Evolution and Ecology Environmental Science Unit Plan Suggested Academic Level: 11-12th grade or 100-level college course Anticipated Time Required: 10 class periods, including chapter test Previous Unit: Matter and Energy Next Unit: Land Ecosystems Vocabulary: Ecology, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere, habitat, critical factor, optimal range, zone of physiologic stress, zone of intolerance, adaptations, evolution, natural selection, speciation, artificial selection, biodiversity, logistic growth, exponential growth, environmental resistance, overshoot, dieback, competition, symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism. Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Differentiate between each of the different levels of ecological organization. Relate an organism’s habitat with its range of tolerance and adaptations. Describe how the process of natural selection can result in speciation. Provide examples of ecological pressures that will cause natural selection to occur. Explain the purpose of the scientific naming system. Contrast logistic with exponential growth. Explain the environmental factors that discourage exponential growth. Compare each of the different types of relationships, including symbiosis. Lesson Title Description Time Resources Discuss the “Four Pests Campaign” in China and the resulting famine. Introduction Range of Tolerance Natural Selection Define the different levels of organization in ecology. Explain that this unit is only covering biotic factors. Have students complete the range of tolerance worksheet. Discuss the results. Outline the theory of natural selection. Explain how ecological pressures must be present for natural selection to occur. 25 minutes 20 minutes Powerpoint Lecture Range of Tolerance Worksheet 45 Minutes Discuss the PBS Evolution: Why Sex video clips as Environmental Science Teaching Resources http://www.aurumscience.com examples of natural selection. Lesson Title Description Time Define logistic and exponential growth, including environmental resistance factors. Logistic and Exponential Growth Complete the Turkey Trouble activity in class. Resources Turkey Trouble activity. 60 minutes Reindeer of St. Matthew journal writing assignment. Assign the Reindeer of St. Matthew journal writing prompt. Define predation, interspecific competition, intraspecific competition, mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. Symbiosis Review Students practice identifying relationships with the examples provided. Show the BBC Blue Planet Episode “Coral Seas”. Students identify and describe the relationships shown. Students complete unit study guide in preparation for exam. 75 minutes BBC Blue Planet Coral Seas Video Worksheet 30 minutes Student Study Guide Optional Activities: BBC Life in the Undergrowth “Intimate Relations” video and worksheet. AurumScience.com Deer Dilemma Class Debate AurumScience.com Project Wild Environmental Science Teaching Resources Documentary gives lots of examples of symbiotic relationships insects have with other animals and plants. Students conduct a town meeting debate attempting to come up with a solution to a deer overpopulation problem. http://www.aurumscience.com