How do we teach SMSC?

Preventing Radicalisation
What is “Radicalisation”?
“A process by which individuals or groups adopt increasingly
extreme political, social or religious ideals and aspirations
that reject or undermine others, ideas or freedom of choice”
How do we work to prevent radicalisation?
Promoting Social, Moral, Cultural and Social
Providing menu opportunities to meet specific
dietary requirements
Providing opportunities and facilities for personal
prayer and reflection during the school day
Planning calendared events with consideration of
significant periods of religious observance and
authorising absence for this
Providing a range of opportunities through the
curriculum, Assemblies and Form time to address
discrimination and stereotypes and celebrate
Ensuring rewards are appropriate for all pupils
Taking a stand against all areas of bullying and by
having anti-bullying ambassadors
For further information, please contact your child’s Head of Year
or Associate Head of Year
– a guide for
“Together we have the highest aspirations
and expectations so that everyone achieves
excellence in they do and is equipped to lead
happy and successful lives.”
How do we teach SMSC?
SMSC is at the heart of all that we do here at MCMA. It involves
developing the whole person and ensuring that they are happy,
secure, confident and valued. We believe that unless they are,
they will not necessarily be able to achieve their full potential.
SMSC stands for “Social”, “Moral” “Spiritual” and “Cultural” and
We provide a range of opportunities for our pupils to develop these
skills across the School day. These include through the curriculum,
assemblies, form time, extra-curricular activities, leadership
opportunities, rewards systems, to name but a few. Our Academy
culture and ethos is also underpinned by SMSC.
Promoting “British Values”
You will have seen on the news that all schools are expected to
promote British Values and to work to prevent radicalisation.
What are “British Values”?
Understanding what Democracy is
Understanding what “the law” is and why we
have it
Having “individual liberty”
Having respect for yourself and others
Respecting those with different faiths and
How do we promote “British Values”?
Spiritual Development allows learners to explore beliefs and
experiences, respect values and discover themselves and their
surrounding world. It develops imagination and creativity.
Moral Development allows learners to recognise right from
wrong, understand consequences of actions and to evaluate
moral and ethical issues and build reasoned arguments.
Social Development allows learners to use social skills in
different contexts. It encourages learners to work well with
others and develop their ability to resolve conflicts.
Cultural Development allows learners to appreciate cultural
differences. It allows learners to participate in cultural
opportunities and to accept, respect and celebrate cultural
Assemblies which explore a range of areas above and have our
Academy values of Respect, Commitment and Trust at their
PSHE for all Year groups and a broad and balanced curriculum
including “You and Your Beliefs”
A Student Parliament that enables pupils to express their views
and who are voted in democratically
Consistent and Clear Behaviour for Learning Policy written in
consultation with the Student Parliament
Adoption of Restorative approaches that help to resolve
situations that may arise
Having a rigorous commitment to student safety through our
Safeguarding procedures and our Health and Safety procedures
Celebrating diversity across our community through a variety
of events including themed menus, the curriculum and
Offering extra-curricular Trips and visits that develop
individual talent and contribute to school life