Homecoming 2014 Events - University of North Florida

Homecoming 2014 will be February 15th to February 22nd. All parts of The University of North
Florida’s community are encouraged to participate. This year’s theme is 80’s Rock. From students to
faculty member, From Greek organization to clubs, there is an event for everyone to enjoy.
All information regarding the Homecoming is found within this packet. This includes a detailed
description of each event, the rules and how the points are allocated. It is important that each
organization’s Homecoming representative turns in all applications. The Homecoming director will be
available to answer any questions you may have.
Please read through this packet thoroughly. Complete, time stamp, and return the attached applications
and roster no later than Friday, January 31st, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. to the Student Government Rotunda on
the 3rd Floor of the Student Union (Building 58 East). Submit Homecoming roster and Amazing race
roster ( 6 people and 2 alternatives) in two different Excel Documents (Names and N#) online by
Friday, February 14th, 2014 at 5:00pm http://form.jotform.co/form/40076087229860. Anyone not on
the Homecoming roster will not be allowed to compete on your team and will not count for
participation points. Please have your Homecoming Representative keep a copy of all materials
including applications and rosters. PLEASE NOTE ALL OF THE DEADLINES!
For any questions, please contact Tony Stevens, the Chief of Staff of Student Government, at
SGACOS@unf.edu or (904) 620-2750.
Those who require reasonable accommodations In order to participate must notify Tony Stevens at the
above email or phone number at least five (5) business days prior to the event.
2014 Participation
Application Form
APPLICATION FORM AND ALL OTHER Homecoming FORMS are time stamped and due by January 31st,
by 5pm to the Student Government Rotunda in the Student Union Building 58 East/3rd Floor.
Homecoming Roster is due February 14th, by 5pm.
Student Organization (optional): ____________________________________________________
Team Name (If Different from Organization Name): ____________________________________
Number of people on your team (please also attach roster): _____________________________
Homecoming Contact: ____________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________ Email Address: ____________________________
Secondary Contact: ____________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________ Email Address: ____________________________
Preliminary Approval:
By signing below, we as the Homecoming Contact and Secondary Contact Hereby State our intentions to
participate in Homecoming 2014 and the events affiliated with it, both listed and not listed above. We
preliminarily accept the rules and regulations as set forth by the Homecoming Committee and certify
that we accept any consequences set for the failure to follow any of these rules.
Homecoming Contact
Secondary Homecoming Contact
Homecoming 2014 Events
___ Yes, we will provide a contestant(s)
___ No, we will not provide a contestant(s)
Fly me back to the 80’s: Swoop the Loop
___ Yes, we will provide a contestant(s)
___ No, we will not provide a contestant(s)
Mr. & Ms. UNF
___ Yes, we will participate
___ No, we will not participate
Lip Sync
___ Yes, we will participate
___ No, we will not participate
Can Castle
___ Yes, we will participate
___ No, we will not participate
The Amazing Osprey Race
___ Yes, we will participate
___ No, we will not participate
___ Yes, we will participate
___ No, we will not participate
February 2014 Homecoming Calendar
Banners Due
4:30 p.m.
Desk, Student
Union East
Comedy Show
8 p.m. (Doors open
at 7 p.m.)
UNF Arena
Fly me back
to the 80’s :
Swoop the
9 a.m.
Lip Sync
Starting at 11
Night of Fun
4 p.m. to 9
at the UNF
Student Union
Can Castle
11 a.m.
Basketball Game
5:30 p.m.
UNF Arena
The Amazing
Osprey Race
11 a.m.
3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Lot 18
Lip Sync
8 p. m.
Mr. & Ms.
7 p.m.
Offices Due
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
Men’s Basketball
7:30 p.m.
UNF Arena
Offices Judged
Late Night
following Lip
5 p.m.
Lot 14
Basketball Game
4:30 p.m.
UNF Arena
Basketball Game
7 p.m.
UNF Arena
Homecoming 2014 Events
Friday February 14th, 2014
*Banner Contest
Show your school pride by making a banner that will be hung up on the outside of the Student Union.
Banners should be on a twin-size sheet, and will be judged on UNF pride, Homecoming theme of “80’s
Rock”, creativity and over all look. Banners must be brought to Student Union Reservation Desk, in the
SU Administration office (58E-1302) by 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 15th, 2014
Homecoming 2014 Comedy Show: Comedy Central on Campus ft.
Anthony Jeselnik
In need of a great laugh? Come to the staple event of Homecoming showcasing Comedy Central
comedians’ Ron Funches and Emily Heller with Anthony Jeselnik headlining. The show begins at 8pm and
doors open at 7pm. Admission is free for students with an Osprey1Card and non-student tickets can be
purchased day of or in advance for $15.00 through the UNF Box Office.
Sunday, February 16th, 2014
Fly me back to the 80’s: Swoop the Loop
Location: UNF Arena
Time: 9:00 am
It’s time for UNF’s annual 5k run. Whether you’re running the race, cheering on your team, or handing
out water; come to a good old fashion race. Dress up in your best 80’s workout clothes and lets
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
Monday February 17th, 2014
Lip Sync Rehearsal
Location: The Lazzara Performance Hall in the Fine Arts Center
Time: Starts at 11 am
All teams will have a 20 minute time period to practice. Teams will sign up for time slots at the SG
Rotunda which will be available January 31st. Slots are first come, first serve. After all teams have signed
up, if there are open spots, teams will be moved to fill in that time accordingly. All teams must turn in
their participant roster and performance info sheet at the beginning of their scheduled rehearsal time.
Mr. & Ms. UNF
Location: The Lazzara Performance Hall in the Fine Arts Center
Time: 7pm
Come out to support your fellow students as they compete to be known as Mr. & Ms. UNF. The
contestants will compete in the following categories: Formal wear, Q&A, Talent and Homecoming Spirit.
Top three will be announced directly following the event. Mr. & Ms. UNF will be crowned at the Bonfire
on Friday following the Parade. See pages 14-15 for specific information and rules for Homecoming
King and Queen.
Tuesday, February 18th, 2014
Night of Fun
Location: Coxwell Amphitheater at the UNF Student Union
Time: 4:00-9:00 pm
Take a night for yourself, grab a friend and have fun! There will be rides, midway games, food, and
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014
*Can Castle Competition
Location: Plaza
Time: 11:00AM-1:00PM
It’s time to build support for UNF’s Lend a Wing Pantry. This year not only cans will be allowed in the
Can Castle Competition, but also boxed items, hygiene items and anything accepted by the Lend-A-Wing
Pantry. The Can Castle Competition will have two different point categories one how many items are
brought and one for the design. Can Castle structures will be judged on overall look, use of space (10ft x
10ft), UNF theme/80’s Rock, and creativity. An email will be sent out in February with a list of items that
will receive double points!
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
*Lip Sync
Location: The Lazarra Performance Hall in the Fine Arts Center
Time: 8:00 pm
Lip sync performances by various teams will be performed to celebrate UNF. This year’s theme is “80’s
Rock”. The performances will be judged on the following: time specifications, professionalism,
synchronization, creativity, appearance, costumes and/or props, lip syncing and crowd response. Doors
open at 7:30 pm. No Bags will be allowed. See pages 17-19 for specific information and rules for Lip
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
Late Night Breakfast
Location: The Green
Time: Directly Following Lip Sync
Proceeding Lip Sync, stay awake with some free breakfast.
Thursday February 20th, 2014
*Men’s Basketball
Game (versus USC Upstate)
Location: UNF Arena
Time: 7:30 pm
Come out and Support Your Ospreys as they play USC Upstate Swoop for Free throws and let’s cheer on
our players!
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
Friday, February 21st, 2014
*The Amazing Osprey Race
Location: UNF Green
Time: 11am
The amazing osprey race is an event that showcases the whole campus of UNF. In this time challenge
race, teams will adventure across campus competing in challenges at different central locations. Each
location will challenge the teams with a different task that will require a variety of skill sets (logical and
physical). The objective of the race is to finish with a time that is faster than the rest of the other teams.
May the best team win! You will need to submit online a roster of 6 people and 2 alternates with the
Homecoming 2014 Roster.
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
*2014 Homecoming Parade
Time: 5 pm
The 2014 Homecoming Parade will be bigger and better than our campus has ever seen. The parade will
feature student groups ranging from Greek Life to any of our 200+ Registered Student Club and
members of our Jacksonville community. The Parade will step out of Lot 14 at 5pm heading South on
Eco Road towards the intersection of UNF Drive and Eco Road. The parade will turn left onto UNF Drive
towards the Thomas G. Carpenter Library where it will carry on past the Student Union and turn left on
the Varsity lane. The Parade will end in Lot 18. Be sure to the follow the last float to the first ever
BONFIRE happing in the practice softball fields across from Harmon Stadium.
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
*Homecoming Bonfire and Pep Rally
For the first time UNF will be hosting a bonfire similar to our collegiate peers at the University of Texas,
University of Alabama and Florida Atlantic University. If you can only attend one Homecoming event
assure it is the inaugural bonfire. Show your support for our men’s basketball team prior to the takeover
of East Tennessee State Buckaneers. The Bonfire will begin immediately following the parade. Mr. &
Ms. UNF will be announced during the Bonfire.
Saturday, February 22nd, 2014
Party Gras/Tailgate
Location: UNF Campus/Lot 18
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
The Military Veterans Resource Center is partnering with Homecoming/Athletics to make the last day a
party. Come out and enjoy the tailgate before the Homecoming Game. There will be music, food and
much more!
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
*Men’s Basketball
Game (versus East Tennessee State)
Location: UNF Arena
Time: 7:00 pm
Come out and Support Your Ospreys as they play East Tennessee State. Swoop for Free throws and let’s
cheer on our players!
*Student ID required for check-in and check out
*Homecoming Winner’s will be announced during the last few minutes of the game!
******Events that involve Spirit Points have an asterisk (*)
Homecoming Points
Banner Contest
Due Feb. 14th at 4:30 p.m. at
the Reservation Desk
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
100 Points
45 Points
20 Points
100 Points
45 Points
20 Points
100 Points
45 Points
20 Points
Can Castle-Designs
100 Points
45 Points
20 Points
The Amazing Osprey Race
Feb. 21st
UNF Green
100 Points
45 Points
20 Points
Parade Floats
Lot 14 5pm
100 Points
45 Points
20 Points
Participation of 75% of Team
Participation of 50% of
Participation of 25% of
Thursday Men’s Basketball
Feb. 20st
UNF Arena at 7:30 p.m.
100 Points
50 Points
25 Points
Fly me back to the 80’s: Swoop
the Loop
February 16th
100 Points
50 Points
25 Points
Lip Sync
Feb. 18th
Lazzara Performance Hall at 8
Can CastleMost Items
Feb. 21st
Osprey Plaza at the UNF
Student Union at 11 a.m.
Men’s Basketball Game
Feb. 22nd
UNF Arena at
7:00 p.m.
100 Points
50 Points
25 Points
100 Points
50 Points
25 Points
*In case of a tie, there will be a tie breaker during halftime of the
Men’s Homecoming game.
Homecoming 2014 General
Event Rules and Details
1. No Show Rule
If a team signs up to participate in an event, and does not attend or appear at the event, they
will be docked Homecoming Points for each offense. A ten (10) minute grace period will be
allowed at the discretion of the Homecoming Committee. For example, if “Team A” signs up for
Lip Sync and does not attend, they will be docked 50 points. On the second offense, “Team A”
will be docked 100 points. On the third offense, the team will be disqualified from Homecoming
2014 and may be placed on probation for Homecoming 2015.
2. Sportsmanship Rule
Each team participating in the Homecoming 2014 competition is expected to respect the other
teams and the competition. Unsportsmanlike conduct in any shape or form will not be
permitted. Similar to the No Show Rule, on the first offense the team will be docked 50 points,
the second offense 100 points, and the third offense will result in disqualification in 2014 and
possible probation in 2015.
3. Student Conduct
If your organization is documented by the University Police Department, your team may be
immediately disqualified and WILL be referred to student conduct. All students MUST follow all
University policies and procedures.
4. Alcohol Policy
Alcohol or anyone under the influence is not permitted at any Homecoming event except the
Tailgate, Party Gras and Basketball games. If you are found with alcohol at any event other than
the Tailgate, Party Gras and the Basket Ball games, the individual student and/or organization
could be referred to University Conduct and might be disqualified from the competition.
5. Identification
Osprey1card identification is needed at Homecoming EVENTS that have attendance points.
Nobody may bring another person’s ID (Osprey1Card) to the Homecoming table to sign them in.
If a person from your organization uses a fraudulent id or an id that is not their own the entire
organization WILL lose attendance points for that event, may lose points for the entire week, or
be disqualified from Homecoming.
6. UNF Spirit
Wearing 80’s Rock/ UNF apparel is encouraged for every Homecoming event. Show your UNF
school spirit during Homecoming Week (especially at the basketball games).
Mr. and Ms. UNF Rules and
1. You must be a current UNF Student enrolled in classes.
2. The student must fill out the Mr. and Ms. UNF application and turn it in on time, by January 31st
at 5:00 pm.
3. The contestant must attach a 250 words or less explaining why you are the best candidate.
4. You must attend the preliminary interview on February 7th to have a chance to compete in the
contest. We will work around your class schedule when choosing a time for your interview. The
contestant will be contacted by Monday February 10th to let you know if you made it through
the preliminary process and can compete in the pageant.
5. On February 17th you must be at the Robinson Theater no later than 5:00 pm. It is imperative
you are there on time, so we can have a run through that will last for an hour. At 6 we will take a
break so you can eat dinner and finish getting ready until the show starts at 7:00 pm. You will
need to be back and ready for the show to start no later than 6:45 pm.
6. Be respectful of your fellow competitors.
7. The top three men and women will need to be available for the Homecoming game on Saturday
February 22nd, because Mr. & Ms. UNF at the bonfire.
8. The top three men and women will also have the option of being in the Homecoming parade.
Mr. and Ms. UNF Application
Please turn in the application by Friday January 31st at 5:00 pm to the Student Government Rotunda in
the Student Union Building 58 East/ 3rd Floor. The pageant takes place February 17th at 7:00 pm. You will
need to be there at 5:00 p.m. for directions/ run through of the night. The preliminary interviews are
February 7th, you will be contacted with a time and we will work with your class schedule.
Nominee’s Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Please list and describe your Talent:
Class Standing (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior): _________________________________
Campus Involvement:
Class Schedule for Friday’s: Availability during Spring
Piece #:_________ rehearsal# _________ Show#1-_________ Show #2- _________
PIECE/SONG NAME: _____________________________________________________
CD #:__________
LENGTH: ____________
COSTUME COLOR_____________________________________________________
LIGHTING WANTS/COLORS WANTED: (This should include gobos, mirror ball, down specials,
black/blue out or any other specifics to lighting)
SOUND NEEDS: (This should include DI Boxes, microphones for drums, key boards being used,
and microphones for people - specify which kind handheld or lapel, monitor mixes)
 Please attach a typed 250 words or less a sheet explaining why you feel you are the best
candidate for Mr. or Ms. UNF.
By signing below I understand that I am applying to be Mr. or Ms. UNF. I will abide by all rules stated in
the Mr. and Ms. UNF Rules and Qualifications sheet and HC General rules.
Homecoming Lip Sync Rules
Location: UNF Fine Arts Center- Lazzara Performance Hall
Rehearsal: Monday, February 17th
*** Sign-ups for rehearsal will be at the UNF SG Rotunda and will be first come, first serve. ***
Performance will be February 19th, 2014 Doors open: 7:30 pm; Performance starts:8 pm
*** Performance order will be picked from a hat on stage during Lip Sync. ***
Please Note: Any Performers/groups that do not comply with the rules listed in this packet or guidelines
given by those running the Lip Sync event may receive penalties depending on the severity of the rule
broken. Please read the rules in their entirety as is expected that all groups participating in Homecoming
Lip Sync are aware of the rules outlined in this packet.
Possible Penalties include:
Points deducted from your score.
Not being allowed to perform at Lip Sync (if violation occurs prior to performance).
Being disqualified from Lip Sync (if violation occurs after performance)/ escorted from
Homecoming Lip Sync by UPD officers or other security personnel.
General Rules:
Each performance must include all of the following:
o Only 80’s Rock music
o Something UNF related
On rehearsal each team will have 5 minutes to setup. During the first 5 minutes the
Homecoming representative will discuss with SG Chief of Staff Homecoming logistics.
You can bring your props to rehearsal; however, if props are left at the Fine Arts Center they
will be thrown away.
Please submit a CD with your packet. Due on January 31st at 5pm A CD must be used for each
performance. No other form of media will be used.
If a CD is turned in late or altered it cannot be used.
If you cannot attend Rehearsal your organization forfeits to perform on Lazzara Performance
Hall. (not all members need to be in attendance but a member from the team does)
Microphones will NOT be available for use or props.
You will not be able to finish assembling props once they are on site. All props once on site
cannot be altered in any way.
When you arrive at the Fine Arts Center for rehearsal/ performance you may park in the Fine
Arts Loading dock for up to 15 minutes to unload your props. You must immediately move your
vehicle out of the loading dock and park in the Fine Arts Center Garage. Any vehicle parked
longer than 15 minutes in the Loading Dock or block other vehicles will be ticketed $30 by
parking services.
Props should be no larger than 8 feet tall by 8 feet wide dimension. Fine Arts Center‘s staff
reserve the right to not allow your props to be used on stage if it exceeds the dimensions.
Props should not be constructed out of hazardous materials or in a manner that is unsafe. The
Fine Arts Center staff reserve the right to not allow your props to be used on stage if they are
deemed to be hazardous or unsafe in anyway. If you have questions about this, please contact
Fine Arts Center Technical Director, Colleen Sharp, in advance at colleen.sharp@unf.edu.
Groups are NOT allowed to use the following equipment during their performance: strobe lights,
black lights, projector (this includes projected images of any kind- even if you bring your own
project), laser/smoke machine.
Stolen items (such as shopping carts, lumber carts, etc.) are NOT allowed to be used as props.
Please do not remove chairs desks, or other University property from any rooms on campus to
be used as props.
You must take your props with you after the performance – DO NOT leave your props backstage,
in the loading dock, in parking lots/garages, on the Green, or anywhere else in/around Fine Arts
Center. If props are to be disposed of thrown away, DO NOT put them in the regular
trash/recycling dumpsters behind the Fine Arts Center. Take them with you.
The Orchestra Pit will be lowered for this event and two rows of additional seats will be placed
in this area to accommodate as many students as possible for this event. This means the stage
area is approximately 45 feet wide and 30 feet deep. Please be aware of your surroundings
when on stage so that you do not fall off the stage and injure yourself or others. Do not bring
valuables/personal belongings backstage or on stage with you—this includes purses, wallets, cell
phones, iPods, laptops, etc. The Fine Arts Center and Student Government will not be
responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
Alcohol is prohibited on site. This includes alcohol that is in water bottles, thermoses, etc. UPD
officers will be present at Lip Sync you can be disqualified/ escorted from the event if you are
consuming alcohol on site.
The Fine Arts Center event staffs are employees of the University and the safety of all students
and UNF property is their priority. If you are instructed to do something by an Fine Arts Center
staff member, failure to comply may result disqualification. Being escorted from the event by
Each group will have 8 minutes to perform. Each group will have 2 minutes before to get ready
and 2 minutes after to clean up. You may not use the 2 minute load in and load out as
performance time. You only have 8 min.
Each group can have at maximum 80 people participating in Lip Sync, including both performers
and stage crew.
Each Lip Sync team is allowed up to three university affiliates (faculty, staff, etc) to participate in
their performance.
If you have any special requests for lighting or sound, please include these on your “ Lip Sync
Performance Info Sheet,” which is included in the packet. Each team is only allowed 10 looks for
Lighting. You must bring your completed “Lip Sync Performance Info Sheet: to rehearsal on
Monday, 2/17/14 starting at 11 am. The Fine Arts Center event staff will try to provide as many
of your requests as possible. If something you have requested is not possible, you will be
notified at rehearsal by the Fine Arts Center staff.
Requests not included on your “Lip Sync Performance Info Sheet” on the rehearsal day, cannot
be added on the performance day.
Performance will be entirely on stage. No part of the performance shall be in the audience,
walkways and front steps.
No props shall be utilized in/from the audience.
If anything is damaged at any time in the Fine Arts Center, then the organization will be fined
and subject for disqualification.
Homecoming LIP SYNC
APPLICATION FORM AND ALL OTHER Homecoming FORMS are time stamped and due by January 31th,
by 5pm to the Student Government Rotunda in the Student Union Building 58 East/3rd Floor. Submit
Lip Sync Roster in an Excel Document (Names and N#’s) online by January 31st by 5pm
GROUP NAME ______________________________________________________________________
PIECE/SONG NAME __________________________________________________________________
Track # ____________
LENGTH – must be 8 minutes or less __________ (Minutes: Seconds)
# Of People- Maximum of 80 people _________
Name of the contact/liaison for the group: ________________________________________
Contact information: (Phone) ____________ (Email) ________________________________
Lights or Sound first? (Please circle one.)
Costume Color(s) ______________________________________________________________
Lighting/ Color Requests (This should include gobos, mirror ball, down specials, black/blue out or any
other requests specific to lighting effects. Teams also will have a max of 10 Lighting changes) call 904620-2460.
List of Props Used:
The following items/ equipment ARE NOT allowed to be used for any Lip-Sync
performance: strobe lights, black lights, projector (this include projected images of any
kind- even if you bring your own projector), laser/smoke machine
The Fine Arts Center event staff will try to provide as many of your requests as possible.
If something you have requested is not possible, you will be notified at rehearsal by
the Fine Arts Center staff.
Requests not included on your “Lip Sync Performance Info Sheet” when submitted
cannot be added on the performance day or rehearsal.
Homecoming Parade Guidelines
1. Submit parade unit entry form and liability waivers for ALL people on the float. All participants must
have a separate liability form. Print out online.
2. The University has no way of insuring participants, but it is recommended that each group investigate
possible needs for short-term liability insurance coverage.
3. Entrants are not permitted to have any beverages, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, at any time along the
parade route. Any entry promoting the use of alcohol, using profanity, vulgarity, sexually explicit
materials, or implying discrimination will be disqualified and removed from the parade and risk future
ban from Homecoming activities.
4. Professional help of any kind in the planning or construction of the float or marching unit will result in
automatic disqualification.
5. Judging starts at 4:30 p.m. and the parade starts at 5:00 p.m. All groups entering the competition
must check-in at Lot 14 at 3:15 p.m. Late check-ins will result in a penalty (50 points). Late arrivals can
be cleared through the Homecoming Director one (1) week prior.
6. Absolutely no day of parade entries.
7. After the parade ends, floats must be moved from the Student Union Loop at 1:30 p.m.
8. Judging will be done by select persons designated by the Homecoming Board.
9. Decisions of the Judges are FINAL.
10. No float may be higher than 12 feet.
11. All float drivers are required to have a valid driver’s license. In the event that a vehicle weighs more
than a gross 26,000 pounds or more than 15 passengers are being transported, then an additional
evaluation will have to be conducted.
12. A float trailer or similarly drawn vehicle must be equipped with a reliable hitch, safety tow chains
and a tractor or vehicle, in good repair, adequate to control the drawn load. Each float must be able to
move forward at a rate of 5 mph.
13. Float entries longer than 30 feet must give notification prior to the parade and be approved by the
Homecoming steering committee in advance.
14. Trailers to be used must have sturdy beds and be free of holes to prevent stepping or breaking
through the bed structure.
15. Superstructure and bracing must be securely fastened to prevent shaking apart and toppling. The
covering of the superstructure must be made of inherently safe material such as fire resistant or other
slow to burn material.
16. A sturdy means of support, to be constructed of wood or metal must be provided for each person
riding on the float. No riders will be allowed on hoods, fenders, roofs of any vehicles, or on the side rails
of pickups.
17. Due to the large amount of combustible material involved, smoking will not be allowed on or near
any float or in the cab during construction or while in the parade.
18. No fireworks or flame producing equipment shall be used.
19. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety, through its representatives/inspectors retains
the right to prohibit any float from the parade that does not meet the safety guidelines herein.
Additionally they may prohibit any practice, usage of material, or use of vehicles which, in their
professional judgment is unsafe or detrimental to UNF, participants or the general public.
20. Questions concerning the parade should be directed to Director of Homecoming, Anthony Stevens,
at 904-620-2750 or sgacos@unf.edu.
February 2014 Other Events Calendar
These events are not worth any points
Baseball Game
3:00 p.m.
Men’s Tennis
12:00 p.m.
Georgia Southern
2:30 p.m.
Southern Illinois
Baseball Game
3:30 p.m.
Men’s Tennis
5:00 p.m.
7 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
1 p.m.