
Minutes of the Meeting
15 February 2014
Hyatt Regency – Century Plaza
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
These minutes were approved during the 12-13 April 2014 EAB Meeting
(Privileged Information, Subject to Confirmation)
1. Call to Order and Introductions. The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) met on 15 February 2014 at the
Hyatt Regency – Century Plaza, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Professor Saurabh Sinha, IEEE Vice President,
Educational Activities and Chair, Educational Activities Board (EAB), called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.
(PST). Those in attendance were as follows, (Reference Agenda Item 1):
EAB Members Present
Saurabh Sinha, Vice President, Educational Activities
Joseph Hughes (via telephone)
Pamela Jones
Eva Lang
Michael Lightner
Ramalatha Marimuthu
John Orr
Karen Panetta
J. Kenneth Pigg
S.K. Ramesh
Edward Rezek
Jon Rokne
Yatin Trivedi
Prasanna Venkatesan
Non-Voting Members Present
Kristi Brooks
Sorel Reisman
EAD Professional Staff Present
Burt Dicht (via telephone part-time)
Douglas Gorham
Fern E. Katronetsky
Chris Salicco (via telephone)
Carolyn Solimine
Guests Present
Marko Delimar
Ferial El-Hawary
Mo El-Hawary
Karen Galuchie
Yousef Ibrahim
John Keppler
Kastik Kulkarni
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IEEE Educational Activities Board Meeting
15 February 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Eileen Lach
Terry Martin
Joan Muzzio
Karen Pedersen
Charles Rubenstein
Howard Wolfman
2. Review and Approval of Agenda. It was moved and seconded to approve the Agenda as submitted. The
motion passed.
3. Consent Agenda. It was moved and seconded that the Consent Agenda be approved as submitted. The
motion passed with the following results:
Approved the draft minutes of the 23 November 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Board meeting, as
submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 201)
Approved the 2014 appointments/reappointments to EAB and EAB Committees, as submitted.
(Reference Agenda Item # 202)
Approved the Member and Alternate appointments/reappointments to the 2014 Committee on
Engineering Accreditation Activities (CEAA) and the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of
ABET, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 203)
Approved the appointments/reappointments to the 2014 Committee on Engineering Technology
Accreditation Activities (CETAA), as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 204)
Approved the appointments/reappointments to the 2014 ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission
(EAC), as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 205)
Approved the appointments of the 2014 IEEE ABET Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission
(ETAC) Program Evaluators, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 206)
Approved the appointments/reappointments of the 2014 IEEE ABET/EAC Program Evaluators, as
submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 207)
Approved the appointments/reappointments of the 2014 IEEE ABET/ETAC Program Evaluators, as
submitted. (Reference Agenda Item # 208)
4. Vice President’s Remarks. Vice President Sinha presented information on the Strategic EAB and the
redevelopment and rewording of its Core Value. IEEE Educational Activities is well-grounded in addressing the
needs of today, but, at the same time, is also being visionary in anticipating the needs of tomorrow. Professor
Sinha indicated that this would become apparent as each of the Committee Chairs gives their presentations
during the day’s meeting, particularly in the areas of pre-university, post-university, and university education as
a whole, including the area of informal education.
Vice President Sinha also advised of the plan to hold EAB’s three regularly scheduled meetings for the year, with
one slight difference in 2014. EAB will next meet at a face-to-face venue in April after the conclusion of it first
ever EAB Mini-Series in New Jersey, and the normal June face-to-face meeting will now be held as a WebEx
teleconference. EAB will then finally meet in November 2014 in New Jersey at the IEEE Meeting Series.
Vice President Sinha specifically addressed the 2014 EAB Mini-Series program to be held on 10-13 April, and the
plan to have all of EAB’s Committees meet together at one venue, with the objective of bringing Committees
and professional staff together to conduct Committee work, develop short-term and medium-term goals,
objectives and plans, and to look for opportunities to collaborate across Committees. He outlined the current
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IEEE Educational Activities Board Meeting
15 February 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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draft schedule for the Mini-Series with the objective of tracking EA activities to date, both by timeline and
budget; identifying activities to be tracked in 2015, taking into consideration development of the 2015 budget;
and tracking the future beyond 2015, which includes both ideation and resourcing, particularly in the areas of
budget and staff resources. (Reference Agenda Item # 3)
5. Presentation: IEEE EAB/EAD Orientation. Received a presentation from Dr. Douglas Gorham, Managing
Director, IEEE Educational Activities and Staff Secretary, Educational Activities Board, on EAB/EAD Organizational
Structure; the EAB Awards Program; Portals, Promotion and Social Media; Customized Education Solutions;
Continuing Education; Pre-University Education Activities; University Education Activities, inclusive of
Accreditation; and IEEE-HKN. A request was noted that for the Smarter Planet Challenge Competition, under
the University Resources activity, a comparison to what EA does vs. other programs that exist externally should
be shown. (Reference Agenda Item # 6)
The meeting was recessed at 10:38 a.m. (PST) and resumed at 10:48 a.m. (PST).
6. Presentation: EAB Treasurer’s Report. Received a presentation from Dr. Edward Rezek, EAB Treasurer, on the
2013 Budget Forecast and 2014 Budget Outlook. He noted that compared to preliminary actuals, the 2013 EAB
budget forecast was still negative due to less biometric certification revenue, two award ceremonies that were
held instead of one, and products and services revenue that was less as fewer sales were made of continuing
education extensions in India and Singapore. Treasurer Rezek further reported on 2014 Budget details, and the
2015 Budget, indicating that key dates and guidelines will be followed for preparation of the 2015 budget. He
further reported on IEEE Finance Committee (FinCom) highlights from 2013; noted that at the February 2014
meeting, IEEE FinCom endorsed an IEEE Board of Directors motion, on behalf of IEEE-HKN, to transfer another
USD 750,000 into the IEEE Foundation restricted reserve; and went further to endorse transferring all funding
necessary to reach the USD 5,000,000 Memorandum of Understanding goal, which is currently under legal
review (See minute # 21). (Reference Agenda Item # 8)
7. Presentation: EAB Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Committee Leadership Development. Received a
presentation from Past Vice President-Educational Activities, and Chair of EAB Nominations & Appointments
(N&A) Committee, Dr. Michael Lightner, on the traditional process used for identifying candidates for VP-EA and
President-Elect, IEEE-HKN. He also advised of the new process intended to identify Committee Chairs and
Committee Members in 2014 for 2015 service. Dr. Lightner noted that the EAB N&A will begin its N&A process
in March, meeting telephonically prior to the EAB Mini-Series and EAB meeting, and does not feel the need to
meet face-to-face at the April series of meetings. (Reference Agenda Item 9)
8. Presentation: Review of Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC). Received a presentation
from Dr. S.K. Ramesh, Chair of the EAB Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC). Dr. Ramesh
provided 2013 highlights of PECC’s programs (TISP, EPICS in IEEE, TryEngineering.org, E-Scientia, and low-cost
exhibits), as well as addressed 2014 Plans, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and a Draft Agenda for the April
2014 Mini-Series. As part of discussion, the following items are noted: a) with EPICS as one of the IEEE
Foundation’s signature program, the Foundation should be approached for funding, and this should be
addressed at the April EAB Mini-Series; b) MGA deferred K-12 STEM programs to EA; and c) lesson plans need to
be captured and EA should partner with other OU’s. (Reference Agenda Item # 10)
The meeting was recessed for a Board photograph, followed by lunch, at 12:15 p.m. (PST) and resumed at 1:25 p.m.
9. Presentation: University Resources Committee (URC). Mr. Burt Dicht, on behalf of Professor Kapil Dandekar,
participated telephonically and provided a comprehensive presentation on 2013 highlights of URC’s programs,
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IEEE Educational Activities Board Meeting
15 February 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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as well as addressed 2014 Plans, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and a Draft Agenda for the April 2014 MiniSeries. The request was made that for the KPI’s for student projects, information be provided on member
retention and number of new members as a result of the program(s). (Reference Agenda Item # 14)
10. Presentation: IEEE-HKN. Received a presentation from Dr. John Orr, IEEE-HKN President, on IEEE-HKN activities
in which he noted highlights from 2013 and IEEE-HKN’s social media outreach. (Reference Agenda Item # 15)
11. Inductions of IEEE-HKN Members. Dr. Orr reported on the Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) induction process and ritual for
new members. Having all promised to the terms required for induction, he then proceeded to induct several
EAB members as IEEE-HKN members, as follows: Kristi Brooks, Pamela Jones, Michael Lightner, Ramalatha
Miramuthu, J. Kenneth Pigg, Sorel Reisman, Jon Rokne, Yatin Trivedi, T.L. Prasanna Venkatesan. All were
congratulated by acclamation.
12. India Blended Learning Project. Ms. Karen Hawkins, Senior Director of Product Design for IEEE Marketing,
provided a status report and presentation on Blended Learning Projects in India. For those new to the EA Board
in 2014, she advised that this is a project that was approved in June 2013 which will focus on VLSI and
embedded systems. She noted that it is a series of courses developed to complement academic learning (after
college but before hire) and has a lab practice and classroom assessment for hands-on practice. Ms. Hawkins
advised that the program was announced in January 2014, there was a fair amount of press coverage, and actual
modules will be for sale in April 2014. She did request assistance from EAB in providing reviewers who can help
with the expert review process. (Reference Agenda Item # 17)
13. Presentation: Continuing Education Committee (CEC). Received a presentation from Mr. J. Kenneth Pigg, Chair
of the EAB Continuing Education Committee (CEC), who provided 2013 highlights of CEC’s programs, as well as
addressed 2014 Plans, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and a Draft Agenda for the April 2014 Mini-Series.
Among the programs covered were the EAB Products & Services Committee (PSC); Certificates, Certifications
and Credit-Bearing Programs Subcommittee (CCCBP); Content Acquisitions Committee (CAC); Standards
Education Committee (SEC); and Educational Products Editorial Board (EPEB). (Reference Agenda Item # 18)
The meeting was recessed at 3:25 p.m. (PST) and resumed at 3:40 p.m. (PST).
14. Presentation: Continuing and Professional Education Across IEEE. Received a presentation from Dr. Michael
Lightner, past Vice President, Educational Activities, on Continuing and Professional Education in the IEEE. He
advised that at the IEEE Board of Directors meeting in November 2013, the Professional Productivity and
Collaboration Tool (PPCP) Project was presented, which introduced a critical path and new level of coordination
with regard to the IEEE-wide CPE initiative plan. As a result, the IEEE-wide CPE initiative is still viewed as an EA
activity, but supported and operated at the corporate level because of the major focus of continuing education
at multiple OU levels, and EA will still provide staff and volunteer resources to the effort. (Reference Agenda
Item # 20)
15. Presentation: IEEE Technical Activities Board/Educational Activities Board Shared Interests. Received a
presentation from Dr. Jacek Zurada, 2014 Vice President, Technical Activities, on linkages and possible areas on
where the IEEE Technical Activities Board and Educational Activities Board may be able to collaborate in 2014 to
better generate and curate a wide variety of educational products to members and customers, and also allow
these materials to be utilized. (Reference Agenda Item # 24)
16. IEEE Compliance Training. Received a presentation from Ms. Karen Pedersen, Chair of the Ad Hoc Code of
Conduct and Policy Review Committee, and Member, IEEE Board of Directors in which she provided an update
on the plans to achieve a robust ethics and compliance program based on best practices applicable to IEEE. She
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IEEE Educational Activities Board Meeting
15 February 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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noted that training for both volunteers and employees on various topics was being developed and that the
anticipated launch of the program will be in Q2 or Q3 of 2014. (Reference Agenda Item # 26)
17. Presentation: Engineering, Computing, and Technology Portals Strategy Committee (ECTPSC). Received a
presentation from Professor Eva Lang, Chair of the Engineering, Computing, and Technology Portals Strategy
Committee (ECTPSC), who provided 2013 highlights of ECTPSC’s programs, as well as addressed 2014 Plans, Key
Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and a Draft Agenda for the April 2014 Mini-Series. (Reference Agenda Item #
18. Presentation: Section Outreach Committee (SEOC). Received a presentation from Mr. T. L. Prasanna
Venkatesan, Chair of the Section Outreach Committee, who provided 2013 highlights of SEOC, as well as
addressed 2014 Plans, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and a Draft Agenda for the April 2014 Mini-Series.
(Reference Agenda Item # 22)
19. Presentation: Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC). Received a presentation from Dr. Karen Panetta,
Chair of the EAB Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC), who provided 2013 highlights of ARC’s activity, as
well as addressed 2014 Plans, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and a Draft Agenda for the April 2014 MiniSeries. She focused on the Committee’s short term goals which are to get the best publicity possible for awards
and awardees, stimulate new award nominations, and automate the process of awards. On a secondary note,
the Committee would look at new awards and identifying funding opportunities once the short term goals have
been achieved. Dr. Panetta also indicated that due to the inability to hold the EAB Awards Ceremony as the
main event on Friday evening at the November IEEE Meeting Series, the Committee will be working to identify
alternative venues at which to hold the event. (Reference Agenda Item # 23)
20. Presentation: IEEE-USA / EAB Collaboration – Deepening the Linkage. Received a presentation from Ms. Kristi
Brooks, the IEEE-USA liaison to EAB. She reported that at the request of Gary Blank, IEEE-USA Vice President,
any partnership on the STEM K-12 activity would be advantageous to IEEE-USA. In addition, she mentioned that
EAB Vice President Sinha informed her of the Bilateral Forum between the U.S and Mexico which, although
outside from K-12, may be of interest as well. In discussion, it was suggested that for STEM literacy, IEEE-USA
might partner with S.K. Ramesh and the PECC initiatives. In addition, Mr. Sorel Reisman agreed to provide
information on the IEEE Computer Society’s involvement with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
on STEM literacy. (Reference Agenda Item # 25)
21. IEEE Contribution to IEEE-HKN – Update. Treasurer Rezek advised of the revised motion going forward to the
IEEE Board of Directors at their upcoming meeting on 16 February 2014, as a result of discussion held at IEEE
FinCom’s meeting on 13 February 2014. IEEE FinCom recommended that the IEEE Board of Directors not only
authorize USD 750,000 to IEEE-HKN for the year 2014, but rather increase that amount by an additional USD
15,960, allowing the USD 765,960 to IEEE to fulfill its obligation to IEEE-HKN of funding them to USD 5,000,000
per the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed as a part of the merger between IEEE and IEEE-HKN.
The recommendation was reviewed by IEEE Legal Counsel and ultimately determined to be allowable by the
terms of the agreement. It was moved to endorse IEEE Board Agenda Item B18 which would allow a
contribution be made to the IEEE Foundation for the IEEE-HKN Restricted Fund, in the amount of USD 765,960.
The motion passed.
22. Executive Session. An executive session was called at 5:45 p.m. (PST) and concluded at 6:00 p.m. (PST).
23. Old Business. No old business was discussed.
24. New Business. No new business was discussed.
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IEEE Educational Activities Board Meeting
15 February 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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25. Next Meeting. The next meeting of the IEEE Educational Activities Board will be held on Saturday afternoon, 12
April 2014 and Sunday morning, 13 April 2014, at the Wyndham Hamilton Park Hotel and Conference Center in
Florham Park, New Jersey, U.S.A., subsequent to the EAB Mini-Series.
26. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. (PST).
Submitted by,
Douglas Gorham, Ed.D.
EAD Managing Director & EAB Staff Secretary
IEEE Educational Activities