Behavior 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Assault/Threats to another student/staff member- Student/Principal conference and loss of privileges or up to 1-3 days of OSS, notification to law enforcement officials. Student/Principal conference, loss of privileges and 3-5 days of OSS, notification of law enforcement officials. Student/Principal conference and 1-10 days OSS, and notification to law enforcement officials. Student/Principal conference, loss of privileges, possible Out of School (OSS) depending on the severity of the conduct. Notification to law enforcement officials. 1-5 days of after school detention and loss of privileges, or 1-5 days of OSS, depending on the severity of the conduct. Notification to law enforcement officials. 5-10 days of after school detention and loss of privileges, or 5-10 days of OSS depending on the severity of the conduct. Notification to law enforcement officials. (Physical Aggression) Attempting to cause injury to another person with the intention to do verbal or bodily harm. Bullying(Bullying) The intentional action by an individual or group of individuals to inflict physical, emotional or mental suffering or another individual or group of individuals. (see expanded definition) 4th Offense Notes Loss of Privileges Defined (could be): -No recess -No Extra PE -Lunch Isolation -Class activity -Sending to another grade -Any special other than 50min PE Recommendation -Loss of to Superintendent classroom job for 180 days of -Isolation within OSS. Notification classroom to law enforcement -Field trip officials. -Incentive trip -Field Day ISS- In School Suspension: All work must be completed by 3:00 or scored as a zero. Defiance of Authority(Defiance of Authority) Intentional refusal to obey directions of a staff member. Disrespectful conduct toward staff/students(Verbal Aggression) Any inappropriate gesture, written communication, or verbal comment including profanity directed towards a staff member. Staff members include custodians, food service personal, nurses, secretaries, aides, teachers, counselors, and principals. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Removal to another classroom for the completion of the day. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Loss of privileges. Depending on the severity of the conduct OSS. Student/Principal conference, loss of privileges, 1-3 days after school detention. Student/Principal conference 1-3 days OSSdepending on the severity of conduct. Student/Principal OSS- Out of conference 10 days School of OSS. Suspension: Cannot complete or make-up work- all zeros. Student/Principal conference, Loss of privileges or 13 days of after school detentiondepending on the severity of the conduct OSS. Student/Principal conference, 1-3 days of OSSdepending on the severity of the conduct. Student/Principal conference, 10 days OSS. Disruptive Behavior, Speech or Conduct- (Disruptive Behavior) student behavior that interrupts classroom instruction/work, school activities, or school functions. Neglect of homework (Incomplete or Missing Assignments) and poor classroom performance. Inappropriate Behavior(Inappropriate Behavior) student behavior that may negatively impact the educational environment; including Public Display of Affection. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Loss of privileges. Principal/student conference, loss of privileges or 13 days after school detentiondepending on the severity of the conduct. Principal/Student conference, loss of privileges AND 1-3 days after school detentiondepending on the severity of the conduct. Principal/Student conference, 1-3 days OSSdepending on the severity of the conduct. Student/Principal/ Teacher conference, re-teaching of student expectations. Zeros assigned to missing work. Principal/Student/ Teacher conference, parent conference, and loss of privileges. Zeros assigned to missing work. Principal/Student conference, loss of privileges, minimum of 1-3 after school detentions. Principal/Student/ Teacher conference, loss of privileges after school detention. Zeros assigned to missing work. Principal/Student/ Teacher conference, loss of privileges 1-3 days after school detention. Zeros assigned to missing work. 1-5 days of OSS. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Loss of privileges. Principal/Student conference, loss of privileges and up to 5 after school detentions. Cheating(Cheating) completing work in a dishonest way, including plagiarism. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Fighting-(Fighting) Student/Principal (included on the conference, rebus)- two or more teaching of student students actively expectations. Loss engaged in a of privileges and 1-3 confrontation in days of after school which students detention depending punch, choke, on severity. gouge, kick, bite, pull hair, or perform other actions that could cause physical injury. Principal/Student conference, contact parent, student receives a zero for the grade and 1 detention. Principal/Student conference, 1-3 days of OSS. Principal/Student conference, contact parent/guardian, student receives a zero for the grade and 2 after school detentions. Principal/Student conference, 5-10 days of OSS. Principal/Student conference, contact parent/guardian, student receives a zero for a grade and 1 day of OSS. Principal/Student conference 10 days OSS. Bus Student/Principal/Bus Principal/Student/ Misconduct- (Bus Driver conference, Bus Driver disturbance/violation) re-teaching of conference, Any offense student expectations. student warning committed by a and parent student on a notification, district owned bus possible alternate will be disciplined seating, and in the same discipline manner as if the according to offense had been offense committed at the committed. assigned school. In Principal/Student/ Bus Driver conference, parent notification, possible alternate seating and/or suspension of 3 days off the bus. Principal/Student/ Bus Driver conference, parent notification, possible alternate seating and/or suspension of 5 days off the bus. Dress Code Violation-(Dress Principal/Student conference, notify parent/guardian; change into acceptable clothing, loss of privileges AND after school detention. Principal/Student conference, Restitution for any damages, 1-3 days OSS. addition, bus riding privileges may be revoked. Code) Any attire that is against school policy. Vandalism(Vandalism) defacing, damaging or destroying property or an individual’s property. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Principal/Student conference, notify parent/guardian, change into acceptable clothing. Principal/Student conference, notify parent/guardian, change into acceptable clothing. Loss of privileges. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Principal/Student conference, Restitution for any damages, loss of privileges. Principal/Student conference, Restitution for any damages1-3 days after school detention. Sexual Harassment Unwelcome comments and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature. Electronics- cell phones, MP3 players, video games/systems, palm pilots, laser pointers Stealing (Stealing) taking other property including staff, students, and school. Lying Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Will range from conference with an administrator to assignment of OSS- depending on the severity of the conduct. Notification of law enforcement if severity warrants. Confiscate, turn in to office, parent/guardian must pick it up. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Principal/student/ Parent conference, 1-3 days after school detention. Student/Principal conference, reteaching of student expectations. Principal/Student conference, call parents, and loss of privileges. Will range from conference with an administrator to assignment of OSS- depending on the severity of the conduct. Notification of law enforcement if severity warrants. Confiscate, turn in to office, parent/guardian must pick up and serve after school detention. Principal/Student/ Parent conference, In school suspension, notification to law enforcement. Principal/Student/ Parent conference, 1 day ISS. Will range from conference with an administrator to assignment of OSS- depending on the severity of the conduct. Notification of law if severity warrants. Confiscate, kept in the office to be returned at the end of the year. Principal/Student/ Parent conference, notification of law enforcement and 1-3 days OSS Principal/Student/ Parent conference 2-3 days ISS. Carrying, bringing, using or possessing any weapon in any school building, on school grounds, in any vehicle on school property or any school sponsored event is prohibited. Expulsion Procedures Initiated. Carrying, bringing, using or possessing any dangerous instrument in any school building, on school grounds, in any vehicle on school property or any school sponsored event is prohibited. Principal/Student conference, Confiscation and notification of parent, release only to parent/guardian. Loss of privileges and 1-5 detentions. According to the District Policy. Principal/Student conference, 1-3 days OSS, parent/guardian must pick up the item, release only to parent/guardian. Principal/Student According to the conference, 10 District Policy. days OSS, parent/guardian must pick up item, release only to parent/guardian. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: Follow directions the first time. Respect authority. Inappropriate language, lying, and stealing are wrong. Encourage others to do their best. No bullying. Don’t cause harm to others, self, or property. Striving for success is our goal. Bullying: Bullying encompasses a continuum of behavior that involves the attempt to gain or assert power and dominance over another, with no legitimate purpose. Bullying involves repeated negative behavior, carried out over time with a purpose to harm another person physically or mentally, or to benefit oneself through behavior which causes such harm to the other person. Bullying involves either taking advantage of a real or perceived imbalance of power, or is used to create an imbalance of power. Bullying may involve an attempt to cause fear. Examples of behaviors that fall into this category include, but are not limited to: inappropriate and unwanted physical contact (including hitting, kicking, shoving, & pushing); intimidating and threatening comments (oral, written, or electronic); name calling or put-downs (selecting or using a nickname which is intended to embarrass or humiliate); manipulation or coercion of another student to do something he or she does not want to do; setting someone up to be bullied or encouraging a student to engage in bullying; sharing or starting rumors or gossip; hurtful teasing or making fun of someone; hiding or destroying someone's belongings; or shunning or excluding someone from a group or activity in order to embarrass or humiliate the person. A. Teacher’s Disciplinary Actions A teacher is responsible for utilizing, as appropriate, the following Measures to maintain discipline: • Give a verbal reprimand •. Notify parent/guardian—confer with as necessary • Assign constructive assignments/tasks • Require a student/teacher conference • Develop a behavior contract with the student. • Refer the student to the counselor If the misbehavior continues, the student will be referred to the Principal/designee for further action. Serious offenses may require direct referral to the principal/designee. Teachers may refer to principal or designee a student any time they believe the child will benefit from that action. Teachers utilizing one of these in-school discipline actions need not use one of them listed before utilizing any other.