POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR GUST SUMMER 2016 FACULTY FELLOWSHIP TO UMSL Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) provides a limited number of fellowships for research and development at the University of Missouri—St. Louis (UMSL) during the summer session (for the 2015 – 2016 academic year, this number is unlikely to be more than six). The Summer Faculty Fellowship provides a grant of 3,000 KD in support of GUST faculty activities including research, writing, and program development. The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) administers these funds, partially based on recommendations from the applicant’s College Dean and Head of Department. The GUST Summer Faculty Fellowship is designed to recognize exceptional faculty contributions to the University and the academic community through commitment to scholarship, research, and creativity. The Summer Faculty Fellowship acknowledges outstanding work by GUST faculty members and encourages fellowship recipients to share the experience with colleagues, students, and the academic community. Specifically, the purpose of the fellowship is to support collaborative research between GUST and UMSL faculty. Eligibility Requirements * Candidates must be full-time faculty members at GUST. * Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in scholarship, research, and creativity. * Candidates must remain employed at GUST through the academic year following the fellowship activity. * Candidates must coordinate with the UMSL International Liaison Specialist (elliottjac@umsl.edu) with regard to the linking of an UMSL faculty member to your intended research project. Prior to application, the candidate should have established a connection with the UMSL faculty member, and the UMSL faculty member must be willing, and available, to conduct collaborative research during the summer. Faculty with research projects having relevance to GUST and/or Kuwait will be given priority for these awards. * Preference will be given to faculty members who have not been awarded grants by GUST for other conferences and/or scientific missions during the same academic year. * Faculty members who have previously been awarded an UMSL fellowship are not eligible to reapply for the fellowship during the following academic year, unless prior permission is granted by the VPAA for expanded research in a subsequent year. * Faculty teaching summer classes at GUST are eligible to apply for the summer fellowship provided they can spend a minimum of five weeks working with their UMSL partner. * Faculty, who make arrangements on their own with the UMSL administration to teach at UMSL during the summer, will not be in conflict with the GUST award, provided they are not involved in teaching during the summer at GUST. The procedures of the GUST Summer Faculty Fellowship The faculty member should submit his/her proposal, CV, and letters of support to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs by the established deadline (February 18th, 2016, unless otherwise noted). The proposal must have approval of Head of Department and Dean. Selection Criteria * Demonstration of established research linkages with UMSL faculty. * Quantifiable contributions to scholarship, research, and creativity at GUST. * Consent to adhere to the post fellowship requirements as stipulated on the application. Rights and Liabilities * Faculty members will receive a grant in the amount of KD 3,000. * Faculty members must spend, at a minimum, 5 weeks conducting research, and must have prior approval from the VPAA to conduct research in the USA somewhere other than UMSL. UMSL will be notified if you plan to do research off-campus, and the duration of time. * Fellowship recipients must submit the Report on UMSL Collaborative Research by October 6, 2016 summarizing the results of the collaborative research conducted at UMSL, and, specifically, the plans for how the results of the research would be disseminated (e.g., publication, conference, presentation, etc.) with a timeline for completion. Fellowship recipients may also be required to give a presentation of their research at GUST during the semester following their fellowship activity. Selection Process The President will appoint members of a selection committee, which will be chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The VPAA will solicit advice from the GUST liaison office at UMSL as to the suitability of the proposed fellowships. After review of the applications, the Selection Committee may request additional information and/or schedule interviews with prospective fellows. Announcement of Recipients The recipient(s) of the GUST Summer Faculty Fellowship will be announced by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs by the end of March 2016, and the UMSL International Liaison Specialist (ILS) will be notified of the awards. At that point, is it required that all necessary forms, as requested by UMSL, be completed in a timely manner by the candidate to ensure a smooth and efficient transition to UMSL.