Week 2 - Our Lady Queen of Angels

Our Lady Queen of Angels Church
Sunday, September 06, 2015
The Pastoral Care Assistant: Rebecca Kozlick
738 Sunshine Avenue (Church) Rectory Phone…………….754-5224
162 Wheeler St. (Chapel)
Rectory Facsimile…………754-4447
Central City, PA. 15926-1233 Activities Center Phone…. 289-9580
E-mail address: info@ladyqueenofangels.org Chapel Hall Phone……….754-4089
Web Site: http://www.ladyqueenofangels.org or http://www.ladyqueenofangels.com
SUNDAY MORNING MASS: Live from St. John Gualbert Cathedral, Johnstown is telecast at
11am on Channel 8, WWCP TV.
Parish Ministries and Services of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church – If you are interested in
providing your time or talents with any of the following ministries at our parish, please contact the name listed
for more information on that particular group. Your participation is always welcomed and encouraged .
Annual Catholic Appeal Committee –
Chairpersons: Ken and Jane Skone 754-5584
Marriage Preparation: 754-5224
Activities Center: Shirley Roman – 754-5255
& Bar tenders Shirley Roman 754-5255
Altar Servers: Becky Kozlick 754-4128
Parish Pastoral Assistant–Becky Kozlick
Pro-Life: Karen Mincek 754-5065
Readers/Lectors: Dick Stern 754--8363
Religious Director, Becky Kozlick 754-4128
Eucharistic Ministers:
Society of Angels: Julie Bollman 733-4498
Finance Council: Dick Stern 754-8363
Knights of Columbus: Ken Skone 754-5584
Ushers: 754-5224
SHA, Slavic Heritage Association for the
Preservation of Church & Culture: Dick Stern –
Matthew 25 Ministries, “The Last
Judgment” Patty Bonus 754-4225
Music/Choirs/Cantors: Mark Chipchosky
754-4508 Adrian Popig 754-4029
Parish Council: Josephine Fetsko 754-1304
Parish Nurse/Health Ministry of OLQA: Jenny
Novak 754-5219
Cemetery Committee: Dick Stern 754-8363
Central City Youth Ministries: Becky Kozlick
Community Thrift Store:
Decorating Chapel: Becky Kozlick 754-4128
Decorating Church: Jenny Novak 754-5219
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult (RCIA): Ray
McGreehan –754-1781
St. Vincent DePaul – Deanna Will 754-8088
Funeral Luncheons Volunteer Ministers: Shirley
Roman 754-5255
Vocations: Becky Kozlick 754-4128
Maintenance: Ken Skone 754-5584 or 535-7591
By Appointment; please call the Rectory
MARRIAGE: Pastor should be notified at least six months in advance so that couples can complete their
preparation. Couples will be asked if they have first considered having their wedding reception in our
Activities Center.
Contact the Church Rectory at 754-5224.
VISITATION OF THE SICK: Call the rectory to have shut-ins placed on our Holy Communion calls list. FUNERALS,
Rectory/Cemetery Committee. These arrangements are not to be made by any funeral directors.
The tradition has been that when a deceased person is remembered at a Mass, their family and friends
try to attend.
Mass Intentions for this weekend are: For all the living and deceased, whose names have been placed on
the Altar by loved ones.
07 Sep Mon
08 Sep Tue
Gift Bearers should be the
09 Sep Wed
persons that requested the
10 Sep Thu
Mass or family members.
11 Sep Fri
12 Sep Sat
4:00 pm Nellie Mihelcic by Percy & Julie Bollman
Patrick c. Stewart by Wally & Arlene Miller
13 Sep Sun 8:00 am
13 Sep Sun 10:30 am Andrea Dabbs by Kathi Burkett
The Sanctuary Candle burns at the Church in loving memory of John Joseph Yestrepsky by daughters, Lydia,
Barbara, and Marianne. The Sanctuary Candle burns at the Chapel in loving memory of Mary Kolonich (10
year Anniversary on 9/9/05) by loving daughter and family.
Finances for the week of: August 29th and August 30th
Adults…………………………….…. .$ 1,840.00
Loose Change……………………………
Students………………………….…. $
Total Collected.……………………………$ 2,215.50
Amount needed weekly…………………… $ 3,796.00
Parish Expense Offering …………
Adjusted amount Needed Yr to Date… $37,960.00
$ 200.00
Amount Year to Date Shortage ……----- $ 6,222.45
Please pray for the following people, at the request of loving family and friends. We also pray that God
will heal in mind, body and spirit, all who are listed in our Church Bulletin Prayer List: Jennie Sielczak,
Frank Murawski, Dalston Beltz, Constance Gruca, Lillian Koleszarik, Mary Strongosky, Marie Metsker,
Rosie Pajak, Cathie Ketenheim, Chris Burella, Dale Snyder, Garett Riccio, Sandy Wechtenhiser, Frank
Mihelcic, Helen Foor, Freda Labuda, Ethan Rohlf, Rachel Moslak, Michael Chipchosky, Chester Hemming,
Mitsie Szostak, Ann Guyer, Lydia Wechtenhiser, Kathryn Yatta, Stanley C. Tomaszewski, Alice Zelenski ,
Shirley Taylor, Susan Devan, Carol Hancharik, Kay Hintosh, Charlie Field Jr., David P. Bonus, Lauren
Barnes, Marge Matey, Andrew Straka, Margaret Spinelli, Donna Stefancic, Sean Wechtenhiser, Stephen
Yantus Jr., Vicky & Joseph Navalaney, Joe Zeigler, Andy Levchik, Fern Lasut, Christopher Criscuolo, Debra
Farley, Mary Ann Lasut, Shelly Delasko, Agnes Palya, Catherine Haggerty, Barbara Delasko
If any of the above have sufficiently recovered, please notify us so we can remove their name from our list.
Lord, Please watch over the men and women serving in our armed forces, and also those civilians whose
work puts them in harms way. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us.
Stewardship: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 6, 2015) Just as the deaf mute in today’s Gospel received a
new life from Jesus, so too, have we received new lives through Baptism. Maya we use wisely all that God has given to
us in our lives!
Readings for next Sunday are: 131: Is 50:5-9a Ps 116:1-6, 8-9 Jas 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35
Parish Events, Meetings & Future Important Dates
13 Sept Sunday
Salisbury Steak Dinner 11:30 am – 2:00 pm Knights of Columbus
14 Sept Monday
Society of Angels Meeting in the Activities Center at 7:00 PM
15 Sept Tuesday
Finance Council Meeting in the Rectory at 7:00 PM
23 Sept Wednesday Knights of Columbus Meeting in the Rectory at 7:00 PM
28 Sept Monday
Parish Pastoral Meeting in the Rectory at 7:00 PM
02 Oct Friday
Eucharistic Adoration in the Church from 6-7:00 PM
06 Oct Tuesday
SHA, Slavic Heritage Association Meeting at 7:00 PM in the Rectory
07 Oct Wednesday St. Vincent de Paul & Matthew 25 Ministries Meeting at 7:00 PM-Rectory
12 Oct Monday
Society of Angels Meeting in the Activities Center at 7:00 PM
20 Oct Tuesday
Finance Council Meeting in the Rectory at 7:00 PM
26 Oct Monday
Parish Pastoral Meeting in the Church Rectory at 7:00 PM
28 Oct Wednesday Knights of Columbus Meeting at 7:00 PM in the Rectory
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Fundraiser – Save Our Church Campaign We have reached 14% of our
$40,000 Parish Goal for 2015. Thank You for your support of our 2015 Annual Fundraiser.
Altar Server Schedule
Sept 5
Sept 6
Sept 6
Sep 12
Sep 13
Sep 13
4:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
4:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
Lucy & Liam Mincek, Rylee Pongrac
Jordan Kachur, Anna Deneen, Amy & Joseph Hammer
Abigail Knapp, Alena Dabbs
Lucy & Liam Mincek, Rylee Pongrac
Emma & Elaina Spinelli
Monthly Second Collections:
1st weekend: For our own Saint Vincent de Paul and Matthew 25 Ministries – to be used for the less fortunate.
2nd weekend For SHA, Slavic Heritage Association for the Preservation of Church and Culture, and the many
works they do in our Church buildings and cemeteries.
3rd weekend: For the support of our Youth Ministry Program
4th weekend: For the new roof on the Activities Center.
New Parish Information
PARISH EVENT ON OCTOBER 18, 2015 We very much appreciate the donations we have
received for the Activities Center Roof. We have used some funds from our savings, and donations to get the
project contracted. We are going to have a PARISH EVENT to raise funds to help with the remaining costs.
We are having a Del Grosso Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, October 18 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. For this to
be beneficial we need the help of all parishioners. You will be receiving 5 tickets in the mail. Please purchase
these tickets for yourself, or sell them. This can be your donation to the “cause”. The cost is $8.00 for adults,
$4.00 for children 8-12, and under 7 will be free. This project will be started in the near future, and we have to
count on your help!
Eucharistic Adoration on October 2 in the Church from 6-7:00 PM. Worship given to Christ
present in the Blessed Sacrament, outside of Holy Communion. Also, at this most spiritual time, there will be a
reading of all the names on our prayer list, where we pray that God will heal in mind, body and spirit.
Repeated Parish Information
Religious Education Classes will begin promptly at 9:00 am on Sunday, September 13. All
students please report to the Activities Center. Students will be assigned to their teacher/rooms, etc. In
accordance with the hours required (from the Diocese), classes will end at 10:15 am. We are happy to
announce that we will have four new students beginning first grade. They are: Liam Galish, Ethan Snyder,
Gabrielle Nelson, and Jacob Dabbs. Our new 2nd grade new student is Chase Galish, and 6th grade is Julianna Beltz.
Knights of Columbus Salisbury Steak Dinner on Sunday, September 13, from 11:30 AM – 1:00
PM. The cost is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Support our Knights and enjoy a meal out.
The Community Thrift Store is now open several days a month. They will be open from 8 AM till
Noon on September 12. Further dates will be provided as soon as they are confirmed.
Labor Day Mass Remembrances The names of your loved ones will remain on the Altar
immediately, upon receipt, and throughout the month of September.
Activities Center Roof Thank you to all who contributed to the Activities Center Roof Fund. We
will continue taking up a collection on the fourth weekend of each month. This is a project that cannot be put
off. The roof is in serious need of replacement.
New Roof on the Chapel For donations of $500 or more, your name and memorial information will
be placed on an engraved metal picture of the Chapel. This picture will be displayed in the Chapel. As of this date
we have the following contributors in this category: (1) In memory of Dr. J. Ellery Michaud, (2) Society of
Angels, Our Lady Queen of Angels, (3) Anthony Criscuolo – In Memory of the Criscuolo Family, and (4)
Genevieve Novak, - In Memory of James & Margaret Mihelcic, (5) Margaret Matey – In memory of the Bicko and
Matey Families; (6) Marion Irwin – In Memory of Dr. Robert and Marion Irwin; (7) Richard Stern – In memory of
Irene & Ernest Stern, (8) Anonymous in honor of “Pop” Fedock; (9) Marian & Keith Higgins – In honor of Jesus,
Mary & Joseph; (10) In memory of George & Helen Ferko – The Ferko family, (11) In memory of Stanley and
Betty Kubala – Gunza & Kubala families; (12) Anonymous – In memory of Frank & Ella Vidmar; (13) John
Harchick Jr. – In memory of John W. Harchick Sr.
Baptism for babies in our Church is for parents who want to raise their children in the Catholic
Faith. Parents who do not come to Church, even if they have other children baptized, need to come to Church
regularly if they hope to baptize their new children. God parents need to be practicing Catholics and should be able
to give the Priest an approved sponsor certificate from their home Catholic Church.
OLQA Funerals & Cemetery Information
In the case of death, families must contact the Rectory of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church
before they sit down with any funeral director, so that appropriate and proper arrangements may be made. The Pastor
will help the family to make all arrangements for the Church, spiritual services, cemetery and burial arrangements,
luncheons, etc. Families who do not follow this procedure are usually disappointed, especially at a time when they do
not need additional stress in their lives. The choice is theirs. All funeral directors who do business with this Church
should inform their clients of this fact.
New Miscellaneous Events
Resurrection Parish is sponsoring a SPECTATOR SPECIAL TICKET. The winner will receive 2
tickets to each of the following games: Steelers Vs. Colts – December 6, 2015; Pitt Vs. Notre Dame –
November 7, 2015; Penn State Vs. Michigan, November 21, 2015, and Pittsburgh Penguins – Date and game
to be determined. Cost $10.00 Drawing: October 12, 2015 evening Pick 3. Tickets can be purchased at the
Parish Office located at 408 8th Ave. or by calling 539-5788 Ext 3.
Repeated Miscellaneous Events
Fall Revival Services Sept. 27-30; Evening Services: 7:00 PM Nursery Provided. Berkey Church
of the Brethren Speaker: Brother Craig Myer, Blue River Church of the Brethren, Columbia City, IN
A Basket Party will be held at Holy Family Parish in Hooversville on September 27. Doors open
at 10:00 am, and drawing begins promptly at 1:00 pm. Tickets are $8 and includes lunch and drinks.
Everyone attending must have an admission ticket regardless of age. Call 814-798-2933 or 814-701-6069 for
tickets. A (free adm) Open House will be held on September 24th from 5-8:00 pm for basket ticket chances.
Carmelite Community of the Word Day of Discernment. Pope Francis has declared that a Year of
Consecrated Life will be celebrated from Advent 2015 to the World Day of Consecrated Life, Feb. 2, 2016. As part of
this celebration, the Carmelite Community of the Word Sisters are offering a “Day of Discernment” Saturday, Aug. 22,
2015 from 9 am to 3 pm at the CCW Incarnate Center, 394 Bem Rd., Gallitzin, PA. The Carmelite Community of the
Word is an Institute of Diocesan Rite, primarily women of prayer, rooted in the tradition of Carmelite Spirituality, who
active engage in ministerial labors in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese. The day will include communal prayer, Eucharistic
Adoration, time for personal discernment and an opportunity to meet members of the Carmelite Community of the Word
and explore our ministries. Call Sr. Margie McGuire – 814-472-9457 or Sr. Linda LaMagna – 814-942-5747.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will sponsor a day with Dr. Scott Hahn, noted Catholic author
and speaker, Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 at Bishop Carroll Catholic High School in Ebensburg. Tickets for the day
are $10 per person which includes refreshments and a boxed lunch. For more information or to purchase tickets
contact Laurie at 814-943-1981 ext. 106.
Faith & Light – Sharing Faith & Friendship with Intellectual Disabled Persons A faith sharing group
which also includes family members, caregivers, friends. Meets monthly, Sundays, 1:00-4:00 pm at a handicap
accessible location. .Call Gaye (814) 472-7317 or Family Life Office (814) 886-5551. www.faithandlilght.org;
2015 Engaged Couples Marriage Preparation Weekends Fulfills diocesan marriage preparation
requirement. Can attend Nov. 6-7-8. Begins Fri. 8:00 pm and ends Sun. 3:00 pm. Held at the Sacred Heart
spirituality Center on Munster Road, Portage. For more information, call Diocesan Family Life Office 814886-5551
or go to www.dioceseaj.org (Diocesan Offices, Family Life). Gift Certificates available.
Family Life Office
Program for Grandparents A program entitled Celebrating the “Grand” in Grand-Parenting will be
offered to grandparents of the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese on Wednesdays Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 from 6:00 to
8:30 pm at the Family Life Office, 5379 Portage St., Lilly. This four week DVD facilitated workshop will
help grandparents embrace their roles as Torch Bearers, Legacy Leavers, and Blessing Givers as they strive
to help lead their grandchildren in their Christian Faith. Cost is $15 person/$20 couple which includes a
journal. Register by Sept. 24 by sending payment to Family Life Office, 5379 Portage St., Lilly, PA 15938814-886-5551.
Lighting of the Sanctuary Candles in the Church and Chapel A way of remembering our loved
ones for birthdays, anniversaries, special intentions, health and healing, etc. Lighting a Sanctuary Candle is
a way of extending one’s prayer and showing a silent vigil for the person on whose behalf the prayer is
offered. In burning candles, our prayers rise up to heaven
day and night. Please fill out form below or call the Rectory. 754-5224
Use this form to request a Sanctuary Candle for your special intentions.
Donation: $10
Date & Name for whom candle burns
Person requesting candle
Birthday, Anniversary, or Special
Masses for your Loved Ones – If you would like Masses said in memory of your loved ones for special occasions
here at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and Chapel, please call the Church Rectory for your request for
dates. Remember dates are often booked 3 months in advance and longer for weekend Masses.
Cut here and drop in the Collection Basket------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use this form to request a Mass for a deceased person. You do not have to be a member of the parish to request a
Donation is: $10 We will publish this Mass schedule in the Church Bulletin and place it on our International Web
___________________ ________ _____________________________
Date of requested Mass Time Name of Deceased Name of the person/s requesting the Mass. Phone Number