Planning Committee - 28/02/2013

Planning Committee
Parish: Droitwich
Ward: Droitwich East 10
Description: Replacement back doors and attached windows to 7 no. houses with
new PVCU windows. Resubmission of listed building consent application
24-36 Coventry Homes, The Holloway, Droitwich Spa
Applicant: Mr M Barratt
Date Valid:
Expiry Date: 25/03/2013
Case Officer:
Lucy Parsons
01386 565322
Grid Ref:
Cllr Mike Barratt, Cllr Bob Brookes
Site Description and Details of Proposal
This application is for the replacement of the 7no. external rear ground floor
doors (with side window attached) in the northern wing of the Coventry
Almshouses, The Holloway, Droitwich. The windows in situ are steel set in
timber sub-frames and fitted with leaded glazing. The doors to the rear are
steel and fully glazed. The proposed replacement windows and doors will be
white UPVC top and side hung casements.
This application has been submitted by the Coventry Charity which is a local
charity which provides accommodation for those in need.
Those parts of the Almshouses dating from the 17th Century are listed Grade II.
Whilst the northern wing to which this application applies dates from 1934, this
wing is attached to the principal listed building and therefore forms part of the
listed structure where alterations need to have regard to the special
architectural and historic interest of the principal listed element. The whole of
the property also lies within the Droitwich Spa Conservation Area.
The charity have purchased the UPVC units, although these units have not yet
been installed and this application follows a previous Listed Building Consent
and dismissed appeal for replacement UPVC windows and doors to all
elevations of this part of the property.
The application is on the agenda as Cllr Mr Barratt is the Chair of the Coventry
Planning Policies
Worcestershire County Structure Plan
Relevant Policies are:
CTC19 - Areas and Features of Historic and Architectural Significance
CTC20 - Conservation Areas
Wychavon District Local Plan June 2006
Relevant Policies are:
ENV12 - Conservation Areas (General)
ENV13 - Alterations to Listed Buildings
ENV14 - Settings of Listed Buildings
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy
Relevant Policies are:
QE5 - Protection and enhancement of the Historic Environment
National Guidance
National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework)
Planning History
W/11/00767/LB - Replacement doors and windows for 7 no. houses built in
1934.- Refused – 27/06/2011
Consultation Responses
No consultation comments were received at the time of writing - all comments
due on 28 February 2013.
Any comments made will be reported to the committee as updates.
Representations Received
None received at the time of writing - any comments received will be reported
to the committee as updates.
Representations Made
The main issues to consider in the determination of this application are the
effect the replacement UPVC units to the rear elevation will have on the
character and appearance of the listed building; setting precedence for other
similar alterations in the property; and also the impact the replacement units will
have on this part of the Droitwich Conservation Area.
A previous application for replacement of all the windows and doors in the 1934
section was refused (covering both front and rear elevations). This was
followed by an appeal which was subsequently dismissed. It is understood
that the reason for the proposed replacement is due to the deteriorating quality
of the original doors and windows and a desire to upgrade the thermal
properties of the accommodation. The applicants have stressed the need to
improve the living conditions as many of the residents are elderly.
This revised scheme is made further to the dismissed appeal at the site in 2012
and following subsequent discussions with Officers. This new application
proposes to replace the metal framed glazed doors (and side windows panels)
to the rear elevations of 7 properties in the northern wing with white UPVC
double glazed units.
The majority of windows/doors in situ make a contribution to significance of the
original building by virtue of their sympathetic design (slenderness of metal
frames and special design of hinges and catches) and which is considered to
be complementary to the earlier frames. This creates an overall unity of the
building which is particularly evident on the front elevation and upper floors to
the rear. On the other hand, the existing rear doors, which have large areas of
plain glazing, make a rather incongruous contrast with the scale of the other
openings. The replacement of these doors is therefore considered to be
acceptable in principle but is reliant on an assessment of the proposal’s relative
effect on the significance of the listed building.
Given that the proposal has been amended to retain the windows to the front
elevation, seeking now to replace only the ground floor doors (and side
windows) to the rear elevations, the concern expressed under the previous
application appears to have been addressed. The historic and architectural
character and appearance of the Almshouses when viewed from The Holloway
is of a unified whole where the repetition of the doors and windows is intrinsic to
the special interest of the building. Particularly important to this is their
fundamentally unaltered form, colour and use of materials. This will not be
affected by this new proposal.
Similarly, as the proposed alterations are to the rear elevation which is not
visible from the public domain, the proposal would not adversely affect the
character and appearance of the Droitwich Conservation Area.
Clearly the curtilage listed building provides an appropriate setting for the 17 th
century Almshouses. The front elevations to The Holloway are considered to be
the most significant, but also the upper floor windows to the rear are also
considered to make a contribution. The doors to the rear ground floor
elevation are considered to make less contribution to the overall effect to the
unified whole and the setting of the principal listed element.
Replacement of the other doors and windows in this block and other curtilage
listed buildings on this site should be the subject of further applications and
may require a different approach; and as such it is considered that allowing
UPVC in this part of the building would not set precedent for wider use of UPVC
within the rest of the site.
As such, it is considered that the proposed replacement of the existing "Crittall"
windows and doors units to the rear elevation of these 7 houses with the UPVC
units would not significantly harm the special interest of the listed building.
Although the replacements as proposed are not ideal it has been established
that the doors to the rear ground floor of the 7 curtilage listed Almshouses
make significantly less contribution to the setting of the listed building than the
doors and windows to the front elevation and the first floor windows to the rear
Therefore no objection is raised to the replacement of the door and side
windows as proposed.
The works to which this consent relates must be begun not later than the
expiration of three years beginning with the date of the granting of this consent.
Reason - In accordance with the requirements of Section 91 (1) of the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning
and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Prior to any building works being first commenced, detailed drawings of the
proposed window(s) showing design, sections through glazing bars and/or
mullions, method of opening, finish and depth of external reveal, shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
External glazing beads shall be treated in a dark colour to improve visual
proportions of the frames. The specification of dark spacer bars around the
edges of the proposed units to help to reduce perception of double glazing.
Reason: To ensure the special historic and architectural interest of the building
is properly maintained, in accordance with Policy ENV13 of the adopted
Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006).
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
following approved plans:
Site location plan dated 12 December 2012
Drawing titled Coventry Homes Droitwich Dec 2012, showing existing and
proposed elevations
Reason - To define the permission.
In the consideration of this application, the Council has had regard to the following
policies:Wychavon District Local Plan (adopted June 2006)
Policy ENV13 (Alterations to Listed Building – sets out criteria for assessment of
proposals for alterations to listed buildings)
Worcestershire County Structure Plan (adopted June 2001)
Policy CTC.19 (Areas and Features of Historic and Architectural Significance –
seeks to ensure that development does not adversely affect features and areas
of historic/architectural significance)
West Midlands Spatial Strategy (adopted June 2004)
Policy QE5 (Protection and enhancement of the Historic Environment –
promotes the protection, conservation and enhancement of the historic
The Council find that:
the proposed works would not damage the architectural and historic interest of
the listed building; and
the proposed development complies with all the relevant planning policies
referred to above and that there are no justifiable reason to refuse planning
permission or Listed Building Consent.
Positive and Proactive Statement
In dealing with this application, the Council has worked with the applicant in the
following ways:- providing pre-application advice;
- seeking further information following receipt of the application;
- seeking amendments to the proposed development following receipt of the
- considering the imposition of conditions.
In such ways the Council has demonstrated a positive and proactive manner in
seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to the planning application.