Is it so bad that we cannot recognize black swans? Fuad Aleskerov, Lyudmila Egorova National Research University – Higher School of Economics submitted to the IEA 16th World Congress (Beijing, July 4-8, 2011) Analyzing the reasons of financial crises in «The Black Swan: The Impact of The Highly Improbable» Nassim Nicolas Taleb concludes that modern economic models badly describe reality for they are not able to forecast such crises in advance. We tried to present processes on stock exchange as two random processes one of which happens rather often (regular regime) and the other one – rather rare (crises). Our answer is that if regular processes are correctly 1 recognized with the probability higher than , this allows to get positive average gain. We believe that this very 2 phenomenon lies in the basis of unwillingness of people to expect crises permanently and to try recognizing them. We also construct two more general models – with learning and with stimulation. In both cases the results are almost the same. Keywords: Black Swans, financial crises, Poisson process 1. Introduction Analyzing the reasons of financial crises in «The Black Swan: The Impact of The Highly Improbable» [7] Nassim Nicolas Taleb concludes that modern economic models badly describe reality for they are not able to forecast such crisis in advance. Moreover, he gives the following rather sharp characterization of modern economic knowledge. «In orthodox economics, rationality became a straitjacket. Platonified economists ignored the fact that people might prefer to do something other than maximize their economic interests. This led to mathematical techniques such as “maximization,” or “optimization,” on which Paul Samuelson built much of his work… It involves complicated mathematics and thus raises a barrier to entry by non-mathematically trained scholars. I would not be the first to say that this optimization set back social science by reducing it from the intellectual and reflective discipline that it was becoming to an attempt at an “exact science.”» (p.184). We have tried to present the processes occurring on the exchange in the form of two random processes, one of which occurs frequently (normal mode) and the other – rarely (crisis). Then, we estimated the average gain with the different probabilities of correct recognition of these processes and used the resulting estimates for the actual processes on the exchange. Briefly, we’ve got the following answer: if frequent, regular processes are detected 1 correctly even with a probability higher than 2, it almost always allows to have a positive 1 average gain. This very phenomenon seems underlies the reluctance of people to expect crises all the time and do not try to identify them. Also we extended basic mathematical model allowing player to learn on his/her own behavior and to receive an award for the ‘correct’ behavior. Each of the proposed new models allows the player to have more freedom in his/her decisions and make mistakes in rare events more often. The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 proposes the statement of the problem and its solution, Sections 3 investigates the constraints for nonnegative gain. Section 4 deals with application of the model to real data, Section 5 proposes the new models, and Section 6 concludes. In Appendix 1 we derive the formula and proofs of the theorems; in Appendix 2 we consider the estimates of parameters for the various stock market indices. Acknowledgements. We thank Dmitriy Golembiovsky, Elena Goryainova, Alexander Lepskii, Peter Hammond, Kanak Patel, Henrik Penikas, Vladislav Podinovskii, Christian Seidl, Andrey Yakovlev for valuable remarks and comments. We are grateful also for partial financial support of the Laboratory DECAN of NRU HSE and NRU HSE Science Foundation (grant β 10-04-0030). The study was undertaken in the framework of the Programme of Fundamental Studies of the Higher School of Economics in 2011. F. Aleskerov thanks also Magdalene College of University of Cambridge during the stay in which this work was completed. He appreciates the hospitality and kindness of Dr. Patel, the Fellow of Magdalene College. 2. Statement of the problem The flow of events of two types – type π (from quick) and type π (from rare) – enters the device. Each of them is the simplest, i.e. stationary, ordinary and has no aftereffects [2]. The intensity of the flow of events of type π is equal to π, the intensity of the flow of events of π is equal to π, where π β« π (π-type events are far more frequent than the R-type events). The problem of the device is to recognize coming event π. If an event π occurs and device identified it correctly, then it would promote getting a small reward π, if the error occurred, and the event π has been recognized as the event π , then the device is ‘fined’ by an amount π. The probabilities of such outcomes are known and equal π1 and π1 , respectively. Similarly for the events of the type R − correct identification of coming event π will give the value of π, where π β« π, and incorrect recognizing will give loss – π, π β« π. After each coming event received values of ‘win’ / ‘loss’ are added to the previous amount (Fig. 1). 2 How large on average will be the amount received for the time π‘? ππ = π π1 π π+π π π1 π −π π2 ππ = π π+π π π π2 −π Fig. 1. The general scheme of identification of a random event πΏ One possible implementations of a random process π(π‘), which is equal to the sum of all values of a random variable π received at the time t, is given on Fig. 2. π a b a a d a π‘1 π‘2 π‘3 π‘4 c π‘6 π‘7 π‘8 a π‘5 b π‘9 t a Fig. 2. One possible implementations of a random process π(π) Random value π of the total sum of the received prizes during the time π‘ is a compound Poisson type variable since the number of terms in the sum π = ∑ ππ is also a random variable and depends on the flow of events received by the device. Theorem 1. The expected value of π is equal to πΈ[π] = (π(π1 π − π1 π) + π(π2 π − π2 π))π‘. The proofs of this and next statements are given in Appendix 1. 3. Analysis of the solution Let us demand the expectation of π to be non-negative. The values π1 , π2 are known and predetermined. Then 3 πΈ(π) = ((1 − π1 )ππ − π1 ππ + (1 − π2 )ππ − π2 ππ) β π‘ ≥ 0 Since π‘ > 0 and π > 0, then πΈ(π) ≥ 0 holds when π (π − π1 π − π1 π) + (π − π2 π − π2 π) ≥ 0. π Denoting as πΈ(π) = π − π1 π − π1 π an expected gain of only π-event and as πΈ(π) = π − π2 π − π2 π an expected gain from only π -type event, we can set the Table 1, where you can see how the solution πΈ(π) ≥ 0 depends on the parameters of the model. Table 1. The conditions of non-negativity of the total gain πΈ(π) <0 <0 πΈ(π) =0 >0 for πΈ(π) ≥ 0 required π πΈ(π) πΈ(π) < 0 ≥− π πΈ(π) πΈ(π) = 0 πΈ(π) ≥ 0 πΈ(π) < 0 =0 πΈ(π) < 0 for πΈ(π) ≥ 0 required π πΈ(π) >0 πΈ(π) ≥ 0 ≤ − π πΈ(π) πΈ(π) ≥ 0 Let π = 246, π = 4. If πΈ(π) – the expected value of gain from the regular event π – is assumed to be equal to 1, then what should be the expected value πΈ(π) of the π -type event? According to Table 1, the following inequality πΈ(π) ≥ −61,5 holds, i.e., if we have very small expected gain in one unit under frequent observations, we can cover very large losses which happen quite rare. Now consider the case when the parameters π1 and π2 are unknown. When the expected value πΈ(π) is nonnegative with all other parameters being fixed? Both π1 and π2 are the probabilities of incorrectly recognized events π and π , so we have to solve the system of inequalities πΈ(π) = [π((1 − π1 )π − π1 π) + π((1 − π2 )π − π2 π)]π‘ ≥ 0, { 0 ≤ π1 ≤ 1, 0 ≤ π2 ≤ 1, with the constraints on the parameters being π, π, π, π ≥ 0, π, π, π‘ > 0, π + π > 0, π + π > 0 (the latter two inequalities mean that both π and π, π and π cannot be equal to zero since the cases with the events with zero losses and gains simultaneously are not interesting) π1 π(π + π) + π2 π(π + π) ≤ ππ + ππ, { 0 ≤ π1 ≤ 1, 0 ≤ π2 ≤ 1. The solution is the range of values π1 and π2 defined via the system of inequalities 4 0 ≤ π1 ≤ min {1, ππ + ππ }, π(π + π) ππ − ππ }, π(π + π) π(π + π) ππ + ππ ππ − ππ ππ + ππ 0 ≤ π2 ≤ − π1 + ππ max {0, } ≤ π1 ≤ min {1, }. π(π + π) π(π + π) π(π + π) π(π + π) {{ 0 ≤ π2 ≤ 1 ππ 0 ≤ π1 ≤ min {1, Let π2 be equal to 1 (it means that the player can’t recognize crises at all). How often the player can fail to detect regular event to have still positive or at least zero average gain πΈ(π)? If we take intensities equal to π = 246, π = 4, and the single wins as π = 0.6, −π = −0.6, π = 2.8, −π = −2.9 the answer will be π1 = 0.46. We call it a critical value of error probability in ordinary events π. 4. Application to real data Let the device be a stock exchange and events π and π describe a ‘quiet life’ and a ‘crisis’, respectively. The event π can be interpreted as a signal received by a broker about the changes of the economics that helps him to decide whether the economy is in ‘a normal mode’ or in a crisis. For example, does the fall of oil prices mean the beginning of the recession in economy or it is a temporary phenomenon and will not change the economy at all. The values π, π, π, π also have some meaning in such interpretation. Such outcomes correspond to the opening of the long and short positions in a period of growth and recession in the work of the trader. A long position means that the broker buys assets to sale some time later at a higher price. A short position means that the broker sells assets with the hope of further buying at a lower price. A long position will bring a small income π and a significant loss of −π to the trader, when the market is growing (‘regular’ event) and falls (‘crisis’), respectively. It will be the opposite with the short positions: trader will lose some value −π in case of economic growth, but he can earn a considerable amount of π in the case of strong fall in the crisis. For estimation of the parameters of the model we will use time series of the stock index S&P 500 [8]. The time interval has been taken for over 10 years - from August 1999 until December 2009. We took the mean of the value of opening and closing as the index value for the day (Fig. 4). The same analysis was done with the closing prices (see Appendix 2). The basic model contains some important assumptions about the kind of processes. It is known that the actual flows of stock exchange events are not simplest. It can be better described as a piecewise stationary stochastic processes with unknown switch points. Stationarity of real data for S&P500 has been tested and periods of crisis and periods of absence of shocks show stationary time series indeed (we used time series of returns of the stock index as in small 5 samples about 10-20 points and for a long period of several years corresponding to the only regular or the only crises days; the Dickey-Fuller Unit root test and analysis of autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions were used to control of stationary property). However, the series in the long run are not stationary. Being aware of these shortcomings of our model, we consider it as a first approximation of real stock exchange. Another assumption is that we do not imply that π -type events reflects only crises as recession of economy. According to Taleb’s book the black swans are unpredictable but not necessary ‘bad’ events. We use the volatility of the index as an indicator of market behavior and a signal of crisis because the fall of the index immediately reflects on it (on its amplitude). We evaluated the volatility of the index with a sliding interval of 20 days to find when the problems occur in the economy and the recession begins, and take the previous 20 index values ππ for each day and calculate the standard deviation of the sample mean πΜ π 1 ππ = √ ∑ (ππ − πΜ )2 , π = 21,22, … 19 π=π−20 Then the values of volatility were divided to the value of the index to make these quantities dimensionless. We accept that if the volatility is greater than the threshold, this means the occurrence of an event of π -type, i.e. a crisis. Figure 3 shows that high values of volatility amplitude correspond to the drop of the index. To define the threshold value we analized the threshold volatility from 3% to 10% and come to the conclusion that the threshold value which really distinct regular regime from crises can be taken as 6%. The alternative method to estimate the number of π -type crises using the index return on the stock exchange is given in [1]. 6 1800 14 16.10.2008 1600 12 1400 10 1200 09.03.2009 1000 800 600 23.07.2002 8 6 21.09.2001 25.10.2002 21.01.2008 30.07.2009 4 400 2 200 0 0 Fig. 3. Stock index S&P500. The solid line corresponds to the value of S&P500 and dotted line corresponds to its volatility (The highest peaks of volatility marked with their date on the left) We estimated π and π at points corresponding to the event π (using the value of the index volatility – it should be less than the threshold value for the π-event). If the index goes up at this moment (the volatility is positive and less than the threshold), it means that the event π was realized, and if it goes down – then – π is observed. The same approach was used for π events, i.e. if the index has increased in compare with the previous value, the change of the index is π; if the index has fallen, the change is – π. Then the parameters are π = 246, π = 4, π = 0.6, −π = −0.6, π = 2.8, −π = −2.9. Since we took daily prices, these intensities reflect the fact that taking 250 working days in a year we have 4 crises days (when the daily volatility is higher than 6%). One can see which should be the probability of error in the identification process for the expected gain of broker to be non-negative under these values of parameters. For the 6% threshold the corresponding region in the π1 - π2 plane is shown on Fig. 4. 7 q2 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 q1 Fig. 4. Dashed area shows when the expected gain π¬(π) is nonnegative Thus, if we choose the horizon of 1 year and the error probability for events π and π being π1 =0.46, π2 =1 (i.e. even when crises are not recognized correctly at all), the expected gain is still positive. Naturally, with π1 and π2 decreasing, the average gain increases. If the player do not try to recognize coming events but ‘toss up a coin’ to decide (this 1 1 corresponds to the model with π1 = 2 , π2 = 2), then she will have negative gain πΈ(π) = −0.2% in a year. The same calculations can be done for other indices (Table 2). Table 2. Parameters for other indices with the threshold 6% Parameters, % π −π S&P 500 0,6 -0,6 Dow Jones 0,6 -0,6 CAC 40 0,8 -0,8 DAX 0,8 -0,9 Nikkei 225 0,8 -0,9 Hang Seng 0,9 -0,9 π 2,8 1,9 3,0 2,1 2,6 2,6 −π -2,9 -2,5 -2,5 -2,5 -3,2 -3,0 It is interesting to note that the relative parameter estimates for the indices are approximately equal – index varies with the scope of 0,8-0,9% in the quiet period and its amplitude increases approximately 4 times in time of crisis. Remark. These data reflect the change in the index in percentages compared to the previous day, rather than racing the index for one day. Daily changes may be more significant, for example, in April 17, 2000 the difference between the highest and the lowest index value of Japanese Nikkei 225 amounted to almost 100 points (approximately 10%). However, April 16 drop was only 3.8% in comparison with the Nikkei the previous day. 8 5. New models Since the intensity of regular events π is much higher than the intensity of rare events, regular events often happen one by one and form a sequence of these quiet events. So, we can suggest that the device can ‘learn’ on such sequences and turn them to its advantage raising the winnings from regular events. It means that if the event π has been detected correctly by the device consecutively π times, then it gets a higher award π + π (not π as in the basic model) for the recognition of the πevents. The experience function ππ on step π is a random variable equal to the number of consequently correctly recognized π-events (we designate an event of correct recognition of πtype event as π΄) that occurred by this step π0 = 0, ππ = { ππ−1 + 1, if Π occurπ , Μ occurs (Π didn′ t occur). 0, if Π The model is graphically depicted on Fig.5. ππ ππ = π π+π A π1 1 − ππ Q c π2 ππ = π π+π π + π, if ππ ≥ π -b π1 π π, if ππ < π R π2 -d Fig. 5. The graph of model with stimulation The experience function ππ (π‘) for implementation of random process π(π‘) from Fig.2 is shown on Fig. 6. 9 π a a b c a d a π‘1 π‘2 π‘3 π‘4 π‘5 π‘7 π‘8 π‘9 b a π‘6 a π‘11 π‘10 t a ππ 3 2 1 π‘1 π‘2 π‘3 π‘4 π‘5 π‘6 π‘7 π‘8 π‘9 π‘10 π‘11 t Fig. 6. One possible implementation of π(π) and its experience function πΊπ (π) Theorem 2. The expectation of total gain in the model with stimulation is πΈ(π) = πΈ(π (1) ) β [πππ β +πΈ(π (2) ) β [πππ β (1 − Γ(π − 1, πππ ) Γ(π, πππ ) + (π − 1) β (1 − )] + Γ(π − 1) Γ(π) Γ(π − 1, πππ ) Γ(π, πππ ) ) + (1 − π) β (1 − )], Γ(π − 1) Γ(π) (5.1) (1) where πππ = (π + π)π‘ is the intensity of flow of unknown events (both π and π ), ππ are the random variables for the total gain in case π < π and (2) and ππ π ≥ π, respectively. Their distributions can be obtained by selection of relevant cases from the distribution law of the general variable ππ 10 ππ π2 , if π₯ = −π, ππ π1 , if π₯ = −π, ππ π1 , if π₯ = π ΠΈ π < π, Pr{ππ = π₯} = π ππ π1 (1 − (ππ π1 ) ) , if π₯ = π and π ≥ π, 0, if π₯ = π + π and π < π, π+1 (ππ π1 ) , if π₯ = π + π and π ≥ π, { ππ π2 , if π₯ = π. Let us consider more complicated model where our device will also learn on his actions: if π-event was successfully recognized π times consequently (it means that π times the device received an award π), then it will further recognize an event of π correctly with greater probability π1∗ = π1 + πΏ > π1 . Denote ππ as an experience function on step π, it is a random variable of the number consequently correctly recognized π-events. This experience function is defined almost like an experience function in the previous model, but this function is changed if an event ππ = π occurs, i.e. our device successfully detected coming event π π0 = 0, ππ = { ππ−1 + 1, if π occured, 0, if πΜ occured (π has not occured). The graph for such model is given on Fig. 7. if ππ < π π ππ = π+π π π1 π π1 −π π π π1∗ π1∗ π ππ = π+π π π if ππ ≥ π π2 π π2 −π −π π Fig. 7. The graph for model with learning 11 The question is still about the expected value of the total gain, but now we have to know the probabilities π{ππ < π} and π{ππ ≥ π}, because now the random variable of single winning ππ takes values – π, −π, π, π with probabilities ππ π2 , if π₯ = −π, ππ [π1 Pr{ππ < π} + π1∗ Pr{ππ ≥ π}], if π₯ = −π, Pr{ππ = π₯} = ππ [π1 Pr{ππ < π} + π1∗ Pr{ππ ≥ π}], if π₯ = π, {ππ π2 , if π₯ = π. Theorem 3. The probability π{ππ < π} is equal to π{ππ < π} = π−1 = ππ (π1 − π1∗ ) ∑ π{ππ−1−π π=0 π < π}(ππ π1 ) + ππ π1∗ + ππ π (1 − (ππ π1 ) ). ππ π1 + ππ Theorem 4. The sequence π{ππ < π} has the limit π lim π{ππ < π} = π→∞ (ππ π1∗ + ππ )(1 − (ππ π1 ) ) π (ππ π1 + ππ ) − ππ (π1 − π1∗ )(1 − (ππ π1 ) ) . (4.1) Fig. 8 illustrates the sequence of π{ππ < π} and its limit with the example when π = 8, π1 = 0.3, π1 = 1, πΏ = 0.2. Fig. 8. Number of events π occurred is on the axis OX and probabilities π·{πΊπ < π} are on the axis OY, the line is defined by π·{πΊπ < π} from formula (4.1). We can use the formula (5.1) to compute the expected gain in this model. 12 6. Analysis of top 10 companies Applying this model to the stock index S&P 500 gives us a generalized result as the player put his money in equal proportions to all 500 companies from the list of S&P 500. Let us apply the same approach to the companies themselves. We choose the top 10 companies by capitalization from the S&P 500 list [9]: ExxonMobil, Microsoft Corporation, The General Electric Company, or GE, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Procter & Gamble Co., Johnson & Johnson, Apple Inc., AT&T Inc., International Business Machines (IBM), Bank of America Corporation. We qualify π- and π -events using the S&P 500 data, as it was done in Section 4, and then evaluate single winnings π, π, π, π for all 10 firms: if its stock goes up/down when the volatility of S&P 500 is less than 6%, then it is a realization of π (resp., b); and if its stock goes up/down when the volatility of S&P 500 is greater than 6%, then it is a realization of π (resp., d). The estimates are presented in Table 3. The first row shows the parameters of S&P 500. If both parameters a and b are below the corresponding value of S&P 500 then we put asterisk in the corresponding cells, the same was done for comparison of c and d. All of these companies have winnings from π-events greater than the index S&P500, and some of them also have greater parameters of crises events. Table 3. Top 10 companies (threshold 6%, π=246, π=4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Company S&P500 Exxon Mobil Corporation Microsoft Corporation General Electric Company JPMorgan Chase & Co. Proctor&Gamble Co. Johnson&Johnson Apple Inc. AT&T Inc. International Business Machines (IBM) Bank of America Corporation π 0,61 0,84 1,14 1,12 1,40 0,73 0,73 1,76 1,07 1,00 1,35 −π -0,64 -0,92 -1,09 -1,11 -1,34 -0,74 -0,72 -1,64 -1,04 -0,95 -1,36 π 2,81 3,06 3,03 5,02 7,30 2,27* 2,43* 3,43* 3,52 2,48* 7,98 −π -2,93 -3,82 -3,28 -3,57 -5,03 -2,12* -2,32* -2,83* -2,95 -2,81* -5,79 7. Conclusion One of our main conclusions is that there is no need to live in the paradigm of an impending crisis, first of all, because it is impossible to predict the momentum of the crisis. Accordingly, it is impossible to live permanently in the pressure of expectations of the crisis. 13 Moreover, there is no such need because in a series of regular events recognition of such events is much easier and, as we have showed, the exact recognition of all process does not really matter. Finally, as it was pointed out by Norbert Wiener, the stock exchange is based on man’s decisions and the prediction of his behavior will lead to the closing of the stock exchange or he will change his behavior strategy, so any attempt to predict are senseless. Defending economics we can say also that in [6] both crises of 2000 and 2005 were forecast, however, this book did not attract much attention of the scientific community. In [3] it is pointing out that “…despite its title, Taleb’s book mostly is about how statistical models, especially in finance, should pay more attention to low probability gray swans. It would be much more interesting – though much more challenging – to discuss truly aberrant black swans events to which no probabilities are attached because the model we use does not even contemplate their possibility.” Instead of analyzing such probabilities, we showed using very simple model that with a small reward for the correct (with probability higher ½) recognition of the ordinary events (and if crisis events are detected with very low probability) the average player's gain will be positive. In other words, players do not need to play more sophisticated games, trying to identify crises events in advance. This conclusion resembles the logic of precautionary behavior, that prescripts to play the game with almost reliable small wins. And we considered new models adding award for ‘successful behavior’ as increase in gain and as increase in the probability of correct recognition, which means that the player can train on his past actions and accumulate experience. Both of these models allow the player to enlarge the total gain and to make more mistakes, because she can get more in the sequence of correctly detected events. 14 Appendix 1. Proofs of the theorems Proof of Theorem 1. The device does not know what event came at a time π, so received gain from recognition that event is a random variable ππ with discrete law of distribution. Since the flows of π-events and π -events are simplest (and hence stationary), and probabilities π1 and π2 do not depend on time, all ππ is distributed equally as the random variable X with the law of distribution ππ , if π₯ = −π, π , if π₯ = −π, Pr{π = π₯} = { π ππ , if π₯ = π, ππ , if π₯ = π. As flows of π- and π -events are simplest, i.e. stationary, ordinary and has no aftereffects, then superposition of these flows will also be a simplest flow with intensity π + π [2]. Hence, the π probability that coming unknown event is π is equal to ππ = π+π and the probability that coming π unknown event is π is equal to ππ = π+π. Then ππ (the probability that the random variable π takes the value – π) is equal to the probability that the event occurred is the π -type and the device has not recognized it, i.e. ππ = ππ π2. We can find other probabilities similarly. Note that π1 and π2 are independent and they are not probabilities of player’s decisions. The probability that the player will say π about coming event π is equal to ππ π1 + ππ π2 and the opposite probability of choosing π is equal to ππ π1 + ππ π1. Let πΉπ (π₯) be the distribution function of a payoff π. The total value of received payoffs for time π‘ equals to ππ π = ∑ ππ , π=1 where all ππ are random variables of gain of one event and they have the same distribution by the law of distribution of π, and ππ is the number of events occurred during the time π‘, it is distributed according to the Poisson distribution with parameter (π + π)π‘ (for the flow of events is the simplest flow with the intensity π + π). This sum of a Poisson number ππ terms, where ππ and ππ are independent, is called a compound Poisson random variable. Its distribution is given by a pair of π((π + π)π‘; πΉπ (π₯)), and the explicit form of the distribution function can be obtained by applying the formula of total probability with hypotheses {ππ = π} 15 ∞ ∞ (π) πΉπ (π₯) = ∑ π{π1 + β― + ππ ≤ π₯}π{ππ = π} == ∑ πΉπ π=0 π=0 where π{ππ = π} = ππ (π‘) = (π−1) πΉπ ((π+π)π‘)π π! (π) π −ππ‘ , πΉπ (π₯) ((π + π)π‘)π −ππ‘ π , π! (π) (π₯) – π-fold convolution of πΉπ (π₯), πΉπ = ∗ πΉ, πΉ ∗ πΉ– the distribution law of variable π1 + π2 with probabilities π(π1 + π2 = π ) = ∑ππ=0 π(π1 = π₯π )π(π2 = π − π₯π ). Then the expected value of π is equal to ∞ ∞ πΈ[π] = ∑ πΈ[π|ππ = π]π{ππ = π} = πΈ[π] ∑ ππ{ππ = π} = πΈ[π] πΈ[ππ ] = π=0 = (−π2 π=0 ππ ππ ππ ππ − π1 + π1 + π2 ) (π + π)π‘ = π+π π+π π+π π+π = (π(π1 π − π1 π) + π(π2 π − π2 π))π‘. β Proof of Theorem 2. Suppose π΄ is an event of correct recognition of π-type events and π the probability of π΄ is ππ = ππ π1 = π+π π1. If π-event comes, we choose the value of winning π or π + π according to the experience function ππ . We defined the experience function ππ on π step in the following way π0 = 0, ππ = { ππ−1 + 1, if A comes, Μ comes (does not come A), 0, if A The experience function on step π can take values from 0 to π with some probabilities. For example, the probability of ππ = π is equal π{ππ = π} = πππ , for another values π = 0,1,2, … , π − 1 the probabilities are π{ππ = π} = πππ β (1 − ππ ). Obviously ππ = Pr{ππ < π} = 1 for π < π. For π ≥ π ππ = 1 − Pr {π΄Μ π΄. β . π΄} = 1 − πππ . π So, the probability ππ is equal to ππ = { 1, if π < π, 1 − πππ , if π ≥ π. 16 Let ππ be a random variable of gain in the model with stimulation. ππ depends on number π: for π < π the probability to get value π + π is zero and for π ≥ π this probability is positive. Then ππ takes values – π, −π, π, π + π, π with probabilities ππ π2 , if π₯ = −π, ππ π1 , if π₯ = −π, ππ π1 , if π₯ = π ΠΈ π < π, Pr{ππ = π₯} = π ππ π1 (1 − (ππ π1 ) ) , if π₯ = π and π ≥ π, 0, if π₯ = π + π and π < π, π+1 (ππ π1 ) , if π₯ = π + π and π ≥ π, { ππ π2 , if π₯ = π. It will be convenient to divide random variable ππ into two variables π (1) for π < π and π (2) for π π π ≥ π. Their distributions can be obtained from the law of the random variable ππ by selection the relevant cases. Let πππ = (π + π)π‘ be intensity of flow of unknown events. Then for compound Poisson π π random variable of total winnings π = ∑π=1 ππ we have ∞ πΈ[π] = ∑ πΈ[π|ππ = π]π{ππ = π} = π=0 ∞ π−1 (1) ππ ∑ πΈ(∑π=1 ππ |ππ π=0 (1) = π)π{ππ = π} + ∑ πΈ(∑π−1 π=1 ππ |ππ = π)π{ππ = π} + π=π ∞ π (2) π + ∑ πΈ(∑π=π ππ |ππ = π)π{ππ = π}. π=π The sum is divided into two parts in the last formula because before πth term all ππ are (1) ππ (2) and after πth term all of them are equal to ππ . We take π > 1, for π = 1 is the case of basic model. The first sum is π−1 (1) ππ ∑ πΈ(∑π=1 ππ |ππ π=0 π−1 = π)π{ππ = π} = πΈ(π (1) )π −πππ (πππ ) ∑π π! π=0 We will use formula 5.24.3 from [4] 17 π π ∑ π=0 1 π 1 π₯ = π π₯ Γ(π + 1, π₯), π! π! (π΄1.1) where Γ(π, π§) is incomplete gamma function defined as ∞ Γ(π, π§) = ∫ π −π‘ π‘ π−1 ππ‘. π§ In our case it will be π−1 π π−1 π−2 π π+1 (πππ ) (πππ ) (πππ ) ∑π =∑ = ∑ π! (π − 1)! π! π=0 π=1 = ππ π π=0 1 π πππ Γ(π − 1, πππ ). (π − 2)! Then first sum in the expression for expectation of total gain is π−1 (1) π π ∑ πΈ(∑π=1 ππ |ππ = π)π{ππ = π} = πΈ[π (1) ]πππ π=0 Γ(π − 1, πππ ) . Γ(π − 1) Let us find the second sum ∞ ∞ (1) ∑ πΈ(∑π−1 π=1 ππ |ππ π=π = π)π{ππ = π} = ∑ πΈ ((π − 1)π (1) ) π{ππ = π} = π=π ∞ = (π − 1)πΈ(π (1) ∞ ) ∑ π{ππ = π} = (π − 1)πΈ[π (1) ]π π=π −πππ π (πππ ) ∑ . π! π=π We can find this sum using formula (A1.1) ∞ π ∞ π π−1 π (πππ ) (πππ ) (πππ ) π −πππ ∑ = π −πππ [∑ −∑ ]= π! π! π! π=π = π −πππ [π πππ − π=0 π=0 Γ(π, πππ ) 1 π πππ Γ(π, πππ )] = 1 − . (π − 1)! Γ(π) So the second sum is equal to ∞ (1) ∑ πΈ(∑π−1 π=1 ππ |ππ = π)π{ππ = π} = (π − 1)πΈ(π (1) ) (1 − π=π The last sum in our formula can be represented as 18 Γ(π, πππ ) ). Γ(π) ∞ ∞ (2) ππ ∑ πΈ(∑π=π ππ |ππ π=π π (2) = π) β π{ππ = π} = ∑ πΈ (∑ ππ ) β π{ππ = π} = π=π π=π ∞ = πΈ[π (2) ] β ∑(π − π + 1) β π{ππ = π} = π=π ∞ = πΈ[π (2) ∞ ] β [∑ π β π{ππ = π} + (1 − π) ∑ π{ππ = π}] = π=π π=π = πΈ(π (2) ) β [πππ β (1 − Γ(π − 1, πππ ) Γ(π, πππ ) ) + (1 − π) β (1 − )]. Γ(π − 1) Γ(π) Hence the expectation of total gain is equal to ππ πΈ(π) = πΈ (∑ ππ ) = π=1 = πΈ(π (1) ) β [πππ β Γ(π − 1, πππ ) Γ(π, πππ ) + (π − 1) β (1 − )] + Γ(π − 1) Γ(π) +πΈ(π (2) ) β [πππ β (1 − Γ(π − 1, πππ ) Γ(π, πππ ) ) + (1 − π) β (1 − )]. Γ(π − 1) Γ(π) β Proof of Theorem 3. ππ – an experience function on step π – is a random variable of number consequently correctly recognized π-events, π0 = 0, π + 1, if π occured, ππ = { π−1 0, if πΜ occured (π did not occur), The experience function on step π can take values from 0 to π with some probabilities. We have to know the probabilities π{ππ < π} and π{ππ ≥ π}, because now the random variable of single winning ππ takes values – π, −π, π, π with probabilities 19 ππ π2 , if π₯ = −π, ππ [π1 Pr{ππ < π} + π1∗ Pr{ππ ≥ π}], if π₯ = −π, Pr{ππ = π₯} = ππ [π1 Pr{ππ < π} + π1∗ Pr{ππ ≥ π}], if π₯ = π, {ππ π2 , if π₯ = π. Because the probability π{ππ < π} is equal to π{ππ < π} = 1 − π{ππ ≥ π} = = π{ππ = 0 or ππ = 1 or ππ = 2 or … or ππ = π − 1} = = π{ππ = 0 } + π{ππ = 1 } + π{ππ = 2} + β― + π{ππ = π − 1}, we will describe all terms. π{ππ = 0} is a probability of experience function to get value 0 on step π, i.e. the device incorrectly recognized coming event π or it was event π . Hence, π{ππ = 0} = π{ππ = −π or ππ = π or ππ = −π} = = ππ [π1 π{ππ−1 < π} + π1∗ π{ππ−1 ≥ π}] + ππ π2 + ππ π2 = = ππ [π1 π{ππ−1 < π} + π1∗ π{ππ−1 ≥ π}] + ππ . π{ππ = 1} is a probability of experience function to get value 1 on step π, i.e. the device correctly recognized coming event π and mistakes on step π − 1. It means that ππ−1 = 0 and then happens ππ = π (it can be with probability ππ π1 ) π{ππ = 1} = [ππ [π1 π{ππ−2 < π} + π1∗ π{ππ−2 ≥ π}] + ππ ](ππ π1 ). In the same way we can find another probabilities π{ππ = 0}, π{ππ = 1}, … , π{ππ = π − 1}. For example π{ππ = π − 1} = = [ππ [π1 π{ππ−1−(π−1) < π} + π1∗ π{ππ−π ≥ π}] + ππ ](ππ π1 ) π−1 . Now we can evaluate a sum π{ππ < π} = π{ππ = 0 } + π{ππ = 1 } + +π{ππ = 2} + β― + π{ππ = π − 1} taking π{ππ < π} = 1 − π{ππ ≥ π}: π{ππ < π} = π{ππ = 0 } + π{ππ = 1 } + β― + π{ππ = π − 1} = 20 π−1 π = ππ ∑[π1 π{ππ−1−π < π} + π1∗ (1 − π{ππ—1−π < π})](ππ π1 ) + π=0 π−1 π +ππ ∑(ππ π1 ) = π=0 π−1 = ππ (π1 − π−1 π1∗ ) ∑ π{ππ−1−π π=0 π (ππ π1∗ < π}(ππ π1 ) + π + ππ ) ∑(ππ π1 ) . π=0 The last sum is geometric progression and the answer is π{ππ < π} = π−1 = ππ (π1 − π π1∗ ) ∑ π{ππ−1−π π=0 π < π}(ππ π1 ) + (ππ π1∗ (ππ π1 ) − 1 + ππ ) . ππ π1 − 1 Using the known dependences between the probabilities, we can express ππ π1 − 1 = ππ π1 + ππ π1 − ππ π1 − 1 = ππ − ππ π1 − 1 = −ππ − ππ π1 . Finally the probability π{ππ < π} is π{ππ < π} = π−1 = ππ (π1 − π1∗ ) ∑ π{ππ−1−π π=0 π < π}(ππ π1 ) + ππ π1∗ + ππ π (1 − (ππ π1 ) ). ππ π1 + ππ Proof of Theorem 4. Let us denote π{ππ < π} = π§π , ππ (π1 − π½, 0 ≤ π½ < 1, ππ π1∗ +ππ ππ π1 +ππ π π1∗ ) β (1 − (ππ π1 ) ) = πΎ, 0 < πΎ < 1, and πΎ = (π΄1.2) β = πΌ, 0 < πΌ < 1, ππ π1 = (1−π½ π )(1−πΌ−π½) (1−π½) , then the equation (A1.2) is written as π−1 π§π = πΌ β ∑ π½ π−1−π β π§π + πΎ π =π−π or π§π = πΌ β (π§π−1 + π½π§π−2 + π½ 2 π§π−2 + β― + π½ π−1 π§π−π ) + πΎ. As all π§π = π{ππ < π} are probabilities and ∀π 0 ≤ π§π ≤ 1, the sequence {π§π }∞ π=1 is bounded from both sides. This sequence is nonincreasing, we will prove it by induction. The first 21 π terms are equal to 1: π§0 = π§1 = π§2 = β― = π§π−1 = 1, because π0 = 0 and if π < π then π§π = π{ππ < π} = 1. First of all we prove π§π ≤ π§π−1 to have π inequalities for the induction π§π = πΌ(1 + π½ + π½ 2 + β― + π½ π−1 ) + πΎ = πΌ (1 − π½ π ) (1 − π½ π )(1 − πΌ − π½) + = (1 − π½) (1 − π½) = 1 − π½ π ≤ 1 = π§π−1 . Let inequality π§π−1 ≤ π§π−2 holds for all π − 1 first terms of the sequence. We will take π§π and prove that π§π ≤ π§π−1 . The difference between two terms of the sequence is π§π = πΌ β (π§π−1 + π½π§π−2 + π½ 2 π§π−2 + β― + π½ π−1 π§π−π ) + πΎ π§π−1 = πΌ β (π§π−2 + π½π§π−3 + π½ 2 π§π−4 + β― + π½ π−1 π§π−π−1 ) + πΎ π§π − π§π−1 = = πΌ β (π§π−1 + (π½ − 1)π§π−2 + π½(π½ − 1)π§π−2 + β― + π½ π−2 (π½ − 1)π§π−π − π½ π−1 π§π−π−1 ) ≤ ≤ πΌ β (π§π−2 + (π½ − 1)π§π−2 + π½(π½ − 1)π§π−2 + β― + π½ π−2 (π½ − 1)π§π−π − π½ π−1 π§π−π−1 ) = = πΌ β (π½π§π−2 + π½(π½ − 1)π§π−2 + β― + π½ π−2 (π½ − 1)π§π−π − π½ π−1 π§π−π−1 ) = = πΌ β (π½ 2 π§π−2 + π½ 2 (π½ − 1)π§π−3 + β― + π½ π−2 (π½ − 1)π§π−π − π½ π−1 π§π−π−1 ) ≤ β― ≤ ≤ πΌ(π½ π−1 π§π−π − π½ π−1 π§π−π−1 ) = πΌπ½ π−1 (π§π−π − π§π−π−1 ) ≤ 0, because of 0 < πΌ < 1, 0 ≤ π½ < 1, and π§π−π ≤ π§π−π−1 . So π§π ≤ π§π−1 and the sequence {π§π }∞ π=1 is monotonic (nonincreasing). If nonincreasing sequence is bounded from below, then this sequence converges [5], hence, the sequence {π§π }∞ π=1 has a limit π−1 π−1 π§ = lim π§π = lim [πΌ ∑ π½ π−1−π π§π + πΎ] = πΌ ∑ π½ π−1−π π§ + πΎ = π§πΌ π→∞ π→∞ π =π−π π =π−π 1 − π½π +πΎ 1−π½ i.e. π§= (1 − π½)πΎ . 1 − π½ − πΌ(1 − π½ π ) Rewriting it in the initial notations, we obtain π lim π{ππ < π} = π→∞ (ππ π1∗ + ππ )(1 − (ππ π1 ) ) π (ππ π1 + ππ ) − ππ (π1 − π1∗ )(1 − (ππ π1 ) ) . β 22 Appendix 2. Evaluations with the closing prices In the Section 4 we used the average of the opening and closing prices as a daily price (Table 4), but we can do the same analysis using only closing prices (Table 5). Table 4. The model parameters evaluated by the average price, % S&P 500, average price Threshold π π π −π π −π 6% 246 4 0,61 -0,64 2,81 -2,93 8% 248 2 0,63 -0,65 4,00 -2,80 10% 249 1 0,63 -0,66 3,74 -3,05 Table 5. The model parameters evaluated by the closing price, % S&P 500, closing price Threshold π π π −π π −π 6% 246 4 0,85 -0,90 3,92 -3,65 8% 248 2 0,88 -0,92 5,59 -3,90 10% 249 1 0,89 -0,93 5,47 -3,87 In addition, the use of average ratings for such a long period of time inevitably oversimplifies the calculations. It is interesting to look at the distribution of crisis events by years (Table 6). The lack of numbers means the absence of volatility ‘jumps’ more than 6% in a specified period, i.e. ‘quiet life’ and the absence of shocks in the market. Table 6. Estimates of model parameters with 6% threshold by years π π π π 1999 8 -9 2000 11 -11 2001 8 -9 2002 8 -8 17 -25 2003 5 -5 23 2004 5 -4 2005 4 -4 2006 5 -4 2007 7 -7 2008 11 -12 30 -30 2009 8 -9 14 -15 References 1. Aleskerov F., Egorova L. Is it so bad that we cannot recognize black swans? Working paper WP7/2010/03. State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2010, 1-40. 2. Feller, William. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. 1 and 2. – Wiley, 1991 3. Hammond P. Adapting to the entirely unpredictable: black swans, fat tails, aberrant events, and hubristic models, University of Warwick,, 2010 4. Eldon R. Hansen. A Table of Series and Products. Prentice-Hall, 1975. 5. Rudin W. Principles of Mathematical Analysis; 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 1976. 6. Shiller R. Irrational Exuberance, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2000 (second edition -2005) 7. Taleb, Nassim Nicolas. The Black Swan: The Impact of The Highly Improbable. Penguin Books, London, 2008 8. – historical index data 9. about S&P 500 24