KEY PS SW DBH RHT DAM VT Psp KSK YT F NF WSC WB Avg F1 F2 - Protected Springs Shallow Wells Deep Bore Holes Rain Water Harvest Tanks Dams Valley Tanks Public Stand Posts Kiosks Yard Taps Functional Non-functional Water Source Committee Water Board Average Form One Form Two Source of Funding key Private NGO GoU Other - Private Non Governmental Organisations Government of Uganda both Central and Local Government Other Calculation Details 1. Determining Functionality of Point water sources = Sum of Fuctional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) x 100 Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) 2. WfP functionality = Sum of Fuctional (Dam + VT) x 100 Total (Dam + VT) 3. Total sources Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + Dam + VT + PSP + KSK + YT) NB: However in calculating some indicators, Dams and Valley tanks are not included as shall be specified in this document. 4. Population served This calcualted in a series of steps given that this data is being picked from 3 different but related sources. i.e. i. Form Ones (Point Water Sources ), ii. Form Two (Piped Schemes), iii. NWSC (National Water & Sewerage Corporation) STEP 1: Population served for Point Water Sources a.k.a Form One POPSERVED_1 = (PSx200) + (SWx300) + (DBHx300) + (Damx0) + (VTx0 ) + (PSPx150) + (KSKx150) + (Ytx150) + (if RHT < 10000 or RHT = 0 then RHTx3 ELSEIF (RHT > 9999) then RHTx6 ) STEP 2: Population served for Piped Schemes a.k.a Form Two excluding public taps POPSERVED_2 = (HCx6) + ((YTF2-YT_F1)*24)X + (ICx100) NBX: A correction factor on Yard taps has been included. There are yard taps in Form One (Point Water Sources) and yard taps in Form Two (Pumped Piped Schemes). Many of these yard taps had been counted twice i.e. once in each form and this would inflate the population figures. Thus a correction fcator was required. This has been done as follows. (YT F2-YTF1)*24 + YT F1 *150 STEP 3: Population served for NWSC POPSERVED_3 = Population served as stated by NWSC NB: In areas served by NWSC only NWSC data has been considered. E.g. Bushenyi TC, Iganga TC, Jinja Municipality among others. The Point water sources have been deleted. STEP 4: Total Population Served POPULATION SERVED = [ POPSERVED_1 + POPSERVED_2 + POPSERVED_3] STEP 5: Capping Total Population Served IF POPULATION SERVED > 95% of Population (UBOS) THEN POPULATION SERVED = 95% OF Population (UBOS) ELSE POPULATION SERVED = POPULATION SERVED 5. Access = POPULATION SERVED POPULATION x 100 Application of Theory On hard Down Time copy sheet Functional: = Functional < 5yrs (not in use) >5 yrs = No Info Non< 5yrs functional No Info >5 yrs = Application Total sources = Total Functional sources = Total Non-Functional sources = Total Sources Excluded Calculations = Functionality = Population Served per Technology Population Projection Given in UBOS (P) Coverage Assume (P1) = 7000 (P1) = 6000 Assumption No. Code Functional Functional 30 3 A B Excluded from calculations Functional Non-Functional 2 5 2 C D E Non-Functional Excluded from calculations 3 5 F G A+B+D+E+F A+B+D E+F 43 38 5 H I J C+G 7 K (I) x 100 ( H) (I + J)xN Nb: N figure is the multiplication factor for given technology Assume N = 150 Case P1 38/43x100 M (76%) O (6450) Case P2 6000 Case P1 O x 100 P1 Case P2 O x 100 P1 6450 x 100 7000 92% 6450 x 100 6000 NB: 6450 is above 95% of P2 thus capping is required 95% 43x150 7000 6. Average people per source Avg = Total Population (2010) Total sources NB: Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) 7. Population Density = Total Population (UBOS 2010) Total areax1,000,000 8. Rural/Urban Administrative units Most subcounties are either rural or urban. However some subcounties are partly rural and partly urban as they contain TC’s. The official UBOS population data exists for this TC’s in subcounties in the SIM document. Thus by using the TC population figures as percentagess of the total subcounty population data, we are able to derive a percentage for urban & rural population. Town Council (UWSD) Budaka Town Councils (WATSUP) Sub-counties that are partly urban Population (WATSUP) TC -SIM 2010 % urban Budaka 21,100 28400 74 Bududa 4,000 16100 25 Bukedea 35,100 35100 100 Bukwo 4,600 14900 31 Bududa Bukedea Bukwo The percentages derived from these calcualtions become the basis of calculations that have a breakdown of Rural/Urban e.g. Functionality, Population served, Coverage and equity NB: Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) i.e. exclusive of Dams and Vallet Tanks A. Rural Functionality = Rural % x Sum of Fuctional (Total Sources) Rural % x Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional(Total Sources) B. Urban Functionality = Urban % x Sum of Fuctional (Total Sources) Urban % x Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional(Total Sources) C. Rural Population Served = Rural % x Population Served Rural % x Population (UBOS) D. Urban Functionality = Urban % x Population Served Urban % x Population (UBOS) E. Etc NB: If an administrative area is all rural then all items e.g. Functional (Total sources) are all considered as rural. i.e. nothing gets left out. This is the same for cases where the wholes subcounty is urban. 9. Deviation and Equity NB: Only Rural areas (subcounty) have been considered in calculating deviation and equity This is done at National Level & District Level Steps 1: Sum all Functional & Non-functional Point Water sources (Form One) excluding Dams and Valley tanks in rural areas only i.e. Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) NB: If this subcounty is partly rural & urban then take the derived percentage/fraction of its rural part then multiply it by the total sources. However if it is 100% rural then take all sources. STEP 2: Pick the population for the subcounty. NB: If this subcounty is partly rural & urban then take the derived percentage/fraction of its rural part then multiply it by the total sources. However if it is 100% rural then take all sources. STEP 3: Ave = Total Rural Population Total Rural Sources Application of Theory Distric t D1 D2 D3 Total Subcounty in District 2 (D2) SC1 SC2 SC3 Population D SC 300 350 475 1125 200 250 475 925 PS 2 2 5 SW 5 5 8 DBH 9 0 0 RHT PSP 3 6 3 7 6 3 KSK 8 6 6 Y T 3 6 7 Tota l 37 31 32 70 Ave D SC 8 11 15 16 5 8 15 13 Application of above A. National Level National Ave National Deviation D1 D2 D3 B. District Level District Ave District Deviation SC1 SC2 SC3 = = = = = 1125/70 National Avg 16 16 16 = = = = = 925/70 District Avg 13 13 13 - = 16 District Avg 8 11 15 - = 13 Sub-county Avg 5 = 8 = 15 = = = = 8 5 1 8 5 -2 10. Equity NB: Only Rural areas (subcounty) have been considered in calculating equity a. National Level National Equity = (if -(National Deviation) THEN -(National Deviation)x-1 ELSE (National Deviation)) D1 = 8 D2 = 5 D3 = 1 b. District Level District Equity = (if -( District Deviation) THEN -( District Deviation)x-1 ELSE (District Deviation)) SC1 = 8 SC2 = 5 SC3 = 2 (Notice that –ve 2 of deviation is ignored) 11. WSC Functionality NB: Only Rural areas (subcounty) have been considered in calculating WSC Functionality = Total WSC functional (Communal) Total No. Of WSC Established (Communal) 12. Women in Key positions (Gender) NB: Only Rural areas (subcounty) have been considered in calculating WSC Functionality = Total functional WSC (Communal) with atleast one woman on WSC Total functional WSC (Communal) 13. Source of Funding NB: Only point water sources excluding Dams and Valley Tanks have been used. Total Functional sources = Sum of Fuctional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) = Total GoU funded sources Total sources NB: This is done for each individual Source of Funding per district 14. Reasons of Non Functionality NB: Only point water sources excluding Dams and Valley Tanks have been used Total Functional sources = Sum of Fuctional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) = Total Dry/Low Yielding sources Total sources NB: This is done for each individual reason of Non Functionality per district 15. Type of Management NB: Only point water sources excluding Dams and Valley Tanks have been used Total Functional sources = Sum of Fuctional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) = Total Communal Managed sources Total sources NB: This is done for each individual Type of Management per district 16. Technology Mix NB: Only point water sources excluding Dams and Valley Tanks have been used Total Functional sources = Sum of Fuctional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) Total sources = Sum of Fuctional & Non-Functional (PS +SW + DBH + RHT + PSP + KSK + YT) = Total PS sources Total sources NB: This is done for each individual Type of technolgy per district Parameters for all Calcualtions: Population projections - 2010 – 2011 Down time - Coverage capping - Urban Areas - All Town Councils and Municipalities (including their subcounties are considered 100% urban). Added to these are subcounties that have a town council. Here a percentage of the urban and percentage of rural is derived. This is done only for TC that have a population data in the SIM document. NWSC - In areas where NWSC is operational no DWD data (point sources or piped schemes data has been considered in the calculations) 5 years 95%