Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
3rd Grade – Social Studies
Unit: Communities and Geography
Standards 3.3.01a, 3.3.01b, 3.3.01c, 3.3.02a, 3.3.02b, 3.3.03c,
3.3.03a, 3.3.03b, 3.3.03c
Enduring Understandings:
Understand how to read a map using special features such as latitude
and longitude
Understand how the five geographical regions of the United States can
share both physical and human characteristics
Understand how communities can be part of more than one region
Understand how humans interact with their physical environment
Essential Questions:
How can you find a community’s location?
How can a map be used to understand your surroundings?
What are our country’s regions?
How are the regions similar to and different from each other?
In what ways do ecosystems differ from one another?
How do humans interact with the geographic features in their
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
1. Without aid, the student will be able to
use absolute and relative locations to
identify places on a map with 100%
accuracy. (19,20,21,22,23,31)
2. Using a map, the student will determine
the climate of a specific region of the United
States with no errors. (34)
3. Independently, the student will recognize
the identifying characteristics of certain
geographic features with no errors.
4. Given a map, the student will recognize
and use the map key correctly.
5. Independently, the student will
differentiate the distinguishing
characteristics of ecosystems and identify
them correctly. (29,30,31,32)
6. After instruction, the student will use key
vocabulary words from the unit correctly.
7. Following instruction, the student will
recognize the five regions of the United
States and differentiate between them with
no errors. (18,35,36)
Total Number of Questions
Percentage of Questions
Tennessee Standards
Standard 3.3.01 Understand how to
use maps, globes, and other geographic
representations, tools, and technologies
to acquire, process and report
information from a spatial perspective.
Standard 3.3.02 Recognize the
interaction between human and
physical systems around the world.
Standard 3.3.03 Demonstrate how to
identify and locate major physical and
political features on globes and maps.
Test Blueprint
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Name: __________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
Communities and Geography
Unit Test
Directions: Write your name and the date on the lines provided. Be
sure to read each question carefully. After you finish, check your
Fill in the Blank (2.5 points each)
Directions: Use the vocabulary words in the box to complete the sentence.
Prime meridian
absolute location
map key
map scale
1. A line running from the North Pole to the South Pole is a line of
2. A(n)
explains the meanings of the symbols on a map.
3. The
shows the relationship between a certain distance on the
map and the distance on the ground.
4. Clarksville is in the Southeast
of the United States.
5. The
of New York, NY is 40º N, 74º W.
6. The
is 0 degrees latitude.
7. The lines that run horizontally around the Earth are lines of
8. The line that is 0 degrees longitude is the
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Matching (1.5 points each)
Directions: Match the definition on the left to the correct word on the right. Write the
letter of the answer in the blank. Not all answer choices will be used.
9. A place on Earth's surface that is
a. peninsula
much higher than the land around it.
b. forest
10. Land that is completely
c. ocean
surrounded by water.
d. continent
11. The largest body of water on
e. river
f. island
12. A hot dry place with little or no
g. desert
h. mountain
13. A long flowing body of water.
14. A body of land that is
surrounded by water on three sides.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
True-False (1.5 point each)
Directions: Read each sentence and circle true or false. If the sentence is false, rewrite the
sentence to make it true in the blank.
15. Lines of latitude run from north to south.
True or False
16. The equator is halfway between the North and South Poles.
True or False
17. Land that is completely surrounded by water is a peninsula.
True or False
18. California is in the Northeast region of the United States.
True or False
Directions: For questions 19-23, use the map below. Read each question and circle true or
19. The fire station is north of City Hall.
True or False
20. Main Street runs from NE to SW.
True or False
21. Smith Lake is in the NE corner of the map.
True or False
22. The police station is west of City Court.
True or False
23. 3rd Avenue runs from North to South.
True or False
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
Directions: For numbers 24-28, use the map below.
24. Which city is west of Nashville?
a. Shelbyville
c. Bristol
b. Knoxville
d. Dyersburg
25. What is the name of the national park in Tennessee?
a. Great Smoky Mountains National Park
c. Yosemite National Park
b. Yellowstone National Park
d. Glacier National Park
26. What is the capital of Tennessee?
a. Clarksville
c. Nashville
b. Chattanooga
d. Jackson
27. What is the name of the mountain range in the eastern part of Tennessee?
a. Rocky Mountains
c. Sierra Nevada Mountains
b. Appalachian Mountains
d. Catskill Mountains
28. Identify the river that runs along the western border of Tennessee.
a. Mississippi River
c. Tennessee River
b. Clinch River
d. Cumberland River
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
For questions 29-32, name the ecosystem that is shown in the picture.
a. tundra
c. desert
b. grassland
d. rainforest
a. grassland
c. rainforest
b. tundra
d. desert
a. rainforest
c. grassland
b. desert
d. tundra
a. tundra
c. rainforest
b. grassland
d. desert
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Essay (35 points total)
Directions: Read each topic carefully. Use the blanks provided to write your answer.
Remember to use the rubric as a guideline.
(10 points) 33. Use the map below to write a story about a day spent in Washington, D.C. Be
sure you visit at least three landmarks, and include walking directions so if someone was reading
your story they would know exactly how you got from one place to another.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
(10 points) 34. Using the map below, write a paragraph describing a cross-country trip from
Clarksville, Tennessee to the northeastern tip of the United States in Maine. Describe the
regions you will travel through and the clothes you would need to pack for each climate.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
(10 points) 35. Using the map below, choose two states from different regions (Northeast,
Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, West). Write four to five sentences comparing and contrasting
the two regions, using characteristics such as climate, landforms, bodies of water, natural
resources, and anything else you want to include.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
(5 points) 36. Choose which region you would want to live in when you grow up. Give at least 3
reasons why you think that region is better than the others.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Rubric for Essays
The student did
not provide an
The student
provided two or
less sentences.
The students
provided 3
The student
provided a full
paragraph, 4-5
The student did
not provide an
The student did
not capitalize
two or more of
the first letters of
the sentences or
there are two or
marks missing
from the end of
the sentences.
The student did
not capitalize
one of the first
letters of a
sentence, or
there is not
punctuation at
the end of one
The student
proper nouns,
and used proper
The student did
not provide an
The student’s
handwriting is
difficult to read.
The student’s
handwriting is
The student’s
handwriting is
very neat.
The student did
not provide an
Most of the
student’s ideas
are unclear and
do not answer
the question
Not all of the
student’s ideas
are clear and
some of the
information is
All of the
student’s ideas
are clear, the
question is
answered, and
the responses are
well thought-out
and organized.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Name: ____Answer Key____
Communities and Geography
Unit Test
Directions: Write your name and the date on the lines provided. Be
sure to read each question carefully. After you finish, check your
Fill in the Blank (2.5 points each)
Directions: Use the vocabulary words in the box to complete the sentence.
Prime meridian
absolute location
map key
map scale
9. A line running from the North Pole to the South Pole is a line of longitude.
10. A(n) map key explains the meanings of the symbols on a map.
11. The map scale shows the relationship between a certain distance on the map and the distance
on the ground.
12. Clarksville is in the Southeast region of the United States.
13. The absolute location of New York, NY is 40º N, 74º W.
14. The equator is 0 degrees latitude.
15. The lines that run horizontally around the Earth are lines of latitude .
16. The line that is 0 degrees longitude is the Prime meridian .
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Matching (1.5 points each)
Directions: Match the definition on the left to the correct word on the right. Write the
letter of the answer in the blank. Not all answer choices will be used.
H 9. A place on Earth's surface that is
much higher than the land around it.
10. Land that is completely
surrounded by water.
11. The largest body of water on
G 12. A hot dry place with little or no
E 13. A long flowing body of water.
A 14. A body of land that is
surrounded by water on three sides.
a. peninsula
b. forest
c. ocean
d. continent
e. river
f. island
g. desert
h. mountain
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
True-False (1.5 point each)
Directions: Read each sentence and circle true or false. If the sentence is false, rewrite the
sentence to make it true in the blank.
15. Lines of latitude run from north to south.
True or False
Lines of latitude run from east to west.
16. The equator is halfway between the North and South Poles.
True or False
17. Land that is completely surrounded by water is a peninsula.
True or False
Land that is completely surrounded by water is an island.
18. California is in the Northeast region of the United States.
True or False
California is in the West region of the United States.
Directions: For questions 19-23, use the map below. Read each question and circle true or
19. The fire station is north of City Hall.
True or False
20. Main Street runs from NE to SW.
True or False
21. Smith Lake is in the NE corner of the map.
True or False
22. The police station is west of City Court.
True or False
23. 3rd Avenue runs from North to South.
True or False
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
Directions: For numbers 24-28, use the map below.
24. Which city is west of Nashville?
a. Shelbyville
c. Bristol
b. Knoxville
d. Dyersburg
25. What is the name of the national park in Tennessee?
a. Great Smoky Mountains National Park
c. Yosemite National Park
b. Yellowstone National Park
d. Glacier National Park
26. What is the capital of Tennessee?
a. Clarksville
c. Nashville
b. Chattanooga
d. Jackson
27. What is the name of the mountain range in the eastern part of Tennessee?
a. Rocky Mountains
c. Sierra Nevada Mountains
b. Appalachian Mountains
d. Catskill Mountains
28. Identify the river that runs along the western border of Tennessee.
a. Mississippi River
c. Tennessee River
b. Clinch River
d. Cumberland River
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
For questions 29-32, name the ecosystem that is shown in the picture.
a. tundra
c. desert
b. grassland
d. rainforest
a. grassland
c. rainforest
b. tundra
d. desert
a. rainforest
c. grassland
b. desert
d. tundra
a. tundra
c. rainforest
b. grassland
d. desert
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
Essay (35 points total)
Directions: Read each topic carefully. Use the blanks provided to write your answer.
Remember to use your rubric as a guideline.
(10 points) 33. Use the map below to write a story about a day spent in Washington, D.C. Be
sure you visit at least three landmarks, and include walking directions so if someone was reading
your story they would know exactly how you got from one place to another.
Answers will vary. Students must list at least three landmarks in their stories.
Example: I started at Ford's Theatre on F St. I watched a few plays and then started walking east
on F St. until I reached the Spy Museum. I pretended to be a spy for about two hours, and then I
left and started walking south on 9th St. When I reached Pennsylvania Ave, I started walking
northwest until I came to the Old Post Office. I mailed a few letters and then went north on 12th
St. and east on F St. and ended up back at Ford's Theatre.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
(10 points) 34. Using the map below, write a paragraph describing a cross-country trip from
Clarksville, Tennessee to the northeastern tip of the United States in Maine. Describe the
regions you will travel through and the clothes you would need to pack for each climate.
Answers will vary. Students should say that they started in the Hot-Humid climate, drove
through the Temperate climate, and ended up in the Cool climate. The clothes they should pack
could be:
Hot-Humid - shorts, tshirts, flipflops, etc.
Temperate - blue jeans, long-sleeved shirts, tennis shoes, etc.
Cool - sweaters, jackets, boots, etc.
Kayla Bearden
November 6, 2011
Education 4270-W2
(10 points) 35. Using the map below, choose two states from different regions (Northeast,
Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, West). Write four to five sentences comparing and contrasting
the two regions, using characteristics such as climate, landforms, bodies of water, natural
resources, and anything else you want to include.
Answers will vary according to the regions the students choose. As long as the students list
characteristics from each of the regions they choose and use comparing and contrasting
techniques, they will receive credit. The students can be creative.
(5 points) 36. Choose which region you would want to live in when you grow up. Give at least 3
reasons why you think that region is better than the others.
Answers will vary. As long as the students choose a region in the United States, and give at least
3 reasons that include characteristics from that region, they will receive credit.