Sabrina Shah Tutor: Louise Dash Word Count: 547 Why Doesn’t Quantum Entanglement Violate Relativity? Quantum entanglement has been an area of interest due to the seemingly faster than light communication between particles. Commonly known as ‘action at a distance’, quantum entanglement is where particles are linked together in such a way that if the quantum state of one of the particles is measured and becomes known, the quantum state of the other particle can also be immediately determined. For example, quantum particles have an internal property known as spin. If a particle with quantum spin zero decays into two other particles each with spin 1/2, one particle must have spin +1/2 while the other has spin -1/2 in order for the total spin to be zero – the two particles are entangled. Therefore, if you know the spin of one, you immediately know the spin of the other. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics states that a particle exists in a superposition of all its possible states at once until one makes a measurement, at which point the wave function collapses and the particle is forced to choose a state. (Faye 2002) If one of the entangled particles has its quantum state measured so it becomes certain, the quantum state of the other particle simultaneously also becomes certain, even if it is miles away; there appears to be some kind of instantaneous communication between the two particles that occurs regardless of whether they’re a millimetre apart, or on opposite ends of the universe. (Kaiser, 2014) If you were to also measure precisely the momentum of one of the particles, by the uncertainty principle the measurement of the particle’s position would become less precise. Curiously, the measurement of the position of the entangled partner particle would also become less precise. (Gribbin, 1984, 182) Results from experiments have suggested that the interactions between the particles can happen at 10,000 times the speed of light. (Ghose, 2014) Einstein’s theory of special relativity has the consequence that nothing is able to travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. This is due to the well-known equation E=mc2, which depicts that energy and mass are interchangeable. Mass increases as one gets closer to the speed of light; at the speed of light ones mass would be infinite and an infinite amount of energy would have been required to accelerate to that speed. (Hawking, 1988, 21) Hence there is an apparent discrepancy between the faster than light communication that occurs between entangled particles, and special relativity. This was viewed as a paradox and one suggestion for resolving this was to assume that the particles had some prior knowledge of the quantum state of their entangled partner particles before measurements were undertaken. These are known as hidden variables, and they do away with the need for the particles to communicate. (Tuloch, 2014) However, experiments were conducted which were inconsistent with the existence of local hidden variables, and instead supported the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics. Another way of overcoming the paradox was to notice that no external information is actually being transferred between the particles, merely their internal quantum state. Sabrina Shah Tutor: Louise Dash Word Count: 547 (Francis, 2012) So in conclusion, while it may seem like the particles are communicating faster than the speed of light, this is not the case and the rules set by relativity still stand: no laws are violated. Bibliography Kaiser, D. (2014). Is Quantum Entanglement Real?. [online] The New York Times. Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2014]. Tuloch, David. (2014). Do hidden variables exist for quantum systems. [online] Science Clarified Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2014]. Ghose, Tia. (2014). Loophole in Spooky Quantum Entanglement Theory Closed. [online] Live Science. Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2014]. Francis, M. (2012). Quantum entanglement shows that reality can't be local. [online] Ars Technica. Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2014]. Faye, J. (2002). Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2014]. Stephen Hawking, 1988, A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. New York. Bantam Books. Gribbin, John, 1984, In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat. New York. Bantam Books.