Topic #1 - REMC 8 / Kent ISD Moodle VLE

Topic #1 – Government: Analysis
What is government? (define): The institution through which the state makes, enforces, and interprets laws
that are binding on all the people.
What makes quality government?
Intelligent and Rational
Efficient and effective in making and executing law/public policy.
Meets the needs of the people (including minorities).
What is the purpose of government?
1. Maintain Social Order
a. By laws to settle conflicts
b. Make people do things for the group.
c. Judicial System
2. Provide Public Service -- examples?
3. National Security
a. Protect against outside attack and internal subversion; also includes regular foreign relations.
b. ¼ of all spending!
4. Binding Decisions
a. Decisions we must all obey. They have authority and power to punish disobedience.
b. Distribution of benefits and public services.
c. Define our goals and how to attain them.
What is Political Science?
The Relationship between Politics and Government
1. Politics – involves the struggle among various groups to control or influence the conduct and policies of
government. Examples:
2. Politics includes:
a. _________________________________ - people have different needs and values, and thus, want
different things.
b. ________________________________
Several methods include: writing letters, giving money, demonstrations, speeches,
campaigning, petitions, phone calls, research, etc.
3. Politics important because:
a. Makes conflicts manageable
b. Peaceful, fair competition
c. We are affected by it: quality of air, water, soil, life; shapes our rights and freedoms.
Constitutions and Government
1. Constitution: A written plan for government. (not always a single document)
2. A constitution serves several major purposes:
a. Sets the ideals of the people.
b. Details government structure, powers, and duties.
c. Acts as the supreme law of the state/the highest law.
3. Constitutional Government – When the constitution limits the powers of those who govern.
Limited government. Clear examples: U.S., Great Britain, Canada, Brazil.
Not-so-clear examples: China, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran.
4. Constitutions are incomplete by themselves. What is needed to make them work?
= c
5. U.S. Constitution Structure
a. preamble – the introductory statement of goals and purposes to be served by the government
described in the Constitution.
b. Main Body – usually divided into parts. Ours has seven articles, twenty-four sections (articles
are broken down into sections.
1. Sets framework for government
2. most, like ours, describe procedures for amending (changing) the Constitution.
c. Conclusion – how to ratify (pass it or approve it) and signatures of approval.
6. Constitutional Law – This type of law deals with the interpretation and application of the citizens. In the
U.S., who (or what body) is the highest authority on constitutional law?
7. Many countries have used our constitution as a guide and model in writing up their own. Why?
Longevity, Flexibility, Democratic principles built-in, Concise, Balanced
8. You will hear a lot about the U.S. Constitution in Washington politics. Recent examples:
Faith-based Initiative, School Prayer, Flag-burning, Abortion Rights, Supreme Court nomination
process, rights of detainees, The ‘individual mandate’ in the health care law.
Government and Authority – (Romans 13:1-7)
1. God has supreme authority, and God gives authority to governments (Romans 13:1). We are all under
various forms of authority. (individual, family, business, church, civil government)
2. The Bible commands us to obey authority, EXCEPT under one condition: (Acts 5:29)
If in order to obey, you must break God’s law
3. Romans 13:6-7 - tells us we must …
What is government?
1. The authority which manages or controls the people.
2. God governs nations by means of men; ordains government to rule people. Earthly governments
won’t be needed when Christ returns. God rule = Theocracy
Why government?
___________________ !!!!
Controlling Authority: They guide and control human relationships by regulating life with laws.
There would be chaos without laws and government. _________________________ - examples?
God’s Providence: God cares for the earth and the earth’s creatures.
Two functions of government: (Romans 13:1-4)
Do Good and Punish Evil
Reformed thinking: (use separate paper)