Overseas Travel Risk Control Checklist

Overseas Travel Risk Control Checklist
All travellers must complete this checklist in conjunction with their line manager.
Name (s) of Traveller:
Travel to
Travel destination high
Purpose of visit:
Yes / No
It is essential this form is completed. It has been designed to enable travellers to help plan their travel.
The controls that are agreed to must be followed. Travellers must ensure that the precautions identified
are adequate for the country to be visited.
Any queries in regard to the completion of this assessment should be made to the Faculty/Directorate
trained risk assessor or Health and Safety
Checklist guidance
In assessing the risks of both travel and the work to be undertaken, the risk assessment should be made
based on previous knowledge of the work and of the area in which it is to be conducted. Reference can be
made to the following sources for further information on travel risks to specific countries:
Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) for advice on the travel destination and any warnings
against travel. Telephone 0845 850 2829 or visit www.fco.gov.uk where it is also possible and
advisable to register to receive regular text updates prior to and for the duration of their visit.
Travel agents’ advise
Insurance advice and warnings (see International Travel Guidelines, appendix 1)
Known contacts in the place being visited and previous advice and information from colleague who
have visited the area.
This checklist only addresses the travel aspects of working overseas. Any hazards and risks associated
with the work activities must be subject to a separate full risk assessment.
Staff with a disability or medical condition are encouraged to speak with their line manager and
Occupational Health to ensure adequate provision and reasonable adjustments are made to the individual’s
travel arrangements.
1. Hazard: Lack of travel insurance/documents
Risk of being stranded, lost tickets, no help available.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Travel documents ordered/received.
Passport checked as valid (with up to 6 months validity
left if required). Traveller can readily obtain contact
details for Embassy and Consulate in country to arrange
replacement passport or other assistance if required.
Traveller has a copy of/details of passport with them in
an alternative location to their passport eg in hold
luggage, in hotel safe, or stored on-line (university
email account, safe on-line data storage).
Faculty/Directorate has travel plans, contact
details/passport details etc stored in a secure location.
Traveller is able to contact the travel agent in case
travel arrangements need to be changed.
Register with FCO for advice on travel destination
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
2. Hazard: Lack of insurance cover for work
Overseas/on customer premises
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
university travel and other insurance policies provide an
acceptable level of cover.
Any additional insurance requirements are understood,
put in place and are addressed in work programme and
3. Hazard: Legal requirements for entry
eg visa requirements, work permit, import/export licence for sample/equipment etc.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Passport validity and expiry date checked.
Visa/work permit requirements checked and obtained if
If relevant, import/export and HAZMAT regulations for
the carriage and use of restricted or dangerous goods,
samples, equipment etc. are checked and complied with
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
4. Hazard: Personal safety and security
Risk from crime, political instability etc.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Faculty/directorate has a system for keeping
secure travel plans and contact details of
travellers and being able to access them out of
hours if required.
 Travel plans and contact details are
completed and forwarded to the relevant
Partner/family has contact information for the
university in an emergency (department contact
or university security).
If a communications plan is appropriate, ensure it is in
place and adhered to.
Mobile phone roaming set up (if appropriate) and
preloaded with emergency telephone numbers/email
Keep mobile phone and charger on person at all times.
If appropriate, laptop is enabled for internet
communications and email overseas.
Register with FCO for advice on travel destination.
Use experienced fieldtrip leaders or relevant agents.
Make sure greeters and drivers identify themselves
5. Hazard: Manual handling
Lifting and carrying luggage and equipment with the potential to cause injury.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Use trolleys, moving walkways, escalators and lifts
where possible.
Use transport rather than carrying cases/bags long
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
6. Hazard: Travelling to the destination
Entering and working/visiting a foreign country
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Availability and standards of transportation are
acceptable according to standards in country in question
and are understood by the traveller.
Itinerary and contact information (and plan if necessary)
should be logged with relevant department
Obtain travel insurance card prior to travel
Register with and review FCO advice on travel
Review Red24 prior to visit. (needs more detail).
Do not leave baggage unattended.
Never carry packages through customs for other people
and be cautious about accepting gifts.
7. Hazard: Air travel
Deep vein thrombosis, dehydration, crossing time zones, jet lag.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Take note of on-flight safety briefing
Practice in-flight exercise
Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.
8. Hazard: Travelling around the vicinity during your visit
Using of public transport – underground tube, trains, buses and using taxi services and/or mini buses/coaches. Not familiar with
surroundings, risk of accident, breakdown, public strikes
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Review the current FCO advice on travel destination.
Book reputable transport companies via university to
ensure where possible the competency of drivers,
roadworthiness of vehicles.
If a communications plan is appropriate, ensure it is in
place and adhered to.
Have maps and/or directions. Use experienced fieldtrip
leaders or relevant agents.
When waiting for public transport after dark, stand in a
well-lit place or near groups of people. Sit near the
driver or conductor.
Carry the number of a licensed cab company or ask the
hotel for a recommendation.
If hiring a car ensure you have the correct
insurance, licence and permits and are fully aware
of local driving conditions and have adequate
Do not drive if tired.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
Hazard: Travelling while pregnant
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Follow your GP's advice.
Check the university’s insurance will cover you (some
are reluctant during the last weeks of a pregnancy).
Check that the airline is happy to carry you. (Each has
their own rules and a cut off point, when they may
refuse to carry you. Often around 36 weeks or with
twins or more, this is usually around 32 weeks).
Carry out a pregnancy risk assessment and contact
Occupational Health to ensure you are fit to travel.
9. Hazard: Location – Legal & Local differences
Language difficulties, local custom, dress, religion, laws, procedures and practice, failure to adapt to local circumstances and
surroundings, feeling of isolation/loneliness.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Follow local codes/guidance.
Carry a card with hotel address in local language.
Learn a few key phrases.
Do not take photographs of sensitive sites such as
military installations and airports and seek permission
of subjects before taking photographs of them.
Follow local codes/guidance.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
10. Hazard: Fire Safety
Poor fire safety/unsafe accommodation; no fire detector s/alarm systems, obstructed fire escape routes, blocked fire exit.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Hotel/accommodation is in a safe location, of
acceptable standard for fire, security and
Check the fire precautions and evacuation routes
on arrival.
If there are concerns about the location of your
room eg on a ground floor, request an alternative
or transfer hotel.
Follow hotel guidelines for emergency
procedures. Listen to local advice.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
11. Hazard: Lack of first aid cover
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Follow hotel guidelines for emergency procedures.
Listen to local advice.
Consider carrying out a First Aid Needs Assessment for
your trip/activities.
A first aid kit can be requested by staff if thought
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
12. Hazard: Extremes of weather
Extreme heat, rain, ice, snow causing wet and slippery conditions.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Check weather conditions prior and during trip - be
aware of local seasonal and environmental conditions or
changes that may be encountered.
Follow hotel guidelines for emergency procedures.
Listen to local advice.
Wear suitable footwear and clothing including highfactor sunscreen and wear eye protection.
Carry bottled water and keep hydrated.
Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the
Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
If taking any medication check with GP before
travelling if the medication may affect tolerance to heat.
13. Hazard: Natural Disasters
typhoon, tornado, tsunami, avalanche, earthquake, flood - risk of becoming stranded, personal injury, loss of possessions
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Check weather conditions prior and during trip - be
aware of local seasonal and environmental conditions or
changes that may be encountered.
Ensure that emergency contacts have a full itinerary
including emergency contact details and local British
Embassy details.
Follow hotel guidelines for emergency procedures.
Listen to local advice.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
14. Hazard: Violence and aggression
Threats to personal security; terrorism, crime or aggression from members of the public - intruders, sexual harassment, mugging,
assault, theft- loss property and/or money/credit cards
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Register with and review FCO advice on travel
Use a hotel safe for travel documents, passports and/or
Check whether there are any special occasions such as
public holidays/local elections/political
conferences/major sporting events in the destinations
you are travelling to - security may be heightened with
an increased likelihood of terrorist attacks.
Obtain local currency sufficient for duration of stay and
some reserve. Consider travellers’ cheques or other
emergency currency.
Check that credit cards are generally accepted in
country and that cash is available via ATMs etc.
Avoid booking ground floor rooms and lock door at
Do not divulge personal details/room number to
strangers or in the presence of strangers.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
15. Hazard: Lone working
Staff working longer hours and out of core hours due to the nature of the trip. Working and travelling alone.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
If a communications plan is appropriate, ensure it is in
place and adhered to
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
If unsure of local area ask local agent for advice.
Avoid booking ground floor rooms and lock your door
at night.
Arrange to meet acquaintances in public places (eg
lobby or lounge of hotel).
16. Hazard: Stress
Lack of instruction or information on the venue. Lack of details for those attending the trip/event. Lack of organisation,
inexperience, management and supervision. Loss of confidential data
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Book trip through reputable companies via university’s
approved travel agent.
Travel arrangements made to best suit personal and
work schedule.
Ensure adequate rest breaks.
Register with and review FCO advice on travel
Follow hotel guidelines for emergency procedures.
Listen to local advice.
Remove confidential data from laptops, or encrypt it.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
17. Hazard: Electricity
Compatibility of equipment, different voltage, safety standards, power cuts - malfunction of, or damage to equipment, fire, burns,
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Ensure you have the appropriate converters and
Use battery operated equipment where possible.
Use equipment provided by host organisation or
Do not use wall sockets if they look damaged/scorched
or placed near water.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
18. Hazard: Equipment
Risk of injury if exposed to mechanical plant/equipment hazards when visits involve being invited into non-office based
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Abide by the host organisation’s health and safety
policy and be led by the organisation’s host.
Extra care to be taken when travelling overseas where
legislation may be less stringent.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
19. Hazard: Slip and trip hazards
Uneven pavements, steps, stairs and escalators, getting on/off public or hired transport.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Be aware of any unusual surroundings and take extra
care in poor weather conditions and at night.
Wear suitable footwear and clothing.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
20. Hazard: Ill Health
Stress, Lone-working, Contaminated food and/or water, Contact with Animals, Reptiles, Insects – Flora & Fauna, Travelling while
pregnant. Ongoing medical issues - taking your own medication. Drugs and alcohol.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Traveller is generally fit and healthy, no significant preexisting medical conditions.
Check the specific travel health advice and vaccination
requirements for your destination and that the country is
not regarded as high risk for disease, epidemics etc.
Check on vaccinations at least 6 weeks before travel.
Occupational Health, GPs and the National travel
Health Network and Centre offer advice for travellers:
Contact Occupational Health and the Insurance Office
where there is a known significant pre-existing medical
Ensure that someone knows of any allergies and what
action needs to be taken in the event of an allergic
Adequate supply of any essential prescription
medication is carried, if necessary with a doctor’s letter
justifying quantities carried.
Medicines should be kept in hand baggage when
travelling and in the hotel room safe (if available) after
On return to UK, alert line manager and Occupational
Health (and GP if necessary) to any health problems
experienced abroad.
If feeling unwell on return to the UK, contact should be
made with GP.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
21. Hazard: Contaminated food and/or water
Including washing and swimming - allergies, Hepatitis A, dysentery, diarrhoea, severe stomach upset, dysentery/diarrhoea,
Legionella, leptospirosis, parasitemia, polio, cholera, typhoid, arsenic in water.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Ensure that someone knows of any allergies and what
action needs to be taken in the event of an allergic
Avoid pavement stalls and mobile food outlets.
Avoid raw and undercooked food - eat only recently
prepared food that has been thoroughly cooked and be
cautious with pork, fish/seafood and dairy products.
Wash hands before eating.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
Take local advice, use bottled water wherever possible,
avoid salads and ice in drinks that may have used
contaminated water.
Clean teeth using bottled water; avoid swimming in
local rivers/pools.
22. Hazard: Contact with Animals, Reptiles, Insects, Flora & Fauna, and Allergies
Asthma, bites, stings, zoonoses, risk of rabies, malaria, yellow fever. Lack of medical support, shock
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Be aware of hotel medical provision and check the
International SOS medical guidelines for the country
you are travelling to.
Ensure that you have the required inoculations before
travelling and that your tetanus and polio are up to date.
Consult your GP for advice on Malaria and use insect
Use antiseptic wipes and wash hands before eating.
Wear suitable footwear and clothing.
Take local advice prior to excursion.
Avoid markets and contact with animals - do not
approach animals and reptiles even if they appear
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
23. Hazard: Terrorism / Civil unrest
Security alerts, bombings, abduction/kidnapping, riots, shootings, political demonstrations.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Be fully aware of the current security situation in the
country/cities you are visiting.
Ensure you follow the recommendations for local
transport (see risk 8).
Avoid all demonstrations/large gatherings.
Check dates of trip against public holidays or days of
special recognition.
Avoid American Embassies and hotels next
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
24. Hazard: On return (Excessive tiredness)
Lessons learnt & passed on to other travellers, line managers, Insurance Office or H&S. Excessive tiredness on return due to
combination of long working days, travel, jet lag – increased risk of driving accidents.
Have or can the following controls be
implemented? (please tick)
Update the risk assessment.
Attend any project debrief(s) and update procedures.
Contact the Insurance Office, International Office
and/or H&S with useful information that could be
shared with university colleagues.
No (if no please state why and what other
controls are being implemented)
Report any accidents, incidents, illnesses or near misses
using normal university reporting procedures.
Aware of increased risk from the potential effects of
tiredness, adjust work and travel arrangements to
provide adequate rest and avoid driving when
excessively tired
If any other potential risks have been identified, please list them here and state the control measures that are
being implemented.
Traveller name:
Traveller signature:
Head of department name:
Head of department signature:
Where the FCO advise against all but essential travel to a country or parts of a country, approval for
overseas travel must be sought from the PVC-dean/director or from member of the senior management
team of the faculty directorate.
PVC-dean/director (or representative) name:
PVC-dean/director (or representative) signature: