Activities Zone Meeting: 30/10/14 Apologies Abbie Edwards

Activities Zone Meeting: 30/10/14
Abbie Edwards – Councillor for Scrutiny
Simon Bagg – Chair RAG
2. Previous Minutes Approval
Previous minutes approved.
3. UCU Marking Boycott Consultation
Chair HUSSO not gained any interest from consultation
Chair ISA’s responses have been about the dependency on which lecturers and
departments will be affected
Chair Zone asks the zone for further consultation
As boycott is next week, any comments from consultation need to be sent to Frank
4. Vice President Activities Report
Lots of time over past couple of weeks has been taken up by the Prayer Room situation;
have been in meetings with University and ISoc, also attended Friday Prayers to gauge
student opinion
Media objective: workshop has been set up with Hull Award to get them involved as
part of Hullfire’s wider recognition
Societies Brassick on the 8/11/14
SEC training happened on 30/10/14
5. Activities Zone Reports
a. Chair ISA
Busy two weeks – trip to York, upcoming trip to Oxford (both sold out). Creating
a reserve list for York trip to see if we can get a 3rd coach.
Elections and Halloween party tomorrow 31/10/14 – up to 5 nominees already
for Events Officer, but sadly no nominees as of yet for Asian Rep.
Will announce the winners at 1am during the party.
b. Chair HUSSO
All project coordinator training has taken place
Positive feedback from all
Volunteer lists have been created for each area/project
Emailing continuing volunteers to see if there is further interest from returning
Volunteer training led by Area Coordinators in the next couple of weeks
Green Space are already all trained up and ready to start projects – just looking
into two students in the area who have first aid certificates and seeing if these
are valid
HUSSO radio show is a go!
c. Chair Societies
Societies Calendar is getting bigger and better
Now have 92 societies as of the zone meeting
Daily updates from the calendar are being advertised on social media
The SEC are going to one event a week
The Scarborough trip on the 14/11/14 has space for 90 people – gauging interest
for this now
Charity Football Tournament on the 8/11/14 – tickets on sale
Chair ISA will see if they can pitch a team
AP – will speak to ISA sports rep
Potential society’s paintball trip in January
d. Chair Media
We have one nominee for the position in the ongoing by-elections.
e. Chair RAG
Absent due to Fish Slap event.
6. Key Projects
Ongoing yearlong projects
Will discuss once all 5 plans are completed – deadline 13/11/14
VPA to go to SEC meeting on 7/11/14 to do their yearlong plan
VPA waiting for Chair Media to be elected to then book time with Chair Media, Editor,
Director General and Station Manager of the Hullfire.
7. Working documents from UEC
No other working documents
8. Vice President Activities Action Points
VPA at SEC meeting 7/11/14
9. Activities Zone Action Points
a. Chair ISA
Oxford Trip
Superhero party
b. Chair HUSSO
Complete volunteer lists
Exec and Volunteers social
Green Space trips
DBS stuff
c. Chair Societies
Societies Council 5/11/14
Charity Football Tournament 8/11/14
Scarborough trip 14/11/14
d. Chair Media
Get elected
e. Chair RAG
10. Motions to Union Council
Zone: Where would the money for the demo go if the student body decide to not
attend the demo?
Chair Societies: Is the date of the next Union Council changing?
Chair ISA: Will international students be affected by the UCU marking boycott?
AP – Chair Zone will ask these questions at Governance Zone on 31/10/14
11. Questions to the Board of Trustees
No questions
12. Any Other Business
a. Chair Zone: Chairs to consult on the question – what do you want your
democracy to look like? Zone to consult members and bring back to next zone
AP – Leon to provide a blurb for the Chairs to help explain the question
during consultation.
b. Tory handed out Activities Zone packs.
13. Date, Time, Location of next meeting
Same time, same place on 13/11/14