Dean - Champlain College

Your feedback about our Dean of(Division) candidate is important to us. Please answer the questions
from the list below that seem most appropriate based on your interactions with the candidate.
1. I am:
2. Please rate your impressions of (Insert Name) as a candidate for Dean of (Division) (rating scale:
strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree, no opportunity to observe this).
a. Understands the challenges of small independent colleges and how such institutions can
thrive in the current higher education environment.
b. Understands the unique character and vision of Champlain College.
c. Understands the unique character and vision of the Division.
d. Displays a strong entrepreneurial spirit and an innovative mindset.
e. Successfully demonstrated or explained his/her experience with managing budgets.
f. Will represent the Division positively with external stakeholders as a community liaison,
resource generator, and fund raiser.
g. Will be a strong and consistent advocate for the Division, its faculty and staff, and students
with senior administration and other departments at Champlain College.
h. Possesses strong and positive interpersonal skills, and will foster an encouraging and
collegial work environment.
i. Will be a champion in assisting faculty and staff in creating a 'Culture of Excellence' among
Division Students.
j. Will provide appropriate leadership in program development.
k. Will provide appropriate leadership in program assessment.
l. Will provide appropriate leadership in faculty development.
m. Will provide appropriate leadership in strategic planning and vision for the division.
n. Successfully explained or demonstrated his/her leadership style.
*Please comment on the appropriateness of his/her leadership style for this division at this
time. (open comment box).
3. Please comment on any of the above questions (please note question letter). Particularly
highlight strengths as well as any areas of concern (open comment box).
4. Should we continue to consider (Insert Name) for Dean of (Division)?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes – with reservations
If you selected “Yes – with reservations”, please qualify your selection below. (open comment