Cooperating Teacher NASPE Evaluation of Student Teacher in Physical Education Student Teacher: Cooperating Teacher: Grade/Subject: Placement : Six Week Seven Week Eight Week Fourteen Week Use evidence from a variety of sources such as lesson observations, lesson plans, student artifacts, teaching materials, conferences, and other interactions. All evidence since the last observation should be considered. On the final Summative Evaluation, Proficient indicates that all sub principles have been adequately demonstrated at some time during the student teaching experience. In order to receive a passing grade, the final Summative Evaluation ratings for each NASPE Standard (for each placement) must be at the Developing, Basic, or Proficient level. Not more than two principles can be Developing. A Candidate may NOT receive an unsatisfactory rating and still pass student teaching. Step 1: Performance Indicators Start your evaluation by rating each performance indicator, either checking the box or leaving it unmarked An “X” in the performance box signifies the performance was adequately demonstrated Leaving the box blank indicates that the student teacher did not demonstrate the performance even though the opportunity was presented Draw a line through the box if there was NO opportunity to observe the subStep 2: NCTM Standard Ratings principle Count the Indicators “X’s” to determine the INTASC Principle rating Proficient - all performance indicators listed below each NASPE standard must contain an “X” NCTM Standards NASPE 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge NASPE 3: Planning and Implementation NASPE 4: Instructional Delivery and Management NASPE 5: Impact on Student Learning NASPE 6: Professionalism Basic – three performance indicators listed below each NASPE standard must contain an “X” Developing - two performance indicators listed below each NASPE standard must contain an “X” Unsatisfactory - one or no performance indicators listed below each NASPE standard contains an “X” Not Observed - no opportunity was presented to demonstrate the performance for that standard Instructions: Complete the form electronically using Microsoft Word (or print to complete by hand). Share your assessment(s) with the student teacher and university supervisor P a g e | 1 7/14/2015 after each observation. Record your final summative ratings at the end of the placement after receiving the email link for Chalk and Wire. Please send your completed form as an email attachment to (or a printed copy to Field Office - Graceland University, 1 University Place, Lamoni, IA 50140). 4 - 6 Weeks Date: NASPE Physical Education Standards Performance Indicators Summative (Culmination of previous evals) Date: Proficient Proficient Proficient Basic Basic Basic Developing Developing Developing Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed NASPE 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals. 10 Weeks Date: K12 Teaching Standard: 2; Conceptual Framework: Leads; CAEP Standard: .11; InTASC: 4 The Candidate describes and applies physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The Candidate describes and applies motor development, motor learning and psychological/behavioral theory related to skillful movement, physical activity, and Evidence: fitness. Evidence: Evidence: The Candidate identifies historical, philosophical, and social perspectives of physical education issues and legislation. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The Candidate analyses and corrects critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: P a g e |2 7/14/2015 Proficient Proficient Proficient Basic Basic Basic Developing Developing Developing Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed NASPE 3: Planning and Implementation Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students Performance Indicators K12 Teaching Standard:2b, 3, 4, 7; Conceptual Framework: Cares, Reflects, Leads; CAEP Standard: 1.1; InTASC: 1, 3, 4, 6 The Candidate develops and implements appropriate (e.g., measurable, developmentally appropriate, performance based) goals and objectives aligned with local, state, and /or national standards. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The Candidate plans and adapts and implements progressive and sequential instruction for diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations and/or modifications for student exceptionalities. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The Candidate demonstrates knowledge of current technology by planning and implementing learning experiences that require students to appropriately use technology to meet lesson objectives. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The Candidate plans for and manages resources to provide active, fair, and equitable learning experiences. P a g e |3 7/14/2015 Proficient Proficient Proficient Basic Basic Basic Developing Developing Developing Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed NASPE 4: Instructional Delivery and Management Physical education teacher candidates use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning. Performance Indicators K12 Teaching Standard:4, 6, 8; Conceptual Framework: Leads, Cares, Collaborates; CAEP Standard: 1.1; InTASC: 3, 8, 10 The candidate demonstrates uses effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills across a variety of instructional formats. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate implements effective demonstrations, explanations, and instructional cues and prompts to link physical activity concepts to appropriate learning experiences. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate provides effective instructional feedback and adjusts instructional tasks based on student responses for skill acquisition, student learning, and motivation Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate managerial rules, routines, and transitions to create and maintain a safe and effective learning environment including personal and positive social Evidence: behaviors. Evidence: Evidence: P a g e |4 7/14/2015 Proficient Proficient Proficient Basic Basic Basic Developing Developing Developing Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed NASPE 5: Impact on Student Learning Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform instruction decisions. Performance Indicators K12 Teaching Standard 1, 5, 7; Conceptual Framework: Leads, Reflects; CAEP Standard: 1.1; InTASC: 6, 9 The candidate selects or creates appropriate assessments that will measure student achievement of goals and objectives. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate uses appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate utilizes the reflective cycle to implement change in teacher performance, student learning, and/or instructional goals and decisions. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate adapts assessments appropriately for diverse student populations. P a g e |5 7/14/2015 Proficient Proficient Proficient Basic Basic Basic Developing Developing Developing Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed NASPE 6: Professionalism Physical education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals. Performance Indicators K12 Teaching Standard 7; Conceptual Framework: Reflects; CAEP Standard: 1.1; InTASC: 9 The candidate demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with the belief that all students can become physically educated individuals. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate participates in activities that enhance collaboration and lead to professional growth and development. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with the professional ethics of highly qualified teachers. Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: Evidence: The candidate communicates in ways that convey respect and sensitivity. P a g e |6 7/14/2015 Overall Comments: P a g e |7 7/14/2015