A78-3, Hazards, Risks, Mitigation

A78 Seamill, Survey, Hazards, Risks, Mitigations
April 2013
To be read in conjunction with A78 Pictorial Survey, Seamill
Unless otherwise stated, distances are measured to or from the near edge of a junction.
Interval Characterisation
The A78 (T) is the main north-south route for North Ayrshire. It is a busy road. Usage includes private vehicles, buses, and all sizes of commercial vehicles. This 2.05km interval of the A78 was
not designed to present-day standards: it is a historical inheritance. It passes through Seamill, a residential area. Over half its length the accident record is not good: mostly slight but also several
serious injuries. It is common to see cyclists, either on the carriageway, or on the broader interval of the footway at the south end. Pedestrians use the broader intervals of footway, generally for
recreational walking and jogging; the narrower intervals see less use.
The Yerton Brae / Fullerton Drive crossroads is the busiest junction on the interval of the A78 being examined by Tramps WK. . It sees steady flows on all 4 branches; and pedestrians and cyclists.
The densest flow is through traffic on the A78; this imposes waiting time on traffic using the 2 branch roads. With the exception of Fullerton Drive, road widths at the junction are insufficient for twin
lanes in the same direction. There are no traffic lights or pedestrian crossing.
Many accidents have been witnessed here with several requiring ambulances; and many minor shunts and near misses with the associated road rage. Most do not appear on accident statistics.
Because of speeds, most accidents do not cause serious injury - although some do. Turning into Yerton Brae is a manoeuvre avoided by many people.
The lower interval of Yerton Brae causes problems which also affect traffic on the A78. Hazard Management on Yerton Brae above the junction has been documented separately.
Footway intervals on Kinnin Brae and at the Yerton Brae crossroads have been assessed by the local authority to be ‘unsafe for regular pedestrian use going to school’
Hazards and Risks
These are ranked according to the rationale set out in Support Package SP C3
Accident History
Refer to the Summary Maps, which show individual injury accidents over the last 23 years. The accidents are categorised according to the severity of injuries suffered – slight, serious or fatal.
Survey and Hazard Identification
A78 at Seamill: Survey
Hazard Area, Contributing
Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
From south of Portencross Road to North of Chapelton Road
For Hazard Areas 1 – 5, please
refer to photo survey and detail
from Ordnance Survey Map.
Single-lane A-road (no central reservation)
Road type
Branch roads and accesses are shown below. To the south of Seamill
there are 4 field accesses; to the north there are 3.
on A78 of
Barr Homes left access
Corsehill Drive
Summerlea Road
Give Way
sign on
Yes (lit)
Yes (lit)
Overton Drive
Sandy Road
Access to Hydro
Refer to photos 4 - 8
Specific Contributing Factors:
+ Narrow pavements at
driveway exits – around 1.4m
+ Parking on east side of A78
Margin for Error: Moderate; but
reduced by presence of parked
Pantonville Road
Hyndman Road
Hazard Area 1: on east side of
A78, from Overton Drive to
Pantonville Road
Hazard Area 1 Ranking: Level
5, Significant
Merlewood Road
Yerton Brae &
Fullerton Drive
Hazard Area 2: Yerton Brae /
Fullerton Drive crossroads
Refer to photos Photo A - M,
Crossroads YB – FD, and 26,
Dashed line across
Specific Contributing Factors,
singly and in combination:
+ Busy junction where A78 flows
impose waiting times for branch
A78 at Seamill: Survey
Hazard Area, Contributing
Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
From south of Portencross Road to North of Chapelton Road
Glenbride Road
Yes (lit)
+ lines of sight at Fullerton Drive
are obstructed by parked vehicles
to north and south on A78
Chapelton Lane
Branch opposite
+ steep uphill exit from Fullerton
Right access at 30 sign
30mph breakpoint
Works access on right
Access to Chapelton
These are
shown on
the photos
in the
change to
posts at
and at
road traffic
There is a narrower interval of carriageway in the range 6.7 - 7.4m wide at
/ near the bend at bottom of Kinnin Brae. The interval to the north of this is
7.9 – 8.7m wide; the interval to the south varies, 9 – 10m. There is a ‘step’
change in width at 2 points.
+ parked vehicles to north
impede line of sight at exit from
Yerton Brae
+ presence of crossing
Margin for Error: Low, and
becomes lower with “driver
Hazard Area 2 Ranking: Level
8, Very Serious
Hazard Area 3 : From
Pantonville Road to Hyndman
Refer to photos 9 - 12
Specific Contributing Factors:
The footway on the south-west side is continuous, and generally 2m+
wide, but there is an interval which is much narrower – from Pantonville
Road along to Chapelton Lane , 0.75 – 1.7m wide.
The footway on the north-east side is discontinuous, and generally
narrower – in range 0.74 – 2.3m
+ the footway on the east is 1.4
– 1.58m wide, narrowing to
There are 2 or 3 narrow points where it is not possible to use a pram.
Intervals have been assessed by the local authority to be ‘unsafe for
regular pedestrian use going to school’
the footway on the west is 0.7
– 0.8m wide
+ from the north, the
carriageway narrows from 8.0m
to 6.7m
A78 at Seamill: Survey
From south of Portencross Road to North of Chapelton Road
Drive and
The road is well-used by private cars, commercial vehicles including vans,
and trucks. There is a regular bus service. It is frequently used by
pedestrians, and occasionally by cyclists. Pedestrian use includes school
By far, this is the busiest junction on the interval of the A78 being
examined. It sees steady flows on all 4 ‘branches’ in both directions:
private cars, commercial vehicles including heavy trucks, buses; and
pedestrian- traffic and cyclists on the A78; this imposes waits on traffic
using the 2 branch roads. With the exception of Fullerton Drive, road
widths are insufficient for double lanes in the same direction. There are no
traffic lights or pedestrian crossing.
Many accidents have been witnessed here with several requiring
ambulances; and countless minor shunts and near misses with the
associated road rage. Most do not appear on accident statistics. Because
of speeds, most accidents do not cause serious injury, although some do.
Turning into Yerton Brae is a manoeuvre avoided by many people.
The lower interval of Yerton Brae causes problems which also affect traffic
on the A78. Hazard Management on Yerton Brae has been documented
Road –
of road
This stretch includes a shallow (12º ) blind bend. On the west side is a strip
of about 7 businesses. South-bound traffic turning right into this area must
proceed with great care, and stay alert to the danger of being struck from
behind (the road is too narrow to pass a car waiting to turn right). Regular
users frequently abort this manoeuvre.
Hazard Area, Contributing
Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
+ Hyndman Road has a
restricted line of sight to the left
(north) along the A78
+ the speed of traffic.
Margin for Error:: Low
Hazard Area 3 Ranking: Level 7,
Hazard Area 4: Interval between
Hyndman Road and Sandy Road
Refer to photos 13 - 14
Specific Contributing Factors,
singly and in combination:
+ the carriageway has narrowed
significantly on both approach
sides - from the north, from
8.0m down to 7.08; and from the
south, from10m to 7.4m to 7.08m
+ both pavements are narrow –
around 1m
Generally sound
+ west-side pavement
disappears for interval at site of
former garage / filling station
Serious accidents have occurred along the length of thisinterval of road.
Less serious accidents are a feature at the Yerton Brae / Fullerton Drive
+ the presence of pedestrians
and cyclists
+ the dogleg bend is shallow but
30 mph through Seamill; national speed limit 60 / 50 / 40 mph to north and
south of Seamill
+ the adjacent Sandy and
Hyndman Roads have restricted
A78 at Seamill: Survey
From south of Portencross Road to North of Chapelton Road
The national speed limit applies at the northern interval, where
inappropriate speed leads to accidents.
Through the 30 mph interval, speeds of 40 – 45 mph are common – as are
speeds around 30 mph. A VAS is situated at the north and south ends of
the 30 mph zone, and the usual speeding characteristics are on display.
The oblique angle of Yerton Brae to the A78 allows anyone who wishes to
take this corner at some speed when turning right into Yerton Brae; this is
often accompanied by cutting the corner.
and signs
From north to south: the road is initially level and straight; there is a long,
gentle down-slope (Kinnin Brae) followed by a dogleg bend. Thereafter
the road is generally level and straight.
Heading South from the
Portencross Road Crossroads
Heading North from the Chapelton
Road junction
140 yards south of Portencross
Road the edge lines and road
reflectors stop
East side and central road reflectors
286 yards from Corsehill Drive,
destination distances sign
246 yards from Corsehill Drive,
West Kilbride, Seamill sign and
30 mph sign
86 yards from Corsehill Drive,
road centre line changes to
centre warning sign (long dashes)
115 yards from Yerton Brae
crossroads, direction /
crossroads sign
276 yards from 30mph sign is a
30mph VAS
Bus Stop 30 yards south of
Summerlea Road
70 yards from bend, SLOW
painted on road
476 yds from 30 mph start,
Destination Distances sign
380 yds from 30 mph start, Speed
Cameras sign, and start of left road
edge reflectors
309 yds from 30 mph start, first
30mph countdown sign
205 yds from 30 mph start, secpmd
30mph countdown sign
137 yds from 30mph start, Seamill
106 yds from 30 mph start, third
30mph countdown sign
SLOW painted on road approx 30 yds
and 70 yards before VAS
VAS at 330 yards after 30 mph start
Hydro boundary railing carries notice:
No Parking, please park responsibly
Hazard Area, Contributing
Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
lines of sight for traffic joining the
+ the presence of an entrance
to a hotel, and a business
+ the speed of traffic, and northbound cutting the corner to
maintain speed
Margin for Error: Very low
Hazard Area 4 Ranking: Level
8, Very Serious
Hazard Area 5: Sandy Road to
Glenbride Road and along to
start of west-side grass verge
Refer to photos 14 – 21, and
25A & B
Specific Contributing Factors:
singly and in combination:
+ the footway on the west side
is generally about 1.25m wide
+ the footway on east side is
around 1.0 – 1.3m wide
(widening after Chapelton Lane)
+ restricted line of sight to right
at Sandy Road
+ restricted line of sight to right
at Glenbride Road
A78 at Seamill: Survey
From south of Portencross Road to North of Chapelton Road
65 and 105 yards south of
Chapelton Lane, SLOW painted
on road
At or around end of 30mph zone,
road edge and centre reflectors
start; start of footway use for
and safely.
SLOW painted on road 63 yds before
centre of road bend
85 yards before Yerton Brae,
crossroads / directions sign
The road centre warning line
continues to the Chaperton Road
junction; this junction has
reflector posts.
Hazard Area, Contributing
Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
+ unmarked entrance / exit at
+ A78 carriageway narrows to
7.4m, from 10m
+ cars exiting from residences
encroach on carriageway to
establish full line of sight
+ parking on the east side of
road reduces effective
carriageway width causing lineof-sight problems for cars exiting
from residences
Only the road markings and signs
+ restricted line of sight to right
at exit opposite Chapelton Lane
Margin for Error: Low
Street lights throughout
for Cyclists
Cyclists use the road; they also use the broad footway on the west side of
the road, running from the south end of Seamill along to Ardrossan.
Hazard Area 5 Ranking: Level
7, Serious
Risk Assessment
April 2013
Possible Outcomes
Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
Possible Events
Relative Likelihood
Hazard Area
Risk Level
In General
Note Intervals of the A78 at Seamill have been assessed
by the local authority to be ‘unsafe for regular pedestrian
use going to school’.
In general, the risk of an accident comes from the road
system’s characteristics, in conjunction with driver behaviours,
including speed, inattention, error of judgement
Possible events include the following, or variations on these:
+ Loss of vehicle control, leading to vehicles colliding or
running off road
Driver error of judgement when passing a cyclist, leading to
striking a cyclist
Relative Likelihood
Driver error of judgement when joining the A78 from a local
road or residence access, leading to a collision
Varies – see notes below on each
individual Hazard Area
The likelihood of these events is heightened by narrow
footways, narrow roads and changing road widths, limited lines
of sight at junctions, and at residential accesses.
Note on Cyclists and Pedestrians
The risk level for cyclists and pedestrians is very pronounced
where there are narrow footways and a narrower carriageway.
This happens at Hazard Areas 3, 4 and 5, where the proximity
of passing vehicles, especially buses and trucks becomes very
pronounced. Possible events include pedestrian or cyclist
error, leading to impact with a vehicle. Many pedestrian users
are visitors to the Hydro Hotel and are not familiar with the
Hazard Area 1: on east side of A78, from Overton Drive to
Pantonville Road
Refer to photos 4 - 8
Specific Contributing Factors:
+ Narrow pavements at driveway exits – around 1.4m
Possible Outcomes
Varies – see notes below on each
individual Hazard Area
Varies – see
each individual
Hazard Area in
Managment and
Residents coming out of their driveway are accustomed to
exercising great care; the additional presence of occasional
parked cars (commonly partly on the footway) heightens the
need for care.
Possible Outcomes
An unrelated accident pattern for south-bound traffic is the
occasional vehicle slamming into the back of a parked vehicle;
around Merlewood Road there have been several of these.
resulting in
Collision with other vehicle,
pedestrian or cyclist
Near miss, Serious Injury
Area 1 Risk:
Level 5,
Possible Outcomes
Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
Possible Events
Relative Likelihood
Hazard Area
Risk Level
+ Parking on east side of A78
Margin for Error: Moderate; but reduced by presence of
parked cars
The west-side footway is usually preferred by pedestrians –
east-side is too narrow
Relative Likelihood: Medium to
Hazard Area 1 Ranking: Level 5, Significant
Hazard Area 2: Yerton Brae / Fullerton Drive crossroads
All sorts of events can and do happen:
Refer to photos Photo A - M, Crossroads YB – FD, and
26, 27
+ Minor vehicle prangs
Specific Contributing Factors,
For Pedestrians
+ Vehicle collisions
Possible Outcomes: Near miss,
injury, death
+ Pedestrian or cyclist impact with motor vehicle
Relative Likelihood: Medium
singly and in combination:
+ Busy junction where A78 flows impose waiting times for
branch road traffic
For Car Occupants
+ lines of sight at Fullerton Drive are obstructed by parked
vehicles to north and south on A78
Possible Outcome: Less serious
than for pedestrians
+ steep uphill exit from Fullerton Drive
Relative Likelihood: Medium
+ parked vehicles to north impede line of sight at exit from
Yerton Brae
For Cyclists
Area 2 Risk
Level: 8, Very
Possible Outcome: Near miss,
injury, death
+ presence of crossing pedestrians
Margin for Error: Low, and becomes lower with “driver
Relative Likelihood: Medium
Hazard Area 2 Ranking: Level 8, Very Serious
Hazard Area 3 : From Pantonville Road to Hyndman
Vehicle loses control and impacts a cyclist, a pedestrian or
another vehicle, or goes through the wall
Refer to photos 9 - 12
Contra-flow vehicles passing do not make enough allowance
for presence of a cyclist
Specific Contributing Factors:
Pedestrian(s) on narrow footway steps on road
the footway on the west is 0.7 – 0.8m wide
+ the footway on the east is 1.4 – 1.58m wide, narrowing to
Pedestrian(s) crossing the road misjudges speed of vehicles
Vehicle exiting Hyndman Rd affects flow of traffic on A78
Possible Outcomes for all users
are Near miss, injury, death
Relative Likelihood is assessed as
Medium, for all users
The likelihood of events is greater at
the southern end of this interval:
Area 3 Risk
Level: 7,
Possible Outcomes
Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
Possible Events
Relative Likelihood
Hazard Area
Risk Level
+ from the north, the carriageway narrows from 8.0m to
+ Hyndman Road has a restricted line of sight to the left
(north) along the A78
+ the speed of traffic.
Intervals of footway in Hazard Area 3 have been assessed by
the local authority to be ‘unsafe for regular pedestrian use
going to school’
This road interval is known by locals to be dangerous, and
many pedestrians avoid it.
Margin for Error: Low
+ the carriageway and footways
are narrower
+ the presence of the Hyndman
Road junction
+ the effect of the adjacent Hazard
Area 4
Hazard Area 3 Ranking: Level 7, Serious
These include:
Hazard Area 4: Interval between Hyndman Road and
Sandy Road
Refer to photos 13 - 14
Specific Contributing Factors
singly and in combination:
+ the carriageway has narrowed significantly on both
approach sides - from the north, from 8.0m down to 7.08;
and from the south, from10m to 7.4m to 7.08m
+ both pavements are narrow – around 1m
+ west-side pavement disappears for interval at site of
former garage / filling station
+ the presence of pedestrians and cyclists
+ the dogleg bend is shallow but tight
+ the adjacent Sandy and Hyndman Roads have restricted
lines of sight for traffic joining the A78
+ the presence of an entrance to a hotel, and a business
+ the speed of traffic, and north-bound cutting the corner to
maintain speed
Margin for Error: Very low
North-bound or south-bound vehicle loses control on bend and
leaves carriageway, mounting pavement, or striking building or
wall, or strikes other vehicle; or makes insufficient allowance
for other vehicle, or cyclist – any of which could lead to a
For all users, the Possible
Outcomes: are Near miss, injury,
Cyclist makes insufficient allowance for other vehicle leading
to a collision
For all users, the Relative
Likelihood is Medium to High.
Pedestrian, possibly with child or pram, stumbles on narrow
Hazard Area 4
Risk: Level 8,
Very serious
Possible Outcomes
Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error,
Hazard Area Ranking
Possible Events
Relative Likelihood
Hazard Area
Risk Level
Hazard Area 4 Ranking: Level 8, Very Serious
Vehicles at Hydro misjudge their turn;
Hazard Area 5: Sandy Road to Glenbride Road and along
to start of west-side grass verge
Vehicles at Glenbride Road misjudge their turn;
Refer to photos 14 – 21, and 25A & B
Vehicles at Sandy Road misjudge their turn;
Specific Contributing Factors:
Vehicles exiting a residence misjudge their turn.
singly and in combination:
These 4 scenarios are likely to be aggravated by parking on
east side of road; also possibly aggravated by events at
adjacent Hazard Area 4.
+ the footway on the west side is generally about 1.25m
+ the footway on east side is around 1.0 – 1.3m wide
(widening after Chapelton Lane)
+ restricted line of sight to right at Sandy Road
+ restricted line of sight to right at Glenbride Road
+ unmarked entrance / exit at Hydro
+ A78 carriageway narrows to 7.4m, from 10m
+ cars exiting from residences encroach on carriageway to
establish full line of sight
+ parking on the east side of road reduces effective
carriageway width causing line-of-sight problems for cars
exiting from residences
+ restricted line of sight to right at exit opposite Chapelton
Margin for Error: Low
Hazard Area 5 Ranking: Level 7, Serious
Pedestrians possibly with child or pram make error on narrow
Cyclist makes error of judgement.
Possible Consequences: Near
miss, injury, death
All these carry the risk of collisions involving other road users
Relative Likelihood: Medium to
This interval of road has seen
several serious accidents
Hazard Area 5
Risk: Level 7+,
7+ is assigned
due to the
number of
visitors using the
Hydro, many
unfamiliar with
the road.
Hazard Management and Mitigation
April 2013
Contributing Factors
Hazard Area
Hazard Ranking
Margin for Error
Risk Level
Singly and in combination
Hazard Area 1: on east side of A78, from
Overton Drive to Pantonville Road
Narrow pavements at driveway exits –
around 1.4m wide;
Controllable Variables / Road
Management Options
Pros / Cons
Suggested Best-Fit
Widen footway
Hazard Area 1 Ranking: Level 5, Significant
Introduce parking restrictions –
yellow lines
Margin for Error: Moderate; but reduced by
presence of parked cars
Hazard Area 1 Risk: Level 5, Significant
Parking on east side of A78
Introduce parking restrictions
presence of crossing pedestrians
Introduce controlled pedestrian
Relatively cheap as part
of traffic lights system
Install a roundabout
Roundabout expensive
and difficult, with
topography and land
ownership aspects;
traffic lights cheaper
Hazard Area 2: Yerton Brae / Fullerton Drive
Hazard Area 2 Ranking: Level 8, Very
busy junction where A78 flows impose
waiting times for traffic on branch roads
Install traffic lights
Margin for Error: Low, and becomes lower
with “driver frustration”
Hazard Area 2 Risk: Level 8, Very serious
lines of sight at Fullerton Drive are obstructed
by parked vehicles to north and south on A78
NB Coming from the Hazard Management
assessment for Main Street – Yerton Brae, a
recommendation is to establish a one-way
system on the lower interval of Yerton Brae,
and install traffic lights at the crossroads.
steep uphill exit from Fullerton Drive
Hazard Area 3 : From Pantonville Road to
Hyndman Road
the footway on the east is 1.4 – 1.58m wide,
narrowing to 1.13m
Hazard Area 3 Ranking: Level 7, Serious
parked vehicles to north impede line of sight
at exit from Yerton Brae
Introduce double yellow lines
Relatively cheap and
Effect would be
mitigated with a traffic
lights system
Introduce double yellow lines
Relatively cheap and
Introduce traffic lights with
pedestrian crossing controls; and
double yellow lines to north and
south of lights, both sides of A78
Contributing Factors
Hazard Area
Hazard Ranking
Margin for Error
Risk Level
Singly and in combination
Margin for Error:: Low
the footway on the west is 0.7 – 0.8m wide
Hazard Area 3 Risk: Level 7, Serious
Controllable Variables / Road
Management Options
Discourage use of west-side
from the north, the carriageway narrows from
8.0m to 6.7m
Hyndman Road has a restricted line of sight
to the left (north) along the A78
the speed of traffic
Hazard Area 4: Interval between Hyndman
Road and Sandy Road
Hazard Area 4 Ranking: Level 8, Very
Margin for Error: Very low
Install a VAS in both directions
A long-term solution
would be a strategic
decision involving
buying land / properties
on the west side of the
This area has been the
site of serious
Approach west-side landowners to
negotiate a land purchase.
Hazard Area Risk: Level 8, Very Serious
west-side pavement disappears for an
interval at site of former garage / filling
Approach west-side landowners to
negotiate a land purchase.
the presence of pedestrians and cyclists
Use of bollard stanchions
the dogleg bend is shallow but tight
This is a difficult area to
find a low-cost fix. The
carriageway is narrow in
parts, so are the
footways, and the road
system is boxed in by
buildings and stone
The carriageway has narrowed significantly
on both approach sides - from the north,
from 8.0m down to 7.08; and from the south,
from10m to 7.4m to 7.08m
both pavements are narrow – around 1m
Pros / Cons
Consider using a high-friction road
It is difficult to find a
low-cost fix. The
carriageway and
footways are narrow;
and the road system is
boxed in by privatelyowned buildings and
stone walls.
A long-term solution
would be a strategic
decision to acquire land
/ properties on the west
side of the road.
Suggested Best-Fit
Install a south-bound VAS just
south of Pantonville Road; and a
north-bound VAS before the
Hydro Hotel entrance.
Longer –Term
Strategic decision to widen the
road / footway, using a west-side
(or east-side) land acquisition;
the west-side could be the more
With no plans for a WK bypass,
this should be seriously
Short Term
Introduce high-friction road
surface at the dogleg bend
Install a VAS on each side of the
Hazard Area.
Re-examine the road contours
and assess the possibility to finetune carriageway markings.
Assess the possibility to use
bollards for pedestrian protection
Develop a long-term strategy to
widen the road and footway – to
give one of the footways (westside more practicable?) a usable
width of 1.7 - 2m, with bollards,
Contributing Factors
Hazard Area
Hazard Ranking
Margin for Error
Risk Level
Singly and in combination
the adjacent Sandy and Hyndman Roads
have restricted lines of sight for traffic joining
the A78
Controllable Variables / Road
Management Options
Pros / Cons
running south from the top of
Kinnin Brae along to the start of
the grass verge interval on
Ardrossan Road.
Approach Hydro proprietor
regarding possibility to adjust
perimeter wall
the presence of an entrance to Merrick Hotel
car park, and a business entrance
the speed of traffic, and north-bound cutting
the corner to maintain speed
Hazard Area 5: Sandy Road to Glenbride
Road and along to start of west-side grass
Hazard Area 5 Ranking: Level 7, Serious
Margin for Error: Low
This will involve land acquisition.
the footway on east side is around 1.0 –
1.3m wide (widening after Chapelton Lane)
Hazard Area Risk: Level 7+, Serious
restricted line of sight to right at Glenbride
Redress this
A78 carriageway narrows to 7.4m, from 10m
This area has
similarities with Areas 4
and 3.
Similar to Areas 3 and 4
This area has been the
site of serious
Install a VAS on each side of the
Hazard interval.
It is difficult to find a
low-cost fix. The
carriageway and
footways are narrow in
places; and the road
system is boxed in by
buildings and stone
A long-term solution
would be a strategic
decision to acquire land
/ properties on the west
side of the road.
cars exiting from residences encroach on
carriageway to establish full line of sight
parking on the east side of carriageway
reduces effective carriageway width causing
turning problems for cars exiting from
With no plans for a WK bypass,
this should be seriously
Install a VAS in both directions
the footway on the west side is generally
about 1.25m wide
unmarked entrance / exit at Hydro Hotel
Suggested Best-Fit
Introduce double yellow lines
Short Term
Re-examine the road contours
and assess the possibility to finetune carriageway markings.
Introduce No Parking (double
yellow lines) on east side of A78
between Sandy Road and
Glenbride Road
Assess the possibility to use
bollards for pedestrian protection
Develop a long-term strategy to
give one of the footways (westside more practicable?) a usable
width of 1.7 - 2m, with bollards,
running south from the top of
Kinnin Brae along to grass verge
interval on Ardrossan Road.
This will involve land acquisition.
With no plans for a WK bypass,
Contributing Factors
Hazard Area
Hazard Ranking
Margin for Error
Risk Level
Singly and in combination
restricted line of sight to right at Sandy Road
restricted line of sight to right at exit opposite
Chapelton Lane
Controllable Variables / Road
Management Options
See Hazard Area 4 above:
Approach Hydro proprietor
regarding possibility to adjust
perimeter wall
Pros / Cons
Suggested Best-Fit
this should be seriously