Biology Current Event Project

Science Current Event Project
The goal of this assignment is to further your knowledge and awareness of current Scientific studies and
events that are occurring in the world around us. This assignment should relate to how real Scientist are
working to advance this special scientific field.
Your Task:
The report should discuss a Scientific issue or topic that is the focus of a media report such as, a newspaper
article, magazine article, website, tv show, or a science field trip with the class.
Due Date:
Two Weeks after the snow Day! I will put it on the upper right corner of the board
 Neatness is extremely important!
 Every article must be related to a biological concept in your textbook
 You may only do 1 of the same media outlet, 1 newspaper article, 1 magazine..per semester (each
month has to be a different media outlet)
 There will be a letter grade deduction for everyday that the paper is late
 Plagiarism is not an option-duplication will result in a zero
1. Newspaper Article:
o Original newspaper articles only. No articles printed before 2009
o Articles must be mounted on blank paper. Do not use crumpled articles.
o Accompanying your article should be a typed 2 page report. The report should include the
following information:
 Article title, author, newspaper name, and date
 A brief summary of the main points and content of article
 Analysis- What is significant about your topic or event? How does your topic impact
human advances in science? How might this change the world for better or worse?
 Use your textbook to research about your topic-Must show evidence of this research in
your paper
 Conclusion –opinions and comments concerning the article.
2. Magazine article:
Suggested magazines: Discover, Scientific America, Smithsonian, National Geographic….
o No articles more than 1 year old.
o Follow the same format as above
3. Visit a science museum- any museum or go on a field trip with Mr. Hughett
o Natural History Museum at Union Terminal
o Limper Geology Museum at Miami University, or Orton Geology Museum at OSU
o Field Museum in Chicago
Report Requirements:
 At least one page typed
 Summary about some of the museum displays. (You may select one or two and
give some extra details or just their displays in general.)
 What are the main attractions of the museum, what are they most proud of? Ask
 Brochure from the museum or photographs
4. Analyze a movie or tv show:
You can watch a television show or movie and explain significant topics or how it relates to Biology.
Suggestions: Nova, National Geographic, PBS specials, Certain Blockbuster movies are acceptable
(check first)
Report Requirements:
 2 pages typed
 Briefly describe the show-no total recalls
 Analysis – Explain how the video relates to biology, be specific. Is it accurate or
 Conclusion-opinion, what did you learn?
 If it’s a “Hollywood” movie you need to analyze the science that is presented.
5. Discover and analyze a Web Site:
Find a web site that is dedicated to a biology topic. Work your way through the site and learn what it
has to offer. There are a ton of sites some of them are interactive or virtual tours of locations, events
or topics. Such as a Virtual Photosynthesis reaction or a DNA synthesis.
Report Requirements:
 2 page typed report discussing a specific biological topic
 Identify one specific biology topic from web site.
 Explain its significance and discuss How it impacts the Earth’s cycles. Describe
how it relates to our class and include why this topic interests you.
 You also need to include a printout of only the first page from the web page.
Current Event Format and Grading Rubric
 All topics should be Science related. (If you’re not sure, check your textbook)
 Include newspaper, magazine, or brochures and or the front page of the websiteshould be mounted on the last page of your project.
 At least 2 pages typed, double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman Font, with pictures
Paragraph 1
 Intro-and the title of paper
 Summary- Name of the source, newspaper title, web site, (include author, date
etc) -A brief summary of the main points and content of article (1-4 Sentences)
Paragraph 2
 1st Outside research to why your topic is significant, why did this topic make it to
the media? How or why is it important? Does the topic hold any Historical value?
Paragraph 3
 2nd Outside research to How might this advance the science industry? What
changes are going to be brought about because of this discovery?
Paragraph 4
 3rd Outside research to How does your topic impact the world, humans,
organisms, and anything else on planet Earth for better or worse?
Paragraph 5
 Conclusion- give your opinion and comments concerning the article