---------- Forwarded message ---------From: <proceedingsb@royalsociety.org> Date: Fri, May 27, 2011 at 7:12 AM Subject: Proceedings B - Decision on Manuscript ID RSPB-2011-0754 To: tomrevilla@gmail.com 27-May-2011 Dear Dr Revilla: I am writing to inform you that we have now obtained responses from referees on manuscript RSPB-2011-0754 entitled "Evolutionary ecology of seed dispersal by frugivores: The plant's perspective" which you submitted to Proceedings B. Unfortunately, on the advice of the Associate Editor and the referees, your manuscript has been rejected following full peer review. Competition for space in Proceedings B is currently extremely severe, as many more manuscripts are submitted to us than we have space to print. We are therefore only able to publish those that are exceptional, convincing and present significant advances of broad interest, and must reject many good manuscripts. Please find below the comments received from referees concerning your manuscript, not including confidential reports to the Editor. I hope you may find these useful should you wish to submit your manuscript elsewhere. We are sorry that your manuscript has had an unfavourable outcome, but would like to thank you for offering your work to Proceedings B. Sincerely, Professor Michael Hassell Editor, Proceedings B mailto: proceedingsb@royalsociety.org Associate Editor, Professor Mark Rees Comments to Author: We have two detailed reviews of the manuscript, one more theoretically focused and the other more empirical. Both reviewers feel the analysis is rather limited and question its relevance to real systems. The model presented is rather specific and I am not convinced that this specific scenario is of broad empirical relevance. I am in agreement with the reviewers and feel we have no option but to reject. Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author: Referee: 1 Comments to the Author(s) I had somewhat mixed impressions of this manuscript. Coming from the empirical side of research on evolution of “fleshy fruits”, I found it encouraging with a theoretical analysis of the plant-animal interactions involved in endozoochory. But my opinion of the ms is that it is only partly a valuable contribution to this field, and that it might benefit from reduction in length, and an increase in focus on the latter part. The initial part of the paper presents a lengthy exercise in formal math, based on assumptions that lead to quite trivial conclusions. Partly, as I understood it, the advantages of dispersal is already there in the assumptions, implying that there is no real advance in understanding why these particular dispersal traits are favoured. Coming as far as through the analysis of density-independent selection, I had trouble finding anything that was not trivial or self-evident, even intuitively (skipping the formal math). For example, selection favours endozoochory if transported seeds have the highest survival, and the costs of producing fruits are small. If these costs are instead high, the advantage of endozoochory disappears. I have also some difficulty of appreciating the value of conclusions such as “depending on the starting point in the fitness set, natural selection will lead to the evolution or the elimination of endozoochory”. A critical question is whether this is a productive insight. How, for example, could we examine the starting point of the fitness set in lineages evolving or losing endozoochory? Coming this far in the ms, I must admit I was quite disappointed. However, coming over to the section on density-dependent selection, the analyses become more interesting. This is because the underlying assumptions are more complex, and the results are not intuitively obvious. An example is the analysis of the dichotomy where density-dependence is more, or less, respectively, intense for transported seeds. In particular, the conditions leading to the prediction of branching in evolutionary pathways to endozoochory (or no, or loss of, endozoochory), may stimulate also empirical research. A challenge may be to examine whether the conditions suggested by the model conform to “real” cases of origin, or loss of, endozoochory in different lineages, a topic that has not received much attention (but see Bolmgren & Eriksson 2005 Oikos 109: 255-272. In conclusion, this is a timely and motivated theoretical analysis of evolution of endozoochory. If it is possible, considering the explanation of the build-up of the model, I suggest a reduction of the first part (which is mostly trivial). This would probably improve the value of the paper. In addition, as there are quite many symbols and abbreviations, it would help to include a table, where all symbols are explained (it is easy to get lost otherwise). Minor comment On Page 3, lines 51 ff, it is stated that generally plants are more dependent on animals than the other way around. Some papers are cited in support for this statement. However, I don´t think this is valid generalization. At least in some tropical systems, a large part of the fauna is dependent on fleshy fruits (see for example the seminal paper on the subject: Fleming et al 1987 Ann Rev Ecol Syst). Plants can always to some extent disperse seeds passively, whereas specialized frugivores are in trouble without their food source. Without having any data in support, I would suggest the same holds for birds at northern latitudes winter-time. For example, waxwings would certainly die without fruits of rowan (and some other plants). I am not sure that the populations of the same trees would suffice very much if they experience a couple of years without any waxwings. Referee: 2 Comments to the Author(s) This ms presents and analyzes a model for the evolution of a trait that effects the mode of dispersal in plants. More specifically, the evolutionary dynamics of a trait are investigated that affect the probability that a fruit is eaten by an animal which then disperses the seeds contained in the fruit. In my opinion the model analyzes is largely correct, for a few inconstancies see the comments below. Remains the question whether the model is interesting. In the principal, the understanding the forces driving the evolution of dispersal syndromes is important. What I do not know is to what extent this question has already been treated from a theoretical perspective and the ms is of little help here. The ms makes a few predictions that sound interesting and testable: e.g., (i) if frugivore seed dispersers are rare, there is selection for increased investment in conspicuous and rewarding fruits, (ii) high survival of seeds that are eaten by animals results in increased selection for frugivory, and (iii) if frugivore animals are easily attracted, selection favors increased frugivory. For each of these predictions I could come up with a verbal argument for why I would expect the opposite pattern, highlighting the importance of a modeling approach. More specifically, in (i) a condition that gives frugivory a disadvantage favors increased frugivory while in (ii) and (iii) conditions that give frugivory an advantage favor frugivory. This opposing results are a bit puzzling to me and I do not know what drives them. Thus, in the end I do not have the feeling that I gained a deeper understanding. The results somehow come out of the model but I do not learn which aspects of the model are really responsible from them. In another prediction of the model, where I actually think I do understand where it comes from, I do not have much faith. The authors report that for density-dependent selection evolutionary branching points exist. At these points increased genetic variation is selected for resulting in a dimorphism of plants producing attractive fruits and plants producing inconspicuous fruits. Evolutionary branching requires negative frequency-dependent selection and as far as I can see the authors do not discuss where it is coming from. I would like to offer the following explanation: The crucial feature of the density-dependent model is that survival of eaten seeds decreases with the number of eaten seeds while survival of the non-eaten seeds decreases with the number of non-eaten seeds (see equation 1). These assumptions imply that eaten seeds are regulated by a other resources than non-eaten seeds and the authors do not give a hint what these different regulating factors could be. This needs to be discussed. I suppose one could argue the following. The establishment of tree seedlings is primarily limited by open space. Then, if inconspicuous seeds do not get dispersed at all, they can essentially only establish if there mother plant dies such that they can take over its spot. All non-dispersed seeds compete for this spot. Dispersed seeds can take over empty spots that become available through the death of all other trees except for the mother plant, not necessarily of the same species, and all dispersed seeds compete for this pool of available spots. However, this scenario makes an assumption where I am not sure it is warranted: seeds that are not eaten by a frugivore do not get dispersed at all. Frugivory is of course not the only means of seed dispersal, in particular anemochory is widespread among trees. Thus, I am not convinced that the most likely alternative to frugivory is the scenario that seeds drop from the tree and remain there. And if non-eaten seeds have other means of dispersal, I do not see where the independent density regulation of eaten and non-eaten seeds comes from. Eventually, this is an empirical question. How do the fruits look like from which animal dispersed fruits were derived? One other feature of the model that is crucial for the phenomenon of branching is not discussed. Evolution in the trait z imposes a trade-off between the fraction of seeds that are dispersed and the fraction of seeds that are not dispersed. Increasing z, that is, the attractiveness of seeds to frugivore animals, increases the proportion of dispersed seeds and decreases the proportion of undispersed seeds. Negative frequency comes about in the following way. If z is low, most seeds do not disperse and competition between them is fierce. A mutant with a higher trait value of z disperses more seeds and these seeds benefit from weak competition, giving the mutant a rare-type advantage. An analogous argument applies if z is initially high and we consider the fate of a mutant with a low value of z. This mutual rare type advantage allows for branching and coexistence of different types of seed dispersal strategies. I believe that the fact that increasing z also imposes a trade-off with the total number of produced seeds, f, is secondary. The reason why I have the impression I do not get a deep understanding of the forces driving seed evolution from the presented model is that the model is very specific and no effort is made to show the robustness of the predictions with respect to the various functional forms. Furthermore, the model is complicated enough such that no results can be derived analytically. As far as I can see, all results are derived numerically and since the model already contains a number of parameters a complete analysis seems almost impossible. In my opinion, it would be desirable to the see whether it is possible to derive some results, at least qualitatively, without specifying explicit functional forms. The aim should be to understand which requirements are really necessary for a specific pattern. For example, I have the feeling that the assumption that increasing z decreases f might be irrelevant for several conclusions of the paper. Similarly, one might wonder what the impact of density-dependent adult survival might be of whether increased fruit attractively at the cost of adult survival would affect the results? Also, the authors need to make a bigger effort to convince the reader that they the scenario envisaged by their model is biologically relevant. How common is it, that trees with seed dispersal by frugivores derive from trees with basically no dispersal? If this model is about dispersal vs philopatry, aspects like kin competition need to be considered explicitly and a huge literature doing this already exists. If, however, the model should investigate the evolution of different modes of seed dispersal, this model does not seem very suitable either. In section 3.2 the authors analyze a version of their model assuming density-independent selection. I personally believe that selection is almost never (if ever) density-independent. So why analyze this version? The authors do not discuss under what circumstances this version of their model might be applicable. More sensible would be to analyze a version where density dependence would be equal for eaten and non-eaten seeds. Such a model can actually be analyzed by investigating the optimization criterion given by equation (2) but an argument has to be made for this (see Metz et al., Evolutionary Ecology Research, 2008, 10: 629–654). In the last paragraph of the discussion the authors state that their results about diversification are in line with results of a paper by Valido et al with the title "Color, design and reward: phenotypic integration of fleshy fruit displays". Revilla et al state that that paper shows how "fundamental differences in the physiology and diet choices between birds and mammals can explain the differences in diversification of fruits eaten by these taxa." I have not read that paper but based on above statement it does not seem to me that the results of the paper considered here are in line with the paper by Valido et al since in the present study there is only a single type of frugivore and diversification is definitely not driven by differences between different frugivores. Model Issues On page 5, line 81, the authors state that the probability that a fruit escapes consumption is exp(-a*A), where a is the number of fruits eaten per unit time per frugivore and A is the abundance of frugivores. With this definition of parameters it seems to me that the probability to escape consumption should be (number of eaten fruits)/(total number of fruits)=a*A/(total number of fruits). I do not see why the exponential distribution comes in. For the chosen formula to apply it seems necessary that a*A gives probability to be eaten per unit of time. In conclusion I feel that something is fishy here. One reason why the model is so difficult to analyze is the occurrence of several exponential functions in equation (1). One exponential could be avoided if the probability to escape frugivory would be modeled as suggested above. The other exponential comes in through density dependence where the authors chose a Ricker-type function. I do not think that there is anything inherent in the life cycle that makes the Ricker function a more appropriate function than for example a Beverton-Holt type function for the density dependence. Avoiding exponential functions in this way do not seem to compromise the model and has at least two advantages. First, I suspect that then the viability equilibrium becomes always stable, thus one would not have to worry about fluctuating population dynamics any longer. Second, it might even become possible to analyze at least some aspects of the model analytically since it might become for example possible to solve for singular points explicitly. However, about this I am not a hundred percent sure, one would have to try. The authors give too little information about how results were derived. For example, how exactly were the PIPs in Figure 4 derived? Is the equilibrium population size of the resident type calculated numerically for each x and then checked numerically whether this equilibrium is indeed stable? I couldn't find information on this. In line 85 the authors introduce the parameter epsilon, the proportion of seeds per fruit that survives gut passage. However, a parameter giving the absolute number of seeds per fruit is missing. Maybe the model can be scaled such that this number becomes 1 but that should at least be mentioned. In equation (2) the authors call the factor that determines population growth from one time step to the next in the absence of any competitors R_0. This is a real misnomer. R_0 is widely established as a symbol for the expected number of offspring over life-time. Since the authors consider an organism with overlapping generations, equation (2) clearly does not give R_0 in this sense. An obvious choice would be to call the expression given on the right-hand side of equation (2) lambda since it is the dominant eigenvalue of the one-dimensional system evaluated at the extinction equilibrium. In line 228-230 the authors describe the fate of a mutant with positive invasion fitness. This part is sloppy. First, a mutant with positive invasion fitness (in this model: invasion fitness larger 1) is not guaranteed to increase in frequency, it might still go extinct through stochasticity as long as it is rare. Mutants with positive invasion fitness only have a positive probability to increase in fitness. Second, a mutant with positive invasion fitness will not necessarily replace the resident. This is only true for small mutational steps and residents sufficiently far away from a singular point. In the neighborhood of a singular point or when a mutant is sufficiently different from the resident it might actually lie in a region of coexistence. Similarly, the conclusion in line 257 only holds if the singular point is also convergence stable. On page 14 the authors describe the evolutionary dynamics as seen in individual based simulations. In line 318 they describe how large mutational steps can alter the predictions derived from adaptive dynamics. Specifically, in line 320-321 they state that large mutational steps might lead to a sudden change with one resident type being replaced by another, very different one. This scenario corresponds to the PIP shown in Figure 4B which shows alternative stable states. I disagree with the author that one of the types present in one alternative stable state is able to displace the other. In fact, the two types corresponding to the two alternative stable states are able to coexist, at least on the ecological time scale (they, however, can collapse into one type on the evolutionary time scale). This can be seen by mirroring the PIP over the 45-degree line as described in Geritz et al 1998, and in more detail in Geritz et al. 1999 (TPB). The same applies to the last sentence on this page. Note that a branching point is not a necessary requirement for two different phenotypes to be able to coexist on the ecological time scale. They just have to lie in a "region of mutual invadablility".