
2013 Traverse City Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) Course
Class #1
6:30-9:30 pm
Course Introduction
Instructor/Staff Introduction
Candidate Introduction
What is the OEC Class?
What is NSP?
What does it cost to become a patroller?
Course dates and expectations
Chapter 1- Introduction to Outdoor Emergency Care (1 hour)
o Rod/Meghan
o Lanny (legal) 7:30pm
o Read Ch. 1-3, 5
o complete quizzes Ch. 1-3, 5
Class #2
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 2 – Emergency Care Systems
Chapter 3 – Rescue Basics
Skill: BSI
o Glove removal
Chapter 5 – Moving, Lifting, and Transporting Patients
Skill: Lifting Techniques
o Bridge/BEAN Lift
o Multiple Person Direct Ground Lift
o Read Ch. 15 Cardiovascular Emergencies
o Complete Quiz Ch. 15
Class #3
6:00-9:30 pm
Ch. 15 - Cardiovascular Emergencies
o Read Ch. 9 Airway Management
o Complete Quiz Ch. 9
Class #4
6:00-9:30 pm
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Class #5
Class #6
Class #7
Class #8
Chapter 9 – Airway Management
o Suctioning a patients Airway
o Inserting an NPA
o Inserting an OPA
o Oxygen (O2) Tank setup and Breakdown
o Read Ch. 6 Anatomy & Physiology
o Complete quizzes Ch. 6
6:00-9:30 pm
Chapter 6 – Anatomy & Physiology
o Read Ch. 8 Medical Communication & Documentation
o Complete Quizzes Ch. 8
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 6 – Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 8 – Medical Communication & Documentation
o Review legal aspects from chapter 1 with this
o When reading scenario practice how you would document this on copy of our documentation sheet
Review of Online Quizzes for Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
o Read Ch. 7 Patient Assessment
o Complete Quiz Ch. 7
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 7 – Patient Assessment
o Pt. Assessment – Trauma Pt.
o Pt. Assessment – Medical Pt.
o Pt. Assessment – Assessing Pupils
o Pt. Assessment – Assessing Pulse
o Assessing Respiration Rate
o Obtaining a Blood Pressure by Auscultation
6:30-9:30 pm
Review Ch. 7 Quiz
Scenarios Chapters 1-8, 15
First Aid Pack and Make your Cravats
Review Pt. assessment
o Practice at least 2 Trauma Assessments
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o Practice at least 2 Medical Assessments
o Assess pupils on at least 3 people
o Obtain Vital signs (pulse, respirations and BP) on at least 4 people
o Read Ch. 10, 13, & 14
o Quiz Ch. 10, 13, & 14
Class #9
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 10 – Shock
o Skill: Shock Management
Chapter 13 – Respiratory Emergencies
o Skill: Auscultation of Breath Sounds
o Skill: Assisting with a Metered-dose Inhaler
Chapter 14 – Allergies & Anaphylaxis
o Skill: Administration with an Auto-Injector
o Read Ch. 11, 12, & 33
o Quiz Ch. 11, 12, & 33
Class #10
6:30-9:30 pm
 Chapter 11 – Altered Mental Status
 Chapter 33 – Behavioral Emergencies
 Skill:
o Patient Restraint
 Chapter 12 – Substance Abuse & Poisoning
 Homework
o Read Ch. 16 & 17
o Quiz Ch. 16 & 17
Class #11
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 16 – Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary Emergencies
Chapter 17 –Principles of Trauma
Chapter 9 – 14, 16, 17, 33 Scenario Practice
o Oxygen Tank Set-up and Breakdown
o Auscultation of Breath Sounds
o Shock Management
o Patient Assessment – Trauma & Medical
o Read Ch. 18 & 19
o Quiz Ch. 18 & 19
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Class #12
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 18 – Soft Tissue Injuries
o Controlling Bleeding
o Stabilizing an Impaled Object
Chapter 19 – Burns
Homework: Review Chapters 1-19, 33 for Midterm Exam online
Midterm Written Exam
Midterm Exam Chapters 1-19, 33
Class #13
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 21 – Head & Spine Injuries
o Helmet Removal
 Standing
 Lying
o Applying a C-Collar
o Log roll onto Backboard
o Read Ch. 23 & 24
o Quiz Ch. 23 & 24
Class #15
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 22 – Face, Eye and Throat Emergencies
Chapter 20 – Musculoskeletal Injuries
Skills: Bring First Aid Pack
o Impaled Object in eye
o Upper Extremity
o Sling & Swathe
o Figure Eight
o Blanket Roll/Pillow Splint
o Posterior S/C Dislocation Reduction
o Sam Splint
o Read Ch. 21
o Quiz Ch. 21
Class #14
Will Be Administered On-line
6:00-9:30 pm
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o Quick Splint
o Lower Extremity
o Boot Removal
o Cardboard Splint
o Traction Splint
o Lying Backboard
o Standing Backboard
Scenarios Chapters 19-22
Any other review and skills from chapters 1-18
Class #16
Chapter 23 – Thoracic Trauma
o Open Chest Wound
Chapter 24 – Abdomen & Pelvic Trauma
o Pelvic Stabilization
Scenarios: Trauma and Medical
o Read Ch. 25, 26, 27
o Quiz Ch. 25, 26, 27
Class #17
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 25 – Cold Emergencies
Chapter 26 – Heat Emergencies
Chapter 27 – Plants & Animals
o Read Ch. 28-31
o Quiz Ch. 28-31
Class #18
6:30-9:30 pm
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 28 – Altitude Emergencies
Chapter 29 – Water Emergencies
Chapter 30 – Pediatrics
Chapter 31 – Geriatrics
o Read Ch. 32, 34 & 35
o Quiz Ch. 32, 34 & 35
Class #19
6:30-9:30 pm
 Chapter 32 – Outdoor Adaptive Athletes
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Chapter 34 – OB/GYN Emergencies
o Skill: Assisting with Normal Childbirth
Chapter 35 – Special Operations
o Skill: Nerve Agent Administration
o Read Ch. 36
o “No” Quiz Ch. 36
Class #20
Chapter 36 – ALS Interface
Scenario Practice
Practice full scenario with pt hand off to TCFD/North Flight
o Read Ch. 4
o Quiz Ch. 4
Class #21
6:30-9:30 pm
6:30-9:30 pm
Chapter 4 – Incident command and triage (1.5 hours)
o Mike & Rob to present NIMS
o Review Chapter 4 quiz
Review for Final Exams
Class #22 Final Written Exam
6:30-9:30 pm
Class #23 Final Practical Exam
Instructors meet at 8:15, exam to begin promptly at 9am
Celebration BBQ and certificate presentation to follow after exam has been completed. All family of candidates
and instructors are asked to join us.
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