Ballistics Learning Log

Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ______ Date: ________________
CRIM LAB HOURS – Ballistics Analysis Certification
To earn 2+ lab hours for this activity (per exercise), please follow the requirements below:
Visit the website below:
Enter the login key C35556Criminalistics and your full name to start.
You should be directed to a page that says “Deerfield High School Classroom Area”. Verify that the
screen says “Welcome [Your Name] to Criminalistics” and that the instructor reads “Educator Kristen
All of the exercises rely on Virtual Comparison Microscope (VCM) techniques. You can choose
between the following two options:
OPTION 1. Bullet ID-VCM (BID-VCM) Exercise (2 hours)
1. Read through the pages within the website that will help you complete the exercise (bullet
identification, caliber, rifling, rifling impressions, and Leica FMC review).
2. Read through the tutorial (attached and/or on the website) to familiarize yourself with the
interface of the exercise you will be working with.
3. Complete Test 1 to earn your 2 lab hours for this activity!
4. Answer the “final thought” question below.
OPTION 2. Cartridge Case ID VCM (CCID-VCM) Exercise (2 hours)
1. Read through the pages within the website that will help you complete the exercise (cartridge
case identification, striated action marks, impressed action marks, and Leica FMC review).
2. Read through the tutorial (attached and/or on the website) to familiarize yourself with the
interface of the exercise you will be working with.
3. Complete Test 1 to earn your 2 lab hours for this activity!
4. Answer the “final thought” question below.
Final Thought
Describe the skill(s)/level of detail required to analyzed and individualize an unknown (bullet /
cartridge case) to a known sample. Was it easier or harder than you thought? Explain.
Bullet ID Tutorial (BID-VCM)
The Bullet Identification, Virtual Comparison Microscope (BID-VCM) is an exercise in firearm
identification and/or pattern recognition that allows you to conduct your own firearm ID comparisons
from the comfort of your computer chair. You are about to experience something new to the online world
of Firearm Identification.
The new BID-VCM will allow you to
compare four "unknown" bullets to four
"standard" bullets by making direct
comparisons between the rifling
impressions on each item. Determine which
unknowns match the standards, submit your
answers, and receive your score. If you get
them all correct you will receive a printable
one-of-a-kind BID award.
When the application loads you will see the
screen at right (only much bigger!)
The BID-VCM has several sections that you
will need to get familiar with before you
will be able to effectively complete the
exercise. For a breakdown of how each
element within the application functions consult the help file by clicking here, or at anytime from within
the application by clicking the HELP button (? book icon), or pressing the "h" key. Most buttons have
keyboard equivalents as well.
Follow the steps below to take the BID-VCM exercise.
Step 1
On the left hand side of the application you will see four "Unknown" bullet's on holders like the
image on the right. Clicking on one of these will load the first land impression image in the left
hand side of the scope in the center of the screen.
Step 2
On the right hand side of the application you will see four white boxes like the one on the right.
These represent the four "Standards". Clicking on one of these will load the first land
impression image in the right hand side of the scope in the center of the screen. You will now see
the scope look something like the image at right.
Step 3
Examine the images for patterned striae. Pay very careful attention to the "base" areas
(left edges) of the land impressions. See the yellow boxes below.
Move the images using the joysticks or the equivalent keyboard shortcuts.
Position the base areas of the land impressions near the center dividing line for a direct side-by-side
Tip: make sure the top and bottom edges of the land impressions are in alignment.
Step 4
Using the land selection tool seen at right choose among the six land impression images
for the Unknown that displays the best pattern of striae. Position this land impression
near the dividing line and proceed to load and compare the six land impression images
from each Standard. If a match is found proceed to confirm the match by examining the
other land impressions in phase with each other. The In-Phase Rotation tool can be used
to advance the images on both sides of the scope at the same time.
Step 5
When you have established a match between an unknown and a standard click the " It's A Match" button
(seen below) to record your selection. Repeat this step for each unknown until all have been matched to a
Step 6
Once you have matched all of the unknowns click the "Get Final Result" button (seen above) to submit
your answers.
If you match the four unknowns to the correct standards you will receive a printable certificate (suitable
for framing).
Good luck!
WARNING! Make sure you have any pop-up blockers turned off before opening the exercises
below! Or, add to your safe places. Failure to do so will prevent you from receiving
your score/diploma and will prevent your scores from being posted to your instructor's classroom.
Cartridge Case ID Tutorial (CCID-VCM)
The Cartridge Case Identification, Virtual Comparison Microscope ( VCM ) is an exercise in firearm
identification and/or pattern recognition that allows you to conduct your own firearm ID comparisons
from the comfort of your computer chair. You are
about to experience something new to the online world
of Firearm Identification.
The new CCID VCM will allow you to compare eight
"unknown" cartridge cases to eight "standard" cartridge
cases by making direct comparisons between the
breech mark impressions on the base of each
item. Determine which unknowns match the standards,
submit your answers, and receive your score. If you
get them all correct you will receive a printable one-ofa-kind CCID award.
Also new to this test is the addition of the possibility
for an "inconclusive" result to occur. The
inconclusive result is represented by a STANDARD
image that has a big "?" (question mark) on it. If you see the "?" mark image an inconclusive result
MAY be possible. Also, more than one inconclusive might be present.
When the application loads you will see the screen below (only much bigger!)
The CCID VCM has several sections that you will need to get familiar with before you will be able to
effectively complete the exercise. For a breakdown of how each element within the application functions
consult the help file by clicking here , or at anytime from within the application by clicking the HELP
button, or pressing the " h " key. Most buttons have keyboard equivalents that can be found in the white
wire frames.
Follow the steps below to take the VCM exercise.
Step 1
On the left hand side of the application you will see eight "Unknown" cartridge case holders
like the image on the right. Clicking on one of these will load the breech mark/firing pin
impression image in the right hand side of the scope (in the center of the screen).
Step 2
On the right hand side of the application you will see eight white boxes like the one on the
right. These represent the eight possible
"Standards". Clicking on one of these will load
the breech mark/firing pin impression image in
side of the scope (in the center of the screen).
You will now see the scope look something like
the left hand
the image
Step 3
When the images load in the scope window they will be slightly out of focus (just like the real
thing!). Use the focusing sliders on each side of the scope window to focus the images.
Step 4
Move the images within the scope window by using the joysticks (seen below) or the equivalent
keyboard shortcuts (see the Help file for a list of available keyboard shortcuts).
Step 5
Compare the patterns noted in the images to each other and attempt to find a "match" between
the standards and the unknowns. You can use the magnification buttons seen at right to
increase the size of the images.
Try to find a pattern in each image by doing a direct side-by-side comparison. If you feel you
have an area of agreement lined up you can lock the image by clicking the blue button between
the joysticks to allow for their movement with a single joystick. This will allow you to see
other areas in the images that may show agreement.
Step 6
When you have established a match between an unknown and a standard click the "M" key
logo (seen at right) to record your selection. Repeat this step for each unknown until all have
been matched to a standard.
Step 7
Clicking the "Match" key will record your match in the results
(seen at right). The results window will be recorded in and the
button will change from green to red for that entry. Clicking
button will clear your match for that unknown. Clicking the
Match 2" button will reload the images for this match in the
All unknowns must be matched before you can submit your
for scoring.
To clear all matches and start over click the "Clear All" icon
the red
Caution: Clicking this button will erase all recorded matches!
Step 8
Once you have matched all of the unknowns click the "Diploma" button (seen at right) to
submit your answers.
Clicking this button will then open a window that will ask some general survey questions.
If you correctly match the eight unknowns to the correct standards you will receive a printable certificate
(suitable for framing).
Good luck!
WARNING! Make sure you have any POP-UP blockers turned off before opening the exercises
below! Or, add to your safe places. Failure to do so will prevent you from receiving
your score/diploma and will prevent your scores from being posted to your instructor's classroom.