Soil Texture & Fertility Plants normally grow in soil. Texture, the characteristic of soil that describes the soil particle size, has a substantial effect on plant growth. Soil particle size is important in determining the water holding capacity of the soil and is also important in soil fertility. Water-holding capacity is controlled primarily by soil texture and organic matter. Soils with smaller particles (silt and clay) have a larger surface area than those with larger sand particles, and a large surface area allows a soil to hold more water. The table illustrates waterholding-capacity differences as influenced by texture. The sandy soil can quickly be recharged with soil moisture but is unable to hold as much water as the soils with heavier textures. A silt loam will have 2.00 - 2.50 inches of available water per foot, while coarse sand will have 0.25 - 0.75 of an inch of available water per foot of soil. As texture becomes heavier, the wilting point increases because fine soils with narrow pore spacing hold water more tightly than soils with wide pore spacing The greater surface area provided by finer textures results in the soil holding more water, also plays a role in soil fertility by having a higher chemical reactivity (the ability to store more nutrients and supply them to plants, called Cation Exchange Capacity), and usually having greater resistance to erosion. Coarser textures will have larger packing voids and, therefore, larger pore spaces; water can move and drain very rapidly through these soils. Property/Behavior Sand Silt Clay Surface area to volume ratio Low Medium High Water-holding capacity Low Medium to high High Nutrient supplying capacity Low Medium to high High Aeration Good Medium Poor Internal drainage High Slow to medium Very slow Susceptibility to water erosion Low High Low (After Brady and Weil, 2008) Organic matter percentage also influences water-holding capacity. Organic matter increases a soil’s ability to hold water, both directly and indirectly. When a soil is at field capacity, organic matter has a higher water holding capacity than a similar volume of mineral soil. While the water held by organic matter at the permanent wilting point is also higher, overall, an increase in organic matter increases a soil’s ability to store water available for plant use. Indirectly, organic matter improves soil structure and aggregate stability, resulting in increased pore size and volume. These soil quality improvements result in increased infiltration, movement of water through the soil, and available water capacity. A major component of organic matter is the populations of microorganisms that inhabit the soil. These microorganisms can have both a beneficial and a deleterious effect on the soil. The presence of certain bacteria performs chemical reactions that make nutrients available to plants. An example of these would be the nitrifying bacteria that convert an unusable form of nitrogen, N2, into a useable form, NH3. Populations of soil microorganisms that are deleterious to the plant include plant pathogens. Pesticides are applied to agricultural fields to kill the pathogens. Home gardeners can purchase potting soil that has been sterilized, which has the same effect as pesticides. Technically potting soil when made up of 100% organic matter is not a soil because it does not contain sand, silt, or clay. In this activity you will observe the effect of four different growing mediums, sterilized potting soil, local top soil (textural class to be determined), clay, and sand on the growth of rapid radish. Tomorrow, you will explain and possibly defend your answer to the following questions (all growing media refer to this activity), 1. Which growing medium will have the highest Field Capacity? 2. Which growing medium will have the least Available Water? 3. In which growing medium will plants wilt first? 4. Which growing medium do you believe will be the most fertile? 5. In which growing medium will rapid radish plants show the healthiest growth? Materials Per 4 person group Four, four chambered trays watering tray Four different growing media rectangular tray Six rapid radish seeds pencil Planting 1. Moisten each media in a pan with enough water until it feels slightly damp. 2. The class will be divided into three groups that have four teams of two people. 3. Each group will have four, four chambered trays; one tray for each growing medium. a. Team One: Control b. Team Two: Local top soil c. Team Three: Clay d. Team Four: Sand 4. Each team will put their growing medium into the each cell of the four cells of the four chambered tray ensuring that each one is ¾ full. Place the four chambered tray in the rectangular plastic tray to minimize the amount of growing medium on the lab tables. Tap the chambered tray to help the medium descend in the cell. DO NOT PUSH DOWN; doing so will alter the pore space of each growing medium. 5. Place one seed on top of the growing medium in two of the cells. Place two seeds apart from each other as far as possible in the other two cells. These additional seeds will be used for transplants or seeds that didn’t germinate. 6. Place the chambered trays on an empty watering tray and carefully water them with ___ ml of water. Watering will cause the medium to go down. 7. Place a pinch of medium to cover the seeds. No more than 1/8” of medium should cover the seed(s). 8. On one side of plant label, with a pencil, write the a. Team’s name, growing medium, amount of nutrients 9. Growing chambers should be covered and placed on the platform of the watering tray underneath growing lights. Watering The amount of water has to be constant for every plant; therefore we will water plants only when the control groups decide that their plants need water. At that point they will decide how much to water each plant. Transplanting (Day 2 or 3) Any extra seedlings need to be transplanted to cells where the seed did not germinate. This should be done carefully, by making a small hole with forceps or a pencil where the seedling is to be planted. Carefully extricate the seedling from the medium using forceps, place it gently in the hole, and then push medium gently over the roots so that the seedling is secure. Fertilizing Each group will receive fertilizer that will be added when plants are watered. Each plant will receive 3 ml of fertilizer. Fertilizer Extension Lab Group A will receive no fertilizer Group B will receive the proper amount of fertilizer Group C will receive 4 times the proper amount of fertilizer. The 3ml of fertilizer added to the plants will be subtracted from the amount of water to be given to the plants. Each group will observe possible eutrophication based on the different levels of nutrients. Staking (Day 10) The stake is inserted in the growing medium and the plant is propped up against it, secured by a twist-tie. The twist-tie should be looped tightly around the stake, but LOOSELY around the tender stem of the plant at a node so the leaves can help keep the plant in place. Observations: In addition to the specific details about the plant growth, observe and record any attributes different from usual or unexpected. These will be beneficial in the lab report to explain unexpected results. # of plants< 5 cm Compared to the control the plants are . (color, shape, turgidity) # of plants >5 cm but < 10cm # of plants > 10 cm Day 1 Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Title Each person needs to turn in a typed report Hypothesis (use headings) A few sentences will suffice to explain the observations and knowledge that have led to the stated hypothesis. Data & Analysis (use headings) Use the data collected during the experiment to analyze and summarize the condition and overall health of the plants in the various growing media. The primary task of analyzing the data is to wind up with a few numbers or observations from the many that were collected during the experiment. The report should not display the data in the form it was collected during the experiment, (i.e. notebook or prepared chart for the experiment). Instead, the data should be presented graphically. And the drawing isn’t enough. The graph needs to be explained in terms of what it represents. The data and summary go hand in hand; it tells the reader how a decision was made to accept or reject the hypothesis. Conclusion (use headings) Restate your hypothesis. “We hypothesized that.” State whether the hypothesis was supported or rejected. Summarize the major finding of the experiment to back up your statement. “The hypothesis was rejected because it was found that.” Explain how the variables interacted to produce results you expected and didn’t expect. Offer a plausible hypothesis for unexplained or unexpected results.