HOMILETICS I COURSE SYLLABUS Zion Bible College PM 3251-01, 2 Credits Spring 2011 1:45-2:35, 2:45-3:35pm Thursday - Classroom Building 111 Rev. Donald Maranville, M. Div., Associate Professor Office: Academy Hall 109 Phone: (o) 978-478-3463 (c) 978-518-6824 email: dmaranville@zbc.edu Office hours: Tuesday, 1:30 – 4:30 pm Zion Bible College exists to teach and train students for excellent Pentecostal ministry, in fulfillment of the Great Commission. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers sermon preparation and delivery. It is designed to develop an effective preaching ministry. Special emphasis will be given to the development of each segment of the sermon while maintaining unity of theme throughout. Construction and distinctives of topical, textual, and expository sermons will be studied. Practical application includes classroom preaching and written sermon evaluation. This course is a prerequisite to Homiletics II (Expository Preaching). OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. preach the Word of God clearly, powerfully and accurately; 2. utilize the principles of inductive Bible study so that his/her preaching will have the authority of biblical content; 3. articulate the importance of prayer and Bible study as it relates to the preaching of God’s Word; 4. develop appropriate pulpit conduct and platform manners; 5. discuss the broad issues relevant to preaching as an art and homiletics as a science; 6. display a Scriptural understanding of the importance of the sermon in the church and the Church in the world. Spring 2011 PM3251-01 2 D. Maranville TEXTBOOKS: 1. The Holy Bible. (NKJV or NIV) 2. Kaiser, Walter C. Jr. Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament: A Guide for the Church. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003. 3. Piper, John. The Supremacy of God in Preaching. [Revised Edition] Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Examinations There will be at least three examinations given. These will be announced prior to the date given. 2. Reading The textbooks by Kaiser and Piper are to be read in their entirety with written verification submitted upon completion. Textbook reading is to be current with class discussion and will be verified by questions on exams. 3. Sermon Outline Journal Due date: in class, first class period, Thursday, April 14, 2011. Submit a collection of 24 one page typed sermon outlines collected as follows: one per week from a chapel service; one per week from a church service. Begin the journal February 1, 2011. Include in each outline the text, the sermon outline, and the main thought of the message. 4. Sermon Presentation The student will present three sermons to the class, each 4-6 minutes in length, along with a typed outline: one from the Old Testament, due February 3, 2011; one from the New Testament Gospels, due February 24, 2011; one from either Acts or an Epistles, due March 24, 2011. The grade for this assignment will be determined by outline content and development, poise, speech, and ability to stay within the time constraint. Spring 2011 PM3251-01 3 D. Maranville GRADING CRITERIA: exams 1 and 2 sermon outline journal sermon 1 sermon 2 sermon 3 reading final exam… 15% each for a total of … due date 04/14/11 due date 02/03/11 due date 02/24/11 due date 03/24/11 30% of student’s grade 15% 10% 10% 10% 5% 20% POLICIES: 1. Attendance Students are expected to attend all class periods on time. Refer to the current Student Handbook for full details on attendance policy. 2. Assignments All assignments are to be completed on time, constructed according to the Turabian format and the Zion writing example. Assignments will be graded according to the policies set forth in the current Student Handbook. Late Paper Policy: Assignments are due at the beginning of the first class period of the due date, no exceptions. Extensions will be granted for the following four reasons only: 1) hospitalization for illness. A doctor’s note confirming such is required; 2) extended serious illness that prevents a student from attending class. This requires a doctor’s note and signature of verification from the student’s Resident Director; 3) funerals or family emergencies granted as an approved absence by the Academic Dean and Dean of Students; 4) school-approved activities. If the student meets one of these exceptions, a “Request for Extension Form” must be filled out. The form can be obtained from the Office of Admissions or the Office of the Academic Dean. If an assignment is turned in after attendance is taken on the due date, it will receive an automatic point deduction of five (5) points. Each twenty-four hour period (this includes Saturday’s, Sunday’s and school breaks) the assignment is not turned in; there will be a forfeiture of five (5) points from the total points. If the assignment is not turned in within five twenty-four hour periods after the due date and time, an automatic score of zero (0) will be entered for the grade with no chance of making up the paper/grade. If a hard copy cannot be presented by the specified time and hour, an email copy may be presented for verification of completion with a hard copy following. Spring 2011 PM3251-01 4 D. Maranville POLICIES (cont.): 3. Examinations and Quizzes All examinations and quizzes are to be taken and graded in accordance with the policies contained in the current Student Handbook. 4. Plagiarism & Cheating As stated in the current Student Handbook … Any material, whether published or unpublished, copied from another writer, must be identified by use of quotation marks, block quotations, and documentation with specific citation of the source. Paraphrased material must likewise be attributed to the original author. As a school intent on training men and women of integrity for the ministry, Zion takes plagiarism seriously. Plagiarism consists of the following categories: 1. use of another’s ideas without giving credit; 2. quoting material from published or unpublished works, or oral presentation, without giving proper citation; 3. paraphrasing material, whether published or unpublished, written or oral, without proper citation; 4. copying another student’s paper, with or without that student’s permission. Any Student found guilty of plagiarism will be subject to, but not necessarily limited to, the following discipline: 1. faculty discipline on first offense; • reduction of grade • failure of assignment • letter of reprimand 2. Academic Affairs Committee discipline on successive offenses. The student will be subject to, but not necessarily limited to, the following discipline: (a) receiving an “F” for the course (b) removal from any extracurricular activities (second offense) (c) dismissal for one year (three or more offenses) Faculty is to report all cases of plagiarism to the Dean of Academics in the form of a “Plagiarism Report.” Refer to the current Student Handbook for full details on Zion’s policy regarding cheating. Spring 2011 PM3251-01 5 D. Maranville TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 20 preparing sermon outlines in class 27 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and preparing sermon outlines in class 3 Piper text / sermon outline #1 due 10 EXAM #1 / classroom preaching 17 classroom preaching 24 classroom preaching / sermon outline #2 due 3 classroom preaching 10 Spring Break 17 Kaiser textbook 24 sermon outline #3 due 31 classroom preaching 7 EXAM #2 14 sermon outline journal due 21 classroom preaching 28 classroom preaching / review May 4-10 FINAL EXAM WEEK. Date and Time of Final TBA. Spring 2011 PM3251-01 6 D. Maranville SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Aycock, Jarrett. Drawing the Net: Suggestions on How To Give an Invitation. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1954. Baird, John E. Preparing for Platform and Pulpit. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1968. Baumann, J. Daniel. An Introduction to Contemporary Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1972. Baxter, Batsell Barrett. The Heart of the Yale Lectures. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1947. Bond, A. R. The Master Preacher: A Study of the Homiletics of Jesus. New York: American Tract Society, 1910. Bowie, Walter Russell. Preaching. New York: Abingdon, 1954. Braga, James. How To Prepare Bible Messages. Portland: Multnomah Press, 1971. Brodus, John A. On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. New York: Harper, 1994. Brooks, Phillips. Lectures on Preaching. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1969. Bryson, Harold T. Expository Preaching. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1995. Cox, James W. A Guide to Biblical Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1976. Davis, Henry Grady. Design for Preaching. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1958. Fant, Clyde E. Preaching for Today. New York: Harper & Row, 1975. Fosdick, Harry Emerson. “What Is the Matter with Preaching?” Harpers Magazine, 157 (July 1928), 134,139, 141. Griffin, Emory A. The Mind Changers: The Art of Christian Persuasion. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1976. Horne, C. F. Crisis in the Pulpit: The Pulpit Faces Future Shock. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1975. Jackson, Edgar. How To Preach to People’s Needs. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1970. Spring 2011 PM3251-01 7 D. Maranville SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: (continued) Johnson, Gordon G. “The Holy Spirit in Preaching.” Bethel Seminary Quarterly, X (February 962), 31. Jones, Ilion T. Principles and Practice of Preaching. Abingdon, 1956. Jowett, John Henry. The Preacher, His Life and Work. New York: Doran, 1912. Reprinted by Baker Book House. Keck, Leander. The Bible in the Pulpit. Nashville: Abingdon, 1978. Kemp, Charles F. Life-Situation Preaching. St. Louis: The Bethany Press, 1956. Killinger, John. The Centrality of Preaching in the Total Task of the Ministry. Waco: Word Books, 1969. Koller, Charles W. Expository Preaching Without Notes. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1982. Lewis, Ralph L. Inductive Preaching. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1983. Massey, J. E. The Sermon in Perspective: Communication and Charisma. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976. Meyer, F. B. Expository Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1974. Morgan, George Campbell. The Ministry of the Word. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1970. Perry, Lloyd M. Biblical Preaching for Today’s World. Chicago: Moody Press, 1973. Rahner, K., ed. The Renewal of Preaching: Theory and Practice. New York: Paulist Press, 1968. Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. Sangster, W. E. The Craft of Sermon Illustration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1950. Spurgeon, Charles H. Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1955. Thielicke, Helmut. Encounter with Spurgeon. Translated by John Doberstein. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1963. Unger, Merrill F. Principles of Expository Preaching. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1955. Reprinted 1979. Wiersbe, Warren W. Preaching and Teaching with Imagination. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994. Spring 2011