Additional files: List S1- Read codes for type 2 diabetes Table S1 - Sensitivity analysis censoring observation periods at time of stopping or changing therapy. Table S2 - Baseline characteristics (%) of hypertensive and CVD patients, according to exposure status Table S3 - Incident rates of T2DM at different follow-up times, according to hypertension and CVD diagnosis, for individuals with BMI≤25Kg/m2 1 Read codes for type 2 diabetes - list S1 9OL..00 66A..00 66AS.00 C10..00 9N1Q.00 C10F.00 9OL4.00 66A2.00 9NND.00 66AP.00 9OL1.00 66A4.00 68A7.00 66AZ.00 66AJ.00 C100112 66Ac.00 9OL5.00 66A3.00 66Aq.00 C109.00 F420.00 13B1.00 9OLA.00 7L19800 66AR.00 9h42.00 2G5E.00 66A5.00 2G5I.00 9h41.00 F420000 9N4I.00 66AI.00 C109.12 66AQ.00 66AD.00 8BL2.00 1434.00 9OL6.00 66Ai.00 9N1v.00 8CA4100 2BBP.00 2BBQ.00 Diabetes monitoring admin. Diabetic monitoring Diabetic annual review Diabetes mellitus Seen in diabetic clinic Type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes monitoring 1st letter Follow-up diabetic assessment Under care of diabetic foot screener Diabetes: practice programme Attends diabetes monitoring Diabetic on oral treatment Diabetic retinopathy screening Diabetic monitoring NOS Diabetic - poor control Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetic peripheral neuropathy screening Diabetes monitoring 2nd letter Diabetic on diet only Diabetic foot screen Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic diet Diabetes monitor. check done Subcutaneous injection of insulin Diabetes management plan given Excepted from diabetes quality indicators: Informed dissent O/E - Right diabetic foot at low risk Diabetic on insulin O/E - Left diabetic foot at low risk Excepted from diabetes qual indicators: Patient unsuitable Background diabetic retinopathy DNA - Did not attend diabetic clinic Diabetic - good control Type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes: shared care programme Fundoscopy - diabetic check Patient on maximal tolerated therapy for diabetes H/O: diabetes mellitus Diabetes monitoring 3rd letter Diabetic 6 month review Seen in diabetic eye clinic Pt advised re diabetic diet O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy 2 8B3l.00 66A9.00 66Ab.00 42W..00 66AU.00 9NM0.00 8H7r.00 8I3X.00 2G5F.00 2G5J.00 66A1.00 F420400 66AW.00 9OLA.11 13AB.00 2BBM.00 ZC2C800 C100100 66Ao.00 9OL8.00 9N4p.00 9N1i.00 14P3.00 C101.00 66A8.00 66AT.00 C10FJ00 9OL3.00 66AV.00 66A7.00 9OL..11 66AA.11 66AH000 8CS0.00 2G5G.00 66AH.00 2G5K.00 9OLD.00 F372.12 F420600 C106.12 9OL7.00 C106.00 8H4F.00 8I3W.00 68A9.00 Diabetes medication review Understands diet - diabetes Diabetic foot examination Hb. A1C - diabetic control Diabetes care by hospital only Attending diabetes clinic Refer to diabetic foot screener Diabetic retinopathy screening refused O/E - Right diabetic foot at moderate risk O/E - Left diabetic foot at moderate risk Initial diabetic assessment Diabetic maculopathy Diabetic foot risk assessment Diabetes monitored Diabetic lipid lowering diet O/E - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes Dietary advice for diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, no mention of complication Diabetes type 2 review Diabetes invite Did not attend diabetic retinopathy clinic Seen in diabetic foot clinic H/O: insulin therapy Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis Has seen dietician - diabetes Annual diabetic blood test Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes monitoring default Diabetic on insulin and oral treatment Frequency of hypo. attacks Diabetes clinic administration Injection sites - diabetic Conversion to insulin Diabetes care plan agreed O/E - Right diabetic foot at high risk Diabetic treatment changed O/E - Left diabetic foot at high risk Diabetic patient unsuitable for digital retinal photography Diabetic neuropathy Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy Diabetes monitor.verbal invite Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation Referral to diabetologist Diabetic foot examination declined Diabetic retinopathy screening offered 3 13AC.00 F420100 66AY.00 C10FM00 C109.13 C109.11 9OLZ.00 2G5A.00 2BBW.00 2BBX.00 2G5B.00 8HBG.00 8H7C.00 C109J00 66Af.00 66A6.00 ZLA2500 8Hj0.00 7276.00 C10FL00 8Hl1.00 68AB.00 8Hj4.00 F420200 C104.11 8HTk.00 9h4..00 C100.00 2BBL.00 66AM.00 9N2i.00 C10F.11 M271200 2BBR.00 66Ae.00 2BBS.00 8H7f.00 42c..00 M271000 679R.00 F171100 66Am.00 ZL62500 C109700 F464000 F420z00 Diabetic weight reducing diet Proliferative diabetic retinopathy Diabetic diet - good compliance Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria Type II diabetes mellitus NIDDM - Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetes monitoring admin.NOS O/E - Right diabetic foot at risk O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy O/E - Left diabetic foot at risk Diabetic retinopathy 12 month review Refer, diabetic liaison nurse Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus Patient diabetes education review Last hypo. attack Seen by diabetic liaison nurse Referral to diabetes structured education programme Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria Referral for diabetic retinopathy screening Diabetic digital retinopathy screening offered Referral to DESMOND diabetes structured education programme Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy Diabetic nephropathy Referral to diabetic eye clinic Exception reporting: diabetes quality indicators Diabetes mellitus with no mention of complication O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes Diabetic - follow-up default Seen by diabetic liaison nurse Type II diabetes mellitus Mixed diabetic ulcer - foot O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy HbA1c target O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy Referral to diabetes nurse HbA1 - diabetic control Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot Patient offered diabetes structured education programme Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes Insulin dose changed Referral to diabetes nurse Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - poor control Diabetic cataract Diabetic retinopathy NOS 4 C10FC00 C105.00 8Hj5.00 2BBT.00 C10F600 M271100 8Hl4.00 2BBV.00 C104.00 9N0m.00 9OLB.00 9NN9.00 66Aa.00 C107.00 F372.00 66AJz00 9N2d.00 8H2J.00 2BBF.00 9OL2.00 66Ad.00 8A13.00 C10F700 9N0n.00 93C4.00 66AJ.11 9M00.00 F420300 C10F900 66AJ000 66AK.00 2G5C.00 66Ap.00 9N0o.00 9NN8.00 ZL62600 C100z00 N030100 F381311 TJ23A00 M037200 C10FN00 66AN.00 8HHy.00 2G5H.00 2G51000 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation Referral to XPERT diabetes structured education programme O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot Referral to community diabetes specialist nurse O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy Diabetes mellitus with renal manifestation Seen in diabetic nurse consultant clinic Attended diabetes structured education programme Under care of diabetes specialist nurse Diabetic diet - poor compliance Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder Polyneuropathy in diabetes Diabetic - poor control NOS Seen by diabetologist Admit diabetic emergency Retinal abnormality - diabetes related Refuses diabetes monitoring Hypoglycaemic attack requiring 3rd party assistance Diabetic stabilisation Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control Seen in community diabetes specialist clinic Patient consent given for addition to diabetic register Unstable diabetes Informed consent for diabetes national audit Advanced diabetic maculopathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complication Chronic hyperglycaemia Diabetic - cooperative patient Foot abnormality - diabetes related Insulin treatment initiated Seen in community diabetic specialist nurse clinic Under care of diabetologist Referral to diabetic liaison nurse Diabetes mellitus NOS with no mention of complication Diabetic Charcot arthropathy Diabetic amyotrophy Adverse reaction to metformin hydrochloride Cellulitis in diabetic foot Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis Date diabetic treatment start Referral to diabetic register O/E - Right diabetic foot - ulcerated Foot abnormality - diabetes related 5 2G5L.00 66Ak.00 9OLM.00 8CR2.00 C10FK00 66A7100 ZV65312 C103.00 ZRB6.00 66AJ200 9OLK.00 C104z00 F372100 F3y0.00 C107.11 F372.11 66AL.00 9kL..00 9OLL.00 C109400 C10D.00 M21yC00 L180500 C109900 66A7000 8H4e.00 C106z00 C102.00 K01x100 66AJ300 C101z00 G73y000 66Al.00 ZRbH.00 N030000 8A12.00 C105z00 9OLN.00 8HBH.00 ZL22500 9OLF.00 F35z000 8H3O.00 C10FQ00 C10G.00 C10F000 O/E - Left diabetic foot - ulcerated Diabetic monitoring - lower risk albumin excretion Diabetes structured education programme declined Diabetes clinical management plan Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus Frequency of GP or paramedic treated hypoglycaemia [V]Dietary counselling in diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma Diabetes wellbeing questionnaire Loss of hypoglycaemic warning DESMOND diabetes structured education programme completed Diabetes mellitus with nephropathy NOS Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy Diabetic mononeuropathy Diabetes mellitus with gangrene Diabetic polyneuropathy Diabetic-uncooperative patient Insulin initiation - enhanced services administration XPERT diabetes structured education programme completed Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer Diabetes mellitus autosomal dominant type 2 Insulin lipohypertrophy Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complication Frequency of hospital treated hypoglycaemia Referral to diabetes special interest general practitioner Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation Diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma Nephrotic syndrome in diabetes mellitus Recurrent severe hypos Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidosis Diabetic peripheral angiopathy Diabetic monitoring - higher risk albumin excretion Perceived control of insulin-dependent diabetes Diabetic cheiroarthropathy Diabetic crisis monitoring Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation Diabetes monitor invitation by SMS (short message service) Diabetic retinopathy 6 month review Under care of diabetic liaison nurse Diabetes structured education programme completed Diabetic mononeuritis NOS Non-urgent diabetic admission Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy Secondary pancreatic diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications 6 C10F911 C106100 C10FB00 C10F200 7L10000 66AG.00 8HLE.00 C10FH00 F372200 9OLG.00 C109600 U60231C 8Hg4.00 F420500 9OL9.00 M21yC11 C10FE00 2BBk.00 F372000 66AO.00 TJ23400 8I3k.00 C105100 Cyu2.00 9OLJ.00 C107.12 C10zz00 44V3.00 C10F400 C10FJ11 42WZ.00 ZLD7500 C107z00 C10K.00 C10A100 ZV6DA00 C101000 2BBl.00 9OLH.00 C106.13 R054200 C10y.00 C10F711 C10FL11 U602300 C10z.00 Type II diabetes mellitus without complication Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications Continuous subcutaneous infusion of insulin Diabetic drug side effects Diabetology D.V. done Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy Attended XPERT diabetes structured education programme Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy [X] Adverse reaction to metformin hydrochloride Discharged from care of diabetes specialist nurse Advanced diabetic retinal disease Diabetes monitoring deleted Insulin site lipohypertrophy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy Acute painful diabetic neuropathy Date diabetic treatment stopp. Adverse reaction to gliclazide Insulin therapy declined Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation [X]Diabetes mellitus DAFNE diabetes structured education programme completed Diabetes with gangrene Diabetes mellitus NOS with unspecified complication Glucose tol. test diabetic Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus Hb. A1C - diabetic control NOS Discharge by diabetic liaison nurse Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder Type A insulin resistance Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis [V]Admitted for commencement of insulin Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with ketoacidosis O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy Attended DAFNE diabetes structured education programme Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy [D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic Diabetes mellitus with other specified manifestation Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria [X]Insul/oral hypoglyc drugs caus adverse eff therapeut use Diabetes mellitus with unspecified complication 7 C109C00 C10F100 679L000 C10z100 C10FR00 8Hj3.00 C10FA00 C10FD00 2G5W.00 F440700 ZC2CA00 C10A.00 C10N.00 R054300 C104100 C10N100 F345000 C109711 C107200 C10F500 2BBo.00 C101100 C109712 C107100 8HVU.00 C109J12 F381300 ZV6DB00 8HTi.00 66Ae000 TJ23000 F420700 C10F611 2G5V.00 C109K00 C102100 C10FF00 F420800 C107400 C10F300 8CP2.00 N030011 66At.00 C10M.00 9M10.00 C10FP00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications Education in self management of diabetes Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + unspecified complication Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis Referral to DAFNE diabetes structured education programme Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma O/E - left chronic diabetic foot ulcer Diabetic iritis Dietary advice for type II diabetes Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus Secondary diabetes mellitus [D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with renal manifestation Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control Diabetes mellitus, adult with gangrene Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidosis Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control Diabetes mellitus, adult, + peripheral circulatory disorder Private referral to diabetologist Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy [V]Admitted for conversion to insulin Referral to multidisciplinary diabetic clinic HbA1c target level - IFCC standardised Adverse reaction to insulins High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy O/E - right chronic diabetic foot ulcer Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with hyperosmolar coma Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder Type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications Transition of diabetes care options discussed Diabetic cheiropathy Diabetic dietary review Lipoatrophic diabetes mellitus Informed dissent for diabetes national audit Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma 8 C109611 C10FG00 C109J11 C101y00 C109411 8I2S.00 C109000 C109100 C106y00 TJ23.00 9h43.00 C106.11 TJ23z00 C104y00 C109612 C109212 C109200 C106000 ZRB4.00 C109412 ZRB5.11 C109E00 8I2P.00 C109B00 C109E11 8HKE.00 C10yz00 C109C12 C109500 C109H00 C109D00 C109011 C109300 U602312 C10zy00 U602311 TJ23500 66Ar.00 C109H11 889A.00 C109H12 9NiC.00 66AQ100 C10yy00 C10F311 C109E12 Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy Insulin treated non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer Glitazones contraindicated Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal comps Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents Excepted from diabetes qual indicators: service unavailable Diabetic amyotrophy Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents NOS Other specified diabetes mellitus with renal complications Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation Diabetes clinic satisfaction questionnaire Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer DTSQ - Diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract Sulphonylureas contraindicated Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract Diabetology D.V. requested Diabetes mellitus NOS with other specified manifestation Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with hypoglyca coma Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple comps [X] Adverse reaction to insulins Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified comps [X] Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents Adverse reaction to glipizide Insulin treatment stopped Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy Diab mellit insulin-glucose infus acute myocardial infarct Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy Did not attend DAFNE diabetes structured education programme Declined consent for diabetes year of care programme Other specified diabetes mellitus with other spec comps Type II diabetes mellitus with multiple complications Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract 9 C108y00 TJ23300 C109511 C10y100 C10N000 66As.00 66At100 C109012 C109D12 U602316 C102z00 C109512 C109F00 C109C11 C103z00 9N1o.00 C109G00 C105y00 C109F11 C10FM11 C10F411 66Au.00 66Av.00 Cyu2000 C109B11 C10F011 C103y00 C109211 ZRB4.11 3883.00 8IAs.00 2BBr.00 TJ23900 C10FB11 C109D11 C109111 C109F12 C10A000 C103100 C109A00 8HME.00 C10FA11 U60231B U60231E Cyu2300 8HgC.00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with multiple comps Adverse reaction to glibenclamide Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene Diabetes mellitus, adult, + other specified manifestation Secondary diabetes mellitus without complication Diabetic on subcutaneous treatment Type II diabetic dietary review Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma [X] Adverse reaction to gliclazide Diabetes mellitus NOS with hyperosmolar coma Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene Non-insulin-dependent d m with peripheral angiopath Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidotic coma Seen in multidisciplinary diabetic clinic Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with arthropathy Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer Diabetic erectile dysfunction review Diabetic assessment of erectile dysfunction [X]Other specified diabetes mellitus Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications Other specified diabetes mellitus with coma Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications CSQ - Diabetes clinic satisfaction questionnaire Diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire Diabetic dietary review declined Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy Adverse reaction to tolbutamide Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidotic coma Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy Listed for Diabetology admissn Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy [X] Adverse reaction to tolbutamide [X] Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents NOS [X]Unspecified diabetes mellitus with renal complications Discharged from diabetes shared care programme 10 66AQ000 C10F111 TJ23B00 C109G11 U602315 C109G12 C109A11 C10K000 U60231A C108z00 C109112 U602318 TJ23200 C10FE11 U602317 C10G000 ZRB6.11 C10F211 C10E512 C10FD11 SL23100 Kyu0300 C10A500 C10FC11 66Aw.00 TJ23800 Unsuitable for diabetes year of care programme Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications Adverse reaction to glucagon Type II diabetes mellitus with arthropathy [X] Adverse reaction to glibenclamide Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy Type A insulin resistance without complication [X] Adverse reaction to tolazamide Unspecified diabetes mellitus with multiple complications Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications [X] Adverse reaction to gliquidone Adverse reaction to chlorpropamide Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract [X] Adverse reaction to glipzide Secondary pancreatic diabetes mellitus without complication DWBQ - Diabetes wellbeing questionnaire Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma Biguanide poisoning [X]Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus Malnutritn-relat diabetes melitus wth periph circul complctn Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy Insulin dose Adverse reaction to tolazamide 11 Table S1 - Sensitivity analysis censoring observation periods at time of stopping or changing therapy Follow up time (years) Ps [595%] (N=1,448,993) Hazard ratio (95% CI)* STOP Incident T2DM per 1000 person-years STOP CHANGE Exposed CHANGE Unexposed Exposed Unexposed No Hypertension 0-1 yr 2.35 (2.25-2.46) 2.97 (2.86-3.09) 22.07 (21.46-22.70) 8.65 (8.44-8.85) 29.71 (28.99-30.44) 8.91 (8.70-9.11) 1-3 yr 1.62 (1.57-1.68) 1.89 (1.83-1.95) 20.07 (19.63-20.53) 10.60 (10.42-10.77) 23.83 (23.33-24.33) 10.68 (10.49-10.86) 3-5 yr 2.14 (2.06-2.24) 2.33 (2.23-2.43) 23.55 (22.98-24.14) 9.56 (9.33-9.80) 26.31 (25.66-26.98) 9.64 (9.41-9.88) 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 2.66 (2.55-2.79) 3.31 (2.90-3.78) 4.37 (2.86-6.67) 2.78 (2.65-2.92) 3.09 (2.66-3.59) 4.20 (2.57-6.86) 29.32 (28.70-29.96) 34.17 (32.48-35.96) 44.52 (38.06-52.09) 9.32 (9.06-9.59) 9.31 (8.48-10.21) 11.55 (8.41-15.88) 30.84 (30.10-31.59) 34.59 (32.37-36.96) 45.38 (36.14-56.99) 9.37 (9.11-9.65) 9.34 (8.50-10.26) 11.72 (8.49-16.17) 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr No CVD 1.08 (1.02-1.14) 0.90 (0.86-0.94) 1.29 (1.22-1.37) 1.64 (1.53-1.75) 2.26 (1.73-2.95) 2.66 (0.89-7.97) 1.31 (1.25-1.38) 1.01 (0.97-1.05) 1.39 (1.31-1.47) 1.62 (1.51-1.75) 2.19 (1.64-2.93) 1.09 (0.22-5.51) 23.11 (19.86-20.96) 23.67 (23.09-24.72) 29.80 (29.01-30.61) 35.80 (34.90-36.73) 41.68 (38.76-44.83) 47.97 (36.25-63.47) 20.40 (19.86-20.96) 24.20 (23.68-24.72) 20.51 (19.82-21.23) 19.25 (18.38-20.17) 18.33 (15.02-22.37) 22.38 (9.31-53.77) 31.15 (30.26-32.07) 27.86 (27.21-28.54) 32.72 (31.83-33.63) 37.02 (35.97-38.10) 42.79 (38.98-46.97) 26.73 (16.12-44.35) 21.28 (20.72-21.85) 24.76 (24.23-25.30) 20.96 (20.24-21.70) 19.70 (18.79-20.65) 19.15 (15.64-23.44) 19.21 (7.21-51.17) 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 1.99 (1.92-2.06) 1.42 (1.38-1.46) 1.98 (1.91-2.05) 2.49 (2.39-2.59) 3.14 (2.77-3.55) 4.28 (2.83-6.46) 2.49 (2.41-2.58) 1.63 (1.58-1.67) 2.12 (2.04-2.20) 2.53 (2.42-2.64) 2.85 (2.47-3.29) 3.80 (2.31-6.25) 23.47 (22.92-24.03) 21.90 (21.50-22.32) 26.58 (26.04-27.14) 32.31 (31.69-32.94) 35.31 (33.47-37.27) 46.07 (39.13-54.25) 10.74 (10.54-10.95) 12.93 (12.75-13.11) 11.18 (10.95-11.42) 10.56 (10.30-10.83) 10.08 (9.26-10.99) 11.81 (8.70-16.04) 31.35 (30.71-32.00) 25.44 (24.99-25.90) 28.83 (28.23-29.45) 32.99 (32.27-33.72) 33.97 (31.64-36.47) 41.48 (32.47-52.99) 11.04 (10.83-11.25) 13.05 (12.87-13.24) 11.29 (11.06-11.53) 10.62 (10.35-10.89) 10.21 (9.37-11.13) 11.71 (8.55-16.03) 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 0.83 (0.77-0.91) 0.79 (0.74-0.85) 1.02 (0.92-1.12) 1.01 (0.94-1.09) 0.95 (0.88-1.01) 1.18 (1.07-1.30) 18.85 (17.91-19.83) 20.11 (19.38-20.88) 24.24 (23.31-25.21) 21.05 (20.08-22.07) 23.77 (22.79-24.79) 21.30 (19.83-22.88) 26.31 (25.19-27.48) 25.44 (24.58-26.32) 28.96 (27.86-30.10) 22.84 (21.81-23.91) 24.54 (23.52-25.60) 21.79 (20.25-23.45) 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 1.40 (1.25-1.57) 2.26 (1.42-3.58) 1.62 (0.35-7.51) 1.51 (1.34-1.71) 2.96 (1.73-5.05) 1.29 (0.24-6.88) 30.22 (29.29-31.17) 37.96 (35.54-40.55) 43.57 (33.90-56.01) 18.73 (16.98-20.66) 14.70 (9.49-22.79) 48.47 (12.12-193.81) 33.45 (32.31-34.63) 42.06 (38.70-45.71) 38.54 (26.04-57.03) 19.71 (17.82-21.81) 13.05 (7.87-21.65) 57.40 (14.35-22.95) Hypertension CVD PS – propensity score; *Final model: adjusted for age and propensity score; CVD – cardiovascular disease; STOP – observation periods censored at time of statin withdrawn; CHANGE – observation periods censored at time exposure status changed. 12 Table S2 - Baseline characteristics (%) of hypertensive and CVD patients, according to exposure status Baseline Characteristics Pscore [5-95%] BMI>25Kg/m2 Hyperlipidaemia Abnormal glucose CVD Hypertension Hypertension Exposed Unexposed 110,781 (71.73%) 175,663 (67.04%) 9,782 (6.33%) 11,771 (4.49%) 2,779 (1.80%) 4,488 (1.71%) 27,542 (17.83%) 41,622 (15.88%) - CVD Exposed 51,438 (63.46%) 4,134 (5.10%) 751 (0.93%) 27,542 (33.98%) Unexposed 46,852 (56.94%) 4,108 (4.99%) 1,020 (1.24%) 41,622 (50.58%) 13 Table S3 - Incident rates of T2DM at different follow-up times, according to hypertension and CVD diagnosis, for individuals with BMI≤25Kg/m2 Statin use Follow up time (years) PS [5-95%] No Hypertension 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 20-25 yr Hypertension 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 20-25 yr No CVD 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 20-25 yr CVD 0-1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 5-10 yr 10-15 yr 15-20 yr 20-25 yr Yes No Hazard ratio (95% CI)* Incident T2DM per 1000 person-years (95% CI) Incident T2DM per 1000 person-years (95% CI) 1.81 (1.64-2.01) 11.39 (10.62-12.22) 5.20 (4.95-5.47) 1.39 (1.28-1.50) 1.62 (1.47-1.79) 2.12 (1.91-2.35) 2.59 (1.94-3.45) 2.10 (1.00-4.43) n.e. 11.00 (10.43-11.60) 11.74 (11.04-12.47) 15.06 (14.30-15.87) 17.30 (15.35-19.50) 26.86 (19.78-36.48) 0 6.05 (5.83-6.27) 5.42 (5.14-5.71) 5.15 (4.85-5.48) 5.38 (4.47-6.48) 10.92 (6.69-17.82) 0 1.11 (0.97-1.28) 0.85 (0.76-0.95) 1.11 (0.95-1.29) 1.51 (1.27-1.81) 4.29 (2.11-8.70) n.e. n.e. 12.58 (11.49-13.78) 11.99 (11.19-12.85) 14.86 (13.81-16.00) 17.24 (16.07-18.50) 21.19 (17.58-25.54) 21.13 (10.57-42.25) 0 11.05 (10.31-11.85) 12.81 (12.11-13.54) 11.47 (10.52-12.49) 10.47 (9.33-11.75) 7.48 (4.24-13.16) 0 0 1.75 (1.59-1.91) 1.27 (1.18-1.36) 1.55 (1.42-1.70) 2.05 (1.87-2.26) 2.77 (2.10-3.66) 2.53 (1.20-5.34) n.e. 11.72 (10.99-12.50) 11.21 (10.67-11.76) 12.64 (11.97-13.35) 15.66 (14.89-16.47) 17.82 (15.67-20.27) 26.70 (19.26-37.02) 0 5.79 (5.54-6.05) 6.74 (6.52-6.97) 6.04 (5.76-6.33) 5.63 (5.32-5.95) 5.44 (4.54-6.52) 9.75 (5.88-16.17) 0 0.89 (0.75-1.07) 0.85 (0.73-0.98) 0.99 (0.80-1.22) 1.44 (1.11-1.86) 2.10 (0.83-5.35) 0.37 (0.33-4.04) n.e. 12.09 (10.81-13.53) 11.80 (10.84-12.85) 13.39 (12.22-14.68) 16.01 (14.85-17.27) 19.04 (16.19-22.38) 23.35 (13.56-40.21) 0 12.86 (11.60-14.26) 14.80 (13.53-16.18) 12.53 (10.75-14.61) 10.40 (8.39-12.90) 9.33 (3.89-22.41) 6.74 (9.49-47.85) 0 14