I know, only I know: the analysis of self-consciousness
Stirrings Still: The International Journal of Existential Literature
Existential Analysis published by The Society for Existential Analysis
International Society for Existential Therapy
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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12. HPSY.RU — Existential & humanistic psychology History of existential psychology's development in
former Soviet nations
13. Existentialism: A Primer - Existentialist resources with notes and commentary on individual
14. The Cry - Online philosophy magazine; includes existentialist and surrealist resources.
15. An Existential Philosopher's Museum - Many themes explored from an existential perspective: love,
sexology, spirituality, Unitarian Universalism, medical ethics, and death. Over 500 rooms to explore.
16. Existentialism and Human Emotions - Illustrated guide to Sartre's book.
17. Existentialism Webring - Listing of member pages in the ring.
18. Friesian - Existentialism - Summary of existential thought.
19. The Realm of Existentialism - The site offers the basics of existentialism through selected quotations,
and probes over twenty minds of existential philosophy and literature.
20. Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy - Professional organization supporting
philosophy inspired by continental European traditions. Call for papers, events calendar, and
organization information.
21. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Existentialism - Traces the beginnings of existentialism to the
present day.
22. The Absurdity of Beckett - Biography of Samuel Beckett paying particular attention to influence.
23. Alfred Jarry (1873-1907) - Brief biography of Alfred Jarry, the first absurd playwright.
24. The Cafe Irreal - Semiannual webzine focusing on short stories.
25. Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros - Information on the play itself, recent productions, and the Absurd
26. From Beckett to Stoppard: Existentialism, Death, and Absurdity - Analysis of the dialogue within the
playwrights work.
27. The Theatre of the Absurd - Describes the etymology of the term and its historical development.
Existential Theory of Quality Teaching and Learning on YouTube
William Barrett on Existentialism, part 1 of 3 - YouTube
Existentialism: Jean-Paul Sartre, "Existentialism is a Humanism" –
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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