المدرس الدكتور همام حسام الدين محمد نزهت

‫بسم اللة الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫محاظرة الجراحة العملي للمرحلة الخامسة‪.‬‬
‫مدرس المادة‪:‬‬
‫(المدرس الدكتور همام حسام الدين محمد نزهت)‪.‬‬
‫عملية ازالة الطحال في الكالب‪.‬‬
‫الملف يحوي على المعلومات النظرية ومقطعين للفديو عن اجراء العملية‪.‬‬
‫في حالة وجود اية استفسارات او اسئلة حول الموضوع من الممكن‬
‫مراجعة مدرس المادة او االخوة التدريسين الذين شاركوا في العملية ‪.‬‬
‫في حالة رغبة اي طالب باجراء العملية ‪,‬يتم اعالم الدكتور همام ومطلوب‬
‫تهيئة حيوان للتجربة ‪,‬لتتم مساعدة الطلبة لمزيد من الفائدة العلمية‪.‬خصوصا‬
‫المجموعة العملية التي فاتها حضور العملية‪.‬‬
‫نتمنى لطلبتنا االعزاء الموفقية والنجاح‬
‫م‪.‬د‪ .‬همام حسام الدين محمد نزهت‬
Is the surgical removal of the spleen. This organ is located in the
abdomen and can be removed without causing future illness to your pet.
 Location of the spleen: The spleen located in the left side of the
abdominal cavity near the last ribs. has two face the gastric face
which face the great curvature of the stomach, and the visceral
curved face which attached to the left kidney and intestine the .
a.pyloric region,b.small intestine,c and d,pancreas,e.spleen.
• The blood supply: the blood reaches the spleen by the splenic
artery, and carries out the blood by the splenic vein.
Celic a.
Hepatic a.
Left gastric a.
Splenic a.
Gastrodudenal a. Right gastric a. Left gastroepiploic a. gastric aa.
Lesser curvature
Right gastroepiploic a.
Great curvature
• The nerve supply: by the post ganglonic sympathetic.
• The function of the spleen:
The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ in the body, and part of
the reticulo endothelial system which includes also the liver,
lymphatic nodes, and bone marrow.help in blood synthesis (red
blood cell), and stores the blood, and anti body's production.
Indication of splenectomy:
1. Splenic neoplasm.
2. Splenic rupture.
3. Splenic infarction.
4. severely splenic infected
5. Hypersplenism.
6. Splenic torsion.
7. Gastric torsion.
8. Splenic abscess.
9. Certain unresponsive immune diseases.
10. For experimental studies and research methods.
• Horse, dog, and cat general anesthesia.
• In ruminant tranquilizer and local anesthesia.
• In the usual case, the pet will receive a pre-anesthetic sedativeanalgesic drug
Preoperative Examinations or Tests which Are Needed:
Preoperative tests depend in part on the age and general health of the
animal as well as the cause of the splenectomy. If the splenectomy is
associated with major trauma, bleeding or tumors, extensive tests such as
1. blood count
2. Serum.
3. Biochemical tests.
4. A urinalysis.
5. And possibly an EKG may be necessary.
Site of operation:
• Equine, ruminant, and sheep in the left flank caudal to the last ribs.
• In the canine and feline in the linaalba or left para midline
Surgical operation:
• Prepare the animal prior to operation by
• off the food 24 prior the operation
• Prepare the site of operation by clipping shaving washing, and
disinfect the area.
• Sterile all the surgical instrument.
• Prepare the adrenaline.
• Induction the anesthesia.
• Put the large animal on the right side and the small animal on the
dorsal position, and put the surgical drapes (avoid contamination).
• Open the skin and the three abdominal muscles in case of left flank
incision in large animals. (Sharp or blunt incision).or incision
through the paramidline or in the linaalba.
• Opening the peritoneum.
• Inject adrenaline inside the spleen (to avoid shock because most of
the spleen blood return to the body circulation
• The spleen is identified and the ligament which connect the spleen
with the stomach is separated gently by finger to avoided the great
bleeding vessels supplying the spleen are legated, or tied
off.(using two artery forceps one near the stomach and the other is
near the spleen, after that make an ligation of simple catgut
between the two artery forceps, then cut between the ligature and
the artery forceps near the spleen
• The spleen is then removed.
• Stop the bleeding. Remove all the artery forceps
• The abdominal incision is then closed with one or two layers of
self-dissolving sutures (stitches). The outer layer of skin is closed
with sutures or surgical staples; these removed in 10 to 14 days.
Partial splenectomy:
• The same preparation as in the complete removal.
• Legated all the blood vessels which supply the affected part.
• By finger separate the healthy part from the unhealthy one.
• Put the three artery forceps between the healthy and unhealthy part.
• Remove the middle artery forceps then remove the artery near the
removing part ,remove part of the spleen and suture the splenic
edge of the healthy part after that remove the third artery forceps.
• Finishing the operation as discussed before.
Postoperative Care.
1. Postoperative medication should be given to relieve pain and can
be effectively eliminated with safe and effective pain medicines.
2. The animal is frequently checked for bleeding and packed cell
volumes are performed to determine if the pet is anemic.
3. The home care requires reduced activity until the stitches are
removed in 10 to 14 days.
4. The suture line should be inspected daily by the pet owner for
signs of redness, discharge, swelling, or pain.
• The overall risk of this surgery is moderate, the major risks
associated with a splenectomy
• Those of general anesthesia.
• Hemorrhage.
• Postoperative infection and.
• Wound breakdown (dehiscence) over the incision.
• Gastric perforation.
• Injury to the tail of pancreas.
• Overall complication rate is moderate, but serious complications
can result in death or the need for additional surgery.