Two Proposed Changes to the Constitution of the Graduate Faculty

Two Proposed Changes to the Constitution of the Graduate Faculty
(Spring 2013)
The School of Graduate Studies proposes two changes to the Constitution of the Graduate Faculty (last revised
and approved by the Graduate Faculty in fall 1995). The first proposed change relates to a revision in the
membership and size of the Graduate Council—the executive body of the Graduate Faculty that receives,
considers, and takes final action on all graduate matters including curriculum, policy, and administration. The
second proposed change revises criteria relevant to qualifications necessary to serve as a member of the
Graduate Faculty. Such a change is necessary to align the UW-W membership criteria with those at other
comprehensive universities that offer professional doctoral programs, and to expand educational opportunities for
our professionally-oriented graduate programs.
Proposed Change #1: Changing the membership and size of the Graduate Council
[excerpted from The Constitution of the Graduate Faculty]
ARTICLE V - Graduate Council
Section 1: The Graduate Council of the Graduate Faculty shall be composed of the Dean of Graduate Studies
and Continuing Education, one graduate faculty member from each department offering a graduate course and
one graduate student representative from each of the four colleges. The faculty representative shall be chosen by
ballot by the Graduate Faculty members of that department. Student representatives shall be selected by their
respective colleges. The Dean of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education shall be the ex-officio chairperson
of the Graduate Council.
ARTICLE V - Graduate Council
Section 1: The Graduate Council of the Graduate Faculty shall be composed of the Dean of Graduate Studies
and Continuing Education, one graduate faculty member representative from each (active) graduate degree
program, and one (at-large) graduate faculty member and one graduate student representative from each of the
four colleges. The faculty representative from each graduate program shall be chosen by the Graduate Faculty
members of that program. The at-large graduate faculty members and student representatives shall be selected
by their respective colleges. The Dean of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education shall be the ex-officio
chairperson of the Graduate Council.
The change is prudent for a variety of reasons. One, it would grant more graduate governance authority to the
graduate faculty members on campus more familiar with graduate programming and graduate students. The
current membership make-up has 15 members (50% of the graduate faculty membership on the Graduate
Council) from departments that do not regularly offer any coursework for graduate credit. The proposal would
allow for continued participation of faculty not currently involved in graduate education, but would reduce that
participation from approximately 15 to 4. Second, it would be a more effective use of faculty time—reducing the
need for faculty not involved in graduate education to spend time reviewing policy and curriculum proposals and
attending meetings of the Graduate Council. Finally, the change would align UW-W Graduate Council
membership with those at other UW System comprehensive institutions offering graduate programs (see
Appendix 1).
Proposed Change #2: Revising the guidelines for graduate faculty membership
[excerpted from The Constitution of the Graduate Faculty]
ARTICLE III - Membership
Section 1: Graduate Faculty members shall include those persons of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater who
qualify for and accept appointment as Graduate Faculty. Persons are "qualified" who have (1) an educational
code of 1 as defined in the most recent version of the Faculty Handbook, (2) a rank of at least assistant professor,
(3) a demonstration of successful scholarly activity (or artistic equivalents for professors in the fine arts), and (4)
graduate-level subject matter competence and a record of successful teaching.
Section 2: Acceptance of appointment of the Graduate Faculty also carries with it the willingness of the member
to transact graduate affairs. Graduate affairs include, but are not limited to, graduate admissions decisions and
recommendations; graduate student academic advisement; Graduate Council and/or departmental graduate
committee activities; candidacy and comprehensive examination responsibilities; theses, seminar or clinical paper
development and evaluation; and graduate course instruction.
Section 3: Membership is limited to those members of the administrative staff and faculty who are qualified as
defined in Section 1 of this article.
Section 4: Individuals not meeting the above qualifications may be considered for election to the Graduate
Faculty by petition, recommendation of a department and/or college graduate studies committee, and vote of the
Graduate Council.
Section 5: Departments shall determine which of their faculty members meet the qualifications of Section 1 and
shall forward a list of their recommended graduate faculty to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Continuing
Education for review and approval. This list will be submitted the last week of February in Spring Semester
relevant to appointment for the next academic year. Nominations not approved by the Dean may be appealed
before the Graduate Council. Graduate Council has the right to review and approve by simple majority vote.
ARTICLE III - Membership
Section 1: Graduate Faculty members shall be designated for participation at one of two levels.
 Level I Membership: will hold an educational code of 1 as defined in the most recent University Handbook
(earned a doctorate or other terminal degree, e.g., MFA); hold a minimum rank of assistant professor;
demonstrated continuing successful teaching at the graduate level; and demonstrated continuing scholarship
or creative activity over the previous five years.
 Level II Membership: will hold an educational code of 1 as defined in the most recent University Handbook;
hold a minimum rank of assistant professor; demonstrated successful teaching; demonstrated graduate-level
subject matter competence; and demonstrated success in scholarship or creative activity.
To qualify for a given membership level, the faculty member must meet all stated criteria. Academic colleges can
establish more rigorous criteria with approval by the graduate faculty of the college.
Section 2: Eligibility to participate in various graduate affairs is determined by the level of membership.
 Level I Membership: eligible to teach all 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900-level courses; direct or serve on
dissertation committees; direct or serve on committees involved in master’s-level capstone experiences (e.g.,
thesis committee, professional integrative project committees, comprehensive examination committees); and
serve on the Graduate Council.
 Level II Membership: eligible to teach 500, 600 and 700-level courses; direct or serve on committees involved
in master’s-level capstone experiences (e.g., thesis committee, professional integrative project committees,
comprehensive examination committees); and serve on the Graduate Council.
Persons transacting graduate affairs within a department must be members of the Graduate Faculty as defined in
this article. Acceptance of appointment of the Graduate Faculty at one of the two levels also carries with it the
willingness of the member to transact other graduate affairs at the department/program level which include, but
are not limited to, graduate admission decisions and recommendations; graduate student academic advisement;
departmental graduate committee activities. Graduate Council membership is limited to faculty holding Level I or
II memberships.
Section 3: Membership to the Graduate Faculty is limited to those members of the administrative staff and faculty
who are qualified as defined in Section 1 of this article. Level I Membership will be granted to all new faculty
appointed at assistant professor level or above. Such individuals will be given five years to establish the
credentials to remain at Level I as defined in Section 1. Level I Membership will be granted to all faculty who hold
Graduate Faculty Membership as defined in Article III, Section I of the Graduate Faculty Constitution prior to 1
September 2013. Such individuals will be given five years to establish the credentials to remain at Level I as
defined in Section 1.
Section 4: Departments shall determine which of their instructional personnel meet the qualifications for each of
the two levels described in Section 1. During the first week of August, the School of Graduate Studies will supply
each academic department with a list of faculty and academic teaching staff assigned to the department as
identified by the Office of Human Resources. Departments will return rosters with indication of graduate faculty
membership level by the first week of September.) Nominations not approved by the Dean of the School of
Graduate Studies and Continuing Education may be appealed before the Graduate Council. Graduate Council
has the right to review and approve by simple majority vote.
Section 5: Departments may seek academic term exceptions allowing individual faculty to perform graduate
activities identified in Section 2 not affiliated with their level of membership (e.g., Level II graduate faculty member
participating on a dissertation committee). Similarly, departments may seek academic term appointments for
master’s-qualified instructional academic staff and/or ad hoc faculty who have accrued five years knowledge
and/or professional experience/expertise relevant to the graduate curriculum. Such exceptions must be approved
by the graduate faculty of the academic department, the college graduate committee (if such an entity exists), the
dean of the academic college, and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education.
Appropriate documentation (including a current academic vita), rationale for the exception, and confirmation that
the appropriate approvals have been secured at the college level, will be forwarded from the chair of the academic
department seeking the exception to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education for
review and approval prior to including the course in the timetable. Nominations not approved by the Dean of the
School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education may be appealed before the Graduate Council. Graduate
Council has the right to review and approve by simple majority vote.
The change in Article III of the Constitution of the Graduate Faculty is designed to address the evolution in
graduate programming at UW-Whitewater. First the creation of two levels of graduate faculty membership reflects
the realization that graduate faculty actively involved in support and oversight of graduate student research and
creative activity should be active scholars themselves. The creation of Level I graduate faculty status (reflecting
active involvement in scholarly and creative activity over a five year period) is particularly important as the
institution seeks approval of its first (professional) doctorate program. Note that the definition of what constitutes
“continuing scholarship and creative activity” is not defined (does not specify a number of referred publications,
conference, or creative presentations), but rather leaves that definition and decision to the academic department
or college. Further, note that this definition of graduate faculty status is in line with those of peer institutions
offering professional doctorate programs (Appendix 2: Peer Guidelines for Graduate Faculty Status).
Second, the revision allows academic departments freedom to seek academic term exceptions that allow a
master’s-qualified instructional staff or ad hoc faculty member to teach a graduate-level course when they bring
five-years professional experience and/or specialized knowledge to relevant curriculum. This revision recognizes
the very professional nature of UW-W graduate programs, and the value to be infused by perspectives that
sometimes come from outside of the academy.