UofT Computer Science Graduate Programs: MSc, MScAC, PhD

Degree and Diploma Programs by Graduate Unit
2014-15 SGS Calendar
Computer Science
Faculty Affiliation
Arts and Science
Degree Programs Offered
Applied Computing—MScAC
Computer Science—MSc, PhD
Collaborative Programs
The following collaborative programs are available to
students in participating degree programs as listed below:
1. Genome Biology and Bioinformatics
 Computer Science, PhD
2. Knowledge Media Design
 Computer Science, MSc, PhD
3. Neuroscience
 Computer Science, MSc, PhD
The Department of Computer Science offers a graduate
program leading to three degrees: Master of Science,
Master of Science in Applied Computing, and Doctor
of Philosophy. The program consists of courses and
either research (MSc and PhD) or practicum (MScAC),
both of which are conducted under the supervision of a
faculty member.
Graduate faculty in the Department of Computer Science
are interested in a wide range of subjects related to
computing, including programming languages and
methodology, software engineering, operating systems,
compilers, distributed computation, networks, numerical
analysis and scientific computing, financial computation,
data structures, algorithm design and analysis,
computational complexity, cryptography, combinatorics,
graph theory, artificial intelligence, neural networks,
knowledge representation, computational linguistics,
computer vision, robotics, database systems, graphics,
animation, interactive computing, and human-computer
For further details, consult the graduate student handbook
prepared by the department and available online.
Contact and Address
Web: www.cs.toronto.edu
Email: gradadmissions@cs.toronto.edu
Telephone: (416) 978-8762
Fax: (416) 946-1932
Department of Computer Science Graduate Office
University of Toronto
Room 4242, Bahen Centre for Information Technology
40 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E4
Degree Programs
Computer Science
Master of Science
Minimum Admission Requirements
 Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations
of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also
satisfy the Department of Computer Science's additional
admission requirements stated below.
 An appropriate bachelor's degree with a standing
equivalent to at least a University of Toronto B+.
Preference given to applicants who have studied
computer science or a closely related discipline.
 Applicants whose primary language is not English and
who graduated from a university where the language of
instruction is not English must achieve a Test of English
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 580 on
the paper-based test and 4 on the Test of Written
English (TWE); 93/120 on the Internet-based test and
22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.
Program Requirements
 2.0 graduate full-course equivalents (FCEs) in computer
science. The courses must satisfy a breadth requirement
to ensure a broad and well-balanced knowledge of
computer science.
 A major research paper (2.0 FCEs) demonstrating the
student's ability to do independent work inorganizing
existing concepts and in suggesting and developing new
approaches to solving problems in a research area. The
standard for this paper is that it could reasonably be
submitted for peer-reviewed publication.
 This degree is offered on either a full-time or part-time
Program Length
4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence:
8 sessions part-time
Time Limit
3 years full-time;
6 years part-time
2014-2015 School of Graduate Studies Calendar
Computer Science
Degree and Diploma Programs by Graduate Unit
Doctor of Philosophy
Minimum Admission Requirements
 Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations
of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also
satisfy the Department of Computer Science's additional
admission requirements stated below.
 Successful completion of an appropriate master's degree
with a standing equivalent to at least a University of
Toronto B+. In exceptional circumstances, applicants
may be admitted to this program directly from a
bachelor's degree witha standing equivalent to at least a
University of Toronto A-. Preference is given to
applicants who have studied computer science or a
closely related discipline.
 Applicants whose primary language is not English and
who graduated from a university where the language of
instruction is not English must achieve a TOEFL score of
at least 580 on the paper-based test and 4 on the TWE;
93/120 on the Internet-based test and 22/30 on the
writing and speaking sections.
Program Requirements
 Students entering the PhD program with a computer
science master's degree will require 2.0 full-course
equivalents (FCEs) and a thesis. Students admitted to
the PhD directly from a bachelor's degree will require 4.0
FCEs and a thesis. The courses must satisfy a breadth
requirement to ensure a broad and well-balanced
knowledge of computer science.
 The most important part of doctoral work is original
research conducted under the direction of a faculty
member. This research must constitute a significant and
original contribution to computer science. The results
must be presented in a thesis and defended at the
departmental oral examination and the Doctoral Final
Oral Examination.
Program Length
language of instruction is not English must achieve a
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of
at least 580 on the paper-based test and 4 on the Test of
Written English (TWE); 93/120 on the Internet-based test
and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.
 Three letters of support from faculty and/or employers.
 A statement of purpose.
Program Requirements
 This is a 16-month professional master's program
comprising 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) of
coursework and an eight-month industrial internship. The
internship (3.5 FCEs) is coordinated by the department,
and evaluated on a pass/fail basis.
 There is no thesis requirement.
Program Length
4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence:
Time Limit
3 years full-time
Course List
Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the
department for course offerings.
Programming Languages and
CSC 2104H
Formal Methods of Program Design
CSC 2106H
Requirements Engineering
CSC 2107H
Compilers and Interpreters
CSC 2108H
Automated Verification
CSC 2125H
Algorithmic Program Verification
CSC 2130H
Empirical Research Methods in Software
4 years full-time; 5 years direct-entry
Time Limit
6 years full-time; 7 years direct-entry
Applied Computing
Master of Science in Applied Computing
Minimum Admission Requirements
 Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations
of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also
satisfy the Department of Computer Science's additional
admission requirements stated below.
 An appropriate bachelor's degree in computer science.
 A minimum average grade of B+ over the final two years
of undergraduate studies.
 Applicants whose primary language is not English and
who have graduated from a university where the primary
2014-2015 School of Graduate Studies Calendar
Computer Systems: Hardware and
CSC 2203H
Packet Switch and Network Architectures
CSC 2206H
Computer Systems Modelling
CSC 2208H
Advanced Operating Systems
CSC 2209H
Computer Networks
CSC 2221H
Introduction to Distributed Computing
CSC 2226H
Topics in Verification
CSC 2227H
Topics in the Design and Implementation
of Operating Systems
Computer Science
Degree and Diploma Programs by Graduate Unit
CSC 2228H
Topics in Mobile and Pervasive
CSC 2413H
Combinatorial Methods and Designs
CSC 2229H
Topics in Multiple Access
Communications Networks
CSC 2414H
Topics in Applied Discrete Mathematics
CSC 2418H
Computational Structural Biology
CSC 2231H
Topics in Computer Systems
CSC 2420H
Algorithm Design, Analysis and Theory
CSC 2232H
Topics in Computer System Performance
and Reliability
CSC 2421H
Algebraic and Combinatorial Techniques
in Complexity Theory
CSC 2233H
Topics in Storage Systems
CSC 2422H
Reasoning About Knowledge
CSC 2427H
Topics in Graph Theory
Numerical Analysis and Scientific
CSC 2301H
CSC 2305H
Numerical Solution of Initial Value
Problems for Ordinary Differential
Numerical Methods for Optimization
CSC 2306H
High Performance Scientific Computing
CSC 2307H
Numerical Software
CSC 2310H
Computational Methods for Partial
Differential Equations
CSC 2321H
Matrix Calculations
CSC 2322H
Boundary Problems for Ordinary
Differential Equations
CSC 2326H
Topics in Numerical Analysis
Computational Complexity
Artificial Intelligence
CSC 2501H
Computational Linguistics
CSC 2502H
Knowledge Representation and
CSC 2503H
Foundations of Computer Vision
CSC 2506H
Probabilistic Learning and Reasoning
CSC 2511H
Natural Language Computing
CSC 2512H
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
CSC 2515H
Introduction to Machine Learning
CSC 2517H
Discrete Mathematical Models of
Sentence Structure
CSC 2518H
Spoken Language Processing
CSC 2519H
Natural Language Semantics
CSC 2401H
Introduction to Computational Complexity
CSC 2520H
The Computational Lexicon
CSC 2404H
Computability and Logic
CSC 2523H
Object Modelling and Recognition
CSC 2405H
Automata Theory
CSC 2528H
Advanced Computational Linguistics
CSC 2411H
Linear Programming and Combinatorial
CSC 2530H
Computer Vision for Advanced Digital
CSC 2415H
Advanced Topics in Distributed
CSC 2532H
Dynamical Systems and Artificial
CSC 2416H
Machine Learning Theory
CSC 2533H
Foundations of Knowledge
CSC 2426H
Fundamentals of Cryptography
CSC 2534H
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
CSC 2429H
Topics in the Theory of Computation
CSC 2535H
Advanced Machine Learning
CSC 2539H
Topics in Computer Vision
Applied Discrete Mathematics
CSC 2410H
Introduction to Graph Theory
2014-2015 School of Graduate Studies Calendar
Computer Science
Degree and Diploma Programs by Graduate Unit
CSC 2540H
Special Topics in Computational
CSC 2541H
Topics in Machine Learning
CSC 2542H
Topics in Knowledge Representation and
CSC 2544H
Web Searching and Mining
Computer Graphics and Human-Computer
CSC 2543H
Research Topics in XML Retrieval
CSC 2720H
Systems Thinking for Global Problems
Courses for MScAC Only
CSC 2701H
Communication for Computer Scientists
CSC 2702H
Technical Entrepreneurship
CSC 2703H
MScAC Internship
Topics/Reading Courses
CSC 2504H
Computer Graphics
CSC 2419H
Topics in Cryptography
CSC 2505H
Geometric Representations for Computer
CSC 2601H
Topics in Analysis and Computation in
Discrete Models
CSC 2514H
Human-Computer Interaction
CSC 2602H
Topics in Analysis and Computation in
Continuous Models
CSC 2521H
Topics in Computer Graphics
CSC 2603H
CSC 2522H
Advanced Image Synthesis
Topics in Building Software and
Hardware Artifacts
CSC 2524H
Topics in Interactive Computing
CSC 2604H
Topics in Human-Centred and
Interdisciplinary Computing
CSC 2529H
Computer Animation
CSC 2699H
CSC 2536H
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Special Reading Course in Computer
Information Systems
CSC 2231H
Special Topics in Computer Systems
CSC 2417H
Algorithms for Genome Sequence
CSC 2431H
Topics in Computational Molecular
CSC 2508H
Advanced Management Systems
CSC 2510H
Topics in Information Systems
CSC 2525H
Research Topics in Database
CSC 2526H
HCI: Topics in Ubiquitous Computing
CSC 2527H
The Business of Software
CSC 2531H
Advanced Topics in Data Management
2014-2015 School of Graduate Studies Calendar
Computer Science